
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 59

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 한우를 이용하고 있는 초․중․고등학교 급 식소를 대상으로 한우 이용 실태 및 한우 메뉴 활용 실태를 파악하고, 이를 토대로 한우 저지방 부위를 이용한 메뉴를 개 발하여 학교급식 메뉴로서의 적합성을 평가해 보고자 하였다. 조사 결과, 학교급식에 다양한 한우 메뉴가 이용되는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 이용되고 있는 한우 메뉴들은 전반적으로 학 생들에게 인기가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 한우를 이용 한 후 모든 학교에서 학생, 학부모, 교사 모두 급식에 대한 만족도가 증가하였다고 응답하였다. 그러나 이에 비해 한우 이용 메뉴의 제공 빈도수는 높지 않았으므로, 한우를 활용한 메뉴 제공의 횟수를 높일 필요가 있을 것으로 보인다. 특히 한우의 저지방 부위를 이용할 경우 급식소에서는 다른 부위 에 비해 상대적으로 저렴하게 구매할 수 있으며, 한우 유통의 측면에서는 수급 불균형을 초래하고 있는 저지방 부위를 대 량으로 유통시킬 수 있는 한 가지 수단이 되므로, 급식소에서 의 한우 저지방 부위의 활용은 적극 권장되는 것이 바람직한 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 조사 결과, 한우 자체가 다른 육류 에 비해 높은 가격으로 형성되어 있으므로 원활한 한우 저지 방 부위 활용을 위해서는 관할지역 지원이나 정부 지원이 확 대되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 경제적 어려움 이외에 조리법 과 관련하여 한우 저지방 부위를 급식에서 많이 활용하기 위 해서는 육질 개선(3.80), 다양한 소스 개발(3.74), 기존 메뉴를 위한 양념 개선(3.61) 등이 필요하다는 의견이 많았다. 본 연구진에서는 또한 위의 학교급식의 한우 이용 실태 조사를 바탕으로 한우 저지방 부위의 육질 개선 및 다양한 소 스, 양념 개선 등을 고려하여 급식에서 이용할 수 있는 저지 방 부위 활용 한우 메뉴 8종을 개발하였다. 개발된 메뉴의 특 징은 저지방 부위에 따른 질긴 식감을 부드럽게 만들기 위하 여 주 조리법 이외에 다양한 부 조리법을 사용하는 등 복합적 조리법을 활용하였다는 점과 메뉴에 이용되는 소스나 양념 을 다양화하였다는 것이다. 개발된 메뉴에 대해서는 다량조 리임을 감안하여 제조방법을 단순화시킨 공정도를 함께 제 시하여 추후 조리방법의 간소화를 위한 기초를 마련하였다. 개발된 메뉴의 급식 적용 가능성을 평가하기 위하여 단체급 식 종사자 및 외식업 종사자 30명의 JARS를 평가한 결과, 모 든 메뉴의 조사항목별 JARS도 모두 설정 기준을 충족하여 학교급식에 적용하였을 경우 높은 만족도를 기대할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 본 연구는 한우의 주요 조리법인 구이에 소비되고 있는 등 심, 안심 이외의 상대적으로 저렴한 한우 저지방 부위를 이용 한 급식 메뉴 개발의 필요성 및 타당성을 제공하는데 있어서 의미있는 시도라고 할 수 있다. 현재 한우를 이용하고 있는 학교급식의 만족도가 사용 전에 비해 향상된 것을 볼 때, 향 후 학교급식에서는 성장기 청소년들에게 영양적 가치가 뛰 어난 양질의 단백질 공급을 위하여 수입산 쇠고기가 아닌 저 지방 한우의 사용은 아직 한우 사용을 본격적으로 시도하고 있지 않은 학교급식에서도 신중히 고려해볼 만한 사항이라 고 생각된다. 이는 학생들에게 우리나라에서 생산된 안전하 고 품질 좋은 쇠고기를 섭취하게 하는 한편, 한우 제공자의 측면에서 이용 부위의 편중화를 줄이고, 다양한 부위별 판매를 이루어 한우의 수급 불균형 완화 차원에서도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대할 수 있다. 이러한 다양한 기대효과를 거두기 위해서는 학교급식에 활용 가능한 한우 저지방 부위 를 이용한 다양한 메뉴의 개발이 더욱 활발히 진행되어야 하 며, 개발 메뉴에 대한 영양사 및 조리사 등을 대상으로 한 조 리교육이 필요할 것이다(Han & Lee 2010; 한우자조금관리위 원회 2006). 또한 한우 저지방 부위 사용 증대를 위하여 정부 나 지자체의 정책적․경제적 지원이 확대되고, 강조되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The freemartinism is the most frequent form of intersexuality found in cattle, and females of heterosexual twins become sterile. With increase of twinning rates due to transfer of multiple embryos derived from in vitro fertilization, it is of great economic value to establish early diagnosis of freemartins to remove infertile individuals from breeding stock. In the present study polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of two different Y-chromosome specific segments (BRY.l and AMX/Y) was performed to identify freemartins from twins and less common single born freemartins in Korean Native Cattle (KNC). Two male-specific sequences were amplified in all heterosexual twins tested (n=5). In addition, Y-specific PCR products were detectable in one of the single born females (n=4) with visible genital abnormalities. These results suggest that the sensitivity of PCR-based assay may be sufficient to detect freemartinism in single born females as well as female partners of heterosexual twins in KNC.
        2017.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        BACKGROUND Ca2+ oscillations during fertilization induce eggs activation and embryonic development in mammalian eggs.. The type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R1) is in charge of Ca2+ oscillations for the release of stored Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum. The capacity of this oscillation is obtained during egg maturation and corresponds with an increase in the sensitivity of the IP3R1 and their localization in cytoplasm. Cluster formation of IP3R1 in the egg cortex is important to initiation of Ca2+ oscillations during egg and sperm fusion. In this study, we investigated that cell cycle–coupled redistribution of IP3R1 and Ca2+- oscillatory activity in mouse zygotes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Metaphase II arrested eggs were collected from ICR female mouse after super ovulation induction. At 14 hr post hCG, MII eggs were collected, and artificially activated in Ca2+ free CZB medium with 10 mM SrCl2 for 2 hrs. Pronuclear zygotes (PN) were collected from Strontium activated eggs at 8 hr post activation, and the first mitotic eggs were collected at 16~17 hr post activation. To identify cell cycle coupled IP3R1 redistribution, MII eggs, zygotes, and first mitotic eggs were collected, and fixed for immunostaining with anti-IP3R1antibody (CT-1) and observed on CLSM. Ca2+-oscillatory activity was monitored with fluorescence microscope mounted SimplePCI program (Hamamatsu) after injection of cRNA of mouse phospholipase C zeta (mPLCZ). RESULT IP3R1 were shown clusters, 1~2 um in diameter, in cortex of ovulated MII eggs with high Ca2+ oscillatory activity by mPLCZ injection. These eggs represent more than 6 spikes per 60 min. However, IP3R1 clusters were disappeared in PN eggs and these eggs showed very low Ca2+- oscillatory activity by mPLCZ. In mitosis I stage eggs, clusters of IP3R1 were appeared and Ca2+-oscillatory activity was reactivated slightly (2 spikes per 60 min). CONCLUSIOINS This study introduced the redistribution of IP3R1 clusters were occurred in egg activation according to cell cycle dependent manner. Also, functional modification of IP3R1 including protein phosphorylation was associated with cortical clustering of IP3R1 in cell cycle coupled Ca2+ oscillatory activity.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The application of software engineering is not common in the development of astronomical observation system. While there were component-wise developments in the past, large-scale comprehensive system developments are more common in these days. In this study, current methodologies of development are reviewed to select a proper one for the development of astronomical observation system and the result of the application is presented. As the subject of this study, a project of operation software development for an astronomical observation system which runs on the ground is selected. And the output management technique based on Component Based Development which is one of the relatively recent methodologies has been applied. Since the nature of the system requires lots of arithmetic algorithms and it has great impact on the overall performance of the entire system, a prototype model is developed to verify major functions and performance. Consequently, it was possible to verify the compliance with the product requirements through the requirement tracing table and also it was possible to keep to the schedule. Besides, it was suggested that a few improvements could be possible based on the experience of the application of conventional output management technique. This study is the first application of the software development methodology in the domestic astronomical observation system area. The process and results of this study would contribute to the investigation for a more appropriate methodology in the area of similar system development.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genome sequencing researches for considerable numbers of crops and wild plants are being developed. Cytogenetic researches according to chromosome number and size are essential to confirm and comprehend ploidy level and genome size before genome sequencing project is actually conducted. Cytogenetic researches on six food crop plants were carried out by DAPI staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench showed 2n=2x=16, each chromosome length of 1.42㎛ to 1.77㎛, total chromosome length of 13.31㎛, and karyotypic formula of 2n=8m; Phaseolus angularis W.F. Wight, 2n=2x=22, 2.01㎛ to 3.84㎛, total 28.03㎛, 2n=9m+2sm, Perilla frutescens var. japonica Hara, 2n=2x=40, 1.73㎛ to 2.76㎛, total 44.36㎛, 2n=5m+13sm+2st. Chromosome sizes of the other three species such as, Panicum miliaceum L., 2n=2x=36, total chromosome length of 30.83㎛, Sesamum indicum L., 2n=2x=26, 27.39㎛, lpomoea batatas L., 2n=2x=30, total 33.51㎛ were too small for each chromosome type to be identified and analyzed. The result of FISH analysis using 5S and 45S rDNA probe showed species-specific chromosome locations in the genome. These preliminary analyses were carried out to decide which food crop to prioritize for genome sequencing. This work was supported by the “Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (No.PJ009837), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mature mammalian oocytes are ovulated at the metaphase II stage of meiosis and complete the cell cycle by fertilization with sperm. During fertilization sperm release an egg activation protein, pho-spholipase C zeta (PLCZ) into oocyte cytoplasm, PLCZ hydrolyze PIP2 into IP3 and DAG. The elevation of IP3 concentration induces Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by binding to the IP3 receptor (IP3R) on the membrane of ER. Recent studies have shown that sperm from patients lacking expression of PLCZ1 or expressing mutant forms of PLCZ1 fail to induce [Ca2+]i oscillations or oocyte activation. Purified recombinant human PLCZ1 (hPLCZ1) protein evaluated its [Ca2+]i oscillation activity in mouse and human oocytes. Here we investigated that produced mouse PLCZ-specific antibodyrecognized the PLCZ protein in mouse testes. PLCZ antibody was raised in rabbits against 19-mer sequence at the C-terminus (MENKWFLSMVRDDFKGGKI) of mouse PLCZ protein. Sperm were fixed in 3.7% paraformaldehyde followed by permeabilization. Sperm were incubated in 5% normal goat serum (NGS) and then incubated overnight with anti-mouse PLCZ. Peanut agglutinin (PNA)-lectin was used for detection of the acrosome. Mouse testes from 6~8 weeks old ICR mouse were fixed in 10% formalinand serial sectioned at 5~8um. Testes tissues were immunostained with anti PLCZ antibody and peanut agglutinin(PNA) for acrosome staining. Produced anti mouse PLCZ antibody recognized 74 kDa protein in western and PLCZ is localized to the post-acrosomal region of mouse sperm and to the equatorial region of bull sperm. Mouse PLCZ protein wasdetected on spermatocytes, spermatid, but not on spermatogonia in seminiferous tubules. Some residual bodies on sperm neck and tail showed strong signal of PLCZ, but this staining was still present with antigenic peptide pretreatment to reduce non specific antibody reaction. Also this antibody reacted with the apical region (arrowheads) of principal cells, where secretory vesicles accumulate on the epididymal tissue. But antigenic peptide pretreatment did not remove this apical region staining. This study presents PLCZ protein is localized on the post-acrosomal region or equatorial region of mouse and bull sperm head. Also PLCZ protein in mouse testes expressed from spermatocytes to mature sperm on later stage of spermatogenesis.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cryopreservation has been known as an efficient method for long-term preservation of clonally propagated plants, and several cryopreservation methods have been developed. Among them, a droplet-vitrification method for potato using axillary shoot tips in vitro has been established previously. In this study, we have optimized the procedure in which explants were submitted to a step-wise pre-culture in liquid sucrose-enriched medium (0.3 and 0.7 M for 7 and 17 h, respectively). The pre-cultured explants were dehydrated with PVS3 (w/v, 50% glycerol + 50% sucrose) for 90 min or modified PVS2 vitrification solution (w/v, 37.5% glycerol + 15% DMSO + 15.0% ethylene glycol + 22.5% sucrose) for 30 min. This two dehydration solutions produced post-cryopreservation regeneration percentages of 57.2% and 80.9%, respectively. We also compared a new post-culture medium (0.1 mg L ・ -1 GA3, 0.1 mg L ・ -1 kinetin) with the conventional one (0.15 mg L ・ -1 IAA, 0.2 mg L ・ -1 zeatin, 0.05 mg L ・ -1 GA3); the shooting initiation rates were 80.9% and 43.5%, respectively. The results suggest that the modified droplet-vitrification protocol described in this study is more effective, easier to implement, and more economical than the droplet-vitrification protocols currently used for potato.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "Chuyoung" as a new double cropping potato variety was bred in 2005 for table use through a cross between "Dejima" with short tuber dormancy and HRB-31 which is a tetraploid derived from an interspecific cross between "Russet Burbank" and Solanum phureja line. It was evaluated for short dormancy, growth and tuber characteristics every twice a year from 1997 to 2001. Regional yield trials were performed from 2002 to 2004 at three locations, Jeju, Namhae and Gangneung of Korea, respectively. Its tuber shape is oblong with yellow skin and flesh colors. Its dormant periods is 60~70days. It showed less incidence of physiological disorders such as cracking or knobs on tubers, and higher resistance to common scab by Streptomyces scabies compared to "Dejima". It has tall plant height and erect growth type with green-broad leaflets and white large inflorescence. Its average yields are 29.5 and 22.6 ton/ha at 90 days after planting in spring and autumn cropping, respectively. It also showed higher marketable yield due to the lower incidence of common scab and physiological disorders compared to "Dejima".
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