
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to establish proper irrigation method for water spinach, subtropical vegetable in plastic film house soils to prepare to future global warming of the Korean peninsula. The evaluation of irrigation with 4 different levels as −20, −40, −50 kPa as a starting point(water potential) were compared to –33 kPa as control. All treatments were ended when water potential reached at –10 kPa respectively. The amount of irrigated water, N content, plant growth and fresh yield were investigated. As a result, water potential was correlated positively with irrigation starting point in cultivation period and irrigation times, but the amount water irrigated per time, N content of harvested plant, fresh and dry yield showed negative correlation. The contents of crude protein, P, K, Ca, Fe of harvested part were most high in –50 kPa treatment. We concluded that –50 kPa was optimal irrigation starting point for water spinach cultivation in unheating plastic film house.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Emission reduction of CH4 (methane gas) from rice paddy soil is a very important measure for climate change mitigation in agricultural sector. In this study, we investigated the changes in crop yield and CH4 emissions in response to application of biochar and fertilizers. The experimental site is located in Hwasung, Kyunggido and experimental design is the split-plot method with three replicates. Treatments included rice straw (RS) and biochar (BC) amendments nested with the conventional NPK fertilizer (NPK) and slow release fertilizer (SRF). Control was also prepared with the soil with the conventional NPK fertilization with no amendment. Measurement of CH4 emission was conducted during the growing season of 2014 using a dynamic chamber method. The results showed that application of rice straw increased daily CH4 emission rate by 15%, while application of biochar reduced daily CH4 emission rate by 38%. When we combined biochar application with slow release fertilizer, CH4 emission was reduced by 45%. Further, the crop yield was also increased in all treatments compared with the control except for the treatment of rice straw application with slow release fertilizer. Overall results imply that biochar amendment to agricultural soil can be an effective strategy to decrease annual CH4 emission with no reduction in crop yield.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          The risk management is an organized method for identifying and measuring risk and for selecting, developing, and implementing options for the handling of risk. The risk management covers all programatic and technical factors which affect the system deve
        2004.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Risk Management is an organized method for identifying and measuring risk and for selecting, developing, and implementing options for the handling of risk. The Risk management covers all programatic and technical factors which affect the system development performance, cost, and schedule. While technical issues are primary concern for systems engineering during a program, the three elements(performance, cost, and schedule) must be balanced for a successful risk management process and program. This paper describes the risk management process and intial results for the KSLV-I(Korea Space Launch Vehicle-I) program using computer-aided systems engineering tool, Cradle. The risk management process of KSLV-I program is similar to the general risk management process, but it has its own specific features to manage large-scale complex characteristics of KSLV-I program.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼 재배시 본답의 기비와 분얼비를 대체하여 묘판에 1회 시비하는 용출제어형 입상배합(Bulk Blending) 피복비료를시용 후 벼 생육과 수량, 품질, 경제성 등 완효성비료의 처리효과를 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다.1. 개발된 육묘상비료의 T-N용출량은 온도가 높을수록빨라졌고 온도에 관계 없이 분얼비 시용 시점인 14일경부터 높아져 21일경 최고에 달했다.2. 이앙 후 60일에서 질소흡수이용율은 표준시비 28.6%에 비하여 개발된 육묘상 비료가 높았으며 200 g시비구에서 73.1%, 300 g시비구에서 66.1%로 나타났다.3. 생육단계별(최고분얼기, 유슈형성기 등) 초장, 경수,SPAD값 생육상황은 개발된 육묘상비료 300 g/상자시비에서 표준과 대등하였다.4. 성숙기에도 간장, 수장, 단위면적당 수수는 개발된 육묘상비료 300 g/상자 이상 시비구에서 표준과 같거나많았다.5. 10a당 백미수량은 개발된 육묘상비료 시용량이 많을수록 증가하였다. 시비량별로 보면 표준시비 528 kg대비 개발된 육묘상 비료 300 g/상자 이상 시비구에서525∼552 kg으로 대등하거나 많았다.6. 백미 품질은 개발된 육묘상비료 시용량이 많을 수록 단백질함량은 증가하였으며 완전미율, 아밀로스함량,백도, 투명도는 비료량이 적을수록 증가하는 경향이었다.7. 따라서 표준시비량 이상의 수량과 품질 및 경제적인측면을 고려한 개발된 육묘상 비료의 적정 시비량은300 g/상자(실비. 9 kg/10 a)이었다.8. 시비량은 육묘상비료가 표준시비에 비해 49.3% 절감되었고, 시비노동력도 49.2% 절감되었다.