
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 227

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As consumers take greater control over products and brands they consume, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and user-generated content (UGC) are now being considered as one of the most critical product sources for consumers. Most notable in recent years has been the widespread emergence of eWOM in social media. The proliferation of a variety of social networking sites (SNSs), propelled by the development of mobile technologies (e.g., smartphones), has allowed consumers to share, more quickly and easily than ever before, product information, reviews, and consumption experiences. Perhaps one of the newest and most effective ways to communicate brand information and experiences in digital environments is the ‘brand-selfie.’ Every day, millions of selfies (i.e., a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media) are taken and then posted on a variety of SNSs all over the world, providing people the opportunity to show multiple facets of the self (Bazarova et al., 2013). Further, there are consumers who voluntarily post selfies with brands/products they possess (so called brand-selfies) and brand-related hashtags (e.g., your #brand). Through brand-selfies, consumers not only express themselves by connecting with and extending through brands, but also influence peer consumers’ brand attitudes and purchase decisions by sharing brand information. In order to better understand how the selfie can succeed on SNSs as a new form of eWOM, in the present study, we attempt to identify key predictive variables that may lead consumers to post brand-selfies and engage eWOM in social media. We do so by comparing how such variables differ between those who post brand-selfies and those who do not. Specifically, this study examines whether brand-selfie-posting behavior is influenced by two individual difference factors (i.e., narcissism and materialism), and whether it is associated with consumers’ beliefs that SNSs are brand/product information sources. Using a survey administered by an online panel, a total of 305 participants who had had the experience of taking and posting selfies on SNSs participated. Discriminant analysis identified the characteristics of consumers who post brand-selfies, and those who do not. Findings suggest that narcissism, materialism, and belief that SNSs are a brand/productinformation source are significant factors in stimulating SNS users’ brand-selfie posting behaviors, and that they could be used to differentiate between brand-selfie posters and no-brand-selfie posters. Of these factors, consumers’ perceptions of SNSs as a source of brand/product information best predicted brand-selfie posting behaviors, followed by materialism and narcissism. Areas for future research are discussed.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 소셜미디어 콘텐츠를 소프트웨어 시스템을 이용하거나 정성적으로 분석함으로써 L-글루타민산나트륨에 대한 소비자 인식도를 조사하고자 하였다. 첫 번째로, 1년 (2013.7~2014.6)의 기간 동안 네이버와 카페에서 작성된 글들을 수집하였으며, 수집한 문서들을 무료 텍스트 분석 소프트웨어인 TONK를 사용하여 분석하였다. 블로그와 카페에서 작성된 글들은 주로 L-글루타민산나트륨의 사용과 관련된 음식점 후기 및 MSG (L-글루타민산나트륨)-무첨가 제품에 대한 홍보 내용을 담은 글들로 파악되었으며, 기타 L-글루타민산나트륨의 안전성 또는 식품첨가물 제거법에 대한 내용으로 파악되었다. 두 번째로, 네이버 트렌드 검색 서비스를 이용하여 L-글루타민산나트륨에 대한 검색량 증가 구간에 발생한 언론보도 사건을 조사하였다. PC 검색량의 경우 총 5개 증가 구간 중 3개의 구간에서, 모바일 검색량의 총 9개 증가 구간 중 6개의 구간에서 시사 프로그램에서 L-글루타민산나트륨에 대해 보도한 것으로 나타났다. 나머지 구간에서는 일간지나 TV 뉴스로 기사를 보도한 구간들로 나타났다. 세 번째로 식품의약품안전처의 L-글루타민산나트륨의 안전성 발표를 보도한 연합뉴스의 댓글을 분석하였다. 공감수 100개 이상인 댓글의 내용을 분석한 결과, L-글루타민산나트륨의 안전성, 질 낮은 재료의 사용 지적, MSG (L-글루타민산나트륨) 과다사용에 대한 우려, 정부 불신을 표현하는 댓글들이 파악되었다. 시판 제품들의 표시사항을 분석한 결과, 일일섭취허용량을 설정할 필요가 없을 정도로 안전한 식품첨가물임에도 불구하고 L-글루타민산나트륨을 첨가하지 않은 제품들은 L-글루타민산나트륨 무첨가라는 표시를 강조하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 이는 국가기관, 교육청과 지방자치단체에서 MSG 미사용을 원칙으로 제도를 운용하고 있어 이러한 정책이 산업계와 소비자 인식에 영향을 미쳤을 가능성도 고려해볼 수 있다. 본 연구 결과 소비자들은 대체로 소셜 미디어를 이용하여 검색하거나 관련 제품을 구매하고자 할 때 L-글루타민산나트륨을 사용하지 않는 것이 좋다는 인식을 하게 될 가능성이 있는 것으로 파악되며, L-글루타민산나트륨의 과다 사용에 관심이 있는 것으로 나타났다. TV 시사 프로그램에서 방송하거나 일간지 또는 TV 뉴스에서 기사를 보도할 경우 네이버 검색량이 증가하였으며, 검색량 증가구간은 PC 환경에서보다는 모바일 환경에서 더욱 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 L-글루타민산나트륨과 관련한 커뮤니케이션 수단으로 소비자들이 관심있어 하는 방송프로그램, 뉴스 프로그램 등 언론을 활용하고, PC보다는 모바일을 통하여 소비자에게 접근한다면 효과적으로 소비자에게 정보를 전달할 수 있을 것이다.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본연구는 최근 한국 대중문화를 관통하는 핵심적 키워드 중 하나인 ‘복고’에 주목했다. 급격한 미디어 환경 변화 속에서 세대별 미디어 격차가 정보격차로 이어지고 이것이 세대갈등을 파생시키고 있다고 보고, 한국 사회의 갈등구조 속에서 복고 미디어콘텐츠가 갖는 세대갈등 완화와 사회통합의 가능성을 탐색하고자 tvN 드라마 <응답하라 1994>에 대한 내용분석과 수용자 심층인터뷰를 수행했다. <응답하라 1994>는 미디어, 대중문화, 정치·경제·사회적 사건을 중심으로 다양한 소재와 삽 입곡, 소품을 활용해 ‘1994년, 서울’이라는 특정한 시대적, 공간적 정서로 문화적 향수를 자극하는 한편 다양한 에피소드와 등장인물들의 성찰적 내레이션을 통해 20대의 사랑과 우정 그리고 가족애 등의 보편적 정서를 담았다. 특히 아날로그에서 디지털로의 미디어 환경 변화와 대중문화의 다양성 확대, 우리 사회에 각인된 정치·경제·사회적 사건이 집약된 1990년대의 재현은 단순히 과거를 감상적으로 추억하고 향유하거나 젊은층의 호기심을 충족시키는 차원에 머무르지 않고 해당 시기를 경험한 세대와 그렇지 않은 세대 모두에게 동일한 사회문화적 경험을 제공함으로써 미디어 격차에도 불구하고 상호 이해와 소통을 활성화시키는 촉매제가 될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 다만 1990년대의 정치·경제·사회적 사건을 주변화, 희화화하거나 시련의 극복 과정은 은폐함으로써 현실도피와 힐링의 기제로 활용한 부분은 한계로 남는다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 소셜미디어 콘텐츠를 소프트웨어 시스템을 이용하거나 정성적으로 분석함으로써 삭카린나트륨에 대한 소비자 인식도를 조사하고자 하였다. 첫 번째로, 1년(2013.7~2014.6)의 기간 동안 네이버와 카페에서 작성된 글들을 수집하였으며, 수집된 글들은 무료 텍스트 분석 소프트웨어인 TONK를 사용하여 분석되었다. 블로그와 카페에서 작성된 글들은 주로 삭카린나트륨을 사용하지 않은 제품에 대한 것으로 파악되었으며, 기타 높은 단맛과낮은 열량을 보이는 삭카린나트륨의 특성, 식품첨가물 제거법에 대한 내용이 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 두 번째로, 네이버 트렌드 검색 서비스를 이용하여 삭카린나트륨에 대한 검색량 증가 구간에 발생한 언론보도 사건을 조사하였다. PC 검색량의 경우 총 11개 증가 구간 중 6개의 구간에서, 모바일 검색량의 총 12개 증가 구간 중 8개의 구간에서 뉴스에서 삭카린나트륨 사용허용 품목 확대에 대해 보도한 것으로 나타났다. 세 번째로 식품의약품안전처의 삭카린나트륨 사용 허용품목 확대 발표를 보도한 연합뉴스의 댓글을 분석하였다. 공감수 100개 이상인 댓글의 내용을 분석 결과 정부 불신을 비판하는 댓글들이 가장많았으며, 그 외 관련 제품의 가격 비판 댓글과 기업 불신을 드러내는 댓글들이 파악되었다. 시판 제품들의 표시사항 분석 결과, 삭카린나트륨을 첨가하지 않은 제품들은 삭카린나트륨 무첨가라는 표시를 강조하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 본 연구 결과 소비자들은 삭카린나트륨의 사용 확대에 관심이 있으며, 사용 확대 보도시에 검색량이 증가하였다. 따라서, 매체들은 삭카린나트륨 사용 확대에관하여 보도를 할 때에 과학적인 근거에 바탕하여 확대배경이나 적정 섭취량 등을 함께 알리는 것이 소비자의 올바른 인식에 도움을 줄 것이다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, the spread of social media and other digital tools and its massive acceptance have revolutionized marketing practices such as advertising and promotion (Hanna, Rohn and Crittenden, 2011) by changing the approach of communication between consumers and brands (Henkkig-Thurau et al. 2004) and the sources of information about products, services or brands for consumers (Kozinets, 1999). On the one hand, these changes have provided consumers of the additional power to influence other buyers by sharing ideas and experiences about products, services or brands (Ioanăs & Stoica 2014). On the other hand social media websites allow business to engage and interact with users by increasing sense of intimacy with consumers and building strong relationships with potential customers (Mersey et al. 2010). Therefore, the incomparable efficiency of social media has induced industry leaders to participate in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, with the aim to succeed in online environments (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). Furthermore, brands are motivated to develop social network campaigns for gathering consumers’ personal information useful to targeting or personalising future marketing strategies (Noort, Anthenius and Verlegh, 2014). This situation have brought many authors, especially interested in luxury industry, to investigate on social media as a new way for luxury firms to communicate with consumers and influence their purchases. One of the main objectives for literature was to understand if luxury products, related to prestige, uniqueness and exclusivity values, could be express using channels accessible to everyone, such as social media. Indeed, in this era of the “democratization of luxury” (Atwal and Williams 2009), luxury brands are dealing with the challenge of using mass marketing tools and at the same time emphasizing the exclusivity dimension of their products (Okonkwo 2010). So as Hennigs states: “As the virtual environment is a place where images, videos and opinions circulate regardless of brand ownership, is it possible to keep a sense of exclusivity around a luxury brand?” (Hennigs, Wiedmann and Klarmann 2012 p. 30). In Italy, the digital population keep growing and the time spent in front of digital devices is increasing; people is becoming more familiar with e-commerce and as a consequence the communication of firms is more transparent (The Boston Consulting Group 2011). In this perspective, this paper aims to analyse the impact of social media marketing on brand equity and consumer behaviour within the Italian luxury economy. Our research has tried to understand this phenomenon from two perspectives; on the one hand, authors have observed digital marketing strategies of some luxury firms, emphasizing the way these brands use social network to promote their products, their special events or their stories. On the other hand, researchers have studied consumers’ approaches to social networks through a survey (Chisnall 1993) delivered to a sample of Italian respondents. The goal of the research is to show how social media have been used by five luxury brands and how they can influence luxury brand equity, by affecting Italian consumer behaviour. With this objective, the authors have analysed the composition of the sample that is active on social networks in order to gather useful demographic information about users. Moreover, this research has been important to discover the most popular platforms for Italian users and the response of some of the major international luxury brands in terms of contents shared on specific social networks. In addition, the survey has represented a great opportunity to understand the influence of social network on consumer behaviour, seeking to measure cognitive, affective and conative responses (Laroche and Mourali 005).
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With a staggering 35% of the total French population using Facebook representing 23.4 Million users (1), of which 72% using on their mobile phones or tablets (2), and with at least half of them daily (3), it is no brainer to understand the increasingly important role of social media in the daily life of French consumers. It is foreseeable that French consumers are influenced by, and can influence other consumers, on their fashion purchase decisions. Using published sources of information; this paper aims to highlight the four main trends of social media that have an impact on fashion marketing in France. The first trend is about instant messaging from consumers to consumers. It is how consumers frequently and easily talk one to another about brands, products, opinions, likes and dislikes, etc. hence influencing any potential purchase decision of self or others. The second trend is about interactions between consumers and brands via social media such as Facebook or Twitter. Brands can communicate directly to consumers and consumers directly to brands, hence it is very time efficient for brands to know what consumers think, like or dislike about their products or marketing communications. For consumers, it is also satisfying to be able to voice one’s opinion and may contribute to the future success, or failure, of new products. The third trend is about brands collaborating with online communities to co-create new products. In this instant, brands will let online consumers express their desires, for example through mood boards, and then create a few samples of new products based on those desires. Online consumers can then vote for their preferred ones that will later be produced and sold online to the consumers. Such example can be found from a partnership between “La Boutonniere” website (which collects information from online communities) and “Anne Studio” (a woman fashion brand) (4). This technique can ensure a higher successful rate of new product launches. The fourth trend is about disguised advertising campaigns on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter or YouTube. These platforms are offering to conceive and design online marketing communication campaigns for brands that fit with their target consumers’ environments on those same platforms. The aim is to communicate to the right audience without being intrusive and to blend in. These campaigns often mention the words “sponsored by…” to reveal their sources. In summary, these four social media trends illustrate the increasing important of social media in brand communications and brand building, not only from brand-to-consumer-to-brand, but also from consumer-to-consumer-to-consumer.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Social media has radically altered marketing’s ecology of influence. Moreover, through the rise of visual social media platforms in recent years, marketers are facing new challenges. Adopting an exploratory approach, our study combines interviews and content analysis to explore the managerial perspectives to brand storytelling through visual content site Pinterest and to assess its potential as a strategic marketing communications tool.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New professions, highly specialized in web communication, have therefore emerged lately, such as: blogger, copywriter, social media manager, especially in the fashion industry, where every detail is meaningful and consequently every word inevitably matters. The aim of this paper is to investigate the strategies used by luxury fashion brands on social media to construe their brand identity and build up global awareness. The empirical study presented is based on the analysis of a corpus of posts retrieved from internationally renowned luxury fashion brands’ Facebook fan pages selected according to an official global top list of luxury brands. Social networks are nowadays one of the most efficient tools to make a brand globally successful and luxury fashion brands owe their popularity to them, although at the beginning they were suspicious towards those media of communication (Okonkwo, 2010: 4). This was due to the fact that mass media, by definition, are characterized by features like wide accessibility and volatility that do not match with the peculiar exclusive, unique and timeless nature of luxury goods (Okonkwo, 2010: xviii). The following table (Table 1) compares luxury features with the Internet ones in order to show that they are two opposite worlds that do not share none of their characteristics. The presence of luxury online is then a paradox itself, this is due to the fact that the features attributed to luxury that can be summarized into the word “exclusiveness” do not match with the main characteristics of Internet that is a “mass” medium of communication where the main idea is that one formula fits all. The clear contrast between the features attributed to luxury and Internet is evident in the oppositions reported: for instance we have “niche clientele” versus “mass availability” to emphasize that luxury itself cannot satisfy everyone’s desire if it aims to maintain its status and in any case it is not a short time process (Rambourg, 2014); then “exclusivity” versus “mass accessibility” is to highlight the fact that luxury cannot be accessible to everyone; and the extremely relevant difference between luxury products that must or at least give the idea to be “made-to-measure” versus the “one-formula-fits-all approach” and “mass appeal”, typical of the mass media of communication, that distinguishes the use of Internet, where what you share is designed to be widely accessible from luxury that represents uniqueness and exclusiveness. The study conducted will try to identify if luxury brands have overcome this channel conflict and later investigate their performances on social media particularly focusing on the construction of the content. The analysis of the data will be run by taking into consideration marketing literature review, and the use of theoretical frameworks based on genre analysis, corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. Furthermore the analysis will be done with the support of statistical linguistic softwares Wordsmith and Wmatrix, and it will show how luxury fashion brands shape brand identity online through words. The results will offer an overview on the construction of content particularly used to rely on storytelling, heritage marketing, and “glocalization” strategies. Moreover, interesting insights will draw the attention to the specific strategies used to target different markets (Hollensen, 2007: 220-221) while taking into consideration the cultural differences and at the same time emphasizing the features directly connected to the “Made in” identity of the brand. A further section will focus on the interplay between different semiotic systems employed to construe the brand identity online, and on some examples of strategies specifically designed for emerging markets and created through transmedia communication (Jenkins, 2006). The evidence gathered, which also sheds light on the use of pronouns and verbs to stimulate the users’ engagement in brands’ life and in the production of the content, can provide interesting insights into web communication. Further interdisciplinary researches combining different approaches will develop significant strategies particularly interesting for the training of new professional profiles involved in the design of marketing strategies.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research examines the role of social media as a part of marketing communications strategy in the fashion industry. The aim is to develop a conceptual framework for marketing communications in the digital age, given the rise in importance of social media and the decline of traditional print media in terms of fashion influence.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research examined the effect of social media marketing on college students’ behaviors toward cotton clothing. The results showed that social media marketing had a greater impact on college students than conventional marketing or no marketing. Fashion brands should utilize social media to communicate with college students more effectively.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to understand which are the most effective social media strategies for gaining customer engagement for fashion companies. The study has been conducted using the empirical research methodology and the information has been collected with the use of an online survey distributed among companies belonging to the fashion industry. 42 questionnaires have been collected and therefore discussed. The analysis led to the definition of a list of strategies used by fashion companies on the adoption of social media tools. Subsequently, activities and the social tools able to improve customer engagement have been analysed. Finally, according to the size of the companies and to their positioning on the market, a descriptive analysis of the results have been carried out, comparing companies with similar characteristics. The research shows that companies of the same segment adopt the same approach to social media as well as a similar set of social media marketing strategies. The findings of this paper confirm the growing interest both from academics and practitioners for Social Media Marketing tools and they will suggest implications to fashion brands to manage their customer engagement and their social media activity.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Anna Dello Russo has worked with H&M, the Sartorialist's Scott Schuman has written his second book and home-grown Susie Bubble has consulted for Gap, Armani and Selfridges to name a few. There is no doubt that these figures are key influencers in the world of fashion and they are turning their efforts and knowledge into fiscal benefits. Fashion blogs have become not only a form of user-generated content, a medium for communicating to the masses without any prior training or knowledge, but have also evolved to become a new marketing communications channel in their own right. Fashion writers are not only dictating content to esteemed fashion titles that were once only contributed to by the fashion journalist elite, but they are engaged as brand consultants with the aim of shaping the future direction of brands in terms of content, style and scope. When did all this power and influence happen and how can we measure it? This is the central question inherent to this study’s focus. The dynamic nature of digital, online and social media activities means that most research is out of date or getting closer to ‘expiry’ even as the ink dries on the page. To exemplify: research dated just three years ago still includes MySpace in a comprehensive list of online networks and social media sites (e.g. Mir and Zaheer, 2012) and ‘second life’ as an innovation [albeit this has been experiencing somewhat of a renaissance within certain consumer sectors in recent times]. This aside, the point is thus: academic scholarship cannot keep up with the rapid rate of digital change in the landscape, but it continues to try, as does this humble study. A volume of research has recently contributed to the understanding of the influence of social media in the fashion sphere, predominately from an electronic word-of-mouth (e-wom) perspective, for example (Bronner and Hoog, 2013; Fang, 2014; Hennig-Thurau, 2004; Kulmala et al., 2013; Liu, 2006; Trusov et al., 2009) engagement with social media (e.g. Campbell et al, 2012; Dhaoui, 2014). This body of literature has supplied a solid foundation for understanding why user-generated content may be shared and under what circumstances and to whom. However, a limitation of these significant contributions are reasons for propensity to influence, that is, once it has been shared, distributed and circulated, how do we measure the impact of this influence? Yes we can use analytics to quickly demonstrate quantitative and numerical impact in terms of followers, traffic, interaction, sales and (not so quickly) the wider reach of blogs on PR for brands, brand-metrics and customer engagement. But what about the wider influential impact of key social media writers and opinion leaders, or those that follow and listen to them: how can we evaluate this impact of influence? How does it work? Why does it work with some over others? We seek to find answers around this notion of social influence and ask: why do people listen to bloggers? Do consumers of this information distinguish between platforms: do they prefer blogs? Twitter? Picture-content through Instagram or Pinterest? Is there a gender difference? Considering also the rise in ‘erasable’ social media in the form of SnapChat, which lasts ten seconds before ‘self destructing’: what impact are these having in terms of influence in particular sectors like fashion, how can brands harness this power and use it to build equity, target new consumers, increase sales and revenue? In other geographical domains, such as China, where social media constraints and censorship are notable, emerging applications like WeChat are increasing in popularity, first with consumers, but retail and fashion brands are also beginning to endorse them to facilitate a meaningful conversation with their customers through these innovations. We also aim to explore the current state of play regarding terminology for social media contributors – are they still bloggers even though they create content across-platform? (It would be unusual for example, for a popular and credible blogger to only have a blog and no twitter or Instagram activity). Is the term blogger naturally all-encompassing or is it a misnomer that we need to create new terminology to explain these phenomena? Cullen (2014) the fashion magazine editor of Elle Australia created a blogger award ceremony to honour the contribution of these fashion influencers and comments that: “We picked the ones that we felt have the most traction with our readers. It is very clear we are in a blogger boom right now and everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon and [the nominees] gave fashion this new relevance. They took fashion and democratized it, so rather than have to see what the designer wanted you to see [on the catwalk], they took the runway fashion and put it together in their own ways. They made it wearable, as they mixed it with other labels and all those things that make an outfit work for real life.” This quote serves to illuminate an example of the commercial impact of fashion bloggers in the fashion sector and the relevance that influential opinion leaders believe they can have on their readership. Thus, we seek, through our research, to interrogate existing literature on social media, marketing, consumption and consumer psychological theories in the context of fashion influence with the aim of contributing to understanding in this fast-evolving transformative sector. Social media has been defined as: ‘A group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content. (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010, .61). Within this context, social media applications exist to facilitate user interaction, and include blogs, content communities, discussion boards and chat rooms, product and/or service review sites, virtual worlds, and social networking sites (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; Mangold and Faulds, 2009). In this paper we focus on social networking, which refers to applications, such as Facebook and Twitter, Instagram/Pinterest and more disposable aps like Snapchat. Essentially, we take an all-embracing approach to understanding social media, as this is simply how it is used by consumers, in the virtual landscape (for example, users do not distinguish between platforms, they simply use the most appropriate means to communicate their content at that time). We aim to contribute a perspective that is original by investigating existing literature in two territories: social media influence and Social Impact Theory, which we will use as a theoretical perspective to explore the influence of social media on fashion. A Theoretical Lens: Social Influence Theory (SIT) After dismissing other theoretical frameworks for our study’s focus including: Uses and Gratifications theory; Involvement and Motivation, the choice to focus on Social Impact Theory (SIT) (Latane, 1981) was rationalized by the centrality of influence as a construct, to the characteristics of the theory. SIT (Latane, 1981) maintains, “as the number of people increases the impact on the target individual’s attitude and behavior enhances”. As influence is inherent to our aim, this theory, albeit being created almost two decades before the concept of social media, may have transferable qualities that may aid comprehension of understanding into the complexities associated with understanding the influence of social media in the fashion sector. This seemingly large leap from a traditional application of the theory to the virtual world is made more plausible by at least one previous study, that has started to also recognize the value of this framework for understanding online activity for example, Mir and Zaheer (2012) who use SIT in the contexts of social media and banking. The theory has not however, been used thus far in the realm of fashion and social media, thus, a study of this kind aims to contribute to knowledge in this field. Social impact has been defined by the founding father of the theory as: ‘Any of the great variety of changes in physiological states and subjective feelings, motives and emotions, cognitions and beliefs, values and behavior, that occur in an individual, human, or animal, as a result of the real, implied or imagined presence or actions of other individuals’. (Latané, 1981, p. 343) Latané (1981) created social impact theory to validate his hypothesis about how influence works, which led to the identification of three factors that make up social impact theory: 1) Strength: How important is the influencing group to the target of the influence; 2) Immediacy: How close in proximity and in time is the influencing group to the target of the influence; 3) Number: How many people are in the influencing group. Taking each one of these in turn, the leverage of these variables to a social media context seems obvious. Social media by its very nature encourages a ‘pull’ approach to groups or communities (hence the ‘strength’ variable); the ‘immediacy’ of social media in the sense that messages can be communicated and responded to in real time, have been facilitated by social media capabilities. Finally, the third variable of SIT is ‘number’; in a virtual world, there is a real sense that there is no limit to the amount of people you can communicate with. To exemplify, we refer to Facebook with its 9 Billion plus users as an example of this reach, or Lady GaGa with her 44 Million plus followers on Twitter. This succinct insight into SIT theory provides a short rationale as to its applicability to a social media context, specifically the fashion sector. A more in-depth analysis of its use and application to this study will be developed for the final paper following data collection.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There is relatively little evidence on how social media marketing activities influence brand equity creation and consumers’ behavior towards the brand. We explore these relationships by analyzing pioneering brands in the luxury sector (Burberry, Dior, Gucci, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton). Based on a survey of 845 luxury brand consumers (Chinese, French, Indian and Italian) who follow the five brands studied on social media, we developed a structural equation model that helps to address gaps in prior social media branding literature. Specifically, our study demonstrates the links between social media marketing efforts – measured as a holistic concept incorporating five aspects (entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customization and word of mouth) and their consequences (brand preference, price premium and loyalty).
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of social media in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) based on a theoretical foundation. Social media was firstly used as a new communication tool by internet users, and is being commercialized as a powerful tool to build and maintain long-term relationships between customers and businesses. This study focuses on service sectors and aims to clarify how social media helps companies innovate traditional CRM. Social CRM is seen as one of these service innovations and is highlighted in this paper.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to undertake the impact of advertisements on multiple social media platforms on consumer responses. The study also researches internet and social media consumption habits of consumers of different demographics. The results largely suggest that positive consumer responses in form of better brand engagement, loyalty and recall are associated with organizations that indulge in promoting their products and services on multiple social media.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social media users today have become active producers of information but how sharing brand-related information affects the attitude of other users is an important and unexplored path. Narayan et al. (2011) mentioned that User’s attitude towards the brand is shaped not just by the attributes of the products but also the preferences of other consumers, such as peers. Zhu et al. (2012), through their study concluded, user’s opinions significantly sway other user’s own choices or are likely to reverse their attitudes. Dawson et al. (1990) have supported that delivering experiences that are pleasurable and relevant will linger in the memory and influence the user’s attitudes and purchase intentions. Although previous studies researched the attitude of the users towards social media advertising, the effect of social media advertising on the user’s attitude towards the brand is yet to be examined. By applying the Uses & Gratification theory, stimulus-Organism-Response theory and the Theory of Reasoned Action, this study aims at evaluating the effects of information sharing, peer pressure, entertainment and emotional connection in a social media setting on the user’s attitude toward a brand present in social media thereby influencing their purchase intentions from the brand. An online survey was developed using items adopted from previous study and administered to college students, who are regular users of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Of 271 valid responses, 21% were males and 79% were females. Multiple regression analyses results supported all hypotheses. The results are consistent with the previous research, confirming user’s choice of media is influenced by their information seeking, entertainment and status needs (Tan, 198). Marketing via social media may offer content that have specific relevance or may offer entertainment for users (Chi, 2011) and may result in the establishment of an emotional connection with the brand. The more frequently brands interact with the users/fans/followers, the stronger will be the emotional connection which will affect the user’s purchase intentions from the brand. MaKenzie, Lutz & Belch (1986) in their study supported that the marketing patterns can influence the attitude of the users towards the brands which in turn affects the purchase intentions from the brand. The findings of this study confirmed that social media is a very important marketing tool. The marketers needs to ensure that they a) have a presence and social media, b) devise effective online marketing strategies and c) employ dedicated social media staff to continually interact, entertain and engage the users.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Purpose and Rational: Social media is an emerging platform for many retail communication channels accommodating various consumers’ needs and wants. There are many research exploring impact of social media on business practice and behavioral outcomes, however, there is only few research focusing on which factors affect the psychological and social variables on actual usage of social media for shopping. This study focuses on the role of consumer perception on flow of social media usage and the moderating effect of consumer’s social variables (i.e. social identity, group norm and social influence) on actual usage of social media information for shopping. The purposes of this study are as follow: 1) To examine empirical effects of flow of social media usage on perceived ease of use social media for shopping, perceived usefulness of social media information and actual usage of social media information for shopping. 2) To explore the perceived ease of use social media information for shopping and perceived usefulness of social media information affect actual usage of social media for shopping. 3) To investigate moderating effect of social variables between the links. Methodology: This research utilized an online self-administered survey to collect data. Two thousand e-mail invitations were distributed to a randomly selected sample from national panel and in order to address the hypotheses stated a dataset of 342 social media users was compiled. The instrument was designed to obtain comprehensive quantitative data and was an adaptation of questionnaire instruments validated in previous studies. For statistical analysis, the structural equation model was used. The results indicated that flow of social media usage influences on perceived ease of use social media information for shopping, perceived usefulness of social media information and actual usage of social media for shopping. Also consumers’ perceived ease of use on social media for shopping and perceived usefulness of social media information effect on actual usage of social media for shopping. Lastly, the social identity and social influence played as moderator variables between the links at actual usage of social media for shopping in all passages except group norm. The results empirically contribute to verify through quantitative research methods in relation to the role of flow of social media usage and the moderating effect of consumer’s social variables (i.e. social identity and social influence) on actual usage of social media for shopping.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Social media, Web 2.0 based social activity and powerful marketing tool, brought about a new paradigm for the 21st century culture and society. In line with the trend, the fashion industry is vigorously undertaking marketing activities on social media, seeking to build and maintain relationships with their customers through the Internet and mobile devices. The one-way provision of information by firms to customers has evolved to a symmetrical form of customers, whereby the customers also supply information to the firms share information with other customers. Through social media services, customers not only share their thoughts and experiences but also exchange tangible products and publicize the products, thereby directly participating in production and marketing activities of brands. Such participation of consumers offers inspirations for differentiated service on the part of the brands, for which proactive and long-term participatory activities of customers are required. Customer participation is of primary importance in current service marketing industry. Until now, related literature on customer participation has mostly centered on offline service situations. However, the advent of social media has simplified the process of participation for customers, and invoking voluntary customer participation has become the greatest challenge facing service industries, and, at the same time, the path to success. Those of us who live in the age of information technology are offered the opportunity to engage in two-way communication with other customers, the brand, and the media. Thus, customer participation is just as, if not, more important in an online environment. More and more customers are becoming directly involved in brand activities, which affect the brands as well as the customers themselves. Nonetheless, extant customer participation research focuses on developing constructs that are largely based on offline situations. Although such constructs correspond in part to the online setting, they fall short of meeting the unique characteristics of customer participation in social media. Therefore, in order to establish constructs for customer participation in social media, revision and supplementation of the offline-based constructs were found to be necessary. Based on interaction theory, this study explored the notion of customer participation in fashion brands’ social networking site (SNS) service by categorizing it into three types: customer-customer, customer-brand, and customer-media participation. In addition, it examined the external factors that influence customer social participation and how active social participation of customers in SNS affects trust and customer equity. The association between measurement variables according to the brand type was also closely examined. This study underwent two pre-tests to revise and supplement the survey items on customer social participation. A preliminary investigation was conducted on 516 respondents, and a total of 582 respondents participated in the main investigation. The respondents who were invited to participate lived in Korea, were in their 20s or 30s, and had previous experience in using fashion brands’ SNS service, SPSS 18.0 was used to conduct frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and t-test. Based on the results, AMOS 18.0 was used to undergo confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the study are summarized as follows. Based on the brand type (SPA and luxury) and the rate of sales, Uniqlo, a global SPA brand that boasts the largest number of SNS fans, and Louis Vuitton, a global luxury brand, were chosen for the study. The respondents consisted of consumers in their 20s and the 30s who, within the last six months, had previous experience in using the SNS service of the brands. The sample consisted of 40.7% male and 59.6% female, and 72.5% were in their 20s and 27.5% in 30s. A large percentage of the respondents were students (64.9%). The large proportion of university students reflects the trend of most active users of SNS being university students. Second, SNS service shopping context found positive association with customer-customer participation and customer-brand participation, but customer-media participation was insignificant. The results show that as the SNS is characterized by its linkage to different websites and platforms, customers are exposed to constant opportunities for participation. On the other hand, customer-media participation was found to be insignificant, which can be interpreted as indiscriminate constant supply of information that seeks to spur impulsive buying leading to antagonism of the customers. Such negative situations can be avoided by departing from indiscriminate provision of information to offering information that is customized to the needs and demands of each customer and invoking the customer to participate in information delivery. Third, SNS participation motivation and customer social participation were all positively associated. In particular, customer-media participation demonstrated the strongest influence, followed by customer-customer and customer-brand participation. As such, active participation of the customer with the brand is the most effective way to create collaborative, synergy effect or co-creation. Fourth, all routes from SNS user orientation to customer social participation were significant. SNS users in general possessed high levels of self-efficacy and tended to feel elevated as well as find altruistic pleasure in providing information that would help others. Such users participate through numerous ways such as customer-brand and customer-media participation but were the most active in customer-customer participation. Fifth, it was found that customer-customer and customer-brand participation builds trust of the customers toward the SNS service and the information or the information provider. However, customer-media participation did not indicate the same results. In order to build trust through participation, brands need to provide an inviting environment for customers to post comments and share information. Furthermore, marketing strategies, such as offering events and coupons to stimulate E-WOM activities of customers as well as creating a space for open communication are vital to building trust. Sixth, customer-media participation was positively associated with customer equity. Unlike customer-customer and customer-brand participation which requires constant physical effort of the customer, customer-media participation demands considerably less time and effort apart from the initial stages during which customization process is undergone to receive tailored information with just one click. Therefore, establishing convenient and practical system that targets the Y-generation in their 20s and 30s is emphasized in order to maintain a long-term relationship. Seventh, trust is positively associated with customer equity. Building trust is based on interactivity among people. This study found that customer-customer participation and customer-brand participation influence customer equity through trust, while customer-media participation leads to customer equity without being mediated by trust. Therefore, all three types of participation are equally important to customer equity. Eighth, brand type was a meaningful moderator to the relationship between SNS service shopping context, SNS service user orientation, participation motivation, customer social participation, trust, and customer equity. To summarize, the type of participation to encourage is based on the brand type, and as customers may have different expectations according to the brand, it is important to understand their orientations and provide customized information or an open space for communication. In addition, participation behavior has a strong potential to influence customer equity, but depending on the type of participation, trust may not necessarily positively influence customer equity. Therefore, it is recommended that brands offer credible and sincere information that customers can trust and follow. The significance of this study is that it is one of the first studies to examine customer participation in a social media environment. At a point in time where customers’ value creation is attracting increased attention, this study empirically revealed that customer-media relationship, which enables customer-customer and customer-brand participation on SNS, is also within the bounds of participation. Furthermore, this study identified the importance of relational marketing approach to brand and customer through customer social participation. By applying the concept of customer equity, which is in its fledgling stage in the area of consumer fashion marketing, it offers a basis for future research on long-term relationship building with firms The limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are discussed below. The sample of the study consisted of Koreans between the ages of 20 to 30. The limitation in the sample is inadequate to generalize the findings, and therefore, a comparative study with broader sample across culture and age is necessary. Moreover, this study observed customer participation on SNS environment. However, as there was a lack of preceding literature in this area, the measurement scales were revised and supplemented to fit the purpose of this study. The measurement instrument, therefore, needs to be further applied with different antecedents and consequences in subsequent research. Finally, due to the lack of previous literature on customer participation in SNS environment, the theoretical basis of the relationship between the variables lacked solidity. This study adapted a part of a theoretical framework to fit the context of the study to come up with the hypothesized relationship between the variables. Therefore, it is suggested that future research works toward developing and strengthening the theoretical framework of customer social participation.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research is intended to provide marketing practitioners with an overview of web analytics to explore the issue of how to define and measure the effectiveness of social media through analyzing the various activities of current/potential consumers as well as provide a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of digital content marketing using social media. These analytics answer broad questions about which types of social media metrics are best at referring traffic, about conversations at the organization’s website, and about comparing different social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter in this study. These analytics employ time series analysis to specifically address activities in SNSs that effectively drive traffic to a website and accomplish business goals. This study is one of the first empirical investigations in the marketing communication field related to measuring social media’s effectiveness. The major goal of this study is to demonstrate the value of businesses’ efforts and to optimize their digital/social marketing strategy using web analytics.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Launched in 2008 and 2010 respectively, Instagram and Pinterest are two of the fasted growing social media platforms with 220 million users combined (Leverage 2014, Techcrunch 2014, Loren & Swiderski 2012). Their success is due to their simplicity and a focus on visuals rather than text, furthermore they are described as platforms with strategic potential for fashion brands (Wired 2012). Despite this, many fashion brands have been slow to engage with them. However the Huffington Post (2012) suggests that the visual social media has a wide appeal with respect to both brand positioning and increasing awareness. Recent research by Mashable (2014) highlights that referral traffic and spend is higher from Pinterest users than Facebook users, and this contributes to the rationale for study. The aim of this reseach is twofold, firstly it is to explore the reasons for the utilisation of visual social media platforms within a fashion brands marketing planning cycle, and second it seeks to identify the strategic and operational ways in which fashion brands can use them. For the purpose of this paper only Instagram and Pinterest are investigated. Using a qualitative and inductive approach, the study will use in-depth elite interviews with 6 UK fashion brands (2 Luxury, 2 mid-market, 2 value) alongside content analysis of their platforms. This will enable the research to also consider how each platform can be harnessed at different levels of the market therefore contributing to the lack of empirical applied research in this area.