본 연구는 분쇄효율 향상과 더불어 최근 대두되고 있는 시멘트의 품질 문제 해결을 위하여 기능성 분쇄 조제 TIPA계의 대체 를 위해 Glycerine-co-MEA의 유기고분자를 합성하고 이를 적용하여 시멘트 클링커의 분쇄효율 및 압축 강도 향상을 기하고자 하였다. 시 멘트 클링커의 분쇄 효율 및 제조된 시멘트의 물리적 특성을 향상시키기 위하여 고분자 구조 내에 분쇄능을 향상시킬 수 있는 하이드록 실기(-OH)와 압축강도를 향상시키는 아민기(-NHx)를 동시에 가지는 유기 고분자를 합성하고 이를 적용한 시멘트의 분쇄능, 강도발현율 및 유동성 등 시멘트의 물리적 특성을 검토하였다.
실험결과 Glycerine-co-MEA의 최적 합성 조건은 몰비 1 : 1, 반응온도 80℃, pH 5.0, 점도 35 cPs일 때 가장 안정한 고분자의 합성이 가능 한 것으로 나타났으며, 분쇄능은 기존 DEG 및 TIPA계 보다 분말도는 약 150~310 ㎠/g 증가하였고, 45 ㎛체 잔사율은 1.6~2.0% 정도 감소 하여 분쇄효율이 향상되는 것으로 나타났다. 압축강도는 알카놀 아민계 유기 고분자의 하이드록실기에 의한 분쇄능 증진 및 아민기에 의한 시멘트 초기 강도 증진 현상으로 초기 재령 1일에서 DEG보다 약 31%, 기능성 분쇄조제인 TIPA계 보다 약 12%의 높은 강도 증진을 나타내었으며, 재령 28일에서는 DEG보다 19%, TIPA계 보다 약 12%의 강도 증진 결과를 나타내었다.
It is a real-time system that the system correctness depends not only on the correctness of the logical result of the computation but also on the result delivery time. Real-time Operating System (RTOS) is a software that manages the time of a microprocessor to ensure that the most important code runs first so that it is a good building block to design the real-time system. The real-time performance is achieved by using real-time mechanisms through data communication and synchronization of inter-task communication (ITC) between tasks. Therefore, test on the response time of real-time mechanisms is a good measure to predict the performance of real-time systems. This paper aims to analysis the response characteristics of real-time mechanisms in kernel space for real-time embedded Linux: RTAI and Xenomai. The performance evaluations of real-time mechanism depending on the changes of task periods are conducted. Test metrics are jitter of periodic tasks and response time of real-time mechanisms including semaphore, real-time FIFO, Mailbox and Message queue. The periodicity of tasks is relatively consistent for Xenomai but RTAI reveals smaller jitter as an average result. As for real-time mechanisms, semaphore and message transfer mechanism of Xenomai has a superior response to estimate deterministic real-time task execution. But real-time FIFO in RTAI shows faster response. The results are promising to estimate deterministic real-time task execution in implementing real-time systems using real-time embedded Linux.
This paper presents a graphic user interface system consisting of graphic simulator and remote control system for a building cleaning robot. It provides a tool of convenient 3D graphical map construction for real world. The 3D map is reconstructed from existing 2D building CAD data with DXF format by using OpenGL graphic API. Through this system, graphic display of robot's status information, remote control and cleaning scheduling can be done for a building cleaning robot. This proposed system is expected to give efficient way of graphic simulation and remote monitoring and control system for a building cleaning robot.
Robotic software has been dramatically complicated as performing intelligent service tasks. These types of robots demand a very powerful software framework to make them easy. Robotic software framework means an integrated software environment that simplifies jobs of robotic software engineer by providing tools, reusable components, and runtime environments. Finally it reduces the project cost. There are lots of works related with them. Among them we focus on five frameworks that are MSRDS, ERSP, OROCOS, OpenRTM, and OPRoS. In terms of intelligent service robot, the study on robotic software frameworks is very important. And outlook on them is also very important in the sense of that the robotic software frameworks should be used to initiate service robot market.
In this paper, we deal with the performance evaluation method of user identification and user tracking for intelligent robots using face images. This paper shows general approaches for standard evaluation methods to improve intelligent robot systems as well as their algorithms. The evaluation methods proposed in this paper can be combined with the evaluation methods for detection algorithms of face region and facial components to measure the overall performance of face recognition in intelligent robots.
In this paper, we report the progress in the development of performance evaluation method for detection algorithms of face region and facial components. This paper aims to provide a standardized evaluation method for general approach in face recognition application as a potential component in futuristic intelligent robot systems. From an image capture process to the retrieval of face-related information, all the necessary steps are shown with examples.
This paper presents an active assisted-living system in wireless sensor and actor network (WSAN) in which the mobile robot roles an actor. In order to provide assisted-living service to the elderly people, position recognition of the sensor node attached on the user and localization of the mobile robot should be performed at the same time. For the purpose, we use received signal strength indication (RSSI) to find the position of the person and ubiquitous sensor nodes including ultrasonic sensor which performs both transmission of sensor information and localization like global positioning system. Active services are moving to the elderly people by detecting activity sensor and visual tracking and voice chatting with remote monitoring system.
This paper presents a remote monitoring and simulation system for a building cleaning mobile robot. It provides a tool of convenient 3D graphical map construction including network camera image viewer and status information of the robot. The 3D map is reconstructed from existing 2D building CAD data with DXF format using OpenGL graphic API. Through this system, it is possible to monitor and control the cleaning mobile robot from remote place. A practical experiment is performed to show the reliability and convenience of the monitoring system. The proposed system is expected to give efficient the way of control and monitoring to building cleaning mobile robot.
One of the main problems of topological localization in a real indoor environment is variations in the environment caused by dynamic objects and changes in illumination. Another problem arises from the sense of topological localization itself. Thus, a robot must be able to recognize observations at slightly different positions and angles within a certain topological location as identical in terms of topological localization. In this paper, a possible solution to these problems is addressed in the domain of global topological localization for mobile robots, in which environments are represented by their visual appearance. Our approach is formulated on the basis of a probabilistic model called the Bayes filter. Here, marginalization of dynamics in the environment, marginalization of viewpoint changes in a topological location, and fusion of multiple visual features are employed to measure observations reliably, and action-based view transition model and action-associated topological map are used to predict the next state. We performed experiments to demonstrate the validity of our proposed approach among several standard approaches in the field of topological localization. The results clearly demonstrated the value of our approach.
Hierarchical Planning based on Abstraction of World Elements and Operators(HiPAWO) is proposed for mobile robots task planning, where abstraction of world elements is used for hierarchical planning and abstraction of operators is used for hierarchical decomposition of abstracted actions. Especially, a hierarchical domain theory based on JAH(Joint of Action Hierarchy)-graph is proposed to improve efficiency of planning, where a number of same actions are included in both adjacent hierarchical levels of domain theories to provide relationships between adjacent hierarchical levels. To show the validities of our proposed HiPAWO, experimental results are illustrated and will be compared with two other classical planning methods.
Robot system development consists of several sub-tasks such as layout design, motion planing, and sensor programming etc. In general, on-line programming and debugging for such tasks demands burdensome time and labor costs, which motivates an off-line graphic simulation system. MSRS(Microsoft Robotics Studio) released in recent years is an appropriate tool for the graphic simulation system since it supports CCR(Concurrency and Coordination Runtime), DSS(Decentralized System Services), and dynamics simulation based on PhysX and graphic animation as well. In this paper, we developed an MSRS based network simulation system for quadruped walking robots, which controls virtual 3D graphic robots existing in remote side through internet.
In this paper, we are looking for requirements of software, hardware and application for use in network-based robots and also directions in building standardization and research activities by reviewing technical status of the robot industries developing robots. The questions are including awareness of RUPI(Robot Unifies Platform Initiative) activities, target market and applications, hardware specifications, software development technologies, and HRI(Human Robot Interaction). The RUPI committee creates standard and derives implementation software for network-based robots through industrial requirements as like of the results. Many robots have been developed and launched services based on RUPI 1.0 standards. Based on this achievement we are expanding RUPI standard to include thin and thick client robots. The results also show that which one is important and urgent technology in the sense of industrial robotic business.
In this paper, we develope the navigation system for patrol robots in indoor environment. The proposed system consists of PDA map modelling, a localization algorithm based on a global position sensor and an automatic charging station. For the practical use in security system, the PDA is used to build object map on the given indoor map. And the builded map is downloaded to the mobile robot and used in path planning. The global path planning is performed with a localization sensor and the downloaded map. As a main controller, we use PXA270 based hardware platform in which embedded linux 2.6 is developed. Data handling for various sensors and the localization algorithm are performed in the linux platform. Also, we implemented a local path planning algorithm for object avoidance with ultra sonar sensors. Finally, for the automatic charging, we use an infrared ray system and develop a docking algorithm. The navigation system is experimented with the two-wheeled mobile robot using North-Star localization system.