In this study, the preference for Korean Kimchi by Chinese people in Shandong Province was evaluated. Specifically, this study was conducted to aid in the introduction of Kimchi to China by providing information and developing local types designed to meet regional taste preferences. The subjects were comprised of 298 Chinese (male 108, female 190) residents of Weihai, Yantai and Qingdao, in Shandong province, China. The subjects were provided with a self administered questionnaire form designed to evaluate their views on Korean Kimchi. The collected data were then analyzed using the SAS software package. The results revealed that 95.3% of the respondents were aware of Korean Kimchi. In addition, 100% of the respondents who had visited Korea and 98.1% of the respondents who had an interest in Korea were aware of Kimchi. With regard to the origins of their interest in Kimchi, 26.8% of the subjects answered 'through mass media', while 23.9% reported that they learned about Kimchi 'through friends'. Most subjects recognized Kimchi as a 'Korean traditional food' (92.6%), a 'delicious food' (53.2%), and a 'fermented food' (38.0%). Baechu Kimchi was found to be the most well-known Kimchi, followed by Kkakdugi, Oi Kimchi, Yoelmu Kimchi and Nabak Kimchi. Additionally, 69.1% of the subjects knew how it was prepared, most of whom reported that they learned how Kimchi was prepared through 'Korean movie and/or drama'. Moreover, 88.9% of the subjects had eaten Kimchi. Overall, 43.8% of the subjects reported that they ate Kimchi 1~2 times per month, while 32.1% reported that they ate Kimchi 1~2 time per year. The most common places that Kimchi was eaten were a 'Korean restaurant' (67.6%) or with a 'colleague' (32.8%). The primary reasons for not having eaten Kimchi were 'no knowledge or dislike of Kimchi by family' (30.3%), 'difficulty purchasing Kimchi' (21.2%), 'high priced Kimchi' (21.2%), and 'dislike the smell and shape of Kimchi' (12.1%).
단백질성의 치아우식 예방제를 개발하기 위해 polylysine을 선정하고 Streptococcus mutans와 Lactobacillus acidophilus의 생육과 산생성량에 미치는 영향을 anaerobic broth system에서 미생물학적인 방법에 준하여 조사하였으며, polylysine의 항균활성에 대한 pH와 열 안정성을 조사하였다. Streptococcus mutnas와 Lactobacillus acidophilus의 생육은 polylysine의 첨가농도가 증가할수록 감소하였으며 1.0㎎/ml 이상의 첨가농도에서는 두 시험균의 lag time이 약 1시간 정도 연장되는 효과가 있었다. 시험균의 산 생성량도 polylysine에 의해 감소되었으며 특히 1.0㎎/ml의 첨가농도에서 그 효과가 뚜렷하였다. Polylysine은 pH 5.0∼8.0에서도 그 항균활성이 유지되었으며, 60℃에서 30분간, 120℃에서 15분간의 열 처리에도 그 항균활성이 소실되지 않았다.