본 연구는 최근 우리나라에서 급격하게 발생되고 있는 콩 불마름병에 대한 저항성 중간모본을 육성하고자 할 때 marker-assisted selection에 적용할 수 있는 저항성 근접 분자표지를 개발하고자 수행하였다. 1. 불마름병에 이병성인 큰올콩과 저항성인 신팔달콩의 RIL 116 계통에 대하여 콩 불마름병 균주 8ra에 대한 저항성과 연관된 QTL을 탐색한 결과 포장에서는 연관군 B2, D2, I와 K에서, 온실에서는 연관군 D2, C1과 F에서
Pod dehiscence (PD), defined as the opening of pods along both the dorsal and ventral sutures, causes the seed to shatter in the field before harvesting and results in loss of seed yields. However, breeding for resistance to PD is difficult due to the complicated genetic behavior and environmental interaction. The objective of the present research was to analyze the genetic behavior of PD for improving the breeding efficiency of resistance to PD in soybean. PD after oven-drying the sampled pod at 40~circC for 24 hours was the most reliable to predict the degree of PD tested in the field. Keunolkong, a dehiscent parent, was crossed with non-dehiscent parents, Sinpaldalkong and Iksan 10. Using their F1~;and~;F2 seeds, PD was measured after oven drying the pod at 40~circC for 24 hours. The gene conferring PD behaved in different manners depending on the genetic populations. In the Keunolkong~times Sinpaldalkong population, PD seemed to be governed by single major recessive gene and minor genes, while several genes were probably involved in the resistance to pod dehiscence in the Keunolkong~times Iksan 10 population. Heritability for PD estimated in F2 population showed over 90~% in the two populations. High heritability of PD indicated that selection for resistance to PD should be effective in a breeding program. In addition, genetic mapping of quantitative locus (QTL) for PD in both populations may reveal that genes conferring PD are population-specific
A new pea cultivar, Cheongmi was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2003. It was selected from a cross YP303 (Frescoloy / Upton) // YP113 (Sparkle/Early Bird) /3/ YP115 (Sparkle / Euiseongjaerae) in 1992. The preliminary,
A new vegetable soybean cultivar, “Dajin” (Milyang 125) was selected from a cross Keunolkong / Josaengbaekjo(Introduction) // Keunolkong, and was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2003 on the basis of its yield performanc
A new black seed coat soybean cultivar with green cotyledon, Cheongja 2 was developed at the Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI) in 2003. Cheongja 2 was selected from a cross Milyang 70 / Ilpeumgeumjeongkong. The preliminary, advanced and regi
Number of nodes and branches are yield component characters whose expression are highly related with many other traits. In this study, a population derived from the cross of ‘Keunolkong’ and ‘Shinpaldalkong’ was evaluated with SSR markers to identify QTLs
A new sprouting soybean variety, 'achaekong'was developed at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (NYAES) in 2002. It was selected from the cross Hannamkong/Eunhakong. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation an
A new vegetable soybean variety, “Danmiput” was selected from the cross Keunol/Wasehakucho (Introduced), and developed in 2002 on the basis of its yield performance and seed quality for vegetable soybean at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Station. “Dan
A new soybean variety, “Daol” was developed at the National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station in 2002. It was selected from the cross Keunol//Josaengbaekjo/Keunol. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials for evaluation and selection of