Recently, due to the expansion of the logistics industry, demand for logistics automation equipment is increasing. The modern logistics industry is a high-tech industry that combines various technologies. In general, as various technologies are grafted, the complexity of the system increases, and the occurrence rate of defects and failures also increases. As such, it is time for a predictive maintenance model specialized for logistics automation equipment. In this paper, in order to secure the operational safety and reliability of the parcel loading system, a predictive maintenance platform was implemented based on the Naive Bayes-LSTM(Long Short Term Memory) model. The predictive maintenance platform presented in this paper works by collecting data and receiving data based on a RabbitMQ, loading data in an InMemory method using a Redis, and managing snapshot DB in real time. Also, in this paper, as a verification of the Naive Bayes-LSTM predictive maintenance platform, the function of measuring the time for data collection/storage/processing and determining outliers/normal values was confirmed. The predictive maintenance platform can contribute to securing reliability and safety by identifying potential failures and defects that may occur in the operation of the parcel loading system in the future.
도솔천(兜率天)에 머무르며 법문을 설하는 미륵보살은 중생을 제도하기 위해 사바세계에 다시 태어날 미래의 부처로서 아시아 전역에서 널리 신앙되어 왔다. 이에 미륵 신앙은 사후 미륵보살의 주처인 도솔천에 태어나기를 바라는 상생 신앙과 미래세에 출현할 미륵불의 설법 을 듣고자 하는 하생 신앙으로 크게 나누어 보기도 한다. 중국 산서성(山西省) 고평(高平) 개화사(開化寺) <미륵상생경변상도(彌勒上生經變相圖)>는 북송대(960~1127)에 그려진 사찰 벽화로 오랜 기간 잘못된 명칭으로 알려져 왔으나 최근에 이르러 작품의 주제가 명확해지 면서 그 중요성이 새롭게 대두되었다. 미륵상생경변에 관한 선행 연구에서는 다수의 작품이 현존하는 서하와 천산 위구르의 사례를 통해 당대(618~907) 이후 불교가 쇠퇴한 중원(中原) 과 달리 이 지역에서 미륵 신앙이 성행한 것으로 해석해 왔다. 하지만 최근 <미륵상생경변>으 로 재규명된 본 벽화와 더불어 다양한 문헌 기록을 살펴보면 북송에서도 국가 차원에서 불교를 적극 후원하였고, 왕실과 사찰 그리고 민간에 이르기까지 미륵 신앙이 상당히 성행했음을 알 수 있다. 아울러 개화사본과 유사한 도상과 화면구성을 보이는 서하와 천산 위구르 작품과 비교해 보면 본 벽화가 가장 많은 수의 장면을 보다 충실하게 도해하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 개화사본을 비롯한 모든 작품에 표현된 건축물의 구조와 세부 부재가 정교한 계화(界畫) 기법 으로 그려진 점으로 미루어 보아 한족 문화의 중심인 중원에서 성립한 도상이 이웃 국가로 확산된 것으로 추정하였다. 이는 당시 북송과 이웃 이민족 국가 간에 불교문화가 적극적으로 공유되고 있었음을 보여주는 사례로서 더할 나위 없이 중요한 작품이라 할 수 있다.
The railroad facilities are intended for long-term operation as the initial acquisition costs necessary for infrastructure construction are high. Therefore, regular maintenance of railroad facilities is essential, and furthermore, system reliability through systematic performance evaluation is required. In this study, the signal control system of railroad electrical equipment was selected as the subject of research and the performance evaluation target facility selection study was conducted using AHP. The results of the study can contribute to the reliability of the signal control system as well as to the reliability of the railroad system, which is a higher system.
‘Seismic Performance Evaluation Method for Existing Buildings (2013)’ developed in accordance with the overseas guidelines ASCE 41 - 06 is the most widely used procedure among domestic seismic performance evaluation guidelines in Korea. However, unlike ASCE 41 - 06, it stipulates that the final performance should be derived as the gravity load distribution ratio of the lateral force resistance system in the guideline. Therefore, in the case of a dual steel structure system with slender braces, where the internal moment frame is mostly responsible for the gravity load, the evaluation of slender braces based on gravity load distribution ratio is difficult to be achieved. In this research, we propose an objective evaluation process for such system by evaluating seismic performance for large-scale factory facilities as an example.
Nonlinear analysis for seismic performance evaluation of existing building usually takes 4~5 times more than linear analysis based on KBC code. To obtain accurate results from the nonlinear analysis, there are a lot of things to be considered for nonlinear analysis modeling. For example, reinforcing layout, applied load and seismic details affect behavior of structural members for the existing building. Engineer-oriented computerized system was developed for engineers to evaluate effective seismic performance of existing buildings with abiding by seismic design principles. Using the engineer-oriented program, seismic performance evaluation of reinforced concrete building was performed. Nonlinear hinge properties were applied with real time multiple consideration such as section layout, section analysis result, applied load and performance levels. As a result, the building was evaluated to satisfy LS(Life Safety) performance level. A comparison between engineer-oriented and program-oriented results is presented to show how important the role of structural engineer is for seismic performance evaluation of existing buildings.
Seismic performance evaluation of existing building usually needs much time and man power, especially in case of nonlinear analysis. Many data interaction steps for model transfer are needed and engineers should spend much time with simple works like data entry. Those time-consuming steps could be reduced by applying computerized and automated modules. In this study, computational platform for seismic performance evaluation was made with several computerized modules. StrAuto and floor load transfer module offers a path that can transfer most linear model data to nonlinear analysis model so that engineers can avoid a lot of repetitive work for input information for the nonlinear analysis model. And the new nonlinear property generator also helps to get the nonlinear data easily by importing data from structural design program. To evaluate the effect of developed modules on each stages, seismic performance evaluation of example building was carried out and the lead time was used for the quantitative evaluation.
In this study, existing wall-type apartment in 1990s is evaluated by KBC2009. Based on structural calculation, seismic performance evaluation is performed with dynamic nonlinear analysis. After that, this building is extended up to three stories in vertical direction. In this study, the seismic performance evaluation results of wall-type apartment can be used in performance-based design of the vertical extension remodeling.
With the increase in the frequency of the seismic activity in the territory of Korean Peninsula, the demand for seismic performance evaluation of existing buildings has appeared as well. In this research, a public building built in 1970s is evaluated by the Korea Infrastructure Safety Corporation guideline. As a result, this existing public building is evaluated to satisfy the life safety (LS) and the collapse prevention(CP) performance level that the KBC2009 demands for.