20세기 90년대부터 시작하여 이동통신 시장은 매우 높은 증가세가 나타나 핸드폰 사용 고객 수와 영업 액이 이미 고정전화를 앞섰다. 현재 이동통신은 매우 중요하고 발전 속도가 아주 빠른 산업으로 성장되었다. 오늘에 와서 중국과 한국 두 이웃 나라 간에는 많은 면에서 밀접한 관계를 보였다. 양국 수교 이후, 한국의 많은 기업들이 중국으로의 진출을 시도하였었고 그에 따른 투자도 적지 않는 규모였다. 중국은 세계에서 인구가 제일 많은 나라이고, 또한 WTO에
This study was carried out for the functional investigation of the Ulmus pumila L. extracts for use in functional-food processing. Extracts of Ulmus pumila L. were obtained using distilled water and 70% ethanol, and the extracts were tested for their electron-donating ability, SOD-like activity, nitrate-scavenging ability, and anticancer (MDA and A 549 cells) activity. The extraction yields of the water and ethanol extracts were 12.7 and 12.0%, respectively; the polyphenol contents were 623.5 ± 2.4 and 710.5 ± 2.1 mg/100 g; the electron-donating ability was high in proportion with the density; and the water extract was higher than the ethanol extract (76 and 64%, respectively) at 1,000 ppm. In all the 1,000 ppm densities, the SOD-like activity of the water extract was far higher than thatof the ethanol ex tract (53 and 38%, respectively), and the nitrite- scavenging ability of the ethanol extract was higher than that of the water extract (47 and 43%, respectively). As for the anticancer ability at 1,000 ppm, it was 62% in the water extract and 42% in the ethanol extract in the MDA cell, and 60% in the water extract and 45% in the ethanol extract in the A 549 cell. Thus, the proliferation inhibition ability of the water extract against cancer cells was found to be far higher than that of the ethanol extract (60 and 45%, respectively).
In this study, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% Ulmus pumila L. nonglutinous and glutinous sikhe were added to Ulmus pumila L. extracts for 15 days at 4℃, and for seven days at 25℃, to examine the extracts' storage properties and sensory characteristics. The results are as follows: (1) On the changes of pH and acidity during storage of Ulmus pumila L. nonglutinous and glutinous sikhe, both of them showed lower pH values with lower additive Ulmus pumila L. extract contents. The pH value continuously decreased with a longer storage period, and the acidity was higher with a lower concentration of Ulmus pumila L. extract. (2) The total microbial cell count during storage of Ulmus pumila L. nonglutinous and glutinous sikhe at 4℃ was 4.6-5.0 log CFU/g at 0 day. The sikhe to which Ulmus pumila L. extract was not added increased to 8.8-9.0 log CFU/g on the seventh storage day, while the sikhye to which 80 and 100% Ulmus pumila L. extracts were added were 7.8 and 6.9 logCFU/g, respectively. Thus, the total cell count was lower with a higher additive content of Ulmus pumila L. extract. The total cell count of the sikhe to which 0-60% Ulmus pumila L. extracts reached the maximum value on the seventh storage day and did not show any change thereafter. The total cell count of the sikhe to which 80 and 100% Ulmus pumila L. extracts were added, however, reached the maximum value on the 10th to 13th storage days, thus showing that the storage period was increased by Ulmus pumila L. At 25℃, the total cell count was 4.6-5.0 log CFU/g on 0 day and continuously increased during the storage period. It had increased to 8.9-9.5 log CFU/g on the seventh storage day, and no differences were shown according to the additive content of Ulmus pumila L. extract. (3) On the sensory characteristics of Ulmus pumila L. nonglutinous and glutinous sikhe, the Ulmus pumila L. nonglutinous sikhe to which 20% Ulmus pumila L. extract was added showed the highest overall-acceptability value (4.23±0.95), whereas the Ulmus pumila L. glutinous sikhe to which 40% Ulmus pumila L. extract was added showed the highest overall-acceptability value (3.95±0.95). The sikhe to which 20 and 40% Ulmus pumila L. extracts were added showed significantly high taste, flavor, sweetness, and overall-preference values (p<0.05).