최근 메틸브로마이드를 이용한 훈증소독 검역처리 기술의 오존층파괴 문제로 인하여 사용이 감소함에 따라 이온화 방사선 조사 기술이 주목받고 있다. 본 연구는 수출용 새송이 버섯에 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 및 3kGy의 감마선 조사 후 저장기간(0, 7, 14, 21, 및 28일) 동안 버섯의 품질에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구하였다. 새송이 버섯의 경도 변화를 측정한 결과, 비조사구의 경우 저장기간이 증가함에 따라 급격히 감소한 반면 감마선 조사에 의하여 경도의 감소폭이 유의적으로 줄어들었다. 색도 변화 역시 감마선 조사에 의하여 저장기간 중 발생하는 새송이 버섯의 갈변이 저해되는 것을 확인하였다. 하지만 수분함량, 수분활성도, 및 중량손실율의 경우 저장기간에 따른 조사구와 비조사구간에 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 따라서 3 kGy 이하의 감마선 조사를 통하여 새송이 버섯의 저장 품질을 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
방사선조사기술은 기존의 물리·화학적인 식물검역 방법의 대안 중의 하나로 여겨진다. 본 연구는 식물검역의 목적으로 1000 Gy 이하의 감마선 조사가 국내 주요 수출 농산물인 딸기의 이화학적, 관능적 품질 특성 및 유기성분 함량에 미치는 영향을 조사하는 것이었다. 감마선 조사는 딸기의 부패율과 중량손실률을 감소시켰으며, pH, 산도, 수분활성도, 가용성 고형분 함량 변화에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 경도의 경우에도 조사 직후 유의적인 감소는 있었으나, 저장기간에 경과함에 따라 상쇄되었으며, 주요 페놀산 및 플라보노이드 함량 변화에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 반면, 감마선 조사는 딸기의 안토시아닌 생합성을 억제시켜 과일의 색도 변화를 지연시켰으며, 저장 9일째 비조사구보다 높은 관능적 선호도를 부여하였다. 결론적으로 딸기에 대한 1000 Gy 이하의 감마선 조사는 비조사구 대비 유익한 품질상승효과를 나타내는 것으로 관찰되었다.
This study was performed to determine the optimal time of harvest for ramie leaves with the two varieties (Seocheon Seobang and Seoncheon Baekpi) by comparison of physiological activity and physicochemical characteristics. The crude protein, minerals, ascorbic acid, folate, chlorophyll, ACE inhibitory activity and AChE inhibitory activity were determined. The amount of crude protein in ramie leaf, which was collected in Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, grew up steadily from early May to September. The content of calcium in was higher in Baekpi than in Seobang. Seobang displayed its highest value of 3,569.90 mg% in September, while Baekpi displayed its highest value of 3,163.84 mg% in October. Although, folate and vitamin C contents in the two varieties were slightly different, they were higher as the growth date grew in October. The highest value of chlorophyll content was observed in October, which was later in the vegetative state. ACE inhibitory activity and AChE inhibitory activity appeared to be higher in Baekpi than in Seobang. Between June and August, ACE inhibitory activity was highest in Baekpi variety.
본 연구는 환자용 균형영양식으로 제조하여 감마선 조사처리를 통해 살균한 모델식품의 유전독성 여부를 평가하기 위해 수행되었다. 4 kGy 이상의 흡수선량으로 감마선 조사처리한 시료에서 생균수가 1 log CFU/g의 검출한계 이하로 나타났기 때문에 살균을 위한 조사처리 선량으로 4 kGy를 설정하였다. 복귀돌연변이 유발성 평가 결과, 모델식품의 열수 추출물과 메탄올 추출물은 처리한 용량과 대사활성계존재 여부와는 상관없이 음성대조구(멸균증류수 또는 DMSO)와 유사한 수준의 복귀돌연변이 발생빈도를 나타내었다. 염색체 이상 시험에서 실험군들의 정상 염색체의 수는 음성대조군과 유사하였으며, 용량 및 대사활성계에 대한 비의존성을 나타내어 염색체 이상 유발능은 없는 것으로 판단하였다. 또한 최고 2,000 mg/kg 체중의 농도로 모델식품을 경구 투여한 마우스의 골수세포에서도 소핵 다염성적 혈구의 발생빈도는 음성대조군에 비해 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 따라서 4 kGy의 흡수선량으로 감마선 조사처리한 환자용 균형영양식은 본 실험 조건하에서 유전독성을 나타내지 않는 것으로 사료된다.
본 연구는 면역저하 환자용 신선편의 채소류의 위생화를 위해 당근, 오이고추, 방울토마토, 파프리카를 모델식품으로 선정하여 다양한 흡수선량으로 엑스선 조사처리한 후 미생물학적, 이화학적, 관능적 품질 평가를 수행하였다. 당근과 오이고추의 경우 0.4 kGy, 방울토마토와 파프리카의 경우 0.2 kGy 이상의 흡수선량으로 엑스선 조사처리 시멸균이 확인되었으며, 총 호기성세균 및 대장균군을 제외한 병원균들은 1 log 수준의 검출한계 이하로 나타났다. 모델식품에 접종된 E. coli. L. monocytogenes, S. Typhimyrium에 대한 엑스선의 D10값은 0.11-0.32 kGy로 나타나, 0.4 kGy의 흡수선량을 신선편의 채소류의 멸균을 위한 잠정적인 최소 흡수선량으로 설정하였다. 최대 0.6 kGy의 흡수선량으로 엑스선 조사처리된 신선편의 채소류에 대한 전체 선호도의 경우 7점 척도에서 모두 5.0 점 이상으로 나타나 이들의 관능적 품질이 수용 가능한 수준인 것으로 판단하였다. 또한, 암환자를 대상으로 엑스선 멸균처리(0.4 kGy)된 신선편의 채소류에 대한 선호도 설문조사에서 오이고추와 방울토마토, 파프리카의 경우 모든 항목에 대한 평균 선호도 점수는 5점 척도에서 모두 4.0점 이상으로 나타났다. 따라서 엑스선으로 멸균처리된 오이고추, 방울토마토, 파프리카는 면역력이 저하된 환자들을 위한 위생학적으로 안전한 신선편의 채소로 제공이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
Carbonization using chicken manure was used to obtain an energy source. In order to estimate the reaction rate at theoptimal conditions for chicken manure in carbonization process it is estimated the reaction kinetics for the process. Thecarbonization process for chicken manure was optimized at carbonization temperature 300oC to 400oC in 20minutes. Fromthe examination of conversion characteristics of chicken manure, carbonization reaction can be described by the 1st orderkinetic reaction. Frequency factor(A) of reaction rate for chicken manure was evaluated to be 0.55×10−2min−1 and theactivation energy was estimated to be 3,815.0kcal/kmol. As increased carbonization temperature from 250oC to 400oC,reaction rate constant of chicken in the 1st order kinetic reaction is also increased from 0.0604min−1 to 0.1383min−1.In this study, carbonization degree of chicken manure in carbonization process was estimated by kinetic reaction deduction.The result of kinetic reaction in carbonization of chicken manure was evaluated to be 1st order kinetic reaction.
Mercury distribution and hazardous characteristics of major components from SCFLs (Spent compact fluorescent lamps)for 3 lamp manufactures (A, B, C) are estimated by the analysis of mercury concentration and leaching tests such asKorean Extraction Test (KET) and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). SCFLs can be separated into glasstube, phosphor powder, metals, ballast, plastics, and binder. Through the analysis of mercury in major components forSCFL, mercury concentration in phosphor powder is much higher than that in other components regardless manufacturesof lamp. Also, mercury concentration in phosphor powder is dependent of the manufactures of lamp. From the leachingtests, all components except phosphor powder from 3 lamp manufactures are verified to be non-hazardous waste becauseall leaching concentrations are below the regulatory level. However, the leaching concentration of mercury in phosphorpowder of SCFLs is higher than the regulatory level in both KET and TCLP regardless manufactures of lamp. Hence,phosphor powder should be managed as a hazardous waste and should be separately managed to control mercury.
Carbonization process with pig manure is carried out to estimate the reaction kinetics with increasing carbonizationtime and temperature in the process. From the examination of conversion characteristics of pig manure, carbonizationreaction can be described by the 1st order kinetic reaction. Degree of carbonization, which can be expressed by C/H moleratio, is increased with increasing carbonization temperature. As increased carbonization temperature from 250oC to 400oC,reaction rate constant in the 1st order kinetic reaction is also increased from 0.0622min−1 to 0.1999min−1. Frequency factorand activation energy in Arrhenius equation for pig manure in the carbonization process can be decided by 1.06×10−3min−1 and 5441.8kcal/kmole, respectively. From the results of the reaction kinetics including TGA and SEM analysis,it is desirable that pig manure should be carbonized below carbonization temperature 400oC.
In order to prevent the spreading infectious disease in domestic animal, livestock excretion should be controlled bysterilization. The basic concept of sterilization can be described by thermal treatment under vacuum state. From the basicconcept of sterilization, livestock excretion can be converted to produce renewable energy using the method ofcarbonization and the method of carbonization can also be reduced greenhouse gas effectively. Chicken manure is usedas a sample of renewable energy source in the carbonization reactor. The basic energy characteristics of chicken manuresuch as proximate analysis, and heating value are estimated. The carbonization residue of chicken manure which isobtained from carbonization experiment is subject to several analyses in order to examine the energy characteristics suchas heating value, fuel ratio, combustible index and yield. As increased carbonization temperature, both heating value andfuel ratio (fixed carbon/volatile combustible) of the residue are increased up to 350oC but yield of the residue is decreased.From the results of bulk density, fuel ratio and total heating value of the residue, the optimal conditions of carbonizationtemperature and time can be decided by about 350oC and 15min. Since the residue of chicken manure can not be satisfiedwith the standard of the third grade of solid fuel product, it is desirable that chicken manure be modified with othermaterials to improve an energy potential and to use as a clean fuel.
Compact fluorescent lamps are strongly encouraged to manage separately in Korea because Compact fluorescent lamps contain mercury. Compact fluorescent lamps have managed as household waste in Korea, however, even though Compact fluorescent lamps contains hazardous material such as mercury. The aim of management of Compact fluorescent lamps separately is to reduce the release of mercury from Compact fluorescent lamp lamps into the environment and to reuse of the glass, metals and other components of Compact fluorescent lamps. The amount of mercury in a fluorescent lamps varies, depending on the type of lamp and manufacturer, but typically ranges between 5 milligrams and 30 milligrams. The mercury content of fluorescent lamps has been reported to be between 0.72 and 115 mg/lamp with an average mercury content of about 30 mg/lamp in 1994. Although manufacturers have greatly reduced the amount of mercury used in fluorescent lamps over the past 20years, mercury is an essential component to fluorescent lamps and can’t be eliminated completely in lamps. In the crushing process, CFL(compact fluorescent lamp) is separated into glass, plastic, ballast, phosphor powder and vapor. Using the crushing technique, concentration of mercury vapor emission from CFL is evaluated. Through the experiments, the efficiency of the crushing and separation for the unit is estimated by measuring the volume of CFL. In this study, the concentration of mercury is analyzed by MVI(Mercury Vapor Indicator) method for vapor in CFL. From the results of mercury distribution for 3 companies, the concentration of mercury in compact fluorescent lamp is less than that in the other type lamps. And phosphor powder has greater than 99% of total mercury amount in CFL and the mercury concentration in phosphor powder is measured between 1,008ppm and 1,349ppm. The mercury concentration in phosphor powder can be changed by the type of company and period of usage. KET and TCLP are carried out for phosphor powder, glass, plastic, ballast and base cap to estimate the hazardous characteristic. From the results of KET and TCLP test for CFL, phosphor powder from CFL should be controlled separately by stabilization or other methods to reuse as a renewable material because the phosphor powder is determined as a hazardous waste. From the results of characteristics of CFL, the carbonization system of CFL should be carried out in the temperature of less than 350℃. The amount of mercury in a fluorescent lamps varies, depending on the type of lamp and manufacturer, but typically ranges between 5 milligrams and 30 milligrams. The mercury content of Compact fluorescent lamps has been reported to be between 0.72 and 115 mg/lamp with an average mercury content of about 30 mg/lamp in 1994. Although manufacturers have greatly reduced the amount of mercury used in fluorescent lamps over the past 20years, mercury is an essential component to fluorescent lamps and can’t be eliminated completely in lamps. In Korea, demonstration for recycling of U type lamps had once begun in the area of Seoul Metropolitan, 2000. In 2004, U type lamps was included as an item in EPR(Extended Producer Responsibility) system. According to Korea Lighting Recycling Association, approximately 38 million Compact fluorescent lamps were recycled in Korea, 2011 because 3 recycling facilities for Compact fluorescent lamps are operated in Korea. Recycling rate of Compact fluorescent lamps in Korea is about 31.0% but about 70% of Compact fluorescent lamps may not manage properly. Hence, discarded lamps release approximately 2 to 3 tons of mercury per year into the environment[6]. In USA, Compact fluorescent lamps has controlled by Universal Waste Rule and merchandises containing mercury prohibited to produce. Also, MEBA(Mercury Export Ban Act) is activated in USA from 2013. According to Association of Lighting and Mercury Recycler, member companies accomplish about 85% of the lamp recycling done each year. In Germany, best available technology (BAT) system for recycling of Compact fluorescent lamps is established and about 20 companies are involved in recycling of Compact fluorescent lamps. In 1994, approximately 70-80% of total Compact fluorescent lamps are recycled in 1994 and Compact fluorescent lamps was included as an item in EPR(Extended Producer Responsibility) system in 1996. In Sweden, MRT System, which was developed by Lumalampan, separated mercury from Compact fluorescent lamps by distillation operation, 1979. Reverse route collection system is active to improve the collection of Compact fluorescent lamps. Compact fluorescent lamps was included as an item in EPR(Extended Producer Responsibility) system in 2001. In Austria, about 40 companies are involved in recycling of Compact fluorescent lamps to recycle glass and ferrous metals. And wastes containing mercury are treated in landfill site by using special container [7,8]. In this study, Compact fluorescent lamps is cut by a end-cutting unit with a cam crusher and base-cap is separated from glass part. In the end-cutting unit, a vacuum system is operating to collect mercury vapor to prevent leaking from the end-cutting unit. First of all, characteristics and major composition of Compact fluorescent lamps are estimated. Through the experiments, it is measured mercury concentration in the parts of Compact fluorescent lamps such as glass tube, phosphor powder, and base cap after separation in the end-cutting unit. Also, it is evaluated mercury emission from Compact fluorescent lamps by measuring the concentration of effluent gas in the end-cutting unit with changing flow rate. Finally, Korea Extraction Method (KET) and TCLP(Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure) test are applied to phosphor powder to verify that phosphor powder is a hazardous waste [9].
The estimated that 114 million units of fluorescent lamp are sold every year, and that 70% or more spent fluorescent lamps (SFLs) are generated at business sites. According to Korea Lighting Recycling Corporation, recycled amount of SFLs selected as EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) items from 2004 has been improved from 35,250,000 units in 2010 to 37,950,000 units in 2011, which recorded the greatest amount. Based on the year 2011, SFLs have been recycled by 31.5%, but their recycled rate is insufficient yet, compared to the recycling rate of metal cans or glass bottles, which are about 80%. The base cap of SFLs as a raw material was used in this experiment. Base cap contains an insulation sieve plate, aluminum cap, copper terminal, tempered glass, filament, and copper/iron mixed wire that goes through this glass. In order to protect a filament that is made up of tungsten for the electricity to flow, circular plate consisted of iron encloses the filament. Separating apparatus of SFL base cap used in this experiment is a device which has used impact crushing technique using hammer, screen separation and magnetic separation for the purpose of recovering aluminum, copper and iron contained in SFL. Impact hammer crusher, a device that separates aluminum from other materials by hammer impaction on the base cap that is separated by end-cutting, causes a significant reduction for other materials to be included in the collectible materials by separating aluminum, copper and iron from the base cap by using hammer crusher at 3 stages. Iron was collected by using a magnetic separation unit and the collectible materials were separated into aluminum with larger particles, and glass and other materials with smaller particles by screen separation. The separation performance was estimated for the 3 stages of hammer crusher unit to recover aluminum from the base-cap of SFLs and the separation performances are 94% at the 1st stage, 97% at the 2nd stage, and 98% at the 3rd stage, respectively.