
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ammonium (NH4 +-N) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) fertilizers were spread 30 kg/10a and 60 kg/10a, respectively, as additional fertilizers in nitrogen fertilization to investigate their effects on spring kimchi cabbage's physiological disorders during cold storage. The initial weight of spring kimchi cabbage after harvesting was 3.80 kg with two-fold NO3-N, whereas it was 3.22 kg with one-fold NO3-N. After 90 days of cold storage, the total loss ratio became lower as the nitrogen fertilizer ratio increased. The pH increased, reducing sugar content decrease during the storage. Black speck occurrence became higher as the nitrogen fertilizer increased. Mid-rib brown stain and soft rot were observed slightly in kimchi cabbage regardless of the nitrogen fertilizer ratio. Two-fold NO3-N fertilization showed a positive effect on increasing weight and reducing kimchi cabbage loss, but it exhibited a negative effect on the black speck. The method and content of nitrogen fertilization of spring kimchi cabbage may be adjusted according to the usage and storage periods.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, an appropriate modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) condition to minimize physiological disorders while lowering weight loss was sought. To reduce weight loss during storage, kimchi cabbages packed with 0, 32, 40, 48 perforated low-density polyethylene (LDPE) films, with a diameter of 14 mm, were stored in pallet units for 90 days at 1-2oC, and their loss rate, physiological disorders, total bacteria count, pH, and solid content were analyzed. It was found that as the number of holes increased, the weight loss ratio increased proportionally. However, the difference between the perforations was relatively small compared with the sample without film packaging. On the other hand, it was also observed that the lower the number of holes was, the lower the incidence of physiological disorder was because the cold air penetrated through the perforated hole while inhibiting physiological effects, releasing heat and carbon dioxide generated by respiration. Considering the weight loss rates and physiological disorders such as black speck and soft rot, the kimchi cabbage packed with 48 perforated films (73.9 cm2) exhibited the most satisfactory condition. Using this storage condition, along with 2-3oC temperature and 91-95% relative humidity inside the pallet, a highly suitable condition for kimchi processing was obtained to secure kimchi cabbage.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Spring kimchi cabbage was stored fresh for 90 days in a commercial cold storage house. It was sanitized by spraying fungicide on the field before harvesting. The plastic boxes of spring kimchi cabbage were put on the pallet, covered with a 40-hole film, then stacked in the cold storage room at once. The room was maintained for 90 days at 0.7oC after cooling gradually at 2 oC/day. After 90 days, the weight loss was 4.73% and the total trimming loss was 8.26%. The weight loss was 8.08% and the net trimming loss was 3.26% after 90-day storage with partial stack cooling at 2.7oC covered with a 56-hole film. The quality of spring kimchi cabbage after 90-day storage was fresh without physiological disorders.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fungicide spraying and PVC (polyvinyl chloride) wrapping were carried out for the improvement of storage yield in winter kimchi cabbage. Acetic acid, rox, tebuconazole and fludioxonil were sprayed on the cabbage, and then cabbage boxes were wrapped with 0.02 mm polyvinyl chloride film. The weight loss ratio of wrapped cabbages were 8.62% and 15.71% in unwrapped cabbages. Trimming loss ratio was the lowest in the mixed treatment of acetic acid, rox and tebuconazole in wrapped cabbage. Physiological disorders of 90-day stored cabbage was better in wrapped cabbage, especially with the mixed treatment of acetic acid, rox and tebuconazole. Wrapping and fungicide treatment reduced the storage loss ratio and physiological disorder for storage of kimchi cabbages.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        봄배추를 실용규모의 저장고에서 90일 간 신선하게 저장하였다. 봄배추 춘광 을 수확 1일 전에 노지에서 락스와 테 브코나졸 혼합약제를 살포하여 소독하 고 플라스틱 상자에 담에 팰릿에 적재 한 다음, 40공 타공 비닐로 씌워 저장 고에 일시에 채우고 1일 2℃씩 냉각하 여 0.7℃에서 90일간 저장한 결과 중 량감소율 4.73%, 총정선손실률 8.26%로서 총저장손실률이 12.6%였 다. 그리고 팰릿 포장한 배추를 7일간 5회 분할하여 저장고에 채우고 56공 타공 비닐로 씌워서 바로 2.7℃로 냉각 하여 90일간 저장한 결과 중량감소율 8.08%, 순정선손실률 3.26%로서 순 저장손실률은 11.1%였다. 이때 저장 한 봄배추는 생리장해가 발생하지 않 았고 90일차에도 품질이 신선하였다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 봄배추의 중량감소를 낮추면서 생리장해를 최소화하는 기체조절포장 조건을 찾고자 하였다. 봄배추는 직경 14mm로 타공(0, 32, 40, 48개)한 Low density polyethylene(LDPE) 필름으로 팰릿 단위로 포장하여 1-2 ℃에서 90 일간 저장하면서 손실률, 생리장해, 총균수, pH, 고형분 함량을 비교 분석하였다. 타공수에 비례하여 중량감소율이 증 가되었고 생리장해 발생률은 낮아졌다. 이는 타공구멍으로 냉기가 순환하여 생리작용을 억제하고 수분과 이산화탄소 가 배출되었기 때문이다. 총 저장손실률과 곰팡이 발생, 생리장해 등을 종합적으로 판단하면 48개(73.9cm2)를 타공하 여 포장한 봄배추의 품질이 양호하였고, 이때 팰릿 내부 온도는 2-3 ℃, 상대습도는 91-95 %를 유지하였다.