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        검색결과 133

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국립원예특작과학원에서는 밝은 화색과 안정적인 화형의 생 육이 우수한 빨간색 스탠다드 장미 품종을 육성하기 위해 진한 적색 스탠다드 장미 품종 ‘엔드리스러브(Endless Love)’를 모 본으로, 꽃잎수가 많고 안정적으로 가시가 적은 밝은 노란색 ‘페니레인(Penny Lane)’ 품종을 부본으로 인공교배하였다. 37 개의 교배실생을 양성해 1, 2, 3차에 걸친 특성검정 및 현장실증 을 통해 꽃이 크고 화형이 안정적이며, 재배안정성 및 생산성, 절화특성이 우수한 ‘원교 D1-390’을 최종 선발하였다. 2023년 ‘루비레드(Ruby Red)’로 명명하여 국립종자원에 품종보호출원·등록되었다. ‘루비레드’ 품종은 밝은 적색(R53C)을 가졌으 며, 꽃잎수가 32.8매, 화폭과 화고는 각각 10.9, 5.9cm로 대조 품종보다 크다. 절화장은 평균 71.7cm, 절화수명은 약 16.7일, 수량은 연간 168대/m2로 대조품종인 ‘레드스퀘어(Red Square)’ 대비 절화장이 길고 절화수명도 2배 이상 길며, 수확량도 1.4배 우수하다. 2023년 국내 육성 장미 품종 서울식물원 관람객 대상 공동평가회에서 스탠다드 장미 중 우수한 평가를 받았으며, 현 장 실증 결과 농가별로 균일하고 우수한 수량과 절화품질을 보 였다. 절화용 장미 ‘루비레드’ 품종은 밝은 적색과 우수한 화형 을 가지는 품종으로 해외 대체 품종으로 국내에서 많이 재배될 것으로 기대된다.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to determine how 15 weeks of Tai Chi training affected attention and brain waves. Thirty-six university students (mean age = 24.27 years; SD = ±1.054) participated in this experiment. Participants practiced form postures from the first section of form 85 of the traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. The Frankfurt Attention Inventory (FAIR) was used to assess each participant’s level of attention. The sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) power analysis demonstrated that participants in the Tai Chi group show higher SMR power than the control group. This study showed that Tai Chi Chuan increases theta and alpha waves by relaxing the body and mind, as well as through soft and slow movement and deep breathing. It reduces fast beta waves, which stabilizes the brain and improves attention. FAIR results showed that 15 weeks of Tai Chi training improved selective ability, control index, and persistence index. These findings suggested that Tai Chi is an exercise that helps improve attention.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human bitter taste-sensing type 2 receptors (hTAS2Rs) are expressed in various human tissues and may be associated with various cell signaling pathways, cell progression, and cell physiology in each tissue. hTAS2Rs can be a potential drug target because it is also expressed in some cancer cells. Xanthorrhizol (XNT) has various biological activities, such as anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. XNT produces a bitter taste, but the specific hTAS2R activated is unknown, and the hTAS2R-mediated effect of XNT on cancer cells has not been studied. This study discovered the target receptor of XNT among 25 hTAS2Rs and confirmed the possibility of the hTAS2R-mediated inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. XNT activated only one receptor, hTAS2R38 (EC50=1.606±0.021 g/mL), and its activity was inhibited by probenecid, a hTAS2R38 antagonist. When HepG2 and MCF-7 cells were treated with XNT or phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), a known hTAS2R38 agonist, both chemicals inhibited cancer cell proliferation. XNT targets the human bitter taste receptor TAS2R38 and inhibits the proliferation of HepG2 and MCF-7 cells mediated by TAS2R38. This suggests that TAS2R38 may be a new target for disease treatment and a potential new factor for drug development.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power plants use ion exchange resins to purify liquid radioactive waste generated while operating nuclear power plants. In the case of PHWR, ion exchange resins are used in heavy water and dehydration systems, liquid waste treatment systems, and heavy water washing systems, and the used ion exchange resins are stored in waste resin storage tanks. The C-14 radioactivity concentration in the waste resin currently stored at the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant is 4.6×106 Bq/g, exceeding the low-level limit, and if all is disposed of, it is 1.48×1015 Bq, exceeding the total limit of 3.04×1014 Bq of C-14 in the first stage disposal facility. Therefore, disposal is not possible at domestic low/medium-level disposal facilities. In addition, since the heavy water reactor waste resin mixture is stored at a ratio of about 20% activated carbon and zeolite mixture and about 80% waste resin, mixture extraction and separation technology and C-14 desorption and adsorption technology are required. Accordingly, research and development has been conducted domestically on methods to treat heavy water waste resin, but the waste resin mixture separation method is complex and inefficient, and there are limitations in applying it to the field due to the scale of the equipment being large compared to the field work space. Therefore, we would like to introduce a resin treatment technology that complements the problems of previous research. Previously, the waste resin mixture was extracted from the upper manhole and inspection hole of the storage tank, but in order to improve limitations such as worker safety, cost, and increased work time, the SRHS, which was planned at the time of nuclear power plant design, is utilized. In addition, by capturing high-purity 14CO2 in a liquid state in a high-pressure container, it ensures safety for long-term storage and is easy to handle when necessary, maximizing management efficiency. In addition, the modularization of the waste resin separation and withdrawal process from the storage tank, C-14 desorption and monitoring process, high-concentration 14CO2 capture and storage process, and 14CO2 adsorption process enables separation of each process, making it applicable to narrow work spaces. When this technology is used to treat waste resin mixtures in PHWR, it is expected to demonstrate its value as customized, high-efficiency equipment that can secure field applicability and safety and reflect the diverse needs of consumers according to changes in the working environment.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Non-destructive estimation of leaf area is a more efficient and convenient method than leaf excision. Thus, several models predicting leaf area have been developed for various horticultural crops. However, there are limited studies on estimating the leaf area of strawberry plants. In this study, we predicted the leaf areas via nonlinear regression analysis using the leaf lengths and widths of three-compound leaves in five domestic strawberry cultivars (‘Arihyang’, ‘Jukhyang’, ‘Keumsil’, ‘Maehyang’, and ‘Seollhyang’). The coefficient of determination (R2) between the actual and estimated leaf areas varied from 0.923 to 0.973. The R2 value varied for each cultivar; thus, leaf area estimation models must be developed for each cultivar. The leaf areas of the three cultivars ‘Jukhyang’, ‘Seolhyang’, and ‘Maehyang’ could be non-destructively predicted using the model developed in this study, as they had R2 values over 0.96. The cultivars ‘Arihyang’ and ‘Geumsil’ had slightly low R2 values, 0.938 and 0.923, respectively. The leaf area estimation model for each cultivar was coded in Python and is provided in this manuscript. The estimation models developed in this study could be used extensively in other strawberry-related studies.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        프리지아 ‘Sunny Gold’는 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 에서 2010년 노랑색 반겹꽃 프리지아 육성계통 ‘036010’을 모본으로 진노란색 홑꽃 ‘Golden Flame’을 부본으로 교배하여 획득한 종자로부터 2011년 진노란색 겹꽃의 향기가 강한 프리지아 계통을 선발하여 품종화 하였다. 2011년부터 2016년까지 개화 생육특성검을 수행하였으며 핵심수요자의 기호도 평가를 통해 선발되어 2017년 ‘Sunny Gold’ 로 명명되었다. ‘Sunny Gold’는 RHS color chart YO17B의 노란색 겹꽃 프리지아 품종으로 화폭은 6.7cm로 대조품종 ‘Golden Flame’ 6.1cm에 비해 크고, 분지수는 6.5로 다수확성 품종이다. 초장이 101.9cm로 초세가 강하다. ‘Sunny Gold’의 소화수 및 소화장은 각각 13.0개, 9.3cm이며 개화소요일수는 137.7일이다. 이 품종의 절화수명은 약 9일이며 자구번식력은 5.3배로 대조 품종 ‘Golden Flame’ 4.3배에 비해 우수하다. 전자코를 이용한 PCA분석결과 PC1과 PC2는 각각 99.3%와 0.6%로 전체 변이량의 99.9%를 반영하고 있다. Rader plot 분석결과 총 6개 센서에서 모두 ‘Sunny Gold’의 센서값이 향기가 강한 상용품종 ‘Yvonne’의 값에 비해 높게 나타나 ‘Sunny Gold’의 향기가 더 강한 것으로 나타났다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Amniotic membrane stem cells are considered as a good alternative to embryonic stem cells, but their use in clinical studies is still not common. Here, exosomes from canine amniotic membrane mesenchymal stem cells (cAmMSCexo) were used for dog sperm cryopreservation. Upon cryopreserved straws using cryoprotectant containing 0, 0.5, 1, or 2 μg/mL of cAmMSC-exo were thawed, motility and membrane integrity were analyzed. However, results showed no significant differences between the groups. We concluded that cAmMSC-exo with lower than 2 µg/mL have no effects on sperm cryopreservation, and further studies to get higher concentrations of cAmMSC-exo should be conducted for clinical application.
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