The quality and the nutritional ingredients and the functional activation of Nypa fruticans flower stalk was evaluated in this research. It consisted of 7.5% of water, 13.56% of crude protein, 0.84% of crude fat, 9.25% of crude ash, and 68.85% of carbohydrate. 12 kinds of minerals were identified, where the top 3 of them being K, Cl, and Na in order. There were a total of 15 types of amino acid analyzed, with the main amino acids of arginine 30.25%, aspartic acid 26.90%, and glutamic acid 17.12%. Total polyphenol content was 20,190.73 mg/100 g, and the total flavonoid content was 71.73 mg/100 g. The IC50 for DPPH radical scavenging ability was 0.017±0.00 mg/mL for Nypa fruticans Wurmb flower stalk, 0.672±0.01 mg/mL for blueberry, and 1.282±0.03 mg/mL for ginseng. The IC50 for ABTS radical scavenging ability was 0.070±0.00 mg/mL for Nypa fruticans Wurmb flower stalk, 2.918±0.13 mg/mL for blueberry, and 4.131±0.24 mg/mL for ginseng. For this reason, it is considered that containing plenty of polyphenol and antioxidant, Nypa fruticans Wurmb is related to antiinflammation. This research will contribute to production of functional foods and high value materials using Nypa fruticans Wurmb.
The purpose of this research was to suggest a category and level of national examination for dietitian's license and provide basic data for the development of national examination question by analyzing the current states on the curriculum of national examination for the dietitian's license and correlation with the current states on curriculum and national examination for the dietitian's license. The higher the current states on curriculum, the lower absentee rate and failing rate of the national examination for the dietitian's license. The higher the current states on curriculum, the higher pass rate of the national examination for the dietitian's license. Also, the current states on curriculum were positive relationship with correct answer rates. The higher the educational system, the higher the current states on curriculum. The educational system was negative relationship with the current states on curriculum of ‘public health’, ‘advanced nutrition’, ‘food science’, ‘principles of culinary’, and ‘food sanitary law (p<0.05)’. The correct answers rates of ‘institutional foodservice’ were significantly positive relationship with the current states on curriculum of ‘institutional foodservice (p<0.01)’, ‘foodservice organization (p<0.01)’, ‘food sanitation (p<0.05)’, and ‘practice in foodservice institutions (p<0.01)’. The pass rate was significantly positive relationship with the correct answer rates of ‘institutional foodservice (p<0.01)’, ‘physiology (p<0.01)’, ‘biochemistry (p<0.01)’, ‘food sanitary law (p<0.01)’, ‘food science and preparation (p<0.05)’, ‘nutrition education (p<0.01)’, ‘nutrition (p<0.01)’, and ‘total score (p<0.05)’.
본 연구는 산화적 스트레스에 대한 당뇨병의 예방과 관리에 대한 청국장과 블랙푸드의 효과를 평가하고자 대두청국장, 약콩청국장 그리고 블랙푸드를 첨가한 약콩청국장 분말을 식이에 첨가하여 STZ로 유도된 당뇨쥐에게 7주간 급여한 후 지질과산화물 함량, 항산화 효소 및 항산화 영양소 상태를 측정하였다. 그 결과 당뇨로 인하여 혈청과 간조직 내 증가된 지질과산화물 함량은 대두 및 블랙푸드가 첨가된 약콩청국장 공급군에서 p<0.05 수준에서 유의적으로 낮았다. 항산화 효소 중에서 당뇨 유도로 혈청 내 catalase 활성은 변화 없었으나 SOD 활성은 감소되었으며, 이때 약콩청국장의 공급으로 SOD 활성이 유도되었다. 항산화 영양소 중에서 혈청 내 retinol 함량은 당뇨 유도로 낮아졌지만 약콩청국장의 공급으로 7.5배 가량의 증가 현상을 보였고,간 조직 내 retinol과 α-tocopherol 함량은 세종류의 청국장의공급으로 높일수 있었다. 당뇨 유도로 낮아진 간 조직 내의 GSH/GSSG와 비장 조직의 anthocyanin 함량은 약콩청국장,그리고 혈청 내 총 항산화능은 블랙푸드 청국장의 공급으로 높아진 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과 당뇨병이 유발되었을 때 산화적 스트레스 지표인 지질과산화물 함량은 증가된 반면에, 항산화 효소인 catalase 및 SOD 활성과 항산화 영양소인 retinol, α-tocopherol, GSH/GSSG, TAC 및 anthocyanin 함량이 낮아졌다. 그러나 세종류의 청국장이 당뇨쥐의 산화적 스트레스 반응과 항산화 영양소 상태에 긍정적인 반응효과를 보였다. 이를 기반으로 향후 당뇨병의 예방과 관리를 위한 건강 기능성 식품으로서 청국장 및 블랙푸드의활용 방안에 대한 좀 더 많은 연구가 이루어져야 하겠다