
韓國食生活文化學會誌 KCI 등재 한국식생활문화학회지 Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture

이 간행물 논문 검색


제11권 제4호 (1996년 10월) 11

1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research was conducted to survey amounts of kitchen wastes disposed and to find method for reduction of the kitchen wastes. Questionnaires were developed. Survey was conducted in Korean style restaurants 1,292 in nationwide and recovery rate of questionnaires is 97.52%. Amounts of kitchen wastes disposed were calculated using programme developed in this research institute. As a results, wastes of food disposed in prepreparation phase large quantities is the vegetables. Wastes of fruits, fishes and shellfishes were disposed in large quantities, too. Amounts of wastes of boiled chicken with ginseng, Jeon-Gol, and rosted beef ribs in dishes were much due to refuse portion as bone. Wastes of kitchen are composed of food wastes 44%, dishes wastes 56% in nationwide in Korean style restaurants. Amounts of kitchen wastes disposed in Korean style restaurants are 28.33 kg in large city, 24 kg in small city and rural, respectively. Methods for the effective reduction of kitchen wastes in restaurants were suggested. Also, it is possible to utilize the kitchen waste as fertilizer or feed for animals but economic feasibility could cause problems.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The dietary intake of nutritional elements by Koreans as determined by the Ministry of Health and Welfare's National Nutrition Survey have been reported for 1969~1993. But these data were based on not dish but food. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare dish sources of energy and macronutrients (carbohydrate, fat, protein) in the diets of three area (large city, small city and rural). Dish sources were evaluated from two-day record obtained in the secondary analysis of the 1993 Korean National Nutrition Survey. The result, large city and small city had higher fat and protein intake than did rural. Otherwise, carbohydrate intake among rural was higher than those among large and small city (p〈0.05). The primary dish source of energy and macronutrients was cooked rice for all area. The percentage of cooked rice in daily carbohydrate intake was 52.64% for nationwide, 48.40% for large city, 50.52% for small city, 61.79% for rural. The cumulative percent of top 10 dish sources to carbohydrate for large city, small city, rural were 78.02%, 81.16%, 85.69%, respectively. These was higher than cumulative percent of other macronutrients. The milk as good protein source ranked 3 for large city, 6 for small city, 22 for rural. The major dish sources to fat were cooked rice and pork that prepared by various cooking way. These results show that the major dish sources of energy and macronutrients were cooked rice based of Korea traditional consumption pattern. The most of nutrient intake consumed some dishes for all area. The dish consumption pattern was generally similar between large and small city. But rural was different from other area. Threfore, nutrition educations and interventions should be targeted to each area and should be attended with studies that comparision of dish sources to nutritional elements by specific age-sex groups.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study investigated Bul-Chun-Wi Sacrificial Ritual (sacrificial service which has been handed down from generation to generation to worship the family ancestors in the period of 1400~1800) and foods for the sacrificial service among fourteen head families in Andong area. The findings are as follows; 1. In Bul-Chun-Wi Sacrificial Rituals, family shrine has been maintained in good shape, and the table, dishes, and foods used in the rituals have not been changed so much until these days. 2. While vegetable soup is widely used as soup, one family uses the seaweed soup, the other soup mixed with meat, fish, and vegetable. Specially soybean-powdered soup, which is the distinguishable food in Andong area, has been used. 3. As a basic Ddock, mainly Si-Ru-Ddock(a steamed rice cake), piled up to 13-15 stacks, is used. Additional 7-9 kinds of Ddock are placed on top of the basic Ddock. 4. For grilled-meat food(Geuck), eight families use the raw meat, and one family uses the half-cooked meat. Recently, five families have used the cooked meat. Mostly used ones are meat-Geuck, fish-Geuck, chicken-Geuck, and the Geuck are not served one by one. Instead the Geuck are stacked in one dish designed for Geuck in order of meats from poultry, animal, fish, and shell. As the sub-dishes for rice, raw and cooked Geuck are used. 5. The number of stew (Tang) are 3 to 6 and 5 stews is the most popular. Commonly used stews are meat stew, fish stew, chicken stew, vegetable stew, blood stew, and organs stew. For the vegetable stew, buckwheat gel can be used. 6. As the fruit, chinese date, pear, nut and dried persimmons are the basic ones. The even number of 6 or 8 colorful fruits are used, while the odd number of 7 or 9 colorful fruits are used in three head families. 7. As Sik-Hae which is a drink and made from fermented rice, rice Sik-Hae or fish Sik-Hae has been necessarily used. 8. As raw meat dish, the liver of cow or meat is used. As a wrapping materials, the reticulum of a ruminant, green seaweed or thinly fried egg can be used.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
서울 종로구 소재 탑골공원에 모여 있는 남자 노인을 대상으로 식사에 대한 일반적인 사항, 건강 및 균형된 식사의 유무를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사 대상자의 연령은 70대가 가장 많았으며 학력은 초등 학교 졸업, 전직업으로는 노동 및 농부가 대부분이었다. 아들과 함께 사는 남자 노인이 56.1%였으나 노인 부부 가구 27.3% 및 독신가구 9.1%를 보여 남자 노인 부부 및 독신 가구의 비율이 매우 높았다. 한달 용돈으로 5만원 이하를 사용하는 노인이 가장 많았다. 2. 남자 노인의 41.5%가 불규칙적인 식사를 하였고 이 가운데 대부분이 먹을 것이 없거나 돈이 없어서 점심을 굶는 비율이 높았다. 노인의 식사 준비는 며느리, 부인, 본인, 딸, 복지시설의 순서로 하였으며 식사 준비시 부인이 남자 노인의 식성을 가장 많이 고려하였고, 며느리와 복지시설이 가장 고려하지 않았다(p〈.05). 남자노인의 식사 횟수는 함께 식사하는 사람에 따라 유의적 차이(p〈.01)를 보여 동거하는 가족과 함께 식사를 할 경우 하루 3회 규칙적인 식사를 하였으나, 독신가구를 형성하고 있는 노인의 식사는 매우 불규칙하였다. 3. 완전의치 및 무치 노인이 32.4%를 차지하여 남자노인의 치아상태가 매우 좋지않았으며 이들은 저작 장애를 보였으나 자연치 노인의 대부분은 식사시 문제가 없었다(p〈.05). 노인의 만성질병은 관절염, 소화불량, 고혈압이 비교적 많았고 변비, 당뇨병, 심장병 등도 있었다. 질병에 대한 식이요법보다는 치료약을 복용하는 사람이 더 많았으며 식이요법을 하지 않는 주된 이유는 '먹고 싶은 것을 먹는 것이 더 좋다', '식습관의 변화가 어려워'로 나타났다. 조사 대상자들의 건강보조식품의 섭취 빈도는 매우 낮았으며 다섯 가지 기초식품군에 해당하는 식품들이 건강에 좋은 영향을 미친다고 하였으며, 건강유지를 위하여 즐거운 마음으로 균형된 식사를 하고 운동을 하는 것이 바람직하다고 하였다. 4. 조사대상자의 식습관은 보통수준으로 판정되었으며, 양로원과 같은 복지기관에서 생활하는 노인의 식습관이 가장 좋았고 딸이 식사준비를 할 때 낮았으며(p〈.05), 노인의 식성을 고려하여 식사준비를 할 때 높았고 식성이 고려되지 않을 경우 낮았다(p〈.001). 스스로 건강하다고 생각하는 남자 노인일수록 식습관 점수가 높았다(p〈.001). 5. 아침 식사를 규칙적으로 하는 노인이 77.5%였으며 식사시 식품의 배합을 고려하거나 규칙적으로 녹황색 채소 및 과일을 섭취하는 조사 대상자는 매우 드물었으며 고기·생선·계란 및 콩 등의 단백질 식품, 우유, 과일, 해조류식품이 건강에 유익하다고 알고 있으나 실제 섭취 빈도는 낮았으며, 특히 우유의 섭취가 매우 저조하였다(p〈.01). 이상과 같은 결과로 탑골공원에 모여 소일하는 남자노인이 비교적 건강하였고 식습관이 보통 수준이었음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 노인 혼자 식사할수록 불규칙한 식사를 하였고 식습관이 좋지 않았다. 대체적으로 결식 특히 점심결식 비율이 다소 높았는데 그 이유는 식욕이 없거나 경제적인 여유가 없어서로 나타났다. 이러한 문제점들을 개선하기 위하여 우리 나라에서도 미국의 'Lunch program'과 같은 노인 영양프로그램을 개발하여 식사의 동기유발을 불러일으키고 최소한 하루의 한끼는 저가의 균형잡힌 식사를 할 수 있는 제도를 만들어야 하겠다.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to evaluate microbiological hazards in the steps of production, transportation and selling of hamburger and sandwich that were marketed in CVS, then to identify methods of control. The reasults are as follows: As the reasult of operation surroundings of manufacturerand reserch of circulation, 4~6 hours are needed from manufacturer to CVS. Also transportation car mean temperature was 10℃ which exceeds the standard of 7℃ or below. Hamburger: Critical control points identified were purchasing, cooking, post-preparation, transportation and holding at CVS. As the reasult of microbial analysis following the case of holding methods and reheating at CVS, microbes of cold holding and reheat after cold holding was within standard value. But in the case of room temperature microbes exceeded standard value. Sandwich: Critical control points identified were purchasing, cooking, post-preparation, transportation and holding at CVS. As the reasult of microbial analysis following the case of holding methods and reheating at CVS, total plate counts of cold holding and reheat after cold holding was within standard value. But in the case of room temperature holding after 24 hours total plate counts exceeded standard value. In the case of room temperature holding the number of microbes increased according to the passage of time. As a reasult of food poisoning bacteria, it was negative in every test in sample against V. parahaemolyticus, Salmonella, S. aureus.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
건강식품 및 원료의 유효성분 및 위해요소 조사분석에 관한 연구의 기초조사로 건강식품에 대한 소비자의 의식조사를 실시하였으며 1차적으로 건강과 식습관에 관한 소비자 의식구조에 대하여 분석하였다. 설문지를 이용하여 서울, 경기 지역에 거주하는 방문 및 협조가 가능한 20세 이상의 일반 소비자 1000명을 대상으로 1995년 10월부터 96년 2월에 걸쳐 직접 방문하고 설문지를 배부하여 설명한 후 조사 대상자가 직접 기입하게 하는 방법으로 조사하였다. 882부를 회수(회수율 88%)하였으나 이중 불완전한 응답 23부를 제외한 859부(유효회수율 86%)를 SAS프로그램을 이용하여 통계 처리하였다. 조사 대상자의 사회경제적 여건에 대하여는 단순빈도와 백분율을 구하였고 교차표를 이용하여 결혼 여부, 월수입, 교육정도 등의 사회경제적 여건과의 통계적 연관성을 파악하였다. 조사결과 건강유지를 위해 가장 중요하게 고려하는 사항으로는 식습관(39.8%)이라고 답하였으며 93.9%가 식습관에 의해 질병에 걸릴 수 있다고, 97.1%가 식습관에 의해 질병이 치료될 수 있다고 믿고 있어 건강과 식습관이 매우 밀접한 관계가 있음을 인식하고 있었다. 가장 염려되는 질병으로는 암(30.6%), 성인병(14.1%), 사고에 의한 질병(12.6%), 비만(10%) 순이였고 식습관에 의해 발병할 수 있다고 믿는 질병의 종류에는 당뇨병(35.6%), 비만증(22.4%), 고혈압(12.8%), 변비(12.7%), 암(7.9%) 순이였으며 식습관에 의해 치료할 수 있다고 믿는 질병의 종류에는 당뇨병(40.1%), 비만증(25.9%), 변비(16.5%), 고혈압(7.4%), 암(3.3%) 순으로 나타나 당뇨병과 비만증은 식습관과 매우 밀접하다고 인식하고 있는 반면 가장 염려되는 암에 대해서는 큰 기대를 하고 있지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
건강식품 및 원료의 유효성분 및 위해요소 조사분석에 관한 연구의 기초조사로 건강식품에 대한 소비자의 의식조사를 실시하였다. 건강식품에 관한 이용실태 조사와 건강식품에 대한 객관적 지식정도 조사로 구성된 설문지를 이용하여 서울, 경기 지역에 거주하는 방문 및 협조가 가능한 20세 이상의 일반 소비자 1000명을 대상으로 1995년 10월부터 96년 2월에 걸쳐 직접 방문하고 설문지를 배부하여 설명한 후 조사대상자가 직접 기입하게 하는 방법으로 조사하였다. 882부를 회수(회수율 88%)하였으나 이중 불완전한 응답 23부를 제외한 859부(유효회수율 86%)를 SAS프로그램을 이용하여 통계처리하였다. 조사대상자의 사회경제적 여건에 대하여는 단순빈도와 백분율을 구하였고 교차표를 이용하여 결혼 여부, 월수입, 교육정도 등의 사회 경제적 여건과의 통계적 연관성을 파악하였다. 건강식품에 관한 이용실태 조사결과로는 응답자의 58.8%가 건강식품을 사용한 경험이 있었으며 68.2%는 건강식품의 효능을 믿는다고 응답하고 있어 건강식품에 대한 관심도가 매우 큰 것으로 나타났다. 건강식품에 대한 가장 큰 기대효과는 전체적 건강유지에 도움을 주는 것(59.8%)이라고 응답하였으며 가장 큰 부정적 견해로는 과대선전(52.1%)이라고 응답하였다. 건강식품에 대한 정보 선택 경로로는 주로 친지의 권유나 소개(30.6%)로 이용하고 있었으며 우리나라 식품법에서 건강보조식품의 등록관리사실은 63.7%가 모르고 있다고 응답하여 응답자의 과반수 이상이 건강식품의 행정적 관리사실에 무지한 것으로 나타났다. 건강식품의 등록관리 사실을 알고 있는 건강식품의 종류로는 로얄제리(22.7%), 스쿠알렌(16.0%), 정제어유(15.1%), 유산균(10.6%), 알로에(8.8%)순으로 나타났다. 건강식품과 약품(또는 한약)과의 차별인식 조사결과에서는 응답자의 84.2%가 건강식품과 한약이 다르다고 생각하면서도 가장 잘 알고있는 건강식품의 종류와 약품(또는 한약)의 종류를 묻는 두 문항에 모두 인삼(22.7%, 41.7%)을 가장 많이 응답하여 전체적으로 건강식품과 약품의 구별을 제대로 하지 못하는 것으로 나타나 이를 위한 계몽과 교육이 시급함을 알 수 있었다.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Fermentation characteristics and quality changes of the typical Korean traditional alcoholic beverages (Kwahaju, Sokokju, Baikhaju, Samhaeju and Hosanchun) were investigated during fermentation and after aging, respectively. They were prepared by their own brewing methods with respect to the same contents of rice and Nuruk (Korean-style bran koji). The consumed total sugar content of the alcoholic beverages (Sokokju, Baikhaju, Samhaeju and Hosanchun) which were brewed with the multiple input steps of seed mash and raw material (ABMIS) was higher than that of the alcoholic beverage (Kwahaju) which was brewed with the single input step (ABSIS). The pH values of all the beverages were similar and were ranged from 3.2 to 3.6. The acidity of ABMIS were lower than that of ABSIS, but alcohol concentration of ABMIS were higher. The fermentation period of the alcoholic beverages with triple input steps was the longest among them. The inner temperature and microbial growth in all the beverages increased at each of input steps of the raw materials. Fusel oil content of ABMIS was lower than that of ABSIS. Major components of the fusel oil were iso-amyl alcohol, iso-butanol, n-propanol, ethyl acetate and acetaldehyde, and its minor components were methanol and n-butanol. The results on quality changes of the alcoholic beverages after aging showed increase of alcohol in ABMIS, but decrease of sugar and acidity. Fusel oil contents of Kwahaju and Samhaeju decreased to be ranged from 3.1% to 13.9% after aging, but those of Sokokju, Baikhaju and Hosanchun increased to be ranged from 10.9% to 23.0%. Sensory evaluation of ABMIS showed better scores than that of ABSIS. It was suggested that the brewing method with multiple input steps of seed mash and raw material was one of the methods to increase fermentation efficiency for brewing the Korean traditional alcoholic beverages.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Television food advertisement is the most effective way to reach to consumers with food and nutritional informations and affect their eating behavior. Therefore, 218 food commercials were reviewed using video tapes and copies to know the present food product trends, food messages they transmit and define misleading food commercials. Messages were focused on the benefit of health promoting substances they contain, especially for functional food components, fortified nutrients, food safety focused on food additives, convenience and differentiation with other products. Overnutrition on specific nutrients could be expected due to nutrient fortified products and misleading of food commercials were also noted. Regarding trends, guidelines provided by television broadcasting company shoud be fortified in the connection of Food Hygine Law and supervision committe should reinforce the food company to summit data for the approval of their advertisement claims. Nutrition educational spot program shoud be produced and broadcasted for the public to protect the consumer from food faddism in near future.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the important changes and the trends in Korean newspaper articles related to 1) food habits and food consumption patterns 2) nutrition, health and diseases 3) food safety and policy. The method used in this study was content analysis of the articles pressed in Donga ilbo and Choseun ilbo from January 1960 to June 1996. Among the total 1814 articles, those on nutrition, health and disease were 922 (50.8%), food safety and policy were 490 (27%) and food habits and consumption patterns were 402 (22.2%). The articles related to food habits and consumption patterns dealt with four contents, food habits reformation, changes in food consumption patterns, nutritional status and food habits. The frequencies of food habits content were highest (51.1%) and especially increased in 1980's and 1990's as the concerns on health and pursuit of convenience were increased. Most of contents related to food habits were health and longevity diet (44%) and eating out (27.5%). The percentile of food habits reformation, the changes in food consumption patterns and nutritional status were 20.1%, 18.4% and 10.0%, respectively. The contents of food habits reformation were most interested in 1960's when food shortage and poverty prevailed. Nowadays, the major subjects of food habits reformation were changed to the problem of wastage and the use of our agricultural foods. The frequencies of change in food consumption patterns were gradually increased from 1960's (7 item) to June 1996 (34 items). And the most of contents related to nutritional status were focused on suffering from food shortage especially in 1960's.
1996.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The contents of articles on nutrition in life cycle, health and disease in the Korean daily newspapers were analyzed for the evaluation of the trends in nutrition information in mass media. Among 922 articles pressed from January 1960 to June 1996, articles on nutrition in life cycle were most frequently appeared, which is followed by articles on nutrition in disease, health foods and other related food and nutrition informations. There was a deep contrast in that the proportion of articles on nutrition in life clyle decreased from 58% in the 60's to 33% in the 90's, and those of nutrition in disease, and health foods increased from 23% and 5% in 60's to 34% and 18% in 90's, respectively.