점봉산 참당귀는 해발 750-965 m의 교목층은 들메나무, 고로쇠나무, 신갈나무가 분포하고, 아교목층에는 당단풍, 까치박달나무가 분포하는 계곡지로 유기물이 집적되기 쉬운 다습한 지형에 자생하였다. 참당귀 군락의 토양 분석 결과 토양pH는 4.9-6.0으로 우리나라 산림토양의 평균과 매우 유사한 값을 보였으며, 토양 양분의 지표인 유기물함량, 전질소 양이온치환용량, 치환성 Ca, K, Mg, Na의 함량은 산림토양의 평균보다 비교적 높은 값을 보였다. 생장 특성으로는 9월 말에는 뿌리 생장이 평균 47.9 g이나 10월 말에는 33.8 g으로 29% 감소하였으며, 유용 성분은 반대로 10월말에 decursin 3.8%, decursinol angelate 3.6%로 각각 26%, 67% 증가하였다. 참당귀 자생지 8개 집단의 생장 특성 및 유용성분 함량과 토양특성 간의 상관분석을 수행한 결과 뿌리 생장은 치환성 양이온인 K, Mg, Na과 높은 양의 상관관계를 보였고, 유용성분은 뿌리의 수분함량과 높은 음의 상관관계를 보였다.
Background : Two major forest medicinal resources, Korean angelica (Angelica gigas Nakai) and Cnidii rhizoma (Cnidium officnale Makino) were used as medicinal herbs for long times and in these day consumed as cosmetic materials. For keep pace with a mass demand and supply, pesticides were should be sprayed for control of pests and plant diseases. However, the social concerns on well-balanced life, pesticides safety, and continuous and stable production of clean non-timber products were increased with the times. Therefore, environmental-friendly cultivation was increased before decade. This study performed for selection of effective control agents to hyphal growth of leaf spot and anthracnose in two medicinal resources.
Methods and Results : The antifungal effects of eugneol, pine needle E.O, and 7 natural product extracts (Sophora root, green tea, neem, eucalyptus, grapefruit seed, derris, and 36% rosin) were evaluated against two plant pathogens (Phoma sp., and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). After re-loading of each 20 ㎕ natural product extracts to the PDA plate which loaded two spore dilution (106 spores/㎖) 100 ㎕, the hyphal growth control effects to pathogens were confirmed. Among 9 control agents, eugenol and pine needle E.O were the most effective, and then Sophora root, green tea, and neem. However, 4 agents (eucalyptus, 36% rosin, grapefruit seed, and derris) were not effective.
Conclusion : It confirmed that possibility as a control agents of eugenol and pine needle E.O to leaf spot (Phoma sp.) of Korean angelica and anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) of Cnidii rhizoma, respectively. We will be developed as commercial products safe in the forest lands
Background : The young stem of Cinnamomum cassia (YSC) as traditional Chinese medicines has been reported to show a variety of pharmacological properties such as anti-allergy, insecticidal, antimicrobial, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, immune-suppressive, and neuronal death prevention, tyrosinase inhibition and anticancer, antioxidant and free radical scavenging, as well as antidiabetic and aldose reductase inhibition activities. In this study, we elucidated apoptotic effect and potential molecular mechanism of hot water extracts from YSC (YSC-HW) against human colorectal cancer cells. Methods and Results : YSC-HW treatment increased ROS level and induced ROS-dependent DNA damage in human colorectal cancer cells. ROS generation mediated by YSC-HW induced DNA induced apoptosis and reduction of cell viability in human colorectal cancer cells. YSC-HW ROS-dependently induced NF-kB activation through p65 nuclear translocation via IkB-α degradation, which exerted the induction of apoptosis. In addition, YSC-HW activated ATF3 expression dependent on ROS, which resulted in apoptosis. Conclusion : Our results suggest that YSC-HW may induce apoptosis through ROS-activation of NF-kB and ATF3 in human colorectal cancer cells. From these findings, YSC-HW has potential to be a candidate for the development of chemoprevention or therapeutic agents for human colorectal cancer.
Background : The cultivation of wild greens in a forest farming system is an attractive alternative to wild harvesting, due to its much lower production cost compared with conventional cultivation, and its provision of a second income to the landowner. Yet little is known about the conditions that would maximize the growth and antioxidant activities of wild greens in a forest farming system. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the optimal conditions that would maximize antioxidant activities of Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz., being cultivated in three different cultivation systems in Korea. Methods and Results : After the fibrous roots of L. fischeri were planted in three different cultivation systems, this study was conducted to assess the effect on health-related properties such as total phenolic contents, flavonoids, DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrasyl) free radical scavenging activities and reducing power. From these harvests in different sites, extracts were prepared using methanol. Total phenolic content in forest farming system (1.061 ㎎·GAE/㎖) was higher than that in other products harvested in conventional and greenhouse system (0.666㎎·GAE/㎖). Also, flavonoid content was higher in forest farming system (0.124 ㎎·QE/ ㎖), compared to conventional and greenhouse system (0.084 ㎎·QE/㎖). Conclusions : Antioxidant activity and cultivation system seem to correlate with total polyphenol and flavonoid contents.
Background : In the herbal medicine market, Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba are all called "Danggui" and used confusingly. We aimed to assess the genetic diversity and relationships among 14 Angelica species collected from different global seed companies. Toward this aim we developed DNA markers to differentiate the Angelica species. Methods and Results : A total of 14 Angelica species, A. gigas, A. acutiloba, A. sinensis, A. pachycarpa, A. hendersonii, A. arguta, A. keiskei, A. atropurpurea, A. dahurica, A. genuflexa, A. tenuissima, A. archangelica, A. taiwaniana, and A. hispanica were collected. The genetic diversity of all 14 species was analyzed by using five chloroplast DNA-based simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and employing the DNA fragment analysis method. Each primer amplified 3 - 12 bands, with an average of 6.6 bands. Based on the genetic diversity analysis, these species were classified into specific species groups. The cluster dendrogram showed that the similarity coefficients ranged from 0.77 to 1.00. Conclusions : These findings could be used for further research on cultivar development by using molecular breeding techniques and for conservation of the genetic diversity of Angelica species. The analysis of polymorphic SSRs could provide an important experimental tool for examining a range of issues in plant genetics.
‘장원’은 국립산림과학원에서 당도가 높으면서 종피가 잘 벗겨지는 과실 특성을 가진 품종을 육성하기 위해 수령 60년 생 이상의 노거수를 대상으로 선발하여 개발한 품종이다. 이 품종은 2001년에 처음으로 선발되었고 2007 ~ 2009년까지 과실 특성에 대한 안전성 검정을 수행하였다. 특히 이 품종의 수확시기는 9월 둘째주이며, 8년생을 기준으로 나무당 수확 량은 약 3.9 kg이다. 이 품종은 과실 특성으로 당도 17.5%, 경도 9.6 kg/cm2, 종피 박피율 98.6%로 대조 품종인 유마 보 다 과실품질이 우수하여 군밤용으로 특화되어 이용 될 수 있 다. 또한 다른 품종의 종피 박피율 향상을 위한 수분수로도 활용 가능성이 크다.