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        검색결과 20

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the key challenges for the commercialization of carbon nanotube fibers (CNTFs) is their large-scale economic production. Among CNTF spinning methods, surfactant-based wet spinning is one of the promising techniques for mass producing CNTFs. Here, we investigated how the coagulation bath composition affects the spinnability and the properties of CNTFs in surfactant-based wet spinning. We used acetone, DMAc, ethanol, and IPA as coagulants and analyzed the relationship between coagulation bath composition and the properties of CNTFs in terms of kinetic and thermodynamic coagulation parameters. From a kinetic perspective, we found that a low mass transfer rate difference (MTRD) is favorable for wet spinning. Based on this finding, we mixed the coagulant bath with solvent in a proper ratio to reduce the MTRD, which generally improved the wet spinning. We also showed that the coagulation strength, a thermodynamic parameter, should be considered. We believe that our research can contribute to establishment of surfactant-based wet spinning of CNTFs.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have used bulked segregant analysis to screen the strain-specific DNA marker associated thermophilic strain of Pleurotus eryngii. Bulked genomic DNAs of Pleurotus eryngii were amplified by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) using OP-A, OP-B, OP-L, OP-P, OP-R and OP-S primers to screen the strain-specific DNA marker. A unique DNA fragment of 500 bp was amplified with OP-A11 primer from the psychrophilic strain and sequenced. A sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker was designed on the basis of the determined sequence and named as OP-A11-1. The PCR analysis with the OP-A11-1 primer showed that this SCAR marker clearly distinguish the psychrophilic strains from the control strains.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) is a by-product remaining after a crop of mushrooms. The fresh SMS was sample within 24 hours of removal from the production facility in DOJUN farm located in Jinju. About 11 bacterial species were isolated from fresh SMS on TSA medium. Among of them, one isolate, designated YJ02, showed the antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus ochraceous producing mycotoxin on PDA medium, potentially. The strain YJ02 was produced cellulase, xylanase, mannanase as hydrolase. The strain YJ02 was identified as members of the genus Bacillus by biochemical characteristics using Bacillus ID kit and VITEK 2 system. Comparative 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain YJ02 formed a distinct phylogenetic tree within the genus Bacillus and was most closely related to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens with 16S rDNA gene sequence similarity of 98.7%. On the basis of its physiological properties, biochemical characteristics and phylogenetic distinctiveness, strain YJ02 was classified within the genus Bacillus, for which the name Bacillus amyloliquefaciens YJ02 is proposed.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent mushroom substrate(SMS) is a by-product remaining after a crop of mushrooms. About 9 thermophilic strains were isolated from SMS(Flammulina velvtipes). Among of them, one isolate, designated UJ09, showed the antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus ochraceous producing mycotoxin on PDA medium, potentially. The strain UJ09 was produced cellulase and xylanase as hydrolase. The strain UJ21 was identified as members of the genus Bacillus by biochemical characteristics using Bacillus ID kit and VITEK 2 system. Comparative 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain UJ09 formed a distinct phylogenetic tree within the genus Bacillus and was most closely related to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens with 16S rDNA gene sequence similarity of 99.2%. On the basis of its physiological properties, biochemical characteristics and phylogenetic distinctiveness, strain UJ09 was classified within the genus Bacillus, for which the name Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UJ09 is proposed.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the feeding value of the spent mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) substrates (SMS) in laying hens (Hy-Line Brown). The fresh spent mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) substrates collected from the DOJUN farm were fermented with Bacillus subtilis EJ3 for 2 weeks. A total of twenty-four laying hens were fed corn-soy based experimental diets containing 0% (control), 5% (T1), 10% (T2) and 15%(T3) fermented SMS for 7 weeks. There were no significant differences among the treatments in egg production, egg weight, egg mass, feed conversion and viability during the experimental period. Feed intake was significantly lowered in control (118.3 g) than T1 (121.9 g), T2 (120.3 g) and T3 (122.4 g). There were no significant differences among the treatments eggshell breaking strength, thickness and haugh unit, whereas the yolk color of T1, T2 and T3 were significantly heavy than T0. The palatability of boiled meat was significantly better in the T3 laying hens than in the T0 laying hens. In conclusion, fermented SMS can be used as resource of feed in laying hen feed at 5.0-15% level without effect on performance and egg qualify.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        배추좀나방과 담배거세미나방 유충에 대한 30종 한방 식물체 메탄올 조추출몰의 살충활성 및 섭식 저해활성을 잎침지법을 이용하여 5,000ppm으로 검정하였다. 황련의 추출물은배추좀나방에 대해 살충작용을 보였다. 길경, 사삼, 세신, 오배자 및 자초의 추출물은 배추좀나방 유충에 대해, 목통 및 속새의 추출물은 담배거세미나방 유충에 대한 강한 섭식저해활성을 보였으나, 오배자와 황련의 추출물은 이들 나비목 유충 모두에 강한 섭식저해활성을 나타내었다.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논 문 에서는 직사각형 형태의 사용후 핵연료 저장구조물 에 대한 내진해석을 다루었다. Eulerian 과 Lagrangian 의 두가지 해석방법 을 사용하여, 그 결 과를 비교하였다. Eulerian 접 근 방법에서는 유체 운동에 대한 Laplace 방정식의 경계치 문제를 푼 반면, Lagrangian 접 근 방법에서는 저 장구조물은 고체 유한요소로 모 형화 하였고, 내부유체 는 유체 유한요소로 보형 화 하였다. 유체영역 을 모형화 하는데 사용된 유체요소의 강성올 적 절히 산정하기 위하여 (1 x 1) 의 갑차적 분을 적 용하였다. 응답스펙 트럼 해석 법으로 유체 구조물 상관관계의 내 진 해석 올 수행한 결 과, 뚜 접 근 방볍으로 구한 벽면에 작용하는 유동압이 장 일치 함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 벽면 유연성의 영향을 포함할 경 우, 지 진 발생시 벽면에 작용 하는 유통 압이 크 게 증가할 수 있 음올 알았다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hibiscus syriacus (H. syriacus) as the national flower of Korea has been used as the herbal medicine in Asia. In this study, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory effect of 70% ethanol extracts from the root of Hibiscus syriacus (RHS-E70) and elucidated the potential signaling pathway in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. RHS-E70 dose-dependently suppressed NO production by inhibiting iNOS and IL-β expression in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. RHS-E70 inhibited the phosphorylation and degradation of IκB-α, which contributed to the inhibition of p65 nuclear accumulation and NF-κB activation. Furthermore, RHS-E70 suppressed the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38, which results in the inhibition of ATF2 phosphorylation and subsequent nuclear accumulation. These results indicate that RHS-E70 may exert antiinflammatory activity by inhibiting NF-κB and MAPK/ATF2 signaling. From these findings, RHS-E70 has potential to be a candidate for the development of chemopreventive or therapeutic agents for the inflammatory diseases.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Over the last decades, increasing natural disasters and climate change are considered as the major environmental problems facing the globe. Numerous studies have been indicated it would cause huge losses on agriculture, especially in the grain productivity. Therefore, several alternatives are suggested for boosting up productivity of wheat as one of the main human food crop. One of important strategy is proper management of inflorescence development and DELLA proteins have been elucidated to play pivotal roles in growth of many plant organs. In this study, putative negative regulator of DELLA protein, GAST (Gibberellic acids stimulated transcript) have been isolated to identify their role in the developing spike of wheat. Four genes were isolated from its gene family and designated as TaGAST1, 2, 3, 4. Genomic structure was analyzed to demonstrate chromosomal localization of TaGAST genes and evolutionary relationships were also verified with GAST genes in other plant species. RT-PCR was conducted to detect transcriptional changes of TaGAST genes on external phytohormone. Each of TaGAST genes showed considerable changes in transcription level after GA, ABA, PAC treatment, respectively. Through Yeast two-hybrid assay, one protein for TaGAST1, and four proteins for TaGAST2 was isolated as putative interactive proteins in wheat spikes just before and after emergence.