Since the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, the development of accident tolerant fuel (ATF) has been actively pursued as an alternative to improve the safety of nuclear power plants. In addition, nuclear power plants containing ATF have recently been included as green energy in the 2022 EU taxonomy bill, receiving a lot of attention. Many countries are considering increasing 235U enrichment from 5 to 10 235U % for higher burnup and long cycle operation with ATF improving safety. To utilize ATF, the applicability of fuel storage systems such as new fuel storage vault, Region 1, and Region 2 must be determined. The purpose of this paper is to confirm the applicability of applying ATF, which is being developed in Korea, to the nuclear fuel storage system of Korean nuclear power plants. The nuclear power plant model used in the analysis is APR-1400, a representative Korean nuclear power plant model, and ATF model used in the analysis is Mo microcell UO2 pellet with CrAl coating, which is being developed in Korea. MCNP 6.2 has been used for multiplication factor calculations, and the TRITON/NEWT and ORIGEN-S modules of the SCALE code have been used for depletion calculations. From the analysis results, solutions and additional analysis would be necessary to satisfy criticality regulatory requirements to utilize ATF with increased enrichment.
Self-Powered Neutron Detector (SPND) is one of devices for in-core fluxes detecting without external electricity source. SPND consisted with emitter, insulator and collector. When neutrons reacted with emitter material, it generates electrons and these electrons cross insulator area to make electric signal in collector area. For calculating sensitivity of SPND with Monte-Carlo code such as MCNP, many physical components must be considered. Cobalt shows that prompt signal and relatively low signal comparing with other delayed signal SPNDs. Initial sensitivity was calculated as 4.28×10−22 A/nv-cm for one electron. Due to Cobalt’s complex decay chain and maintaining high efficiency of SPND, it is necessary to analysis the effect of activation of emitter. Therefore, the DPA (Displacements Per Atom) assessment and activation analysis of the detector components have been evaluated with MCNP 6.2 and ORIGEN-S. With these activation analysis results, that is expected to be used to determine the shielding thickness of the storage system.
After nuclear power plants are permanently shut down and decommissioned, the remaining irradiated metal components such as stainless steel, carbon steel, and Inconel can be used as neutron absorber. This study investigates the possibility of reusing these metal components as neutron absorber materials, that is burnable poison. The absorption cross section of the irradiated metals did not lose their chemical properties and performance even if they were irradiated over 40-50 years in the NPPs. To examine the absorption capability of the waste metals, the lattice calculations of WH 17×17 fuel assembly were analyzed. From the results, Inconel-718 significantly hold-down fuel assembly excess reactivity compared to stainless steel 304 and carbon steel because Inconel-718 contains a small amount of boron nuclide. From the results, a 20wt% impurity of boron in irradiated Inconel-718 enhances the excess reactivity suppression. The application of irradiated Inconel-718 as a burnable absorber for SMR core was investigated. The irradiated Inconel-718 impurity with 20wt% of boron content can maintain and suppress the whole core reactivity. We emphasize that the irradiated metal components can be used as burnable absorber materials to control the reactivity of commercial reactor power and small modular reactors.
본 조사지인 돌리네 습지보호지역은 경북 문경시 산북면 굴봉산 정상부에 위치하였으며, 물이 고이기 힘든 돌리네(doline) 지형에 형성된 희귀 습지이다. 뿐만 아니라 멸종위기종과 법적보호종이 분포하는 등 생물다양성 또한 매우 풍부한 것으로 평가되고 있다. 그러나 습지보호지역 주변으로 과수원 등 경작지가 형성되어 있어, 관리 및 보전을 위한 조사 및 대책이 필요하다. 따라서 본 조사에서는 습지보호지역의 체계적인 관리를 위하여 돌리네 습지의 곤충상을 조사하였다. 조사 방법에는 곤충의 다양한 습성과 서식환경을 고려하여, Searching, Sweeping, Pitfall trap, Bucket trap으로 총 4가지의 채집방법으로 조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과 총 11목 82과 188속 237종이 확인되었으며, 이중 딱정벌레목이 가장 많이 출현하였다. 특이사항으로 환경부지정종 51종(중복포함)이 조사되었으며, 그중 멸종위 기종 1종이 확인되었다. 본 연구를 통해 돌리네 습지보호지역의 곤충상을 파악하고 관리 및 보전에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다.
In the current study, a total of 102 common Todarodes pacificus squid caught in the East Sea were investigated for parasitological research. The results revealed that 33 (32.35%) out of 102 squid were infected by Nybelinia surmenicola, the mean intensity was 5.58 parasites per squid, and the maximum abundance was 11. Morphological analysis using a field emission scanning electron microscope showed the characteristic features of N. surmenicola. Molecular identification based on the 28S rRNA gene confirmed the isolated parasite as N. surmenicola, while phylogenetic analysis revealed that N. surmenicola isolated in this study was clustered with N. surmenicola isolated from Japan. This is the first report of phylogenetic characterization of N. surmenicola isolated from Korea.