
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 363

        2003.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The shoot tip and young leaf of Rhodiola sachalinensis were cultured to invest the plant growth regulator condition for callus induction, shoot and root regeneration. When the shoot tip was sterilized in 2.0% of NaOCl for 20min., the contamination rate was the lowest. And the survival rate of the culture material was good in carbenicillin 500mg/L treatment group. Callus was obtained from shoot tip and young leaf segments. NAA 0.1-1.0mg/L and 2,4-D 0.1-0.5mg/L alone treatment were shown to have a good response on callus induction from shoot tip culture. In the case of young leaf culture, NAA and 2,4-D 0.1-0.5mg/L alone treatment were good in callus induction. In culturing shoot tip NAA 0.5mg/L and BA 0.5mg/L, NAA1.0mg/L and BA 0.lmg/L combination treatment was good in shoot regeneration. The regenerated shoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with NAA and BA combination treatment. Especially, NAA 1.0mg/L and BA 0.1mg/L combination treatment was effective for root regeneration.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to determine the efficient regeneration condition for perilla (Perilla frutescens cv. Yeupcildllggae). Leaf, cotyledon and hypocotyl explants were excised from perilla plants 10-12 days after germination and subjected to regenerat
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Regeneration ability of plant is very important for producing transgenic plants by genetic engineering. Fifty rice cultivars and lines were screened for their regeneration ability in vitro and an attempt was made to increase shoot regeneration by substitu
        2003.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Immature and mature embryos of 18 Korean wheat genotypes were cultured in vitro to develop an efficient method of callus formation and plant regeneration, and to compare the responses of both embryo cultures. Immature and mature embryos were placed on a solid agar medium containing the MS salts and vitamins, 30g/l maltose, 2 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and amino acids. The developed calli were maintained on regeneration medium containing MS salts and B5 vitamins, 20 g/l sucrose, and the combination of two plant growth regulators, 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Immature embryos in most genotypes showed high efficiency of callus induction except three genotypes; Eunpamil, Chunggemil, and Namhaemil, and significant differences among the genotypes. Plant regeneration of calli induced from immature embryos showed high efficiency in Geurumil (56.5%), Tapdongmil (50.5%), Gobunmil (45.5%), and Urimil(42.2%). The analysis of variance showed significant differences for regeneration frequency among the genotypes. Mature embryos showed low callus induction frequency compared with that in immature embryos, and significant differences among the genotypes. Plant regeneration of calli induced from mature embryos showed high efficiency in Keumkangmil (33.33%), Tapdongmil(28.13%), and Geurumil (27.78%). The analysis of variance showed significant differences for plant regeneration frequency among the genotypes.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인삼 종자로부터 적출한 embryo로부터 multi-shoot를 얻기 위하여 CPA와 BA를 단독 및 복합처리 하여 각각의 유기 양상을 알아본 결과 CPA 0.5mg/ t 에 BA 1.0 mg/ t 복합처리가 multi-shoot를 얻는데 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났으며, 식물호르몬 종류를 달리한 처리구에서는 특히, 2,4-D 1mg/ t 와 kinetin 0.5mg/ t 처리구에서 한 개의 embryo 당 4∼6개의 shoot를 유기시킬 수 있었다. 또한 인삼의 형질전환을 위해 인삼 자엽으로부터 pre-embryoid를 유기하기 위한 가장 최적의 조건은 2,4-D 1mg/ t 과 kinetin 0.5mg/ t 복합처리구에서 가장 효과적이었다. 기내배양에 의해 형성된 shoot로부터 잎의 포함여부에 따른 petiole, 그리고 embryo에서 kanamycin 내성정도를 조사한 결과 잎을 포함한 petiole과 embryo는 kanamycin 100μg/ m1 농도에서도 다소간 생존하는 것으로 나타나 매우 높은 농도의 항생제를 사용해야 할 것으로 판단되었으며, 잎을 포함하지 않은 petiole의 적정 농도는 100μg/ m1 정도인 것으로 판단되었다 또한 배배양에 의한 embryo로부터 유기된 자엽 을 2,4-D 1mg/ t 과 kinetin 0.5mg/ t 복합 처리구에서 선발할 경우와 인삼 자엽으로 부터 직접 somatic embryo를 유기하여 인삼의 형질전환을 유도하기 위해서 가장 적합한 kanamycin 농도로는 75∼100μg/ m1이 가장 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mature embryos of five oat genotypes were cultured to develop an efficient method of callus induction and plant regeneration. Murashige and Skoog(MS) and N6 media supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin were used for callus induction. Percentage of callus induction showed significant among the combinations of plant growth regulators. Callus induction showed high efficiency in medium containing 3 mg/~ell of 2,4-D. The high frequency of callus induction was obtained in Gwiri37. For plant regeneration, calli induced from mature embryos were transferred onto MS and N6 media supplemented with combinations of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for 5 weeks. Percentage of plant regeneration showed high in MS medium containing 0.2 mg/~ell of NAA and 1 mg/~ell of BA. The callus initiation medium affected the subsequent plant regeneration. Treatment with 3 mg/~ell of 2,4-D, and 3 mg/~ell of 2,4-D and 3 mg/~ell of kinetin in callus induction media showed high frequency for plant regeneration. Plant regeneration frequency among the genotypes showed significant. Especially, Gwiri37 showed high regeneration frequency. Regenerated shoots were treated with 200, 350 and 500 mg/~ell of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) transferred onto half-strength MS medium without plant growth regulators. Treatment of shoots with IBA induced root formation rapidly
        2002.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The efficiency of regeneration of callus and explants from leaf and stem disks of Epimedium koreanum was examined on the MS media containing 2,4-D, NAA, Kinetin, BA and TDZ. Calli were formed on the 2mg/l 2,4-D media at the rate of 32% from leaf discs and 52% from stems. No callus was produced on the media which are containing BA or TDZ alone. The combination of 2,4-D and BA showed the effect on the formation of callus. The combination of 2mg/l 2,4-D and 0.lmg/l BA in the MS media had produced the highest percentage of callus formation, 50% from leaf discs and 40% from stems, respectively. The combination of 2mg/l 2,4-D and 1mg/1 BA in the MS media had affected the formation of callus in the rate of 40% from leaf discs and 25% from stems. The combined plant growth regulators of 2,4-D and BA increased the formation of calli from leaf discs, but single treatment of 2,4-D showed the highest callus formation from stems. Multiple shoots from leaf discs were formed on the media containing NAA, BA, kinetin, and TDZ. The highest number of multiple shoots were obtained 0.1mg/l NAA combined with 1mg/l kinetin. As a result, leaf discs or stems can be used for the mass propagation of Epimedium koreanum, but stem elongation of shoots from calli was not easy.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        번행초(Tetragonia tetragonoides)의 잎 절편으로부터 기내(in vitro) 증식을 유도 하였다. 2 mg/L BA와 0.5 mg/L NAA가 조합 처리된 MS 기본배지에서 잎 절편으로부터 직접 기관형성 과정을 통하여 부정아가 형성 되었다. 유기한 부정아는 절취하여 2 mg/L NAA와 0.5 mg/L BA이 첨가된 MS배지로 옮겨 유묘의 대량 증식을 시도하였으며, 배양 3주 후 신초의 지속적인 성장을 위해 무기염의 농도가 두배로 증가된 2MS배지로 옮겨 배양 하였다. 증식된 신초로부터 발근은 식물성장조절물질이 첨가되지 않은 1/2MS와 MS배지 모두에서 이루어 졌다.