PURPOSES : This study aims to improve pedestrian safety by analyzing the effectiveness of displaying the remaining time of red crosswalk signal that provide pedestrians with information regarding the time available for crossing METHODS : This study analyzes the effectiveness of newly installed displays for remaining time of the red pedestrian signal in the cities of Yeongcheon and Yeongju in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The data collection was divided into periods before and after the installation of the facilities. Pedestrian departure delays were measured at the introduction and subsequent stages of installation, and changes in pedestrian behavior were quantitatively analyzed. Statistical significance of the results was verified using a t-test. RESULTS : For the displays of remaining time of crosswalk red signals installed in Yeongju, the pedestrian departure loss time decreased from 3.36 seconds before installation to 1.85 seconds after installation. Additionally, compared to the pre-installation situation, the postinstallation situation showed a relatively lower standard deviation, indicating that the pedestrians exhibited a more consistent pattern when starting to cross. Similarly, for the displays of remaining time of crosswalk red signal installed in Yeongcheon, the pedestrian departure loss time decreased from 2.37 seconds before installation to 1.89 seconds after installation. As in Yeongju, the post-installation situation showed a relatively lower standard deviation, indicating that the pedestrians exhibited a more consistent pattern when starting to cross. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, we verified the effect of newly installed pedestrian countdown signals on improving pedestrian safety at two intersections in Yeongcheon and Yeongju, which were selected through a survey of traffic accident-prone areas in Gyeongsangbuk-do. Pedestrian countdown signals were quantitatively confirmed to have a positive impact on pedestrian safety. Based on the observations, it is anticipated that expanding the installation of these signals will have a positive effect on pedestrian safety, particularly in areas with frequent traffic accidents and the senior and children protection zones. Results of this study indicate that the proposed policy measures are expected to strengthen pedestrian safety and reduce traffic accidents.
PURPOSES : This study defines private and public service providers connected to a public data hub in a smart city and examines the information that should be exchanged between them. The information exchange scheme covers data exchange at a minimum level. METHODS : First, we reviewed the entities participating in the emergency charging service and designed the scope of information linkages between the entities. Second, we diagnosed the main information linkages according to a service flowchart. Third, we reviewed the basic information requirements linked to actors participating in the service. Finally, we derived and presented information linked to the subjects. RESULTS : In addition to the basic requirements, the number of data-exchange information sets specified was four, which was the scope of the aforementioned study. We defined and analyzed an efficient information exchange system between various actors involved in emergency charging services. Data were defined based on interactions between service users, operators, providers, and data hubs. Each set had a different scope and purpose. CONCLUSIONS : Information collected and provided by emergency charging service providers in connection with a data hub that manages urban energy was proposed.
우리나라에서는 「모빌리티 혁신 및 활성화 지원에 관한 법률」을 제정하여 전국적으로 첨단모빌리티 사업을 활성화할 수 있는 틀 을 마련하였다. 그러나 모빌리티혁신법 내 첨단모빌리티 수단이 이용하는 친화적 도로설계에 대한 가이드라인이 부재한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 모빌리티혁신법 내 제9조 ‘첨단모빌리티 친화적 도로환경 조성’의 원활한 사업 시행을 위해 디지털 인프라를 중심으로 가 이드라인을 제안한다. 친화적 도로를 이용하는 첨단모빌리티 도로 대상을 선정한 후 이를 토대로 요구되는 디지털 인프라를 고려하였 다. 디지털 인프라는 도로에 대한 정보를 디지털화 하는 것을 목적으로 설정하여 ① 디지털 도로, ②디지털 관리, ③디지털 트윈 3가 지로 구분지어 가이드라인을 제시하였다. 이는 지방자치단체에서 첨단모빌리티 사업 시행 시 필수적으로 고려해야 할 인프라를 검토 할 수 있을 것이다
β-Ga2O3 has become the focus of considerable attention as an ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor following the successful development of bulk single crystals using the melt growth method. Accordingly, homoepitaxy studies, where the interface between the substrate and the epilayer is not problematic, have become mainstream and many results have been published. However, because the cost of homo-substrates is high, research is still mainly at the laboratory level and has not yet been scaled up to commercialization. To overcome this problem, many researchers are trying to grow high quality Ga2O3 epilayers on hetero-substrates. We used diluted SiH4 gas to control the doping concentration during the heteroepitaxial growth of β-Ga2O3 on c-plane sapphire using metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Despite the high level of defect density inside the grown β-Ga2O3 epilayer due to the aggregation of random rotated domains, the carrier concentration could be controlled from 1 × 1019 to 1 × 1016 cm-3 by diluting the SiH4 gas concentration. This study indicates that β-Ga2O3 hetero-epitaxy has similar potential to homo-epitaxy and is expected to accelerate the commercialization of β-Ga2O3 applications with the advantage of low substrate cost.
During wartime, the operation of engineering equipment plays a pivotal role in bolstering the combat prowess of military units. To fully harness this combat potential, it is imperative to provide efficient support precisely when and where it is needed most. While previous research has predominantly focused on optimizing equipment combinations to expedite individual mission performance, our model considers routing challenges encompassing multiple missions and temporal constraints. We implement a comprehensive analysis of potential wartime missions and developed a routing model for the operation of engineering equipment that takes into account multiple missions and their respective time windows of required start and completion time. Our approach focused on two primary objectives: maximizing overall capability and minimizing mission duration, all while adhering to a diverse set of constraints, including mission requirements, equipment availability, geographical locations, and time constraints.
During wartime, the operation of engineering equipment plays a pivotal role in bolstering the combat prowess of military units. To fully harness this combat potential, it is imperative to provide efficient support precisely when and where it is needed most. While previous research has predominantly focused on optimizing equipment combinations to expedite individual mission performance, our model considers routing challenges encompassing multiple missions and temporal constraints. We implement a comprehensive analysis of potential wartime missions and developed a routing model for the operation of engineering equipment that takes into account multiple missions and their respective time windows. Our approach centered on two primary objectives: maximizing overall capability and minimizing mission duration, all while adhering to a diverse set of constraints, including mission requirements, equipment availability, geographical locations, and time constraints.
본 연구는 ‘국가 경제에 큰 영향을 미치는 중소기업들의 경쟁우위 강화와 성과 창출을 위해 어떠한 무형자원이 중요할까? 특히, 시장 환경 변화가 크고, 위기·재난 상황일 경우에는 어떤 역량이 필요할까? 시장 환경 변화가 클 때, 중소기업 중 플랫폼기업과 일반 기업의 기업성과에 미치는 역량은 다를 수 있지 않을까?’라는 질문에서 시작되었다. 이를 위해 중소기업의 경쟁우위와 성과에 영향을 미치는 주요 역량으로 기업가지향성, 흡수역량, 조직회복탄력성을 제시하였고, 특히, 최근 기업의 핵심역량으로 부상하고 있는 조직회복탄력 성이 기업성과에 어떠한 조절효과를 갖는지 실증하였다. 또한, 플랫폼기업과 일반기업을 비교하여 기업성과에 미치는 조직회복탄력성의 조절효과를 분석하였으며, 조직회복탄력성의 어떤 하위요소에 따라 조절효과가 달라지는지 실증하였다. 연구 결과, 기업가지향성, 흡수 역량은 모두 기업성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치며, 조직회복탄력성도 기업성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 조직회복탄력성의 하위 구성요소인 위기준비 역량, 위기대응 역량, 변화주도 역량은 기업가지향성과 기업성과 간 관계를 유의하게 조절하고, 위기준비 역량과 변화주도 역량은 흡수역량과 기업성과 간 관계를 유의하게 조절하였다. 그리고, 기업가지향성과 기업성과 간 관계에서 위기준비 역량의 조절효과, 기업가지향성과 기업성과 간 관계에서 위기대응 역량의 조절효과는 플랫폼기업에서만 유의한 결과를 보였다. 연구 결과는 조직회복탄력성이 기업성과에 직접 영향을 줄 뿐 아니라, 기업가지향성, 흡수 역량과 상호작용하여 기업성과를 더욱 높여줄 수 있으며, 플랫폼기업과 일반기업 간 조직회복 탄력성의 조절효과가 다를 수 있음을 시사하였다. 이러한 결과는 중소기업의 경영에 실질적인 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
PURPOSES : This study analyzes the effectiveness of different types of children's safety devices in a school zone. The analysis targets are yellow carpet type A (installed up to the floor and wall) and yellow carpet type B (installed only on the floor).
METHODS : Based on field data collected at a school zone in Seoul, statistical tests were conducted to compare three different pairs of data: (1) none vs. yellow carpet type A, (2) none vs. yellow carpet type B, and (3) yellow carpet types A and B. The test employed two different measures: (1) the level of drivers’ eye attention and (2) the level of the vehicle deceleration rate. The study utilized software named "Visual Attention Software" to quantify the level of drivers’ eye attention at the location where children pedestrians were waiting for a green signal. It also utilized the Vegas (pro 17) image processing software to reduce the cruising speed data frame-by-frame from the video streaming data. The image data used in this study were collected with (1) camcorders attached to a test vehicle and (2) a drone aerial imaging technique.
RESULTS : It was found that the level of the drivers’ eye attention level improved in the daytime when either of yellow carpet types A and B was placed; moreover, the safety enhancement effects were statistically identical. However, in nighttime, the measures only improved when the yellow carpet type A was placed. It was learned that yellow carpet type A provides significant safety effects according to both measures, i.e., the level of drivers’ eye attention and cruising speed.
CONCLUSIONS : The test results suggest that the yellow carpet type A should be installed in school zones to maximize the safety effects of yellow carpets.
Consumers prefer high-quality organic agricultural products, but most organic farmers use conventional seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an organic seed production technology for organic vegetable cultivation which will meet international organic standards. In this study, the effects of low temperature treatment and seedling size on flower bud differentiation and planting were investigated for the production of indigenous organic root vegetables seeds, radish, turnip, and beet. Radishes were bolted in large seedlings which were cold treated for 4 weeks after 16 days of transplantation. Turnips were bolted in small seedlings which were cold treated for 2 or 4 weeks after 28 days of transplantation. Beets were bolted in small seedlings which were cold treated for 4 weeks, 23 days after planting. It was found that small size radish seedlings were not affected by the 4 weeks low-temperature treatment, but for turnips and beets, smaller seedlings rapidly bolted as compared to larger seedlings which were treated for 2 or 4 weeks. Based on these results, it could be inferred that it is possible to increase the seed production yield of radish, turnip, and beet as well as predicting the planting time. These findings could be used as basic data to determine the appropriate seedling size and cold-treatment time.
본 연구는 해양레저 분야로 귀어⋅귀촌한 청장년층들이 겪는 현실적인 문제점을 분석하여 해양레저산업을 통한 귀어⋅귀촌 활성화 방안을 제시하고자 수행되었다. 해양레저 귀촌인이 겪는 문제점과 해양레저 귀어⋅귀촌을 활성화 할 수 있는 방안은 무엇인가? 라는 연구 문제를 해결하기 위해 질적연구방법 중의 하나인 사례연구를 통해 연구가 수행되었다. 면담 대상자는 해양레저 귀촌인과 관련 분야 전문가를 선정하였다. 그 결과 도출된 문제점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 어촌의 배타적 문화로 발생하는 어려움. 둘째, 초기 투자비용 마 련의 어려움. 셋째, 해양레저 귀어⋅귀촌 교육프로그램의 부족으로 나타났다. 이러한 문제를 해결하고, 해양레저산업을 통한 귀어⋅귀촌 활성화를 위해 제시된 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인센티브제도 도입을 통한 어촌 진입장벽 완화. 둘째, 귀어⋅귀촌 종합센터의 매칭 시스 템 구축. 셋째, 어촌의 유휴부지를 활용한 귀어⋅귀촌 촉진. 넷째, 어촌계의 선 투자 후 위탁운영 시스템 도입. 다섯째, 수산 분야 교육이 포함된 해양레저 귀어⋅귀촌 교육프로그램 구축. 여섯째, 해양레저 귀어⋅귀촌 인프라 구축으로 나타났다.
Various eco-friendly seed disinfection technologies have been developed due to the increase in the global demand for organic food. In order to produce sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural products in Korea, seed disinfection technologies for the production of wholesome seedlings have been researched in diverse ways compared to how they were examined in advanced countries. Both domestically and internationally, the eco-friendly seed disinfection technologies to secure the horticultural crops have been treated by biological or physical methods, such as hot water treatment with ultrasonic disinfection technology, or applying organic agricultural materials like organic acids in plant extracts. However, from a practical perspective, various applied technologies can be implemented in farm fields to disinfect significant agricultural crops, such as lettuce, Chinese cabbage, radish, watermelon, cucumber, paprika, red pepper, ginger, ginseng, and sesame seeds.