The purpose of this study is to develop a farm management diagnostic checklist form, which can be applied to any crops. First, upper indexes and subordinate indexes were identified through survey with expert, and weighted values for each subordinate index were calculated through AHP analysis. Second, as a reuslt of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis, marketing management (0.276) was found to be the most important index of all upper indexes. In the case of subordinate indexes, reflecting management evaluation (0.252) of management consciousness, quality enhancement efforts (0.332) of production management, locating new sales outlets (0.323) of marketing management, agriculture accounting (0.300) of finance management, and adjusting shipping dates (0.274) of risk management were found to be the highest. Third, the interval division using weight of farm receiving prices was higher discrimination in comparison to equal interval division of weighted values for each index. The newly developed farm management diagnostic checklist can be applied to any crops, as it utilizes indexes such as management consciousness, production management, marketing management, financial management, risk management, etc. based on professional opinions. In addition, it allows an objective evaluation of farm management situations by utilizing the weighted value of farm receiving prices.
The main purpose of this study is to provide the back-from-city farmers with the information about the melon cultivation technology by surveying 268 farm houses in the major melon producing districts such as Seongju and Chilgok. For the purpose, this study classifies the essential technologies that the melon experts think as most important into 6 categories: size of plastic film house, covering film, varieties of oriental melon, lagging cover, ventilation method and ways to reduce repeated-cultivation damage. The result of the study shows that the back-from-city farmers should consider the following items when they choose to cultivate oriental melons. For the size of plastic film house, the ventilation method and the covering film of plastic film house, it is better to choose the latest technology. Even though it may require larger initial investment, the latest technology can increase the production and lower the cost. In case of variety, it is better to choose popular or the most widely grown ones rather than the new ones. The lagging cover should be selected in consideration of climate conditions such as average temperature and humidity, transplant time and harvest time of the farming region.
The productivity decrease in environment-friendly farming is the biggest obstacle for the development of environment-friendly food market. This paper aimed to analyze the productivity change in environment-friendly farming of fruit vegetables (oriental melon, watermelon, and strawberry). Box-Cox transformation model was used to infer the functional form of productivity change. The results showed that the periods of productivity restoration to 90% level in oriental melon, strawberry, and watermelon were 14.1 years, 11.4 years, and 6.0 years, respectively. The forms of productivity restoration of fruit vegetables showed differences due to their growth characteristics, incidences of crop pests, preference for the environment- friendly agricultural products, cultivation period and so on. Because the form and period of productivity restoration were different depending on kinds of fruit vegetable, the government policy should be established considering this point of view.
The objective of this study was carried out to elucidate the effect of LEDs (light emitting diodes) irradiation in relation to early growth and inorganic elements in leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. ‘Chung Chi Ma’). In morphological changes of leaves, shoot elongation and hypocotyl length showed poor growth in red light irradiation, while the red+blue light irradiation induced shorter plant height and much greater leaf numbers resulting in increased fresh weight. In change of the Hunter's color and SPAD values, lettuce seedlings grown under in red+blue and fluorescent light irradiation had a higher a* value, otherwise SPAD values were not changed in these light irradiations. Interestingly, relative chlorophyll contents showed 1.8 times increased redness in the treatment of red+blue light irradiation. Inorganic element (N, Ca, Mg, Mn, and Fe) and ascorbic acid contents were increased in lettuce plants grown under LEDs light irradiation compared to those of lettuce grown under the fluorescent light which showed higher P and Mn contents. In conclusion, it is considered that red+blue light irradiation which stimulates growth and higher nutrient uptake in leaf lettuce could be employed in containers equipped with LEDs.
Consumer preference, marketing environment and various agricultural policy were changed recently. So it is necessary to analyze the consumption behavior for selection the target market. In this paper, we analyzed the consumption behavior and the brand positioning using oriental melon. From the results of analysis, firstly, consumers' age, job, education and the number of member of household were effected to consumption behavior of oriental melon. Secondly, the marketing factor was the most important when purchasing oriental melon. Thirdly, the brand of Sung-Ju Oriental Melon was evaluated to the best brand on brand name, brand image and brand message.
The objective of this study was to analyze the determinant factors in the new agricultural technology acceptance targeted to the automatic switchgear for heat-retaining mulching used on the oriental melons farms. The probit and the logit models were estimated using survey data. The result indicated that the level of income, innovativeness, and reliability are important factors of the new agricultural technology acceptance. Therefore, it is considered the level of income, innovativeness, and reliability in advance to extend the new agricultural technology quickly.
참당귀의 주산지인 경북북부지역에서 재배양식에 따른 참당귀의 생장해석을 통해 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 주요형질의 변화는 재배양식에 관계없이 유사한 경향을 나타내었고 직파재배에서 파종시기가 빨라질수록 지상하부 형질은 크거나 많았으며, 이식재배에서는 지상부 형질은 관행 12개월묘보다 9개월이하 묘이식이 크거나 많은 반면 지하부 형질은 생장초기에는 묘령에 따른 차이가 있었으나 생장이 진전될수록 이러한 차이를 확인할 수 없었다. 각 기관별 건물중은 파종 및 이식 후 120일부터 증가하기 시작하였으며 직파재배의 경우 지상부 생장이 지하부에 비해 왕성한 반면 이식재배는 지하부 생장이 상대적으로 왕성하였다. 생장기간이 단축될수록 광합성기관의 분배율이 증가하였고 RGR, NAR 등 일차생산성은 증가하였으나 생장일수의 제한 및 단위면적당 일차생산성을 나타내는 CGR이 9개월묘 이식과 3월31일 직파가 가장 빨라 군락상태에서의 일차생산성은 이들 재배양식이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 참당귀의 CGR과 LAI간에는 2차 다항식이 유의하게 존재하였으며 LAI시 1.97일 때 /6.74 g/m/dat2 로 가장 빨랐다 RGR과 NAR은23℃ 경에 가장 높았고 건엽중 및 건엽병중은 각각 23, 20˚에서 순생산량인 가장 많았으며 건근중은 부의 관계를 보였다.