역세척이 가능한 평막형 분리막 모듈을 분리막 생물반응기(MBR)에 침지시켜 운전 시간에 따른 흡입 압력을 측 정하였다. MLSS 8,000 mg/L 활성 슬러지 수용액에 공칭 세공크기가 0.2 μm, 유효막면적이 128 cm2인 분리막 모듈을 침지 시킨 후 투과 유속, quorum qeunching (QQ) 비드를 변화하며 흡입 압력을 확인하였다. Vacant bead (VB), BH4와 DKY-1의 실험군에서 FR과 SFCO 운전방식에 따른 효과를 비교, 분석하였다. 투과 유속 40 L/m2⋅h 이고 DKY-1 QQ 비드를 주입할 경우 흡입 압력 감소는 가장 효과적이었다. 또한 역세척에 의한 흡입 압력 감소 효과는 DKY-1 QQ 비드의 경우보다 2배 이 상 높게 나타났다.
The significance of genetic stability and bio-safety environment has been recently recognized by many GM plants. This study was to evaluate the GM stability of transgenic rice and to identify the environment variance. The GM rice of vitamin A -enriched rice and four check cultivars were analyzed the data on agronomic characters and principal component for 2009-2011 in large-GM crop field. Cultivation environment was conducted in the large-GM field and greenhouse to determine grain characters. In this experiment, there was no significant difference in agronomic characters between GM rice of vitamin A-enriched rice and a donor plant, Nagdong. Related to grain characters, grain appearance and physicochemical characteristics were similar to GM rice of vitamin A-enriched rice and a donor plant, Nagdong. However, grain appearance in GM rice of vitamin A-enriched rice showed to white core and white belly when GM rice of vitamin A-enriched rice was planted in greenhouse. The type and distribution of dominant weed species also were not different from GM rice of vitamin A-enriched rice and a donor plant, Nagdong. Additionally that of gene flow was not detected in dominant weed species by PCR analysis.
This study was carried out to determine the contents of antioxidant activity of colored rice lines which derived from a mutant of MGI079 induced by MGI079 tissue culture in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The antioxidant activities were evaluated by assaying polyphenol, flavonoid, DPPH free radical and color values of colored rice lines, respectively. Among 8 lines including Heugnam of colored rice, the 70% ethanol extracts decreased in the order of MGI079-2-1>MGI079-2-6>MGI079-2-R,Heugnam>MGI079-1-R>MGI079-2-1>MGI079, MGI079-1-1, MGI079-1-6. The rice lines of highest polyphenolic compound was MGI079-2-6 and the next were Heugnam, MGI079-2-R, MGI079-2-1, MGI079-1-R, MGI079-1-6, MGI079-1-1, MGI079, MGI079-OP-R with the order of higher content. The flavonoid was higher in order of MGI079-2-1, MGI079-2-6, Heugnam, MGI079-2-R, MGI079-1-R, MGI079-1-6, MGI079-OP-R, MGI079, MGI079-1-1. The DPPH free radical was higher in order of MGI079-2-1, MGI079-2-6, Heugnam, MGI079-1-6, MGI079-1-1, MGI079-2-R, MGI079-1-R, MGI079-OP-R, MGI079. For chromaticity, a negative correlation was exhibited between the color value and the 70% ethanol extracts, polyphenolic compound, flavonoid, DPPH free radical. The grain characters in brown rice of a mutant of MGI079 showed similar to that of a donor plant, MGI079. Whereas, chemical characteristics of brown rice in two colored rice lines(MGI079-2-1, MGI079-2-6) were lower in amylose and lipid contents and were higher four times in zinc that of a donor plant, MGI079. Two colored rice lines(MGI079-2-1, MGI079-2-6) showed relatively high antioxidative activity in every results of antioxidant activity tests.