
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumers prefer high-quality organic agricultural products, but most organic farmers use conventional seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an organic seed production technology for organic vegetable cultivation which will meet international organic standards. In this study, the effects of low temperature treatment and seedling size on flower bud differentiation and planting were investigated for the production of indigenous organic root vegetables seeds, radish, turnip, and beet. Radishes were bolted in large seedlings which were cold treated for 4 weeks after 16 days of transplantation. Turnips were bolted in small seedlings which were cold treated for 2 or 4 weeks after 28 days of transplantation. Beets were bolted in small seedlings which were cold treated for 4 weeks, 23 days after planting. It was found that small size radish seedlings were not affected by the 4 weeks low-temperature treatment, but for turnips and beets, smaller seedlings rapidly bolted as compared to larger seedlings which were treated for 2 or 4 weeks. Based on these results, it could be inferred that it is possible to increase the seed production yield of radish, turnip, and beet as well as predicting the planting time. These findings could be used as basic data to determine the appropriate seedling size and cold-treatment time.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a widely-consumed root vegetable that is grown worldwide. To utilize the radish genetic resources for breeding research, we collected radish germplasms and evaluated their morphological and genetical characteristics. Here, phylogenetic relationship of 288 accessions were analyzed using 16 SSR markers and classified cytoplasm male sterility (CMS) types using cpDNA-based molecular markers. To create a collection of 288 accessions, 188 and 73 accessions were selected from RDA-Genebank (Korea) and NIAS-Genebank (Japan), respectively, after generation advancement for the accessions with low uniformity. In addition, 27 elite lines currently used for commercial radish breeding programs were included. In the result of phylogenetic analysis, 288 accessions were clustered into 5 major groups corresponding to the morphological traits and origins at the similarity coefficient value of 0.51. Analysis of CMS types revealed that majority of accessions were determined as DBRMF1 and DBRMF2 mitotypes, 15 accessions to Ogura and 4 accessions to DCGMS mitotypes. Further genetic analysis for radish germplasm will be valuable in assisting radish f1 hybrid breeding.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anthocyanins are very important constituent of human diet. In recent years, they have gained much attention due to their antioxidative properties. As the radish (Raphanus sativus L) has rich content of anthocyanins, the study is aimed to develop increased functional radish from selected radish varieties. ‘Bordeux’ is a hybrid variety of breeding between one accession derived from ‘Oharu’ as a maternal variety and ‘Chungpihongsim’ as a paternal variety. In this study, we investigated the new varieties of radish commonly consumed in Republic of Korea for their total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activities using three (DDPH, FRAP and CUPRAC) different assays. The selected radish varieties like ‘Bordeux’, ‘Chungbok’, ‘3209’, ‘Chungwoon’, ‘Oharu’, and ‘Chungpihongsim’ were procured from the company Syngenta Korea. Among the selected radish varieties, ‘Bordeux’ (289 μg/g FW) and ‘Chungpihongsim’ (276 μg/g FW) revealed maximum amount of phenolics; whereas ‘3209’ (103 μg/g FW) and ‘Chungwoon’ (166 μg/g FW) showed the lower amount of phenolics content, respectively. Extracts from these studied radishes showed good to moderate antioxidant activities. The varieties ‘Chungpihongsim’ and ‘Bordeux’ revealed maximum antioxidant activity for all assays as demonstrated. However, some varieties like ‘3209’ and ‘Oharu’ exhibited the lowest antioxidant activity in all the tested assays, viz; DPH, FRAP and CUPRAC in μg TE/g FW, respectively. The antioxidant activities may be attributed to the higher phenolic acid contents as a linear relation was observed between the two components and the antioxidant parameters.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Self-incompatibility (SI) prevents self-fertilization by inhibiting the pollen tube growth of self-pollen. Molecular analysis has revealed that the S locus comprises a number of genes, such as the S-locus glycoprotein (SLG), the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK), and SP11 (SCR). Although molecular markers related to those genes have been developed, a simple S-haplotype detecting method has not been reported due to the highly polymorphic and relatively small coding regions. In this study, the sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers were used to establish an efficient radish genotyping method. We identified the S-haplotypes of 192 radish accessions using 19 different markers, which proved to be highly reliable. The accessions were assigned to 17 types of S-haplotypes, including 8 types of SRKs and 9 types of SLGs. Since the developed SCAR markers are based on their gene sequences, we could easily identify the S-haplotypes by a single specific band, with the highest frequencies detected for SLG 5, SRK 1, and SLG 1, in order. Among the tested markers, the SLG 1, SRK 1, and SRK 5 markers exhibited high reliability, compared to phenotypic results. Furthermore, we identified the seven types of unreported SLGs using SLG Class -I and -II specific markers. Although the developed SCAR markers still need to be improved for the genotyping of all S-haplotypes, these markers could be helpful for monitoring inbred lines, and for developing the MAS in radish breeding programs.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Self incompatibility (SI) of Cruciferous crop has been studied not only to find out the evolution of the self incompat-ibility system, but also to identify the S haplotypes of the plant materials on the practical breeding programs. It has been reportedtha
        1992.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근들어 우리나라 국민의 식품소비 형태가 점차 고급화됨에 따라 메밀의 어린 식물체와 종실은 건강 별미식품의 원료로서 수요량은 단속 증가될 전망이다. 엽채소용으로 이용되는 메밀의 어린 식물체는 30% 이상의 단백질과 500mg / 100g 이상의 Rutin과 상당한 양의 미네랄, 비타민 함유하여 단경기 재배시 녹채소의 수량은 파종량, 파종기, 재배환경 조건에 따라서 262~2,270 / 10a로 차이가 매우 컸으며 예상조수익도 52.4~183.5만원 / 10a이었다. 엽채소용 메밀의 육묘기간을 20, 25, 30일로 하였을 경우 육묘기간이 길수록 초장, 줄기의 굵기, 잎의 수와 크기가 증대되었다. 4배체품종 신주대메밀의 생체중은 2배체품종 수원재래와 신농001에 비하여 35%가 더 무거웠으며 엽육이 두껍고 잎이 커서 상품가치가 더 좋았다.