It became possible to perform genomic predictions using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with advancements in genomics technology, not only in human but in livestock as well. There are strong interests in improving economical traits in livestock through identifying causative mutation, genes or predicting genomic breeding values. We present the current status of genome prediction studies for phenotype estimation of economic traits in livestock from various perspectives based on the genomic area. First, we introduce theoretical background of genomic prediction methods and newest development on SNP information. Thanks to develop sequencing technology, multi-omics data can be used to predict phenotypes associated with the economic traits. In particular, many studies show that genomic prediction accuracy of genomic partitioning data based on the biological information is higher than that of commercial SNP chip. Therefore, multi-omics data can be useful for genomic prediction studies. It is also important that researchers should consider factors affecting genomic prediction accuracy such as heritability, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) and marker density, size and structure of reference population. We also introduce genomic prediction studies based on the integration of multi-omics data that shows improvement of prediction accuracy than typical Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (GBLUP) models. We concluded that genomic prediction studies can be expanded to apply social issues, new phenotypes, or precision agriculture such as diseases, climate change, and metabolism including economic traits with multi-omics data using high-throughput technologies.
Carrier testing for autosomal recessive hereditary disorders in the elite sire population has great significance for the domestic animal breeding. Because the recessive allele embedded in carriers without clinical signs may be passed to the next generation and rapidly spread throughout the population. The occurrences of various autosomal recessive hereditary disorders have been reported, and several causative mutations were elucidated in cattle. However, there is no report for the hereditary disorders in Korean cattle (Hanwoo) although Hanwoo is the indigenous purebred in Korea and have been improved by the national breeding programs in the last 30 years. Here, we investigated the presence of carrier for the following hereditary disorders in the Korean proven bulls (n=78; 42 family) using DNA based analysis: Chediak–Higashi syndrome, spherocytosis, claudin-16 deficiency, factor XI deficiency. The causative genes for these diseases (lysosomal trafficking regulator, solute carrier family 4 member 1, Claudin-16 and coagulation factor XI, respectively) were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing. As a results, there was no carrier individual, and all animals were normal. Although the recessive alleles for four disorders were not identified in this study, further investigation for other hereditary disorders still remains to remove deleterious factors in the genetic improvement of Korean cattle.
Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is critical for the triggering of innate immune response by recognizing the conserved molecular patterns of single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses and mediated antigenic adaptive immunity. To understand how TLR7 distinguish pathogen-derived molecular patterns from the host self, it is essential to be able to identify TLR7 receptor interaction interfaces, such as active sites or R848-agonist binding sites. The functional interfaces of TLR7 can serve as targets for structure-based drug design in studying the TLR7 receptor’s structure-function relationship. In contrast to mammalian TLR7, chicken TLR7 (chTLR7) is unknown for its important biological function. Therefore, it has been targeted to mediate contrasting evolutionary patterns of positive selection into non-synonymous SNPs across eleven species using TLR7 conservation patterns (evolutionary conserved and class-specific trace residues), where protein sequence differences to the TLR7 receptors of interest record mutation that have passed positive section across the species. In this study, we characterized the Lys609 residue on chTLR7-ECD homodimer interfaces to reflect the current tendency of evolving positive selection to be transfer into a stabilization direction of the R848-agonist/ chTLR7-ECDs complex under the phylogenetically variable position across species and we suggest a potential indicator for contrasting evolutionary patterns of both the species TLR-ECDs.
우리나라 고유 품종인 한우는 표현형 중 외모에 따라 일반적으로 한우라 불리는 황갈색 한우, 칡소, 흑우로 구분되어 있다. 한우 집단 중, 칡소는 한우의 원형으로 여겨지고 있으나, 제주흑우와 비슷하게 국내 희소품종으로 분류되어 있다. 현재 본 연구에서는 황갈색 한우와 칡소의 50K 고밀도 칩을 활용하여 선발신호를 검출할 수 있는 Rsb 분석에 따라 인위적 선발에 의해 진화적으로 선택된 유전체 영역을 탐색하였다. 그 결과, 37개의 후보유전체 영역이 한우와 비교하였을 때 칡소에서 유의적으로 다름을 알수 있었다. 후보 유전체 영역 내에 존재하는 유전자군을 대상으로 유전자 기능에 대한 주석 달기를 진행하였을 때, 불포화지방산 대사 과정, 면역 반응 등의 기능들이 통계적으로 유의함을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 유전체 영역들이 진화적 관점에서 칡소의 적응과정에 있어서 칡소만의 고유한 유전적 특성을 가지는데 기여하였다고 사료된다. 또한, 황갈색 한우의 선발신호와 칡소의 선발신호를 비교한 결과, 염색체 1번 2-2.5Mb 영역이 진화적 관점에서 공통적으로 선발되고 있음을 관찰할 수 있었으며, 해당 영역의 유전자를 살펴본 결과, 각 발달과정에 관여하는 유전자가 포함되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 한우라는 공통적 특성을 가지며 진화적으로 유지, 보존하고 있다고 예측할 수 있다. 칡소와 황갈색 한우가 가지는 선발신호는 거의 대부분이 다르다는 것을 Rsb 분석에 의해 확인하였다. 추가적으로 집단 내 고정된 단일염기서열변이 및 이형접합율을 비교한 결과 소수 집단에서 가지고 있는 유전적 변이 감소, 유전적 흐름의 급격한 변화 등의 유전적 특성이 칡소 집단에서 나타났으며, 이는 칡소의 선발신호 분석결과와 유사한 결과를 보임을 제시하고 있다. 이러한 결과는 향후 칡소를 비롯한 국내 한우에 대한 연구에 기초자료가 될 것이라 판단되며, 국내 한우 집단 차이의 정확한 원인에 대한 연구는 추가적으로 수행할 필요가 있을 것이라 사료된다.
초위성체 표지인자는 가축에서 유전자 다양성, 개체식별 연구를 위한 유전자 마커로 활용되고 있지만 가축의 가금류에서는 이러한 연구가 미비한 실정이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 닭에서의 초위성체 마커에 대한 유전정보를 확보하고 보다 정확하고 신속한 유전자 분석 방법의 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 12개의 초위성체 표지인자(MS Marker)를 1세트로 구성된 다중중합효소연쇄반응(Multiplex PCR)을 이용하여 닭의 대립유전자와 대립유전자 빈도 및 이형접합도을 결정하는 마커를 개발하는 것이다. 닭 96수를 이용하여 12개 MS marker를 분석한 결과, MS marker에 대한 대립유전자수는 평균 3.08개로 관찰되었다. 12개 초위성체 마커의 이형접합도은 평균 0.563이고 다형정보도(Polymrphism information content : PIC)는 0.482로 계산되었다. 이 결과는 전국적으로 닭의 유전자를 이용한 개체식별 및 친자감별에 이용하기 위한 기초자료 뿐만 아니라 닭 이력제를 정착시킬 수 있는 중요한 기술로 활용 될 수 있을 것이라 사료된다.
Many countries have implemented genetic evaluation for fertility traits in recent years. In particular, reproductive trait is a complex trait and need to require a system-level approach for identifying candidate genes related to the trait. To find the candidate gene associated with reproductive trait, we applied a weighted gene co-expression network ana-lysis from expression value of bovine genes. We identified three co-expressed modules associated with reproductive trait from bovine microarray data. Hub genes (ZP4, FHL2 and EGR4) were determined in each module; they were topologically centered with statistically significant value in the gene co-expression network. We were able to find the highly co-expressed gene pairs with a correlation coefficient. Finally, the crucial functions of co-expressed modules were reported from functional enrichment analysis. We suggest that the network-based approach in livestock may an important method for analyzing the complex effects of candidate genes associated with economic traits like repro-duction.
우리나라 고유 품종인 한우는 표현형 중 외모에 따라 일반적으로 한우라 불리는 황갈색 한우, 칡소, 흑우로 구분되어 있다. 한우 집단 중, 황갈색 한우만이 육질, 육량 형질을 중심으로 체계적인 개량프로그램에 의해 개량되었다. 본 연구에서는 황갈색 한우와 칡소의 50K 고밀도 칩을 활용하여 선발신호를 검출할 수 있는 세 가지 분석법(Rsb, iHS, FST)에 따라 인위적 선발에 의해 진화적으로 선택된 유전체영역을 탐색하였다. 그 결과, Rsb, iHS, FST 분석법에 따라 각각 41개, 23개, 50개의 후보유전체 영역이 칡소와 비교하였을 때 황갈색 한우에서 유의적으로 다름을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 후보 유전체 영역 내에 존재하는 유전자군을 대상으로 유전자 기능에 대한 주석 달기를 진행하였을 때, 근육 발달, 면역반응 등의 기능들이 통계적으로 유의함을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 유전체 영역들이 진화적 관점에서 황갈색 한우의 적응과정에 있어서 육질 등 생산성을 높이는 데에 기여하였다고 사료된다
This study was conducted to find a useful marker for gene polymorphism analysis using Microsatellite marker (MS marker) in Gyeongju Donggyeong dog. Twenty three MS marker analyzed the genetic features of DNA using 100 Gyeongju Donggyeong dogs in Gyeongju area. It was performed multiplex PCR with 3 set primer divided 9, 10 and 4 by analysis of conditions among MS markers. The results were calculated heterozygosity, polymorphic information content (PIC), allele frequency and number of allele at each locus using Microsatellite Toolkit software and Cervus 3.0 program. Total 148 alleles were genotyped to determine and average 6.43 alleles was detected. FH3381 had the highest of 15 alleles and FH2834 had the lowest of 2 alleles. Expected heterozygosity had a wide range from 0.282 to 0.876 and had average value of 0.6496. Also, Observed heterozygosity had a more wide range from 0.200 to 0.950 and had average value of 0.6404. PIC had range from 0.262 to 0.859 and average PIC was calculated 0.606. Especially, FH2998 represented the highest rate of observed heterozygosity of 0.950 and FH3381 represented the highest rate of expected heterozygosity of 0.876 and PIC of 0.859. The use of these markers was considered to be useful to study genetic traits of Gyeongju Donggyeong dog.
The number of abandoned dogs is increasing with the worsening of the economy and the rising of feed value. It was becoming a serious social problem because of the disease transmission and destruction of natural ecosystems by abandoned dogs been wild animal. In order to solve these problems, companion dogs necessary to secure its own genetic information and to establish the systematic tracking system. Using multiplex-PCR method with 27 microsatellite marker (MS marker) divided 3 set, various alleles occurring to 6 dog breed (Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, English Springer Spaniel, Belgian Malinois, Jindo Dog, PoongSan Dog) make use of markers to determine allele frequency and heterozygosity. MS marker FH2834 and FH2790 have only two allele and most were found in 13 alleles at FH3381 and FH3399. Average heterozygosity of MS marker is 0.534 and especially, heterozygosity represented the highest value of 0.765 at FH3381. So, it was recognized appropriate allele frequency for individual identification and paternity diagnosis in companion dogs. Using multiplex-PCR method with MS marker, various alleles occurring to dog breed make use of markers to deter mine individual identification and paternity diagnosis, traits associated biomarkers and breed-specific marker for faster, more accurate and ways to reduce the analysis cost. Based on this result, a scientific basis was established to the existing pedigree data by applying genetics additionally. Animal registration system is expected to be conducted nationwide in future. The method expects to very useful this system.
Economic traits are quantitative traits and are mostly controlled by a large number of genes. Some these genes tend to have a large effect on quantitative traits in cattle and are known as major genes primarily located at quantitative traits loci (QTL). However, in practice, QTL is linked to allele associates of the gene controlling traits of interest. It is hypothesized that if QTL explaining a part of genetic differences between animals are detected, the effect of the genes located at QTL could assist in estimating an animal’s true genetic value. Therefore, QTL information could probably provides accuracy of breeding value estimation as well as more genetic gain through selection of animals at relatively younger age. Marker assisted selection (MAS) is the indirect selection process where a quantitative trait of economic importance is selected not just based on the trait itself but also on the basis of marker linked to QTL. MAS could be useful for traits that are difficult to measure, exhibit low heritability, and are expressed late in development. Major genes which are responsible for QTL could possibly be identified first by using different techniques such as gene expression analysis and QTL mapping. Thereafter, the information generated could be implemented for MAS in estimating breeding value. In this review we focused on delivering genome information into Hanwoo breeding program.