본 연구에서는 국내에서 판매되는 24개 건어포 및 조미 건어포 제품의 종 판별 및 표시사항 준수 여부를 평가했 다. 이러한 수산가공품에 사용된 원재료의 종판별을 위해 cytochrome c oxidase subunit I 및 cytochrome b 유전자 의 염기서열을 분석하여 NCBI GenBank 및 BOLD 데이 터베이스에 등록되어 있는 생물종의 염기서열과 비교 후 계통 분석을 수행했다. 분석 결과 13개 종(Hyporhamphus quoyi, Gadus chalcogrammus, Lophius litulon, Conger myriaster, Paramonacanthus pusillus, Hyporhamphus sajori, Gadus macrocephalus, Hoplobrotula armata, Callionymus meridionalis, Liparis tanakae, Dosidicus gigas, Lagocephalus cheesemanii, and Takifugu vermicularis)이 확인되었다. 일반 명(장어, 오징어 등)을 포함할 경우 16개 제품(66.7%)에서 표시사항과 판별된 종 간에 불일치가 확인되었으며, 일반 명을 제외할 경우 불일치 비율은 41.7%로 감소했다. 식품 유형별로는 조미건어포 제품(n=20, 70%)에서 건어포 제품 (n=4, 50%) 보다 높은 비율의 불일치 비율이 관찰되었다. 원산지별 분석 결과 특정 국가와 불일치 비율과의 상관성 은 확인할 수 없었다. 이러한 연구 결과는 건포류 제품의 주기적 모니터링 수행 및 수산물의 국명 표시 선을 위한 기초자료로 쓰일 수 있을 것이다.
Until now, problems related to shortage of organ for transplantation have been continuing. Pigs are the most suitable animal for xenotransplantation. Although primates are most similar to humans, they are not suitable because they have low productivity. Pigs are more productive than primates, and their organ size and physiological characteristics are similar to humans, with the exception of primates. In this study, we breeding the transgenic minipigs using natural mating to produce transgenic pigs. And, transgenic pigs has transmission rate that follow mendel’s rule. There are 20% hDAF gene, 20% US11 gene and 50% both hDAF and US11 gene in transgenic offsprings. Furthermore, transgenic pigs followed normal litter size, and piglets also has normal sex ratio. To suppress the immune function, experiments were performed using porcine ear fibroblast that transfected with hDAF and US11gene. In Cytotoxicity experiment against human complement, hDAF gene and double transgenic cell with both hDAF and US11 gene showed effect to reduce cytotoxicity rate in all of human complement condition. US11 gene and double transgenic cell were significantly reduce the cytotoxicity ratio in human NK cell. Besides, hDAF gene transgenic cell also reduce immune response in 10:1 concentration of human NK cell. In conclusion, natural mating was efficient method for breeding transgenic pigs. And, hDAF and US11 genes has effect for reduce cytotoxicity against human NK cell and human complement conditions.
Large quantity of eggs fail to be fertilized and many of fertilized eggs are unable to hatch in the eel, Anguilla japonica. Larvae of eel absorb egg yolk up to 8 days after hatching but the majority of hatched larvae die before they reach the stage of first feeding in this species. Genes of key enzymes for yolk processing (cathepsin B, D, L and lipoprotein lipase - abbreviated as ctsb, ctsd, ctsl and lpl, respectively) could be associated with egg quality. In this study, we investigated differences in the expression of these genes between floating eggs and sinking eggs, and also the relationship between the gene expressions of the enzymes and fertilization rates in the fertilized eggs obtained from artificially matured female eels. Expressions of yolk processing enzyme genes did not show significant difference between floating and sinking egg groups. Expression of ctsb decreased when fertilization rate was high. Expression of ctsd, ctsl and lpl, however, did not show any significant differences. These results suggest that ctsb expression could be an indicator of egg quality, and that some proteins prone to be digested by ctsb could be very important in the process of fertilization and normal cleavage in this species. Further study should identify these critical proteins to improve our understanding on the quality of fish eggs.