
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Current study was performed to investigate the effect of morphological properties of black ginseng such as size and shape on the quality of black ginseng. The raw ginsengs were separated based on size (medium, large, and extra-large) and shape (straight ginseng, fibrous root ginseng). Subsequently, the raw ginsengs were steamed at 95℃ for 3 h and dried in the presence of heated air at 50℃ for 30 h. This process was repeated nine times for black ginseng production. The physiochemical properties such as the content of acidic polysaccharides, ginsenosides, and antioxidative activity were evaluated. Although minor difference in physiochemical properties such as acidic polysaccharide content in raw ginseng was observed, no statistical difference in the content of acidic polysaccharides, total phenols, and ginsenosides was observed during final black ginseng production based on size classification. The minor ginsenosides in fibrous root black ginseng, such as Rk3, Rh4, Rg3, Rk1, and Rg5 were higher in content than straight black ginseng. However, no correlation between the shape of ginseng and total phenol content and antioxidative activity was observed. Therefore, present results demonstrate that the difference in ginseng size in same-age and -production area does not affect the quality of black ginseng. Furthermore, difference in ginseng shape does not influence the overall quality of black ginseng. It is hypothesized that this study would be considered as supportive data for the production of high-quality black ginseng.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 최대한 인삼의 외형을 원형삼 형태의 홍삼 과 유사하게 유지하면서도 기능성은 증진시킬 수 있는 신속 한 고온고압 처리 공정을 확립하기 위하여 다양한 고온고압 처리공정 조건에 따른 이화학적 성분 특성 및 항산화 활성 변화를 살펴보았다. 산성다당체 및 홍삼 특유의 진세노사이 드 Rh1, Rg2, Rg3의 함량은 140℃, 3 kg/cm2의 고온고압 처리 조건에서 가장 높은 반면, 총 페놀 화합물 및 말톨 함량은 156℃, 5 kg/cm2의 고온고압 처리조건에서 가장 높았다. 그러 나 홍삼의 증자 처리 시 156℃, 5 kg/cm2의 처리조건에서는 시 료가 터지거나 외형의 변형이 심하기 때문에 140℃, 3 kg/cm2를 최적 온도 및 압력으로 설정하였다. 한편, 증자 시간이 증 가함에 따라 총 페놀 화합물, 말톨 및 흑삼특이 진세노사이드 함량은 지속적으로 증가하는 경향을 나타내었으나, 20분간 처리한 군의 외형이 기존의 홍삼과 가장 유사한 외관을 나타 냈으므로, 140℃, 3 kg/cm2에서 20분 동안 증자 처리하는 것 을 본 실험의 최적 조건으로 설정하였다. 최종적으로 이러한 최적조건을 통해 제조된 홍삼의 항산화 효능을 분석한 결과, 시중에서 판매되는 백삼, 홍삼 및 흑삼과 비교하여 높은 항산 화 성분 및 항산화 활성을 나타냈다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 확립된 고온고압 처리를 통한 신규홍삼 제조기술은 그 형태 가 기존의 홍삼 제품과 유사하면서도 공정이 신속하고, 품질 은 흑삼과 비슷한 고기능성 신규 인삼제품 개발 시 응용 가능 한 공정으로 사료된다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the morphological features and the chemical composition characteristics of Opuntia ficus-indica and Opuntia humifusa fruits were investigated. The length of minor and major axis, and weight of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits were compared as the morphological features. The characteristics of components such as color, moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids were evaluated. The values of O. ficus-indica fruits were higher than those of O. humifusa fruits in each morphological feature such as minor axis, major axis, and weight. According to the Hunter color index results, O. humifusa fruits showed higher values of L (lightness) and b (yellowness), whereas O. ficus-indica fruits showed higher value of a (redness). The ΔE value between two samples was 19.80. The O. ficus-indica fruits had higher carbohydrate content and lower content of crude ash than those of O. humifusa fruits. Both samples showed very high dietary fiber contents, and the major minerals were K and Ca. Glutamic acid was the major amino acids in both samples. In free amino acids contents, O. ficus-indica had higher tyrosine and lower glutamic acid level than those of O. humifusa fruits. γ-aminobutyric acid was found in both samples, whereas taurine was found in O. ficus-indica fruits only. Taken together, the morphological features and chemical quality of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits showed difference although both of them were originated from the same genus.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seasonal appearance and the chemical composition characteristics of cladode of Opuntia humifusa were investigated in this study. The minor (horizontal) and major (vertical) axes, the width, and weight of O. humifusa cladode were compared for its appearance features. Moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, color, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids contents were measured for the comparison of their chemical composition characteristics. The cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed higher values of minor and major axis, width, and weight than those harvested in winter. According to the results of Hunter color index, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer showed the highest lightness level (Hunter L value). In the meanwhile, cladode of O. humifusa harvested in spring showed the highest Hunter a (redness) and b (yellowness) values. Cladode of O. humifusa harvested in summer had the lowest crude protein and crude fat contents, while it showed the highest crude ash content. The total contents of moisture and dietary fiber were significantly greater than summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa followed by spring- and winter-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. The major mineral content of all seasonal cladode of O. humifusa was Ca2+. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the major amino acids in all seasonal samples. Contrary, the contents of total amino acids and free amino acids were the lowest in summer-harvested cladode of O. humifusa. Taken together, it was concluded that the appearance and chemical quality of cladode of O. humifusa was versatile depending on the harvesting season.