This paper presents the results of test observations toward a point source, 4C39.25, for observation modes with various bandwidths and numbers of IF streams in order to examine a reliability of the Daejeon hardware correlator performance for correlating VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) data obtained with the several observation modes of the KVN (Korean VLBI Network). We used a DiFX software correlator (DiFX) as a reference, for investigating the output visibilities from the Daejeon corelator. It is found that the band shapes of the output visibilities from two correlators are similar to each other and the correlated flux density for each baseline obtained from the Daejeon hardware correlator is lower by 3 - 7% than that from the DiFX. The flux difference is attributed to the limitation of FPGA resources and the difference of fringe rotation algorithm of the Daejeon hardware correlator. The conversion factor, 0.93 ~ 0.97, is proposed for future correlation with the Daejeon hardware correlator.
This paper describes the development of algorithm for direct data transmission between Raw VLBI Data Buffer (RVDB) and Huge Capacity Data Server (HCDS) operated in Korea-Japan Correlation Center (KJCC). The transmitted data is the VLBI observation data, which is recorded at each radio telescope site, and the data transmitting rate is varying from 1 Gbps, in usual case, upto 8 Gbps. The developed algorithm for data transmission enables the direct data transmission between RVDB and HCDS through 10 Gbps optical network using VLBI Data Interchange Format (VDIF). Proposed method adopts the conventional UDP/IP protocol, but in order to prevent the loss of data during data transmission, the packet error monitoring and data re-transmission functions are newly designed. The VDIF specification and VDIFCP (VDIF Control Protocol) are used for the direct data transmission between RVDB and HCDS. To validate the developed algorithm for data transmission, we conducted the data transmission from RVDB to HCDS, and compared to the transmitted data with the original data bit by bit. We confirmed that the transmitted data is identical to the original data without any loss and it has been recovered well even if there were some packet losses.
In this paper, we introduce the performance evaluation and development of Raw VLBI Data Buffer(RVDB) system for the synchronized playback processing of observed data in Korea-Japan Joint VLBI Correlator(KJJVC). The high-speed correlation processing system is under development so that the radio data obtained with 8192 channels and 8 Gbps speed from 16 stations will be able to be processed. When the recorded data of each station are played to correlator, the time synchronization of each station is very important because the correlator should process the data obtained with same time and condition. There are many types of recorder systems in the East Asia VLBI Network (EAVN). Therefore it is required to prepare the special time synchronized playback processing system to synchronize the time tag of observed data. The developed RVDB system consists of Data Input Output(DIO), 10GbE switch, and Disk Data Buffer(DDB). It can record the data with maximum 2 Gbps speed, and can play back the data to correlator with nominal 2 Gbps speed. To enable to play back the data of different playback system to the correlator, we developed the high-speed time synchronized playback processing system. We carried out the experiments of playing back and correlation for gigabit correlator and VCS trial product so as to confirm the performance of developed time synchronized playback processing system. In case of online and offline playing back experiment for gigabit correlator, we confirmed that the online and offline correlation results were the same. In case of playing back experiment for VCS trial product, we verified that the wide band and narrow band correlation results were also the same. Through the playing back experiments of RVDB system, the effectiveness of developed RVDB system was verified. In this paper, the system design, construction and experimental results are shown briefly.
A software simulator is developed for verifying the VLBI Correlation Subsystem (VCS) trial product hardware. This software simulator includes the delay tracking, fringe rotation, bit-jump, FFT analysis, re-quantization, and auto/cross-correlation functions so as to confirm the function of the VCS trial product hardware. To verify the effectiveness of the developed software simulator, we carried out experiments using the simulation data which is a mixed signal with white noise and tone signal generated by software. We confirmed that the performance of this software simulator is similar as that of the hardware system. In case of spectral analysis and re-quantization experiment, a serious problem of the VCS hardware, which is not enough for expressing the data stream of FFT results specified in VCS hardware specification, was found by this software simulator. Through the experiments, the performance of software simulator was verified to be efficient. In future, we will improve and modify the function of software simulator to be used as a software correlator of Korea-Japan Joint VLBI Correlator (KJJVC).