
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed at evaluating current sanitation management performances in Korean-Food restaurants by their operation types and to develop sanitary training posters based on the risk factors, in an attempt to improve the level of sanitation management in Korean food service facilities. Eighteen Korean-food restaurants that are managed by franchisor, franchisees as well as self-managed with large-scale and small-scale restaurants in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do, were evaluated by on-the-spot inspectors with an auditing tool consisting of three dimensions, nine categories and thirty four items. Data were analyzed using SPSS. The total score of each group showed that restaurants managed by franchisees ranked the highest (59 out of 100 points), while self-managed, small-scale restaurants ranked the lowest (44 out of 100 points). In the categorization of sanitation management compliance, the dimensions of food hygiene during production recorded the lowest compliance rate of 47.7% (22.89/48.0 points) followed by the dimension of environmental hygiene 59.3% (20.17/34.0 points) and personal hygiene 60.5% (10.89/18.0 points). This indicated the need for urgent improvement. The items which showed the lowest compliance rates were 'proper thawing of frozen foods' (0%), 'notifying and observing heating/reheating temperature' (6%), 'using of hand-washing facility and proper hand-washing' (33%), 'monitoring temperature of frozen-foods and cold-foods' (35%), and 'prevention of cross-contamination' (36%) among thirty four items. Self-managed, small-scale restaurants, in particular, needed to improve sanitary practices such as 'sanitation education for employee', 'verifying the employee health inspection reports', 'storing food on the shelves 15 cm distance away from the wall', 'suitability of ventilation capacity of hoods' and 'cleanliness of drainage'. On the basis of the findings of this study, we developed sanitary training posters, especially for small-scale restaurant operators. This could be an effective tool to educate food service employees on sanitary knowledge and principles and could be used to improve the existing sanitary conditions in Korean food service facilities.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to investigate middle and high school students' food habits and food attitudes, and to assess student's nutrient consumption. A self-administered questionnaire was developed based on review of literature. The questionnaire consisted of three sections (food habits, food attitudes, and food consumption). The questionnaires were distributed to 4,050 students enrolled in 34 middle and high schools located in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gyeongnam provinces. A final response rate was 88.2% (3,570) excluding responses that had significant missing data. Data of the food habits and food attitudes were analyzed with descriptive analysis, 2-test, and t-test using SPSS WIN(ver.11.0). The student's self-reported food consumption data was converted into nutrient consumption using conversion factor. Many middle and high school students skipped breakfast and/or dinner. Approximately 29% of the students did not eat vegetables and fruits. Scores of the middle school student's attitudes(19.1) towards foods were significantly higher than those of the high school student's attitudes(18.7)(p〈.001). Student's nutrient intakes were estimated according to the student's self-reported food consumption data. The nutrient intakes were compared with DRIs(Dietary Reference Intakes: DRIs) for their age groups. The result of EAR(Estimated Average Requirement: EAR) cut-point method demonstrated 57.7% of middle school boys, 64.4% of middle school girls, 70.2% of high school boys, and 71.0% of high school girls did not meet EAR for Calcium. Additionally, it showed that 39.0% of middle school boys, 23.7% of middle school girls, 58.4% of high school boys, and 24.4% of high school girls did not consume EAR for Vitamin B1. 25.7% of middle school boys did not meet EAR for Vitamin B2, while 44.4% high school boys did not satisfy EAR for Vitamin B2.
        2001.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 서울 소재 초등학교와 고등학교 급식의 위생관리 실태를 분석하므로 학교급식의 안전성을 확보하여 식중독 사고예방 및 급식품질 개선을 이루고자 하였다. 이를 위해 HACCP에 기준한 위생관리 평가도구를 설문지로 개발하여 관리자들이 자가 평가하게 하고,그 결과를 분석하여 위생관리 실태를 파악하고 취약한 부분을 규명하였다. 위생관리 평가도구는 온도 소요시간, 개인위생 및 기기 설비위생의 3영역으로 구분 하여 33문항, 5문항, 15문항씩 총 53문항으로 구성하였다. 평가문항에 대해서는 5점척도를 이용하여 표시하도록 하였다. 조사된 학교는 초등학교 98.4%(253개교), 고등학교 1.6%(19개교)였다. 세 영역중 개인위생에 관한 수행수준은 평균 4.06$\pm$0.57로 나타나 가장 잘 수행되는 것으로 조사되었다. 기기.설비위생의 수행수준은 평균 3.84$\pm$0.53로 나타났고, 온도.소요시간은 평균 3.45$\pm$0.46으로 나타나 보통정도의 수행수준으로 조사되었다. 특히 전체 문항중 수행수준이 가장 낮은 것으로 조사된 ‘조리 후 보관(2.03$\pm$0.94)’의 경우는 현행 학교급식업체들이 조리가 끝난 식품을 취급할 열장 또는 보온 기기, 냉장고를 거의 구비하지 못하고 있으며, 조리된 음식이나 차게 배식하는 음식의 적정 온도유지를 위한 온도계 사용이 전혀 이루어지지 않고 있기 때문인 것으로 사료 된다. 기기 설비위생영역에서 가장 낮은 수행정도를 보인 ‘싱크대의 용도별로 분리사용 여부(3.03$\pm$1.10)’와 ‘손 씻는 시설의 적절한 장소 위치 여부(3.07$\pm$1.13)’의 수행수준을 향상시키려면 적절한 개수의 싱크대를 구비해야 하며, 조리실내에 손 씻는 시설을 갖추어야 할 것이다. 결론적으로 학교급식 안전성 확보를 위한 위생관리 업무 향상을 위해서는 본 연구에서 가장 취약한 부분으로 드러난 시설 및 기기들을 우선 보완해야 할 것으로 사료된다.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An attempt was made to provide valuable information to improve service quality and customer satisfaction for in-flight catering service. The customers' demographic characteristics that impact on service quality and customer satisfaction were examined for a group of customer. 474 customers who have been used the airplane within 1 year were participated in this study. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software program (version 6.01) for descriptive analysis, factor analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. Service Quality in In-flight catering was assessed on the basis of 18 service quality attributes and 5 dimensions derived from a factor analysis. After comparing customers' perception to customers' expectation regarding in-flight service quality, the quality of dimensions for 'meals', and 'sanitation' were not showed any significant differences. However, the expectation for dimensions of 'diversity of menu', 'providing information', and 'the degree of concern to the customers' were rated significantly higher than the perception for those. 2. Among the demographic variables, age and gender had highly influences on the customers' expectation and perception regarding service quality and customer satisfaction. 3. The korean food that the customers wanted to have for in-flight meals was investigated. Among the kinds of gruel(jook), abalone gruel(jeonbok-jook), pumpkin gruel(hobak-jook), and pine-nut gruel(jat-jook) were chosen to have for in-flight korean meals. It was rated that the preferences for beef soup(sogogikook), hot spicy beef soup(youkgaejang), brown sea-weed soup(miyoukkook) were higher than others in soup group. The preferences for boiled rice with assorted mixture(bibimbab) showed the highest and beef and rice soup(seoleongtang), boiled rice with four the staple cereals(ogogbab) were preferred higher than the others in main dish group. Bulgogi was rated the most popular dish. Korean style punch with omiza(whachae), sweet rice dish(yaksik) and fried glutinous rice cake(gangjeong)showed high preferences in dissert.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 학교급식에서 Cook/chill system으로 생산 가능한 음식으로 돼지 불고기를 선정하고 모의실험을 통해 급식생산체계를 반복 실시함으로서 식품 위해 분석 중요관리점(HACCP)을 규명하고, 저장기간중의 음식품질 평가를 통해 합리적인 저장기한을 설정하고자 수행되었으며, 그 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 돼지불고기는 냉동상태로 운반되지 않아 온도상승이 일어난 검수 단계를 제외하면 각 생산 단계별 기준이 준수된 양호한 상태 하에서 생산된 것으로 나타난다. 생산단계별 미생물 분석결과, 원재료($4.26{\pm}0.11\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서 중온균수가 조리하지 않은 식품 기준 이내이나 다소 높게 나타났고, 양념장($5.97{\pm}0.04\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서는 조리하지 않은 식품 기준에 근접한 수준이었으며, 양념으로 재우는 과정($5.56{\pm}0.21\;Log\;CFU/g$)도 위험 수준이었다. 가열 조리 후 최종 음식온도가 $8.25{\pm}3.54^{\circ}C$에 도달하였으나 중온균수($5.17{\pm}0.04\;Log\;CFU/g$)가 급식 단계 음식기준을 초과한 위험한 수준이었고, 기타 미생물은 검출되지 않았다. 급속 냉각과 저장 1일, 3일, 5일 동안도 중온균수가 급식단계 음식 기준에 근접한 위험한 상태였고 기타 미생물은 검출되지 않았다. 재가열 처리에 의해 저장 1일($4.62{\pm}0.22\;Log\;CFU/g$), 3일($4.55{\pm}0.20\;Log\;CFU/g$), 5일($4.25{\pm}0.16\;Log\;CFU/g$) 모두 중온균수는 감소하여 급식단계 음식기준에 충족한 상태가 되었다. 배분 3조건에서도 급식단계 음식 기준 이내에 들었다. 저장 5일간 이화학 분석 결과 pH, 산가, 휘발성 염기 질소 모두 저장 5일에 유의적으로 증가하였고, 관능평가에서는 모든 항목들이 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 티아민 정량 분속 결과 ,가열 전의 티아민 함량을 100%으로 했을 때, 가열 후에는 78.6%로 손실이 일어났으며, 냉각과 저장 1일, 3일은 티아민 손실을 거의 일으키지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 저장 5일에는 티아민이 현저히 저하되어 62.5% 보유에 그쳤다. 저장기간에 따른 미생물적, 이화학적, 관능적 품질을 분석한 결과와 티아민 함량의 변화를 고려하여 돼지불고기의 저장기한을 3일로 제안하며, 생산 단계별 온도-소요시간 측정 및 미생물 분석을 통해 규명된 중요관리점은 돼지고기와 양념장재료인 파, 마늘, 생강의 구입 및 검수, 가열조리, 냉각, 저장, 재가열과 배식단계였다.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 학교급식에서 Cook/chill system으로 생산 가능한 음식으로 삼치구이를 선정하고 모의실험을 통해 급식생산체계를 반복 실시함으로서 식품 위해 분석 중요관리점(HACCP)을 규명하고, 저장기간중의 음식품질 평가를 통해 합리적인 저장기한을 설정하고자 수행되었으며, 그 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 심치 구이의 온도소요시간 측정 결과, 온도상승이 일어난 검수 단계를 제외하면 각 생산단계별 온도-소요 시간 기준이 준수된 양호한 상태 하에 삼치구이가 생산되었음을 알 수 있었다. 삼치구이의 생산단계별 미생물 분석 결과 , 중온성 표준평판 균수의 경우 원재료 ($2.58{\pm}0.12\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서 냉장보관($2.70{\pm}0.42\;Log\;CFU/g$)까지의 품질은 우수하였다. 양념장으로 재우는 과정($3.82{\pm}0.52\;Log\;CFU/g$)에서 반복 실험중 일차에서만 대장균군, 분변성 대장균군이 각각 0.84 Log MPN/g으로 검출되었다. $160^{\circ}C$, 10분의 습열 조리와 $180^{\circ}C$, 3분의 건열 조리를 통해 삼치구이 내부온도는 $76^{\circ}C$로 측정되었는데, 조리 직후 심치구이에서는 중온균 ($1.83{\pm}0.49\;Log\;CFU/g$)만 검출되었고 저온균, 대장균군, 분변성 대장균군은 검출되지 않았다. 급성 냉장과 저장 5일을 거치는 동안 중온균은 거의 검출되지 않았으며 나머지 분석대상 미생물도 검출되지 않았다. 재가열과 배분단계에서도 분석대상 미생물이 전혀 검출되지 않았다. 삼치구이 전 생산단계에 걸쳐 Salmonella 와 Listeria monocytogenes는 검출되지 않았다. 5일의 저장동안 분석된 삼치구이의 pH, 산가, 휘발성 염기질소(TVBN) 함량과 관능 평가 결과, 삼치구이의 저장기한은 4일 이내로 제안되었다. 규명된 CCPs는 삼치의 구입과 검수, 가열 조리, 냉각, 냉장, 재가열 및 배식 단계였다.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서울과 경기 지방의 주부들을 대상으로 식생활 행동과 편의식에 대한 인식도를 조사함으로써, 한국형 건강 편의식 개발 방향 도출에 필요한 기초 자료를 얻고자 시도되었다. 본 연구를 위하여 710명의 주부들이 응답한 설문지가 통계학적으로 분석되었다. 설문지는 일반 사항, 식생활 및 식품 구매 행동과 편의식에 대한 인식도에 관한 문항들로 구성되었다. 일반 사항 중 연령, 취업 여부, 라이프스타일이 응답자의 식행동과 편의식에 대한 인식에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 인자임이 규명되었다. 식생활 전반에 대한 책임을 맡고 있는 것은 주부들이었으나, 이들의 대부분이 식사준비에 대해 즐겁다기보다 부담을 느끼고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 태도는 다른 연령군, 취업 여부, 라이프 스타일군에서 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 장보기 빈도는 필요할 때마다 1주일에 2~3번이 가장 높았다. 또한 미리 식단 계획을 하기보다는 장볼 때 즉흥적으로 하는 경향이 뚜렷했다. 식품 구입시 가격보다는 품질을 중요시하고 있었다. 소비자들은 현재 시판되고 있는 손질된 야채나 조리된 식품에 대해 만족하지 못하고 있었다. 그러나 품질이 우수한 편의식 개발에 대한 요구도는 높은 것으로 나타났다.
        1997.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To provide basic information for the development of refrigerated convenience foods for Koreans, 492 house-wives residing in Seoul and Kyunggi Province were surveyed concerning satisfaction of buying precooked convenience foods, frequency of using them, preferred Korean dishes, and willingness to buy the convenience foods if they are developed. Statistical data analysis was completed using SAS package program. The satisfaction mean score of the marketed precooked convenience foods was 2.73 out of 5 and the housewives were least satisfied with feed additives and sanitation factors. The factors affecting satisfaction in purchasing were sanitation, taste, variety of type, nutrition, price, and food additives for side-dishes sold refrigerated or at room temperature, and taste, sanitation, variety of type, price, nutrition, and food additives for frozen prepared foods in order respectively. The frequency of using the precooked convenience foods was generally low but that of using the pickled dishes, Jokbal Soondae, and frozen prepared foods was relatively high. The answer of 'the thought that meals should be prepared in households' was the primary reason for avoiding using the precooked convenience foods and 'no time to cook' was the most frequent answer among the reasons for using them. Currently, the precooked convenience foods were used for snacks mainly, but the usages to be expected to increase were for lunchbox, main dishes, snacks, side dishes, special occasions foods, and leisure foods in order. Based on preference and buying priority, the dishes needed to be developed as refrigerated convenience foods among Korean dishes were identified. The result showed that 'preference' was not consistent with buying priority and the housewives perceived the factor of 'convenience' more importantly than 'preference' in purchasing the convenience foods.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on microbiological-chemical test results under simulated time-temperature conditions, total plate count, coliform and volatile basic nitrogen were selected as effective quality indicators for estimating probable shelf-life of Kim Pab dosirak marketed in convenience stores, and shelf-life at each storage temperature was calculated from regression equation between effective quality indicator standard limit and storage time. Estimated shelf-lives of Kim Pab Dosirak were 27, 3 and 2 hours respectively under 10℃, 20℃ and 30℃. Because shelf-life was especially affected by initial values, regression analysis between initial effective quality indicator values and storage hours was performed for the estimation of probable shelf-life of Kim Pab during storage at 10, 20 or 30℃.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the foodservice management practices in child-care centers in order to provide basic information for the development of a model of a centralized food service information center. This approach was achieved using a variety of qualitative and quantitative information including general foodservice management practices and plate waste. A self-completed questionnaire survey of 651 child-care centers in Korea was undertaken and detailed information was carefully collected at 6 representative child-care centers. The results of the empirical survey were as follows: 1. Child-care centers categorized by location were in large cities (59.9%), medium cities (27.6%) and in provincial areas (12.5). 2. Private sector of child-care centers was 46.4% of the total followed by National/public (44.2%) and licensed home day-care programs (9.4%). 3. Total average number of children in child-care centers was 63.3±43.1 with a very significant difference (p〈0.001) in types of child-care centers. 4. The average space of kitchen and dining room was 5.0±3.8 and 10.8±11.0 pyung (1pyung=3.3058 cm2). 5. The average cost of interim snack in morning and afternoon in child-care centers were 345.9±459.3 won and 359.3±226.6 won respectively. The average cost of lunch was 644.0±481.1 won. There was a significant difference (p〈0.001) by types of child-care centers with a highest cost of 863.9 won in licensed home day-care programs. 6. Only a limited number of dietitian were employed, therefore most of food service management practice was not conducted by professional personnel. 7. The result of nutritional analysis of the food revealed that the level of energy and nutrients contained in the food was below the recommeded level (RDA/3).
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sanitary management practices from 8 packaged meals (Dosirak) manufacturing establishments were surveyd during production and distribution and their microbiological quality of dosirak items marketed in CVS were analyzed. Correlation coefficients were calculated to deternine significant relationships between sanitary management practices and microbiological quality of packaged meals. The results of self evaluation on sanitary management practices indicated 'doing practice well' in personnel and equipment sanitation management but time-temperature control management were practiced satisfactorily only about 55% as compared with the managerial standard guidelines. Significant relationships between the status of actual sanitary management practices and microbiological quality of Dosirak items were not found, but general status of microbiological quality of Dosirak items revealed positive relationship with the size of operational structure and the status of time-temperature control management practices.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to develop the computer-assisted Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program for a systematic approach to the identification, assessment and control of hazards for foodservice manager to assure the microbiological quality of food in hospital foodservice operations. Sanitation practices were surveyed and analyzed in the dietetic department of 4 hospitals. Among them, one 762-bed general hospital was selected as standard model to develop computer-assisted HACCP program. All data base files and processing programs were created by using Foxpro package for easy access of HACCP concept. HACCP program was developed based on the methods suggested by NACMCF, IAMFES and Bryan. This program consisted of two parts: the pre-stage for HACCP study and the implementation stage of the HACCP system. 1. Pre-stage for HACCP study includes the selection of menu item, the development of the HACCP recipe, the construction of a product flow diagram, and printing the HACCP recipe and a product flow diagram. A menu item for HACCP study can be selected from the menu item lists classified by cooking methods. HACCP recipe includes ingredients, their amount and cooking procedure. A flow diagram is constructed based on the HACCP recipe. The HACCP recipe and a product flow diagram are printed out. 2. Implementation of HACCP study includes the identification of microbiological hazards, the determination of critical control points, the establishment of control methods of each hazard, and the complementation of data base file. Potentially hazardous ingredients are determined and microbiological hazards are identified in each phase of the product flow. Critical control points (CCPs) are identified by applying CCP decision trees for ingredients and each process stage. After hazards and CCPs are identified, criteria, monitoring system, corrective action plan, record-keeping system and verification methods are established. When the HACCP study is complemented, HACCP study result forms are printed out. HACCP data base file can be either added, corrected or deleted.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the management practices and to measure the degree of job satisfaction of employees of hamburger chain restaurants in Seoul. Management practices were evaluated in terms of service, quality, cleanliness and shift management in 30 hamburger restaurants of 3 domestic and 3 foreign chain brands. Employee job satisfaction was measured by using questionnaires of Job Descriptive Index. 200 employees from the same 30 restaurants were participated in the survey. Results were analyzed by using SAS program in terms of t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation. The results are as follows: 1. The factor of quality got the highest score and cleanliness the second, service the third, and shift management got the lowest score in the evaluation of management practiecs of hamburger chain restaurant. The foreign brands showed significantly higher scores than the domestic ones in every measured factors. 2. The factor of coworkers got the highest score and then supervision, the work-itself, promotion and pay got the next highest scores in descending order in measured Job satisfaction. The foreign brands showed significantly higher scores than domestic ones in JDI. 3. The foodservice employees rated work-itself was considered by employees the most important job satisfaction factor, and the next important factor was pay and then coworkers, supervision, and promotion. 4. The significant positive relationship between management practice factor of shift management and all the factors of job satisfaction except the factor of pay were found.
        1994.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate food sanitation training program for the improvement of food service operation in day-care centers. Subjects consisted of 55(experimental) and 25(control) foodservice employees and 33(experimental) and 20(control)directors. The results of this study can be summarized as follow: 1. The majority of child care directors(55.0%(control), 46.9%(experimental)) received food sanitation education but 70% of control and 75.7% of experimental group did not conduct any practical sanitation training for employees. 2. The employee's food sanitary practices of control and experimental did not show any significant difference at the pre-test level but only the experimental group showed a significant improvement at the post-test level. 3. The sanitary knowledge of food service employees between two groups did not show any significant difference at the pre-test level, but a significant knowledge improvement was observed at the post-test level such as food poisoning concepts and sanitary equipment maintenance only in experimental group. 4. Dicrectors' sanitary practices affected the employees' sanitary practices but directors' food sanitary knowledge did not have much influence on the employees' knowledge.
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Central commissary school foodservice operations' practices and their dietitians' job duties were assessed and compared with those of their counterpart of conventional school foodservice operations to find out strategies for early settlement and better management for commissary system. Survey qestionnaires consisted of general background, employees' work schedule and dietitians' job duties. 12 commissary schools(out of 22 existing in Korea) and 77 conventional schools from Kyungkido were participated in the survey. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Central commissary school foodservice was presently utilized at 5 schools from islands type, 11 schools from rural type, and 6 schools from urban type, consisting total of 22 commissary schools, and 52 satellite schools. 2. Dietitians were evenly employed with their experiences, 55.5% were those with less than 2 years of experience, 44.6% were those with more than 2 years of experience. 3. Commissary schools employed more full-time empolyees(1.8±0.7) than conventional schools(0.3±0.5), however as far as the production capacity was concerned, only the part-time employees played significant roles(p〈.01). Regardless of the number of students, an absolute number of full-time employees were employed, and their duties were not carried out efficiently. The part-time employees of commissary schools performed more loaded work compared to their counterparts in conventional schools. 4. Out of the dietitians' foodservice duties, 'basic food service production(3.9±0.7)' were carried out adequately, whereas 'nutrition education and advertisement(2.5±0.6)' and 'administrative affairs and information related duties(2.8±0.9)' were not. In order to enhance their working capacity, systematic organizational reforms are imminent. 5. Survey results also showed that dietitians performed less duties at satellite school than at the central commissary. This indicates more systematic foodservice management practices are urgently needed.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop a computer-assisted patients menu planning program for hospital dietetics in order to improve the quality of menu for patients and to release managers from repetitive and routine tasks. Using this program, dietitians can spend more time on professional tasks. Moreover, few studies have been done on computer assisted patients menu planning for patients who need special diets for treatment in domestic hospital dietetics, therefore this program could be a great contribution. A 16-bit personal computer compatible with IBM-PC/AT was used. The data base files and processing program were created by Clipper package ver 5.0. This system can collect a number of meals, plan patients menu and computerize nutrient analysis. The future study will develop program(s) for purchasing, inventory control and data correction. The contents of computerized system are summarized as follows. 1. The number of daily meals of special and general diets given to the patients are collected and saved in database. These data were for the monthly list of meal census which could be printed out on the screen and/or the printer. 2. The menu planning was largely consisted of 2 sections. One was for the patients who require special diets and the other was general diet. And the special diets was divided into 6 sub-sections: diabetic, low-salt, low-fat, low-salt/low-protein, low-fat/low-cholesterol and low residue diets. 3. The nutrient analysis was composed of 11 diet. Sections and diebetic diet was divided into 9 sub-sections according to the calorie requirement. The calculated results were compared with the standards which were established by the hospital dietetic department.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to assess the nutrition education and training needs as a basis for program planning for day care children. Nutrition achievement test developed by American National Dairy Council and Iowa state University was modified and used for measuring the level of basic knowledge of food and nutrition for day care children. The results of this study can be summarized as follows 1. Over 70% of mothers indicated their children had a certain degree of food behavior and feeding problems in terms of unbalanced food habit, irregular meal period. 2. Mean score for the nutrition achievement test for day care children was 9.3. 3. The nutrition achievement test score for children with high socio-economic status was significantly higher than those of children with middle and lower group. 4. Inspection of the difficulty difference indices showed that over the 50% of the children had more items that were easier in the content of physiological facts than in the food handling and social psychological aspects of foods.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study was to develop computer-based menu planning program for day-care centers maximizing food preference score among children and satisfying such constraints as expense, nutrients, and season. Children's preference about 142 menu items was surveyed among 382 children of day-care centers. A 16-bit personal computer compatible with IBM-PC/AT was used. The data base files were created by dBASE III Plus, and processing programs were created by using FORTRAN language. Children preferred bread or a la carte menu items to cooked rice in main dish category. Deep fat fried or stir-fried menu items were more preferred than kimchi or cooked vegetables in side dish category. Preference scores for menu items were influenced by cooking methods or main ingredients. The contents of the computerized system show that when the program runs, the user should type inputs of cycle, season, and menu pattern, then the computer lists a series of menu satisfying the criteria of constraints. The user can examine and select a set of menu from the menu lists. Menus are generated seasonally. Menu lists are generated weekly and monthly basis with the contents of menu items, preference scores and price. Nutrient reports are also generated on a weekly and monthly basis with the contents of calories, 12 nutrients and price. Recipes for each menu items are also generated.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to investigate relationships between the franchisors and franchisees in terms of management, satisfaction and cooperation, and to establish a model for improvement of the foodservice management structure of fast food franchise system. Data were collected from 4 hamburger and 7 noodle franchisors, and from 21 hamburger and 38 noodle franchisees. Surveyed chains were composed of 10 franchisor-owned units and 49 franchised units. The instrument used in this study was Liker type 5-scale guestionnarie. Hypotheses concerning relations between management practices by franchisor and satisfaction of franchisee, cooperation of franchisee were tested using path analysis. Unit management practices by franchisors were significantly different according to the operation style. Franchisor-owned hamburger chains rather than franchised noodle chains were better managed by franchisors in terms of QSC and management support. Management practices by franchisors in the whole showed a significant relationship with the satisfaction, cooperation, and the implementation of standardized recipes by franchisees. Franchisees' satisfaction had a significant positive relation with the cooperation and the implementation of standardized recipes. QSC management practices and management support by franchisors, had no direct relevance to the general cooperation of franchisees, and management practices in the whole had a little relevance to it, but franchisees' satisfaction in terms of QSC and the whole had a strong effect to their QSC Cooperation.
        1990.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of the study was to evaluate nutritional balance for fast foods selected by middle and high school students using INQ (Index of Nutritional Quality). A thousan students that is 0.09% of the population (middle and high school students in Seoul) were surveyed from January 21 to February 10 in 1989. A total of 835 subjects excluding incomplete answer were analyzed. All statistical data analyses were conducted using the SPSS. Fifty kinds of fast foods were analyzed for nutrient values calculation. INQ and % of std. values of selected fast food combination were calculated, and % of std. were charted with each first letter of menu items by using GW-BASIC program. Satiety of fast foods was low in hamburger and pizza chain, high in noodle chain. 66.3% of the subjects ate fast foods snack, 29.2% for meals and 6% for beverages. Protein content of hamburger sold in Korea by American brand name was insufficient compared to the data published in the U.S. for the same brand's menu item. As a result of INQ evaluation, the desirable case of both 'nutritious' and 'fitness for a meal' was only appeared in selecting several menu items at once. A total of 59% of combined fast foods surveyed were revealed as 'nutritious'. Both 'nutritious' and 'fitness for a meal' was 10.4% and 'nutritious' was 48.6%, 'Unfitness for a meal' but 'nutritious' was 48.6% and 'undernutritious' was 37%. Thus a total of 85.6% was 'unfitness for a meal'. 'Undernutritious' but 'fitness for a meal' was 3.5%
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