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        검색결과 7

        2023.01 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With a focus on the aspect of recruitment within “nurse manpower management,” this study examined the status and characteristics of employment of new graduate nurses in tertiary hospitals of Korea. It also explored the recruitment process and characteristics of new graduate nurses in foreign countries by referring to case studies. The new graduate nurse recruitment was carried out as an open hiring as a consequence of an analysis of recruitment announcements at 45 tertiary hospitals in Korea. The recruitment process began with document screening, followed by competency test, interviews, and physical examination. Around 80% of the institutions surveyed started document screening between June and August, and the timing of joining the hospital was determined by grades and hospital conditions. In other countries, new graduate nurses were hired by each ward throughout the year, and various forms of employment were used. In some countries, preceptorship programs or pre-hospital field trip programs were running. In Korea, recruitment of new graduate nurses is carried out by hospitals instead of wards. Therefore, it is essential to plan and implement a manpower allocation strategy to represent the desired department of the nurse as much as possible when assigning new graduate nurses. In addition, it is necessary to establish flexible employment options and working environment to encourage long-term service. Instead of manpower management policies focused on increasing the supply of nurses, it is necessary to come up with measures to address the actual causes of turnover, such as wage gaps, organizational culture, and improvement of working environment.
        2022.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to understand the current status of regional health inequalities and nurse supply and demand policies, and to suggest ways to supply nurses to regions where nurses are scarce. Secondary data such as academic papers, government announcements, and related laws were analyzed, and the results were reviewed from various perspectives to derive policy proposals. Health professions were distributed around large cities including Seoul, and those regions had relatively high health levels. However, the number of hospital beds increased steadily, mainly in the non-metropolitan area. This seems to be one of the reasons why there is always a shortage of nurses in the local medical field despite the supply of nurses, and it can be a factor that aggravates regional inequalities. In order to solve the chronic shortage of nurses, supply-oriented policies such as increasing the admission quota and utilizing inactive nurses, and demand-oriented policies such as regulations on the nurse staffing level and improvement of the incentive scheme for quality evaluation of hospital service have been implemented. In the past, the focus was simply on the quantitative expansion of nurses, but recently, policies that emphasize the qualitative aspect of nursing are being promoted. However, the policy for the distribution aspect of nurses is still somewhat incomplete. Therefore, to solve this problem, strengthening the nurse staffing level in medical institutions, promoting nursing policies led by local governments, developing standard wage guidelines, and training nurses as public health personnel were proposed.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to develop an optimum baking formula and baking process for a new bread raw material with added Cordyceps militaris powder, which has been known to prevent various adult diseases and cancers. The rheological properities of dough made from Cordyceps militaris powder-wheat flour with 0, 1, 2, and 3% Cordyceps militaris powder added-were investigated. A farinogram showed that the water absorption and weakness value of dough increased with added Cordyceps militaris powder, but development time and dough stability were decreased. An extensogram showed that resistance to extension was increased in bread with 1% Cordyceps militaris powder, but decreased in bread with 2% and, 3% powder. Extensibility decreased fermentation progressed. An amylogram showed that gelatinization point was increased but maximum viscosity was decreased with added Cordyceps militaris powder. With increased amounts of powder dough volume during fermentation was reduced. The change in pH values of dough after mixing, fermentation, and proofing decreased with increased amounts of added powder.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to develop the computer-assisted Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program for a systematic approach to the identification, assessment and control of hazards for foodservice manager to assure the microbiological quality of food in hospital foodservice operations. Sanitation practices were surveyed and analyzed in the dietetic department of 4 hospitals. Among them, one 762-bed general hospital was selected as standard model to develop computer-assisted HACCP program. All data base files and processing programs were created by using Foxpro package for easy access of HACCP concept. HACCP program was developed based on the methods suggested by NACMCF, IAMFES and Bryan. This program consisted of two parts: the pre-stage for HACCP study and the implementation stage of the HACCP system. 1. Pre-stage for HACCP study includes the selection of menu item, the development of the HACCP recipe, the construction of a product flow diagram, and printing the HACCP recipe and a product flow diagram. A menu item for HACCP study can be selected from the menu item lists classified by cooking methods. HACCP recipe includes ingredients, their amount and cooking procedure. A flow diagram is constructed based on the HACCP recipe. The HACCP recipe and a product flow diagram are printed out. 2. Implementation of HACCP study includes the identification of microbiological hazards, the determination of critical control points, the establishment of control methods of each hazard, and the complementation of data base file. Potentially hazardous ingredients are determined and microbiological hazards are identified in each phase of the product flow. Critical control points (CCPs) are identified by applying CCP decision trees for ingredients and each process stage. After hazards and CCPs are identified, criteria, monitoring system, corrective action plan, record-keeping system and verification methods are established. When the HACCP study is complemented, HACCP study result forms are printed out. HACCP data base file can be either added, corrected or deleted.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop a computer-assisted patients menu planning program for hospital dietetics in order to improve the quality of menu for patients and to release managers from repetitive and routine tasks. Using this program, dietitians can spend more time on professional tasks. Moreover, few studies have been done on computer assisted patients menu planning for patients who need special diets for treatment in domestic hospital dietetics, therefore this program could be a great contribution. A 16-bit personal computer compatible with IBM-PC/AT was used. The data base files and processing program were created by Clipper package ver 5.0. This system can collect a number of meals, plan patients menu and computerize nutrient analysis. The future study will develop program(s) for purchasing, inventory control and data correction. The contents of computerized system are summarized as follows. 1. The number of daily meals of special and general diets given to the patients are collected and saved in database. These data were for the monthly list of meal census which could be printed out on the screen and/or the printer. 2. The menu planning was largely consisted of 2 sections. One was for the patients who require special diets and the other was general diet. And the special diets was divided into 6 sub-sections: diabetic, low-salt, low-fat, low-salt/low-protein, low-fat/low-cholesterol and low residue diets. 3. The nutrient analysis was composed of 11 diet. Sections and diebetic diet was divided into 9 sub-sections according to the calorie requirement. The calculated results were compared with the standards which were established by the hospital dietetic department.
        1992.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료