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        검색결과 29

        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to show that 2nd person pronouns in English and Korean do not cover the grammatical category only. They show spatio-temporal indications of discourse covering extralinguistic categories such as politeness, respect, intimacy, solidarity, all of them social, pragmatic components. Our study also reveals the fact that both languages have employed honorific/common nominal expressions as a last resort to fill the blank caused by the inappropriateness of the pronoun. Another fact we discovered is that Korean has a more complicated hierarchy for 2nd person pronouns than English does, which is a reflect of strong/weak social hierarchy in both cultures.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, I will present an analysis of two controversial phenomena in Japanese as "concealed clefts." One is the sluicing phenomenon and the other is the short answers to Wh-questions . The analysis of the first as a "concealed cleft" is already proposed in a number of works . The purpose here is to make it more precise. I will argue that the argument ellipsis hypothesis of Kim 1999 and Oku 1998 solves some old problems in Japanese syntax. First, it solves the apparent paradox with the "sluicing phenomenon," which is that some examples are clearly concealed clefts and yet allow sloppy interpretation. Secondly, it enables us to sharpen Nishigauchi`s 1990 analysis of Wh-question/answer pairs, and pinpoint exactly where Subjacency effects are detected in short answers. If the arguments in this paper hold, they provide further support for the argument ellipsis hypothesis.
        2003.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine the distribution of English unstressed pronouns, i.e., unstressed personal pronouns. English unstressed pronouns sometimes have a unique distribution different from their referential counterparts in phrasal-verb constructions, dative constructions, subject-verb inversed sentences, etc. This study shows that their unique distribution is due to the two properties that they have. One is that they are old in information structure, thus they choose to come earlier if possible in a sentence. The other is that they are clitic in that they are phonologically bound to their preceding Case assigner.
        2001.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Nam-Kil Kang. 2001. Pronouns and Competition. Studies in Modern Grammar 25, 91-107. In this paper, my discussion will center on arguing for an interpretive distinction between singular pronouns and plural pronouns. Unlike English pronouns, in the Korean type language, plural pronouns can be interpreted as a bound variable, but singular pronouns may not. Here such properties of pronouns are captured by the Syntactic Competition Principle. The basic idea is that if singular pronouns and plural pronouns alternate freely, the most specialized form is preferred. Thus, plural pronouns in Korean type language is the most specialized form, in accordance with the Syntactic Competition Principle.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chung Moo-Joo. 1998. Personal Pronouns and Their Speech Roles. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 12, 169-186. The referents of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns are not fixed, but shift according to the situation, as participants take turns to speak. This paper was written to describe a wide variety of social and political roles and stances of these inter-personal pronouns. The actual discourse referents for use are seemingly limitless its precise interpretation is dependent on the particular context of use. `Inclusive we` ostensibly implies joint activity; but in different contexts there is actually a greater pull either towards egocentricity [+ego] or a vocative function [+voc]. The most striking example of egocentric reference is the so-called `royal We` and `editorial use`, both representing the authority of the speaker. The `inclusive we` with its addressee role is used when the speakers feel solidarity with the subordinate addressees. Impersonal pronoun one, recently, is used as a socio- linguisticaly marked form of I among the upper class and royalty and their hangers-on. To refer to the addressee, the third person forms can be used, implying deference, distance, or intimacy. On the evidence of medieval and Early Modern English texts the polite form you was used to address a singular social superior and also a social equal among the upper class, leaving thou for address to a social inferior and for reciprocal address among the lower classes. There was, however, considerable fluctuation between you and thou in address to the same individual, even within the same utterance. This code-switching of you and thou frequently signals expressive shifts of feeling that are not easily explained by a power semantic.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Roughly speaking, binding has to do with the classification of referentially depen dent elements, such as personal pronouns and reflexive pronouns, according to syntactic constraints on the distribution of their possible antecedents. And this theory was established at Comsky(1981) but after that, it was inevitable to avoid revlSlng the resulting problems from the notions in it. The earlier theory was able to explain arguments in the sentences, but not to do them in nps. Still more, by introducing the notion of governing category to resolve them, there is explanatory adequacy in the aspects but it has the problems from the binding phenomena in nps. According to the syntactic constraints, we present an alternative binding theory which is based not on Chomsky’s analysis but on Tiedman’s aspects in GB - syntax This thesis aims to examine the referentaially dependent relations between anaphors and pronouns to the their antecedents towards thus binding theories. To explaine them, section 2 has investigated the problems from On Binding. Section 3 has analyzed the relation of binding to governing category. Section 4 has introduced the concepts of Accessible SUBJECT to resolve the problems from section 4. By comparing and analyzing Chomsky’s complete functional complex and BT - compatibility as alternative methods mentioned above and Tiedman’s governing notions‘ we suggest that Tiedman’s analysis could interpretate anaphors and overt pronouns in the more adequate aspects‘
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