High level radioactive waste disposal repository is faced thermos-hydro-mechanical-radioactive condition. Factors according to these complex conditions are measured using multiple sensors installed in the disposal repository to check integrity of the structure. Wires of the sensors can be potential pathways of groundwater and nuclide flow and these pathways accelerates bentonite saturation. Therefore, it is worth to developing wireless sensors buried in the bentonite buffer which can communicate without wires. In start of the study, widely-utilized wireless communication methods including WiFi and LoRa are tested using compacted bentonite blocks to estimate the performance of them. Compacted bentonite blocks are prepaired using di-press method with metal molds and the dry density of them are about 1.6 g/cm3. All wireless communication methods are well communicated through the bentonite blocks over 50 cm. The further experimental tests will be conducted with different dry density and water contents. The results of these experimental tests give a possibility of wireless communications in compacted bentonite buffer and will be utilized for the design of wireless sensor systems for the repository monitoring.
향기와 무늬를 갖추어 난 애호가들의 기호도를 높혀 경쟁 력을 갖춘 품종을 육성하고자 SC-017와 대엽혜란을 교배하 여 2013년 상품성이 높은 한국 춘란 ‘줄리(Julie)’를 개발하였다.
줄리(Julie)는 잎 전체에 황색 복륜무늬가 나타나는 것이 큰 특징이며 시간이 지날수록 선명해진다. 위구경 종단면의 모양은 난형이고 횡단면의 모양은 원형이다. 꽃의 크기는 폭 이 4 cm, 길이가 2.7 cm 정도이다. 잎의 길이는 35 ~ 40 cm 로 모본인 SC-017와 대엽혜란보다 작다.
꽃은 재배시 50% 차광을 해주다가 개화 시기인 5월에는 차광을 높여주는 것이 좋다. 고온시에는 도장의 우려가 있으 며 여름철 곰팡이 병해 방지를 위해 철저한 물관리와 통풍 관 리가 필요하다.
본 연구진은 향기와 무늬를 갖추어 기호도를 높여 수입되 는 동양란과 경쟁력을 갖춘 품종을 육성할 목적으로 중국 춘 란 ‘대부귀’와 한국춘란 SC-005를 교배하여 2012년 신품종 ‘아리울’을 육성하였다.
‘아리울’은 황색 복륜무늬와 향기가 있는 한국 춘란 신품종으로 잎의 폭이 넓고 광택이 있으며, 잎 끝에 약간의 비틀림 이 있다. 잎의 길이는 20 cm ~ 25 cm, 폭은 1.2 cm로 모본과 비슷하였다. 꽃은 옥색이며 크기는 폭이 3 cm, 길이가 2.5 cm이었다.
In rice, the stage of the meiosis in the pollen is sensitive stage resulted in the pollen sterility to reduce yield. Dianxi4 is a cold tolerant line. To monitoring the proteome expression patterns in the pollen of Dianxi4 under the cold stress, shotgun proteomic analysis was conducted to the anther of Dianxi4. The rice plant was grown in the peedy rice field then in the 10 DBH(days before heading), one individual rice plant was moved in the growth chamber under the condition of12℃/RH70%(12h day/12h night). Also the plant used as control was moved in the growth chamber unde the condition of 28℃/RH70%(12h day/12h night). after 4 days treatment, the plant were moved in a greenhouse. The treated rice anther were collected in the one day before heading. From the shotgun proteomic analysis, total of 3,855 non-redundant proteins were identified. Among them, 2,360 proteins were reproducibly identified through the treatment and replications. By the T-test, 1,181 differentially expressed proteins were detected. Through the GO analysis, proteins related in gene expression, cellular process, cellular biosynthetic process were enriched.
Plants have evolved elaborate innate immune systems against invading pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, viruses and insects. Among them, intracellular immune receptors known as nucleotide-binding site and leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) play critical roles in effector-triggered immunity (ETI) regarding to plant defense. Here, we identified potential NB-LRR coding sequences from pepper genome using bioinformatics analysis and performed comparative analysis with Solanaceae plants. As a result, we identified 267, 443, and 755 NBS-encoding genes in the genome of tomato, potato, and pepper, respectively. These may indicate that the Solanaceae NB-LRRs were evolved through species-specific unequal-duplication event. Further phylogenetic and clustering analyses revealed that Solanaceae NB-LRRs were classified into the 14 subgroups with 1 TNL and 13 CNL types. We found that the genes in CNL-G1 and CNL-G2 subgroup were highly expanded compared to other subgroup showing a large portion of NB-LRR in pepper genome. Among 755 NB-LRRs in pepper genome, 623 were physically mapped on all 12 pepper chromosome pseudomolecules. Furthermore, a number of NB-LRRs in the same group were physically clustered by tandem array in the specific chromosome. Genome-wide identification of pepper NB-LRR family and their evolutionary analysis could provide an important resource for identification and characterization of genes for breeding of disease resistance crops.
Tongil (IR667-98-1-2) rice, developed in 1972, is a high-yielding rice variety derived from a three-way cross between indica and japonica. Tongil contributed to staple food self-sufficiency of Korea, an achievement that was termed the ‘Korean Green Revolution’. In this study, we analyzed the nucleotide-level genome structure of Tongil rice and compared it to those of the parental varieties. A total of 17.3 billion Illumina Hiseq reads, 47× genome coverage, were generated from Tongil rice. Three parental accessions, two indica and one japonica types, of Tongil rice were also sequenced for approximately 30x genome coverage. A total of 2,149,991 SNPs were detected between Tongil and Nipponbare; the average SNP frequency of Tongil was 5.77 per kb. Genome composition based on the SNP data by comparing with the three parental genome sequences on sliding window of Nipponbare genome sequence revealed that 91.8% of the Tongil genome originated from the indica parents and 7.9% from the japonica parent, different from the theoretical expectation in a three-way cross, i.e., 75% indica and 25% japonica parental origins on average. Copy number of SSR motifs, ORF gene distribution throughout the whole genome, gene ontology (GO) annotation, yield-related QTLs or gene locations, and polymorphic transposon insertions were also comparatively analyzed between Tongil and parents using sequence-based tools. The results indicated that each genetic factor was transferred from parents into Tongil in proportion to the whole-genome composition. The Tongil rice is the first successful superior cultivar derived from indica × japonica hybridization in Korea. Defining of genome structure demonstrates that the Tongil genome is composed mostly of the indica genome with a small proportion of japonica genome introgression. This work was supported by a grant from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (Plant Molecular Breeding Center No. PJ008125), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
As the drought is getting worse, Lot of studies related to drought stress in plant have been conducted. Recently whole genome sequencing of Brassica rapa ssp which is important vegetable crop to East Asians has been completed to enable Omic research. It is known that the drought damages occur in the early stage of plant development. Here, we performed shotgun proteomics analysis of B. rapa to observe the morphological characters, monitor the expression patterns of the identified proteins during drought stress, and detect the proteins related to drought stress. The three week old B. rapa grown in density of single plant in a single pot were used. Drought stress were treated as that a single plant in soil was removed from the pot and the plant with soil was exposed to air and light without watering. Leaves were immediately harvested before drought treatment, 24hr after drought treatment, and 48hr after drought treatment. The protein expression patterns were monitored by a quantitative shotgun proteomics analysis. Extracted proteins were separated in 1D-SDS-PAGE then the gel sliced into seven pieces. Chopped gels were ingel-digested. Peptides were assigned to mass spectrometry (Q-Exactive). The ms/ms spectra were analyzed through Proteome Discoverer. By combining all of the identified proteins in the seven sliced gel samples, total B. rapa proteome reference map was completed. Protein expression patterns were investigated by comparing the quantity of protein. With shotgun proteomic approach, we evaluated the changes in the quantity and finally discovered the candidate proteins related with drought stress.
Off-type rice plants occurring in farm fields cause yield loss due to competition with cultivated rice, in addition to hindering field management and harvest work. This study aimed to observe the agronomic characteristics and trace the origins of off-type rice plants using molecular markers. A total of 116 rice accessions, comprising 35 off-type plants collected from Korean farm fields, 19 Korean commercial cultivars, 12 Korean land races, and 50 weedy rice collections, were phenotyped and genotyped using selected SSR and Subspecies Specific (SS)-STS markers. The results showed that the plant height, culm length, and leaf length of off-type rice plants were larger than those of cultivated rice, which is the typical phenotype of weedy rice. However, off-type plants were highly sterile, as opposed to weedy rice, which were highly fertile. Genotype analysis with SSR and SS-STS markers revealed that off-type rice plants were heterozygous at most of the tested marker loci, suggesting that the off-type rice plants may have originated from natural outcrossing. The genotypes of off-type rice plants were closely related to both weedy and cultivated rice, and the phylogenetic analysis revealed that the relationship of the clustered group of offtype rice plants is intermediate between Indica type weedy rice and Japonica type commercial varieties. These results suggested that off-type rice plants collected in Korean farm fields might have originated from natural outcrossing between Indica type weedy rice and the cultivated Japonica type commercial varieties.
Hybrid sterility is one of the major barrier to the application of wide crosses in plant breeding and is commonly encountered in crosses between indica and japonica rice varieties. Ten mapping populations comprised of two reciprocal F2 and eight BC1F1 populations generated from the cross between Ilpumbyeo (japonica) and Dasanbyeo (indica) were used to identify QTLs and to interpret the gametophytic factors involved in hybrid fertility or sterility between two subspecies. Frame maps were constructed using a total of 107 and 144 STS markers covering 12 rice chromosomes in two reciprocal F2 and eight BC1F1 populations, respectively. A total of 15 main-effect QTLs and 17 significant digenic- epistatic interactions controlling spikelet fertility (SF) were resolved in the the entire genome map of F2 BC1F1 populations . Among detected QTLs responsible for hybrid ferility, four QTLs, qSF5.1 and and qS F5.2 on chromosome 5, qSF6.2 on chromosome 6, and qSF12.2 on chromosome 12 were identified as major QTLs since they were located at corresponding position in at least three mapping populations. Loci qSF5.1, qSF6.1 and qSF6.2 were responsible for both female and male sterility, whereas qSF3.1, qSF7 and qSF 12.2 affected the spikelet fertility only through embryosac factors, and qSF9.1 did through pollen factors. Five new QTLs identified in this study will be helpful for understanding the hybrid sterility and for breeding programs via inter-subspecific hybridization.
Hybrid sterility is one of the major barrier to the application of wide crosses in plant breeding and is commonly encountered in crosses between indica and japonica rice varieties. Ten mapping populations comprised of two reciprocal F2 and eight BC1F1 populations generated from the cross between Ilpumbyeo (japonica) and Dasanbyeo (indica) were used to identify QTLs and to interpret the gametophytic factors involved in hybrid fertility or sterility between two subspecies. Frame maps were constructed using a total of 107 and 144 STS markers covering 12 rice chromosomes in two reciprocal F2 and eight BC1F1 populations, respectively. A total of 15 main-effect QTLs and 17 significant digenic- epistatic interactions controlling spikelet fertility (SF) were resolved in the the entire genome map of F2 BC1F1 populations . Among detected QTLs responsible for hybrid ferility, four QTLs, qSF5.1 and and qS F5.2 on chromosome 5, qSF6.2 on chromosome 6, and qSF12.2 on chromosome 12 were identified as major QTLs since they were located at corresponding position in at least three mapping populations. Loci qSF5.1, qSF6.1 and qSF6.2 were responsible for both female and male sterility, whereas qSF3.1, qSF7 and qSF 12.2 affected the spikelet fertility only through embryosac factors, and qSF9.1 did through pollen factors. Five new QTLs identified in this study will be helpful for understanding the hybrid sterility and for breeding programs via inter-subspecific hybridization.
Although a great deal of rice proteomic research has been conducted, there are relatively few studies specifically addressing the rice grain proteome. The existing rice grain proteomic research has focused on the identification of deferentially expressed proteins. Here, we performed comparative shotgun proteomic analysis of rice grain development to construct an in-depth proteome reference map, to reveal the expression patterns of the identified proteins, and to detect proteins that are expressed deferentially during grain development.
A Korean rice variety, Ilpumbyeo was used. Proteins were extracted from rice grains 10, 20, and 30 days after flowering, as well as from mature grains. The protein expression patterns were revealed by a quantitative shotgun proteoemic analysis. By merging all of the identified proteins in this study, we identified 4,172 non-redundant. A Genome Ontology category enrichment analysis for the 4,172 proteins revealed that 52 categories were enriched, including the carbohydrate metabolic process, transport, localization, lipid metabolic process, and secondary metabolic process. The relative abundances of the 1,784 reproducibly identified proteins were compared to detect 484 differentially expressed proteins during rice grain development. Clustering analysis and Genome Ontology category enrichment analysis revealed that proteins involved in the metabolic process were enriched through all stages of development, suggesting that proteome changes occurred even in the desiccation phase. Interestingly, enrichments of proteins involved in protein folding were detected in the desiccation phase and in fully mature grain.
In plant, senescence is associated with various aspects of the final stage of leaf development, nutrient relocation from leaves to reproducing seeds and stress resistance, and yield which is the most important trait in crops. Thus, the increase of knowledge on the regulatory processes of plant senescence will allow us to manipulate senescence for agronomic benefit in the future. of genetic studies have been conducted with mutants, where most of studies were focused on the delayed senescence mutants which are associated with positive factors on senescence by treating EMS to Koshikari, we induced a mutant showing early senescence phenotype, which possibly enable us to identify a negative factor of senescence. The appearance of the mutant is identical before booting stage and then the mutant showed senescence phenotype rignt before booting stage whereas Koshikari have health green leaves. The clumn length of the mutant is 98cm and the panicle length is 23cm as same as those of Koshikari. The chlorophyl contents of the mutant leaves, measured by SPAD, decreased during senescence. The soluble protein contents in the mutant leaves also decreased but no differences in the constitution reolved 1D-SDS-PAGE was detected. However, an additional shotgun proteomic approach to detect the differences of the protein constitutions during the senescence in the mutant leaves will be conducted.
The rice sucrose synthase 3 (RSUS3) localized predominantly inrice seed endosperm may play an important role in the starch filling in the milky stage of rice seed. As the genetic diversity at this locus is not known yet, forty three rice varieties/accessions were objected to amplify full sequence of the RSUS3 to examine the distribution of DNA polymorphisms. A total of 254 sequence variants, including 82, 150 and 22SNP sand indels, were successfully identified in whole length of 7,733bp sequence comprising promoter, exon and intron, and 3’ down stream non transcribed region(NTR). Eleven haplotypes were distinguishable among 43 rice varieties based on the nucleotide variation on the three defined regions (5’NTR, transcript and 3’NTR). The promoter region showed the occurrence of a base change on a cis-element which might involve a functional role of the motif in seed-specific expression. Non random process seemed to be acted in the genetic diversity of RSUS3geneamongricegermplasmusedinthisstudy. The analysis of polymorphism sites indicated a history of eleven minimum recombination mostly occurred in the transcribed region. This result might provide an insight for a clasditic approach for establishing future genetic association studies of RSUS3locus.
Plant proteomic study requires a high-throughput separation to the detection and analysis of peptides and proteins by mass spectrometry (MS) to detect low abundant proteins. Together, efficient separation and MS can lead to the detection of thousands of plant proteins in a cell or tissue and help build proteome maps that can provide a global snap-shot of the cell or tissue status. Recently efficient separations based on the HPLC were introduced to allow deeper protein detection and improve throughput. For the HPLC based methods, Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT) and 1D-Gel-LC-MS/MS will be introduced. In MudPIT analysis, all proteins in a sample are digested into peptides before the separation step then the mixture of peptides are separated through the biphasic capillary column and sequentially eluted into the mass spectrometer and analyzed. 1D-Gel-LC-MS/MS separates protein samples in 1D-SDS-Gel then the proteins in each band were ingel-digested into peptides followed by peptides separation with Reverse Phase column and elution into the mass spectrometer. The main goal of this presentation is to introduce the recent protein separation and identification methods based on the HPLC coupled with MS analysis including conventional method of 2D-PAGE.