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        검색결과 18

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        강원특별자치도 18개 시군을 대상으로 감나무와 콩에 발생하는 미국선녀벌레, 썩덩나무노린재, 담배거세미 나방의 발생을 조사하였다. 돌발해충인 미국선녀벌레는 약충기인 6월과 성충기인 10월에 발생조사를 진행하고 남방계해충인 담배거세미나방과 썩덩나무노린재는 7월과 9월 콩 재배기에 발생조사를 진행하였다. 미국선녀 벌레는 강원지역에 있는 감나무에서 발생을 확인할 수 없었고. 감나무 주변 기타 수목에서 가지당 평균 6.7마리 발생하였다. 담배거세미나방은 7월, 속초를 제외한 모든 시군에서 발생이 되었으며, 춘천, 횡성에서 트랩당 60마 리가 넘는 발생밀도를 보였으며, 원주, 강릉, 화천 등 에서는 트랩당 1마리로 낮은 발생밀도를 나타냈다. 썩덩나무 노린재는 7월 춘천, 속초, 홍천 등 7개 시군을 제외한 11개 시군에서 트랩에 포획되는 것을 확인하였으며, 화천에 서 트랩당 26마리로 최고발생밀도를 보였다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The most important thing in development of a process-based TSPA (Total System Performance Assessment) tool for large-scale disposal systems (like APro) is to use efficient numerical analysis methods for the large-scale problems. When analyzing the borehole in which the most diverse physical phenomena occur in connection with each other, the finest mesh in the system is applied to increase the analysis accuracy. Since thousands of such boreholes would be placed in the future disposal system, the numerical analysis for the system becomes significantly slower, or even impossible due to the memory problem in cases. In this study, we propose a tractable approach, so called global-local iterative analysis method, to solve the large-scale process-based TSPA problem numerically. The global-local iterative analysis method goes through the following process: 1) By applying a coarse mesh to the borehole area the size of the problem of global domain (entire disposal system) is reduced and the numerical analysis is performed for the global domain. 2) Solutions in previous step are used as a boundary condition of the problem of local domain (a unit space containing one borehole and little part of rock), the fine mesh is applied to the borehole area, and the numerical analysis is performed for each local domain. 3) Solutions in previous step are used as boundary conditions of boreholes in the problem of global domain and the numerical analysis is performed for the global domain. 4) steps 2) and 3) are repeated. The solution derived by the global-local iterative analysis method is expected to be closer to the solution derived by the numerical analysis of the global problem applying the fine mesh to boreholes. In addition, since local problems become independent problems the parallel computing can be introduced to increase calculation efficiency. This study analyzes the numerical error of the globallocal iterative analysis method and evaluates the number of iterations in which the solution satisfies the convergence criteria. And increasing computational efficiency from the parallel computing using HPC system is also analyzed.
        2005.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cloned calves derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) have been frequently lost by sudden death at 1 to 3 month following healthy birth. To address whether placental anomalies are responsible for the sudden death of cloned calves, we compared protein patterns of 2 placentae derived from SCNT of Korean Native calves died suddenly at two months after birth and those of 2 normal placentae obtained from AI fetuses. Placental proteins were separated using 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis. Approximately 800 spots were detected in placental 2-D gel stained with coomassie-blue. Then, image analysis of Malanie III (Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics) was performed to detect variations in protein spots between normal and SCNT placentae. In the comparison of normal and SCNT samples, 8 spots were identified to be up-regulated proteins and 24 spots to be down-regulated proteins in SCNT placentae, among which proteins were high mobility group protein HMG1, apolipoprotein A-1 precursor, bactenecin 1, tropomyosin beta chain, H+-transporting ATPase, carbonic anhydrase II, peroxiredoxin 2, tyrosine-rich acidic matrix protein, serum albumin precursor and cathepsin D. These results suggested that the sudden death of cloned calves might be related to abnormal protein expression in placenta.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: A soil-borne pathogenic fungus, Ilyonectria radicicola (Cylindrocarpon destructans) causes root rot on ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) and is known to attack many other plants. The Nectria/Neonectria radicicola complex has been renamed as the I. radicicola complex after analysis of its multi-gene relatedness and morphological characteristics. The fungi in this complex have been reclassified into 16 species under the genus Ilyonectria based on characteristics analysis Methods and Results: To obtain useful data from the Korean ginseng root rot, I. radicicola was isolated from the rhizosphere soils of the chestnut tree. They were identified through a pathogenicity test and a survey of the morphological features. The existence of I. radicicola in soil samples was confirmed by PCR detections using nested PCR with species-specific primer sets. These were subsequenctly isolated on semi-selective media from PCR-positive soils. Genetic analysis of the I. radicicola complex containing these pathogens was done by comparing the DNA sequences of the histone h3 region. These isolates originating from the rhizosphere soils of chestnut constituted a clade with other closely related species or I. radicicola isolates originating from ginseng or other host plants, respectively. Additionally, the pathogenicity tests to analyze the characteristics of these I. radicicola isolates revealed that they caused weakly virulent root rot on ginseng. Conclusions: This is the first study reporting that I. radicicola isolates from chestnut rhizosphere soils can attack ginseng plant in Korea. Thus, these results are expected to provide informations in the selection of suitable fields for ginseng cultivation.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. Accordingly, a chemical control system was made with the aim of effectively control gray mold, anthrax, and spotting disease which occur during growth period. fungicide resistance of gray mold rot was examined to find out whether the chemical control system can be used over the long term. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geumsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. The chemical control system was done to the plants of two years old or older. As for the order of the treatment, from the end of April to May Fludioxonil (A) and Pyraclostrobin (B) were used; from the mid-May to the end of July of growth stages Difenoconazole (C), Iminoctadinetris (albesilate) (D), Cyprodinil (E), Metconazole (F), Fluazinam (G) and Pyrimethanil (H); from August to September nonresidualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb (K); in November of hibernating period, Fenhexamid (I) and Carbendazim/diethofencarb (J) were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The isolation of Botrytis cinerea for examination into mycelial growth inhibition rate was conducted to 4-year old ginseng in Geumsan, 5-year old in Yesan, and 3-year old in Sejong. In Geumsan, the mycelial growth inhibition rate to Botrytis cinerea was 75.5% - 100%. Every fungicides showed good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was seen in fungicide B at 75.5%. K showed the prevention rate at 76.8%, D at 82.7%, and I at 82.2%, and other fungicides at 100%. In Sejong area, the hyphal prevention rate of Botrytis cinerea was 71.0% - 100%, indicating all fungicides show good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was recorded by fungicide B at 71.1%, D at 81.1%, K at 85.4%, and I at 95.4%. Yesan area also showed similar results to those of Geumsan and Sejong. Conclusion : Botrytis cinerea was isolated from ginseng and mycelial growth inhibition effect was examined in concentration of 11 kinds of fungicides. In all three areas where chemical control system were applied, resistance was not found, suggesting that the chemical control system can be applied to control diseases of ginseng.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. In particular, gray mold rot occurs to plants of every year, growth duration, and hibernating stage, and decays leaves, stems, and roots, lowering the amount of harvest. This experiment was conducted with the aim of effectively preventing gray mold rot, and other major diseases such as anthrax and spotting disease, and establishing chemical control system. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geunsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. As for the procedure of medical treatment, from the end of April to early May of germination period, Fludioxonil and Pyraclostrobin were used. From the mid-May to the end of July of growth period, Difenoconazole, Iminoctadine tris (albesilate), Cyprodinil, Metconazole, Fluazinam, and Pyrimethanil were used. From August to September, non residualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb was used. In November of hibernating stage, Fenhexamid and Carbendazim/diethofencarb were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The chemical control system effect was compared with conventional prevention. When chemical control system was used, stem spotting disease occurred at a lower rate of 0.34% than 1.2% of the conventional method. Leaf spotting disease occurred at a lower rate of 1.4% compared with 7.1% of the conventional method, and anthrax occurred at a lower rate by more than 10% than the conventional method. Stem gray mold rot occurred at a rate of 4.1% when the conventional method was used, but the rate stood at 5.3% in Geumsan, 8.9% in Yesan, 2.3% in Sejong when the prevention method was used, which suggest the chemical control system was effective. Conclusion : When chemical control system was applied to prevent major diseases of ginseng, spotting disease, anthrax, and gray mold occurred at lower rates compared with the case where the conventional method was used. The finding is that the chemical control system can be utilized to prevent major diseases of ginseng.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng is a perennial, and damage occurs due to various diseases and pests. As a result, yield decreases and quality deteriorates. In particular, it is impossible to be repeatedly cultivated due to root rot, soil-borne disease. For this, in order to control root rot and repeatedly cultivate ginseng by using soil fumigation from virgin soil, this experiment was conducted. Methods and Results : This experiment was performed in ginseng farm field, Geumsan-gun, Chungnam province. And total area was 3ha. And the experiment was conducted in soil where apple trees had been grown. Apple trees were rooted up in 2006. And soil was fumigated in May 2007. With regard to soil fumigant, soil was treated with Basamid of 40kg/10a. After soil fumigation, 5 ton/10a of cattle manure fermented for 1 year was put in the soil in June, and then the soil was cared for by being plowed and rotary-tilled as occasion. Ginseng seeds were sowed in the soil cared for in October 2007. And 4-year-old ginseng was harvested in 2011. The soil from which ginseng was harvested was fumigated by the same method in May 2012, and then ginseng seeds were sowed in 1.5ha in October 2012 and in 1.5ha in October 2013. In October 2013, 3-year-old and 4-year-old ginseng was harvested. And ginseng growth characteristics and root rot incidence was examined. It was shown that 4-year-old ginseng yield after the fumigation of virgin soil was nearly 2 times as high as that of conventional virgin soil cultivation. And root rot didn't occur. After that time, the soil was fumigated again. And when ginseng was cultivated, 3-year-old and 4-year-old ginseng yield was 650kg and 960kg per 10a. And it was shown that root rot incidence was 1.3% and 15.3% in 3-year-old and 4-year-old ginseng respectively. Conclusion : This study showed the results where ginseng can be cultivated repeatedly if soil was fumigated again after ginseng was harvested following the soil fumigation from virgin soil so as to control the ginseng root rot and cultivate ginseng repeatedly.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Measurements of closely related sets of classical and truss dimensions were analyzed to discriminate species of scorpaenidae including the dark banded rockfish, Sebastes inermis, the black rockfish, S. schlegeli, and gobioninae including the striped shiner, Pungtungia herzi, and the slender shiner, Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa. The measurements of the dimensions were arc sin square root transformed, and compared as a function of the standard length of each species for statistical analysis. For values of the classical dimensions of the rockfish, 6 were greater for the dark banded rockfish than for the black rockfish, 1 value was smaller for the former, and for 2 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). For values of the classical dimensions of the shiners, 9 values were greater for the striped shiner than for the slender shiner, 2 values were smaller for the former, and for 1 value there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.01). For values of the truss dimensions of the rockfish, 6 were greater for the dark banded rockfish than for the black rockfish, 1 was smaller for the former, and for 4 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05). For values of the truss dimensions of the shiners, 13 values were greater for the striped shiner than for the slender shiner, 3 values were smaller for the former, and for 6 values there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.01). The dimension sets used in this study may be useful as taxonomic indicators for discriminating among fish species in Korea.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cryopreservation has been known as an efficient method for long-term preservation of clonally propagated plants, and several cryopreservation methods have been developed. Among them, a droplet-vitrification method for potato using axillary shoot tips in vitro has been established previously. In this study, we have optimized the procedure in which explants were submitted to a step-wise pre-culture in liquid sucrose-enriched medium (0.3 and 0.7 M for 7 and 17 h, respectively). The pre-cultured explants were dehydrated with PVS3 (w/v, 50% glycerol + 50% sucrose) for 90 min or modified PVS2 vitrification solution (w/v, 37.5% glycerol + 15% DMSO + 15.0% ethylene glycol + 22.5% sucrose) for 30 min. This two dehydration solutions produced post-cryopreservation regeneration percentages of 57.2% and 80.9%, respectively. We also compared a new post-culture medium (0.1 mg L ・ -1 GA3, 0.1 mg L ・ -1 kinetin) with the conventional one (0.15 mg L ・ -1 IAA, 0.2 mg L ・ -1 zeatin, 0.05 mg L ・ -1 GA3); the shooting initiation rates were 80.9% and 43.5%, respectively. The results suggest that the modified droplet-vitrification protocol described in this study is more effective, easier to implement, and more economical than the droplet-vitrification protocols currently used for potato.
        2004.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Most of recommended potato varieties in Korea are white skin colored. Purple skinned potatoes have been recognized as being effective in the prevention of gastric disease. A new variety “Jaseo” has dark purple skin and white flesh colors, and attractive r
        2004.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Jowon’ is a new early-maturing potato variety for table use. It has spreading growth habit with narrow oval leaves. Its tubers are attractively round with white skin and light yellow flesh color. The yielding ability of Jowon is similar to Superior. Jowo