
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The chemical composition of 86 species of native plants in Korea, including plants to be afforestation, was analyzed. The chemical composition of the species analyzed was different. The species with the highest extractable content was Viburnum dilatatum (3.91%), and the species with the lowest extractable content was Ligustrum lucidum (0.11%). The lignin content ranged from 12 to 39%, with an average of 25%. The species with the highest lignin content was Chaenomeles lagenaria (39.37%). Hemicellulose content ranged from 18 to 52%, with the highest species being Thuja occidentalis (51.22%) and Eucommia ulmoides (48.84%). Cellulose content ranged from 25 to 58%, and the species with the highest content were Prunus serrulata (57.67%), Diospyros kaki (57.14%), Aesculus turbinata (53.29%), Albizia julibrissin (53.02%), and Zelkova serrata (52.29%). The chemical composition was different for each use taxon of 86 plant species. The lignin content was the highest in the fruit group and the lowest in the group other than recommended species for afforestation. Cellulose content was highest in non-reforestation-recommended tree species and lowest in fruit trees. In classification according to tree height, lignin content was higher in shrubs than in tall trees, and cellulose content was highest in tall trees. Between deciduous and evergreen trees, the lignin content was high in deciduous trees (26.46%), and the cellulose content was also high in deciduous trees (44.01%). As a result of analyzing the correlation between each compound, there was a difference. There tended to be a positive correlation between extractives and lignin content. There was a negative correlation between extractives and holocellulose content, hemicellulose and cellulose. The higher extract content affected the cellulose content much more than hemicellulose. Also, the higher the lignin content, the lower the cellulose content. The species with low lignin content and high cellulose content were Diospyros kaki and Prunus serrulata var. spontanea. This result is expected to be primary data for bioenergy, pulp industry and bioindustry.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The grading of Hanwoo (Korean native cattle) is based on four economic traits, and efforts have been continuously made to improve the genetic traits associated with these traits. There is a technology to predict the expected grade based on the 4 economic genetic SNP characteristics of Korean cattle calves using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) technology. Selection of highly proliferative, self-renewing, and differentiating satellite cells from cattle is a key technology in the cultured meat industry. Methods: We selected the Hanwoo with high and low-scored of genomic estimated breeding value (GEBV) by using the Hanwoo 50K SNP bead chip. We then isolated the bovine satellite cells from the chuck mass. We then conducted comparative analyses of cell proliferation, immunocytochemistry, qRT-PCR at short- and long-term culture. We also analyzed the differentiation capability at short term culture. Results: Our result showed that the proliferation was significantly high at High scored GEBV (Hs-GEBV) compared to Low scored GEBV (Ls-GEBV) at short- and long-term culture. The expression levels of Pax3 were significantly higher in Hs-GEBV bovine satellite cells at long-term culture. However, there were no significant differences in the expression levels of Pax7 between Hs- and Ls-GEBV bovine satellite cells at short- and long- term culture. The expression levels of MyoG and MyHC were significantly high at Ls-GEBV bovine satellite cells. Conclusions: Our results indicated that selection of bovine satellite cells by Hanwoo 50K SNP bead chip could be effective selection methods for massive producing of satellite cells.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To improve the quality of jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Miller var. hoonensis), which is a fruit of health functional, the effect of polyphenol preparation treatment on the fruit characteristics of two cultivars (cv. Bokjo and cv. Sangwang) of jujube was investigated. There was no difference in the height and breast diameter of jujubes tested between the polyphenol treatments and non treatment. Jujube trees treated with polyphenol preparation produced significantly more fruit than untreated in both cultivars. In cvultivar of Bokjo, the polyphenol preparation treatment increased the fruit's fresh weight and dry weight more than two times, respectively, compared to the untreated treatment. Polyphenol preparation tr eatments also changed the leaf characteristics of jujube trees. In the polyphenol-treated trees, leaf thickness tended to be thickest at the top and thinnest at the bottom. Polyphenol preparation treated jujube trees showed no difference in chlorophyll content. Moisture content was slightly higher in the untreatment than in the treatments. Visually, the polyphenol preparation treatment had a dark green color. Jujubes treated with polyphenol preparations showed differences in polyphenol content in fruits. The polyphenol content in both peel and flesh of the treatments were much higher than that of the untreatment. Reducing sugar was contained more in the peel than in the flesh and was higher in the untreatment than in the polyphenol preparation treatments. Treatment with polyphenol preparation showed differences in fruit appearance. As described above, it was found that the treatment of polyphenol preparation changed the leaves, fruit shapes and components of jujube trees. In particular, jujubes treated with polyphenol preparations are expected to contribute significantly to eco-friendly and highly functional jujube cultivation, as they appear to produce many fruits and increase the content of polyphenols and sugars.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to measure the mean peak mobilization forces to the cervical spine 3-5 with grade III and grade IV of posteroanterior (PA) mobilization. Asymptomatic 25 college subjects were participated in the trial and eligible physical therapists performed cervical mobilization. The mean peak mobilization force was measured during the PA mobilization with grade III and grade IV by attaching a flexible force transducer over the C3-C5 spinous process. Three cycles of PA mobilization were performed in each spine and the therapist took approximately 2.5s to complete mobilization. After applying the grade III mobilization to the C3-C5, 30 minutes later, the grade IV mobilization was applied to the same area again. There were no significant differences between C3, C4 and C5 during grade III as well as grade IV. Upon comparing the mean peak force of grade III with mean peak force of grade IV at the C3, C4 and C5 respectively, an insignificant difference was also observed. The mean peak mobilization force was 4.53±1.79 N at the C3, 5.10±1.91 N at the C4, and 5.17±2.63 N at the C5 during grade III force was applied. The mean peak mobilization force was 4.40±1.56 N at the C3, 5.53±2.01 N at the C4, and 5.38± 2.73 N at the C5 during grade IV force was applied. This study suggested that the mean peak force of the grade III and grade IV mobilization in the C3-C5 was similar each other, also there was no difference between mean peak force of grade III and grade IV on C3, C4 and C5.
        2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        사회성은 집단 활동을 즐기며 친구가 많고, 협동적이며 인정이 많고 남과 의견이 잘 맞으며 충돌이 적은 특성이다(정병모, 1971). 또한 사회 성의 발달이란 사회화가 성공적으로 잘 이루어져 나가는 과정을 말하며, 사회화 집단의 기대에 따라서 알맞게 행동하는 능력이 길러지는 것을 의미한다(채덕자, 2002). 원예작물이나 식물에 직접 재배하는 자연 친화적인 원예활동이 초등학생들의 바람직한 인격 형성에 긍정적 영향을 미친다고 보았다(이수광, 2005). 이에 본 연구에서는 초등학생의 사회적 기술 향상을 위한 방과 후 원예활동의 효과에 대하여 알아 보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 D시 소재 S초등학교 남 .여학생 8명을 대상으로 실험하였다. 장소는 S초등학교 교육 복지실에서, 기간은 2016년 11월 1일에서 2016년 12월 27일까지 오후 2시 50분부터 오후 4시 20분까지 총 9 회기를 실시하였다. 원예프로그램은 가족 및 또래와의 긍 정적인 사회적 관계 형성을 위하여 나의 애완다육이 심기, 새싹 씨앗 파종하기, 새싹 샌드위치 만들기, 프리저브드 꽃 장식하기 등 다양한 원예활동이 이루질 수 있도록 하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 도구는 SSRS를 우리나라의 사회적 특성에 맞게 적용한 한국판 청소년용 사회적 기술 평정척도 K-SSRS(문성원, 2003)를 원예활동 실시 전과 실시 후에 평가하였고 평가결과는 다음과 같다. Wilcoxon 부호순위 검정 결 과 음의 순위는 2명으로 평균 순위 5.25, 순위 합 10.50으로 나타났고 양의 순위는 6명으로 평균 순위 4.25, 순위 합 25.50으로 검정되었다. 즉 대상자 8명 중에서 6명이 긍정적인 향상이 있었다. 원예활동 실시 전후의 기술통계량을 살펴보면 실시 전 전체 평균 41.88±13.64점에서 실시 후 전체 평균 44.00±12.18점으로 점수는 높아졌으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다(P=.291).