Mosquitoes, the primary vectors of arboviruses, harbor a diverse microbiome that plays a crucial role in their development, immunity, and vector competence, tThe composition of the mosquito microbiome is heavily influenced by the environment and habitats, Therefore, identifying the relationship between the habitat and the mosquito's microbial community can improve the overall understanding of mosquito biology, However, the microbiome profiles of Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex orientalis, known as transmission vectors of the Japanese encephalitis virus, are poorly understood. Using 16s rRNA Illumina sequencing, we hereby investigated the microbial profiles in these two mosquito species collected in several areas in Korea. Thirty-six prevalent bacterial familes were identified from these mosquito species. the microbial composition variation were primarily influenced by the mosquito collecting sites. Moreover, species biomakers were identified by utilizing the regional specificity of the mosquito microbiome. Based on the microbiome profiles representing high similarity, Culex orientalis may share an ecological niche with Culex tritaeniorhynchus.
Due to climate change and the rise in international transportation, there is an emerging potential for outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. Consequently, the rapid detection of vector mosquito species, including those in the Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex genera, is crucial for effective vector control. Currently, mosquito population monitoring is manually conducted by experts, consuming significant time and labor, especially during peak seasons where it can take at least seven days. To address this challenge, we introduce an automated mosquito monitoring system designed for wild environments. Our method is threefold: It includes an imaging trap device for the automatic collection of mosquito data, the training of deep-learning models for mosquito identification, and an integrated management system to oversee multiple trap devices situated in various locations. Using the well-known Faster-RCNN detector with a ResNet50 backbone, we’ve achieved mAP (@IoU=0.50) of up to 81.63% in detecting Aedes albopictus, Anopheles spp., and Culex pipiens. As we continue our research, our goal is to gather more data from diverse regions. This not only aims to improve our model’s ability to detect different species but also to enhance environmental monitoring capabilities by incorporating gas sensors.
The Lepidoptera - moths, butterflies, and skippers, is one of the three most species-rich, studied, diverse, and widely distributed insect orders, with over 157,424 species worldwide (van Nieukerken et al., 2011). Moths and butterflies serve as valuable indicator species for monitoring climate change. Conversely, the distribution of lepidoptera is actively and interactively influenced by changes in climate and land cover (Warren et al., 2001). Over the last five years, there are many oriental moth species, such as genus Stictane, Siccia, Philenora, Ammatho, Asota, etc., have been newly recorded in Korea, since other new records are very likely yet to be discovered in this country and nearby.
긴털가루진드기(Tyrophagus putrescentiae)는 주로 실내에 서식하며 알레르기 및 호흡기 질환을 일으키는 주 요 해충이다. 주로 침구류에서 발생하며, 사람이나 동물로부터 떨어진 각질과 비듬 또는 저장 곡식 등을 주요 먹이원으로 한다. 암컷 한 마리가 일생에 200~300개의 알을 산란하기 때문에 빠르게 번식할 수 있으며, 육안으로 확인할 수 없는 크기이기 때문에 관찰 및 관리가 불가능하다. 하지만 긴털가루진드기로 인해 발생하는 알레르기 에 관한 연구는 환자의 치료에 초점이 맞춰져 있기 때문에, 근본적으로 알레르기를 발생시키는 원인을 해결할 수 있는 방안이 부족한 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 가정에서 발생할 수 있는 긴털가루진드기를 효과적으로 방제하 기 위한 통합적 방제 전략을 제시한다. 열, 살비제(Chlorfenapyr, Spiromesifen, Pyflubumide), 초음파, Essential oil(Lemongrass, Peppermint)을 사용하여 살비 및 기피 효과를 확인하였다. 고온 노출은 100% 살비 효과를 보여주 었으며, 살비제는 3시간 동안 90% 이상의 살비 효과를 보여주었다. 긴털가루진드기가 초음파에 노출되었을 때 23%의 기피 행동을 관찰하였으며, Essential oil(Lemongrass, Peppermint)을 유인용 먹이에 처리했을 때, 긴털가루 진드기 97%의 접근을 차단하였다. 본 연구를 통해 실내 알레르기의 가장 중요한 원인으로 주목받는 긴털가루진 드기에 대한 체계적인 방제 전략을 적절한 환경에 적용시킴으로써, 집먼지진드기로 인한 알레르기 및 호흡기 질환 발생을 감소시키고 안전한 주거 환경을 조성할 것으로 기대한다.
Honeybees are pollinating agent of economic importance, and a model organism for microbiome analysis. The microbiota plays a great role in honeybee health and development as such needs to be fully elucidated among Apis mellifera in Korea. using 16S rRNA gene illumina sequencing, the gut microbiota of Apis mellifera at four developmental stages under natural condition shows dysbiosis of essential microbiota, especially between the 5-days larvae and workers.