
韓國食生活文化學會誌 KCI 등재 한국식생활문화학회지 Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture

이 간행물 논문 검색


제3권 제2호 (1988년 6월) 11

1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In recent years, Korean traditional culture has been reviewed in many ways. And Great efforts have been made to form a culture suitable for the Koreans. With these tendencies, the interest in Korean traditional foods has been greater. So this paper is intended to identify and analyze the kinds, materials and cooking processes of the rice cakes needed for ancestral worship rites in the court of Choson Dynasty. The work is centered around the Tae-sang-ji written by Lee kun-myong in 1873-the 10th year since king kojong's coming to the throne. And we study such literatures on foods and cooking processes as Kyugon-si-ui-bang, Yo-rok, Jungbo-Sallim-Kyungjae, Kyuhap-Chongso, Si-ui-jon-so and so on. The results are compared and analyzed. Cooking processes and materials of Korean rice cakes in Choson Dynasty were various and had traditional characteristics. Rice cakes necessarily needed for various rites were called pyun especially when they were used for ancestral worship. And many different kinds of Pyun were used according to seasons. There were nineteen kinds of rice cakes used for ancestral worship in the court: Gu-i-Byung, Bun-ja-Byung, Baek-Byung and so on. The six; Gu-i-Byung, Bun-ja-Byung, Sam-sik-Byung, Yi-sik-Byung, Baek-Byung and Huk Byung were essential for the great rites at Jong-myo and Young-nyung-Jeon and so they were highly thought of. Main materials of these six were rice, glutinousrice, sorghum and wheat flour. Cooking processes of the rice cakes above mentioned can be classified into frying, beating, boiling, steaming, etc. Powder for covering rice cakes was made of bean, pine nut, sesame and red bean, of which bean was made the greatest use of. If was very wise of them to use these kinds of powder, for they supply protein and lipid of which rice cakes are destitute and they also add colors and good tastes to rice cakes. But Korean traditional rice cakes are less used as the thought of rites has changed and various kinds of desserts have been developed. And yet there is no denying the fact that even now rice cakes play a great role in traditional formalities.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
'Eum Sik Bo,' the old cook book in Korean, had been kept on microfilm by Hwang, but the condition of copy was not clear so that interpretation of the content was very difficult. The interpreted content was classified and analyzed. The kinds of cooking food recorded in this book were alcohol beverage 12, Side dish 12, Dessert 11, etc. The materials used for the cooking foods cereals, meats, fishes, honey, vegetables, etc. - were various and the cooking methods were described in detail. But the unit of measuring and the used utensils were very poor. The special feature of 'Eum Sik Bo' were the fact that red pepper was not used as seasoning and that Nu Ruk was used for Sik He and Ma ji Jub for Nu Ru Mi compared with 'Eum Sik Di Mi Bang' and 'Zu Bang Moon' According to these points, 'Eum Sik Bo' was supposed to be written contemporary or a little later than 'Eum Sik Di Mi Bang(1670's)' and 'Zu Bang Moon (the end of 17th Century).'
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
'On Zu Bub,' written in Korean, is the anonymous old cook book. The kinds of cooking food recorded-Wine 44, Nu Ruk 2, Sauce 2, dessert 6, side dish 2 etc.-are fifty-six items in all. Especially it was written mirutely about brewage. The wines such as Sub Wang Mo You Bok Gyung Hyang Zu, Gu Ga Zu, Sin Bang Zu, Bang Se Hyang Zu, Zuhk Sun So Zu, Gye Dang Zu, Sa Mi Zu, Gwa Ha Jul Mi Zu were not found in other old cook books, 'Eum Sik Di Mi Bang' and 'Zu Bang Moon' and the contents about Gu Gi Za Zu was guoted from Zi Bung You Suhl. The seasonings used were black pepper, ginger, Chun Cho, Cinnamon, Sugar, ect, but red pepper was not used. But, we can find 'Bingsagua' from this book. First 'Bingsagua' has been found in 1789. 'On zu Bub' is guessed developed in late 1700's.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Dock (Korean rice cake) is a peculiar food of Korea made of grain. By means of cooking from, it is defined as 'Pulvberzed food of grain' Dock was one of the daily food, but development of boild rice had narrowed it's use to the food of festive days and ceremonies. Dock is used as a main food of all Kinds of ceremonies from one's birth to death, such as the Three seven day(a baby's twenty-first day of life), one hunderdth day, birthday, wedding, both brithday, funeral and sacrifical rites, vocational ceremonies, such as a sacrifice to spirits and a srevics for a big catch of fish. It is also used as a present and seasonal food. A large variety of Dock is available and its recipe is scientific and reasonable. In this treatise, the Kinds of Dock and the frequency of them, the material, the recipe, the measuring unit of material, cooking kitchen utensils and the cooking terms are studied from the books published in Korea from 1670 to 1943. 1. Dock was classified as Tcbin Dock(steamed), Chin Dock(strikn), Chijin Dock(fried) and Salmun Dock(boiled), according to its way of cooking. 2. There were 122 Kinds of Dock, 57 were Tchin Dock, 35 Chin Dock, 20 Chijin Dock, and 10 Salmun Dock. 3. There were 34 Kinds of measuring units. Of them, 13 for volume, 4 for weight, 9 for quantity, 4 for length and 4 for the rest. 4. There were 55 Kinds of cooking Kitchen utensils but now many of them are not used because of mechanization or automation of tools of living. 5. There were 143 Kinds of cooking terms. Of them 49 for the preparing process, 25 for the mixing process, 27 for well-forming process 10 for process of getting ready to cook, 14 for heating process, 10 for cutting process, 5 for dishin process and 3 for process of soaking in sugar or honey.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 조사는 서울시, 충남 대전시, 경북 영주시, 충남 서천군에 거주하는 530명의 주부를 대상으로 1987. 11. 16~11. 28 사이에 떡의 이용실태와 시판제품의 품질특성에 대한 주부들의 평가도를 조사했던 바 여기에서 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 조사대상자의 가정에서 이용하는 떡의 종류는 총 37종 이었고 그중 인절미(67.9%), 송편(66.6%), 흰떡 (51.4%), 개피떡(43.4%) 등 일부 도병류의 이용율이 높았고 전병류, 단자류 및 일부 증병류의 이용율은 아주 낮았다. (2) 의례시 떡의 이용율은 혼례때 가장 높았고 상례때 가장 낮았으며 돐, 혼례, 회갑때는 백일, 어른과 아이의 생일, 제사, 상례때보다 떡의 이용율이 높은 경향이었다. (3) 의례시 가장 많이 이용하는 떡은 백일, 돐, 아이의 생일에는 백설기로 어른의 생일, 혼례, 제사, 회갑에는 인절미로 나타났다. (4) 어른과 아이의 생일에는 케이크의 이용율이 (36%내외) 떡보다 높은 경향이었다. (5) 절식시 떡의 이용율은 설날에 가장 높았고 그 다음이 추석으로 나타났으며 그밖의 절식은 조사대상자의 가정에서 거의 지켜지지 않고 있었다. (6) 전체조사대상주부들중 61.7%가 앞으로도 계속 가정에서 떡을 만들겠다고 응답했던 바 아직까지 대부분의 주부들은 의뢰 또는 구입하기보다는 가정에서 직접 만들고 싶어하는 경향임을 알 수 있었다. (7) 조사대상주부들이 시판제품을 구입하는 이유는 간편해서가(65.8%) 가장 많았고 또한 시판제품을 구입하지 않는 이유는 내 손으로 직접 만들고 싶어서가(44.3%) 가장 많았던 바 두가지 이유가 상반되는 경향이었다. (8) 조사대상주부들은 시판되는 떡의 품질특성중 맛과 색 등 관능적인 면은 비교적 좋게 평가하는 경향이었고 가격, 위생성, 포장 및 저장성 등을 나쁘게 평가하는 경향이었다. 시판제품의 색은 주부의 거주지에 따라 농어촌에 거주하는 주부가 도시에 거주하는 주부보다 더 좋게 평가하는 경향이었다. (p〈0.05) 위생성은 주부의 학력과 거주지에 따라 주부의 학력이 높을수록, 농어촌지역보다는 도시에 거주하는 주부일수록 시판제품이 더 비위생적이라고 평가하는 경향이었고(p〈0.01) 포장에 대해서는 주택형태에 따라 농가나 아파트에 거주하는 주부가 단독주택이나 연립주택에 거주하는 주부보다 더 나쁘게 평가하는 경향이었다. (p〈0.05) (9) 조사대상주부들은 시판제품의 가장 개선해야 할 점으로 위생성(37.0%), 가격(23.8%), 포장(15.6%), 맛(11.1%), 저장성(10.1%) 및 색(2.4%) 등의 순으로 지적하였고 주부의 거주지에 따라 대도시에 거주할수록 위생성을, 농어촌에 거주할수록 가격을 가장 개선해야 할 점으로 보는 경향이었다. (p〈0.05)
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was surveyed the preference for the regional food and food choices according to Region, Age, Sex. The subjects were 943 residing in Seoul and Cheon Nam region. The summarized result are as follows; The survey about the preference for the regional food showed that subjects in Cheon Nam has higher preference for the Cheon Nam food and subjects in Seoul for the Seoul food respectively. The most subjects marked very high preference scores about familiar food. The preference for the regional food and food choices were effected by main growth region. Subjects brought up in Cheon Nam like Cheon Nam food especially fresh raw fishes(WHOI) and fermented fishes(CHOT GAL) more than those brought up in Seoul, although both of them reside in Seoul now. But they were brought up in Cheon Nam, subjects residing in Cheon Nam or Seoul now showed no difference in preference for Cheon Nam food. Subjects in Cheon Nam showed higher preperence for fresh raw fishes(WHOI), fermented fishes(CHOT GAL), especially in older men.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
서울시(市)의 역삼동 강남역 부근, 잠원동, 남대문시장(南大門市場) 등 세군데서 영업(營業)하는 포장마차(布張馬車)를 대상(對象)으로하여 1987년(年) 6월(月) 25일부(日)터 1987년(年) 8월(月) 25일(日)까지 영업(營業) 및 위생(衛生)과 고객(顧客)에 관한 실태(實態)를 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 아래와 같다. 포장마차(布張馬車)는 주로 30~40대(代) 여자(女子)가 종사(從事)하는 경우가 많았으며 1~2명(名)이 영업(營業)하는 형태(型態)가 가장 많았다. 포장마차영업자(布張馬車營業者)는 3년(年) 이상(以上) 한 사람이 거의 60%였으며 가장 큰 문제점은 자녀(子女)의 교육(敎育)문제, 단속(團束), 수면불족(睡眠不足)으로 들었고, 영업(營業)에 종사(從事)하는 만족도(滿足度)는 저조(低調)하였다. 포장마차(布張馬車)의 영업실태(營業實態)를 보면 식품재료(食品材料)의 구입(購入)은 소매시장(小賣市場)에서 직접 구입하였고, 팔다남은 재료(材料)는 보관후 다시 사용하는 경우가 많았다. 포장마차(布張馬車)에서 판매(販賣)하는 음식은 주류 및 안주와 간식이 주종이었는데, 각 지역(地域)에서 10위(位)안에 드는 음식은 소주와 김밥이었고, 대체로 구이형태의 음식이 많았으며 실내형(室內型)은 주류 및 안주형이 많았고 이동형(移動型)은 간식을 많이 팔고 있었다. 포장마차(布張馬車)의 총 영업시간(營業時間)은 오후 2시경~밤 0시까지 약 10시간(時間) 정도였고 1일(日) 매상액(賣上額)은 이동형(移動型)은 2-3만원, 실내형(室內型)은 4-5만원 정도였고 포장마차(布張馬車)의 약 60% 정도가 자리세를 물고 있었다. 포장마차(布張馬車)의 시설면에서 연료는 주로 연탄을 사용했고, 조명은 전기 혹은 밧데리를 사용했으며 상수도시설은 실내형(室內型)일 경우만 갖추고 있었고 이동형(移動型)은 급수 및 배수가 어려워 위생상태(衛生狀態)가 염려되었다. 위생상태(衛生狀態)는 부합리적(不合理的)인 플라스틱제품의 식기(食器)의 사용, 급수·배수의 어려움, 비위생적(非衛生的)인 세척방법, 재료(材料)의 비위생적(非衛生的) 보관방법, 먹다남은 음식의 재사용 등 포장마차(布張馬車)의 위생실태(衛生實態)는 개선(改善)되어야 할 점이 많이 나타났다. 포장마차(布張馬車)를 주로 찾는 고객(顧客)은 20~40대(代)의 남자(男子)로 직장인(職場人)과 대학생(大學生)이 많았으며 위치에 따라 이용하는 고객(顧客)의 부류가 조금씩 달랐으며 포장마차(布張馬車)를 찾는 동기(動機)는 부담없고 자유(自由)스러운 분위기 때문에 찾는 경우가 많았다.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Age, sex and the amount of activity determine recommended dietary allowances. So the method of developing RDA and their levels have been revised according as the physical condition of a nation improves and the amount of activity changes along with the variety of social situations. It can be seen from records that in Korea the absolute nutrient requirements for the people in Chosun Dynasty were first published in 1922. After that, in 1941 Gui Dong Han expressed his view that the standard health diets for the Japanese would be suitable for the people in Chosun Dynasty. In 1960, the temporary nutrition standards for the Koreans were established by the Ministry of the Health and Social Affairs. For these standards, males and females were respectively divided into three groups by age and nine nutrients were recommended for each group. In 1962, The Korean Association to FAO published the RDA for the Koreans. Since then, regular researches have been done. For these allowances, there were 16 age groups of men and women and ten nutrients recommended for each group. On the first revision in 1967, the fat allowance was presented at the ratio (12%) of fat calorie to total calories with no change in the number of age catagories and in the kinds of nutrients. And the basis of the riboflavin allowance was changed from the level of protein intake to that of energy intake. On the socond revision in 1975, there was brought 19 are catagories and ten nutrients recommended. On the third revision in 1980, age catagories increased to 22, and ten nutrients were recommended. On the fourth revision in 1985, there remained 21 groups by uniting the early and later periods of pregency. On the first revision in 1967, the recommended energy allowance was 3000 kcal, the highest level. Since then it has gradually been reduced. And it can be noticed that the protein allowance was high when food was difficult to obtain.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
한국산(韓國産) 야생 산채류인 맑은대쑥의 휘발성 풍미성분을 수증기 증류법으로 추출해서 GC와 GC-MS 조합에 의하여 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 hydrocarbons 17종류, alcohols 6종류, aldehydes 2종류, oxide 1종류, 그리고 furans 3종류 등 총 29개의 성분이 확인되었다.
1988.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Main objective of this study is to find consumer attitude toward the Sanitary Regulation of Foods. In view of consumerism, this result will be used in re-regulating the law. Among the Sanitary Regulation of Foods, this study focuses on the Standard of prepackaged Food Labelling, because it is related both with the advertising from the food manufacturer's point of view and with the perception about the food itself from the consumer's point of view. After reviewing the previous studies and related provisions about the Standard of Prepackaged food Labelling, and compare other sanitary regulation of foods in developed countries (U.S.A. and Japan), basic research framework was derived. The research framework focuses on the user perception about the validity of provisions about the Standard of Prepackaged Food Labelling, and on the existance of exaggeration in food advertising using prepackaged foods. Data were collected through questionaires from the sample covering 374 food customers. The data were analyzed by frequency test and the important findings of this study are as follows. Most food consumers consider such provisions as date of manufacturing, circulation time limit, cautions for food handling, price, and manufacturer as important factors in buying food products. Among these factors, the date of manufacturing and circulation time limit are most critical factors, and must be labelled correctly on the prepackaged food cover. But other provisions which do not affect on consumer's buying decision (e.g. business admission number, self standard number) need not be labelled. From this study, we can conclude that the provisions about the standard of prepackaged Food Labelling currently used must be devided into two parts. One is 'mandatory provisions' which must be obeyed by all food manufacturets, and the other is 'autonomous provisions' which need not be obeyed by all food manufacturers. And mandatory provisions need to be regylated more strongly than now.