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        검색결과 63

        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The influence of task complexity on second language (L2) writing performance has been researched near-exclusively in relation to the linguistic complexity of the learners’ written products, while only limited attention has been paid to the online writing processes. In order to fill this gap, the present study focused on the effects of task demands on writing processes as reflected in keystrokes. Forty-four L1 Korean speakers were randomly assigned to either simple or complex condition, and asked to write an argumentative essay. For the simple condition, content support was provided, whereas no such additional information was provided for the complex condition. During the writing task, participants’ entire keystroke loggings were recorded, and analyzed in terms of fluency, pausing, and revision behaviors. The lexical and syntactic complexity of the written products was also analyzed and compared between the two task conditions. The results indicated that greater task demands significantly increased the number of pauses and revisions, having negative influence on fluency. Also, lexical rarity and phrasal complexity decreased under the complex condition. The results are discussed with respect to fuller understanding of the task-based approach to L2 writing.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibility of using the simulation landscape image by analyzing the landscape characteristics of the Landscape image and the simulation landscape image among the methods to grasp the quantitative relationship between the physical change of the user and the human response. The research subjects were set as Cheongnyang-ri station square, and the research method is as follows. A survey was conducted based on the extracted landscape adjectives for comparison of actual landscape image and simulated landscape images. In addition, image analysis, preference and complexity analysis, and decision factor of landscape preference were analyzed to Comparison analysis the characteristics of actual landscape image and simulated landscape images. The results of comparative analysis are as follows. First, it can be seen that there is no difference in the factors that affect the specificity and openness in using the simulation landscape image. Second, preference analysis shows that both the Landscape image and the simulation landscape image are the most preferred at 10% of users. Third, the complexity is low at 0% in both the Landscape image and the simulation landscape image, and 35% is high in complexity. Fourth, the comparative analysis of the decision factor of landscape preference by 'visual complexity and preference', 'User fluctuation and preference', 'User fluctuation and visual complexity' were analyzed. Therefore, it can be seen that the method using the simulation landscape image rather than the actual landscape image is more efficient when analyzing the visual cognitive characteristics.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumers process and evaluate products every day in an increasing number of diverse presentations of products and brands across shop environments. Although consumers may think to react to attributes of the products and the shop environments, there are many contextual factors that influence consumers’ responses. Both products presentation and shop environments differ in visual complexity and ease of processing. For example, products such as fragrances and eyeglasses considerably diverge depending on the visual presentation across multiple stores. Research on processing fluency (e.g., Reber et al., 2004; Winkelman et al., 2003) shows that the processing of any stimulus can be characterized by a variety of parameters that are nonspecific to its content. This stream of work suggests that any variable that facilitates fluent processing results in increased liking, and other positive evaluations. Recent work on context complexity (Orth and Crouch, 2014) suggests that people process a package more fluently when it is presented in a low rather than high complexity context. Further, research on contextual cues (Zhu and Meyers-Levy, 2009) shows that the extent of feature overlap between a context and a target object determines whether a person interprets the target related or not related to the contextual data. Accumulating research suggests that a deeper understanding of the way consumers process multiple contextual cues promises to shed light on our understanding of many areas of consumer research. Although visual appeal is itself multifaceted (Bloch, 1995), much of the current discussion with respect to visual cues does not consider the interaction of multiple shop environments. Given the importance of processing fluency and context effects, we examine the extent to which consumers positively elaborate cognitive processes in relation to product context complexity. Following research in psychology, fluency is the subjective experience of ease with which a person processes a stimulus (Reber et al. 2004). High fluency elicits a positive reaction. We predict that less complex contexts of the product will be easier to process and produce more favorable evaluations of the product. Further, research on contextual cues (Aggarwal and McGill, 2007; Meyers-Levy and Sternthal, 1993) shows that consumers better overlap contextual cues when cues are moderately congruent rather than low congruent. This suggests that consumers respond more favourably to moderate congruent shop environments. Studies Two studies tested our prediction that product context complexity across shop environments affects consumer’s processing fluency, liking, and product evaluation. In both studies, participants were provided with pictures of real products and shop environments. Images were manipulated to disguise brand names. Participants were recruited online through the platform Prolific Academic. Study 1 tested the hypothesized negative effect of product context complexity on processing fluency, and liking. The final section of the survey asked for personal information, including gender, age, and style of reasoning. These variables had no significant impact on the dependent variables of interest and were excluded from further analysis. In study 1, ninety participants (mean age = 34.20, 63 females) were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions (product context complexity: low vs. high). They viewed one randomly selected picture of cosmetics displayed on counter displays across two different stores. Cosmetics was chosen due to the large variance in products presentation across multiple retailers. In a pretest, 87 participants rated perceived complexity of the display to examine whether the display complexity differs across the two conditions. The manipulation was successful (Mlow = 2.32 vs. Mhigh = 3.68; F(1,85) =24.299, p < 0.001). Running one-way ANOVA with product context complexity as independent variable and processing fluency as dependent variable a significant main effect of the context complexity (M = 5.05 vs. M = 4.37; F (1,87) = 3.913, p < 0.05). To test our prediction that liking is mediated by processing fluency of product context complexity, a mediation analysis was conducted (PROCESS model 4: Hayes, 2014). Bootstrap estimation confirmed that processing fluency mediates the influence of product context complexity on liking (simple slope = 0.44, LLCI = 0.01, ULCI = 0.94). In study 2, our aim was to corroborate and extend study 1 findings by testing product context complexity in congruent and less congruent shop environments. One hundred seventy-seven participants (mean age = 35,31, 80 females) viewed one randomly selected combination of chocolate shop environments. As in study 1, we chose chocolate due to the large variance in products presentation across multiple retailers. Chocolate was displayed on tower displays (products context complexity: low vs. high), and matched with the overall in-store presentation of three chocolate shop environments (shop environment congruence: low vs. moderate vs. high). After processing the pictures, participants were asked to rate processing fluency, liking, and product evaluation. Similarly to Study 1, the final section of the survey asked for personal information, including gender, age, and shopping goal. Again, these variables had no significant impact on the dependent variables of interest and were excluded from further analysis. Two pretests confirmed that our manipulation of product context complexity (Mlow = 1.96 vs. Mhigh = 4.01, F(1,57) = 23.464, p < 0.001) and store processing fluency (Mlow = 3.50 vs. Mmoderate = 4.14 vs. Mhigh = 5.10, F(1,109) = 10.465, p < 0.005) were successful. Running a factorial ANOVA with processing fluency as dependent variable indicated a nonsignificant main effect of product context complexity. Shop environment congruence had a significant main effect (F(2,171) = 6.561, p < 0.005). Contrasts analysis revealed significant differences between the high congruence/context complexity condition and the low congruence/context complexity condition, and between the moderate congruence/context complexity condition and the low congruence/context complexity condition (all ps < 0.005). We then tested the prediction that processing fluency mediates the effects of shop environment congruence on liking and product evaluation through product context complexity as moderator. We used a moderated mediation analysis with the bootstrap PROCESS model 8: Hayes, 2014). There was a significant conditional indirect effect of shop environment congruence on liking though product context complexity in the high context complexity condition, b = -0.280, LLCI = -0.509, ULCI = -0.120. A similar estimation with product evaluation as the independent variable revealed that processing fluency mediated the relationship between significant shop environment congruence and product evaluation though product context complexity in the high context complexity condition, b = -0.375, LLCI = -0.631, ULCI = -0.153). Discussion Our findings demonstrated the influence of product context complexity on processing fluency and product evaluation. The results showed that less context complexity leads to an ease of processing. Study 1 confirmed the negative relationship between product context complexity and processing fluency. Further, study 1 demonstrates a mediation mechanism of processing fluency on liking. This result confirms prior work on processing fluency (Reber et al., 2004). Further. we extend previous work on visual complexity (Orth and Crouch 2014) by demonstrating that low congruence shop environments may influence consumer processing fluency. In study 2, we looked at how consumers respond to complex and less complex presentation of products in congruent and less congruent shop environments. Our results support research on contextual cues (Zhu and Meyers-Levy, 2009) by showing an interesting path of complex contextual cues. Complex contexts may affect consumer’s evaluation of products. This pattern is more pronounced in low congruent shop environments. Consumers may evaluate much less favorably visually complex contexts in low congruence shop environments than in congruent shop environment. Such behavior is due to the extent to which consumers overlap the shop environment and the target product. This research shed light on how consumers combine retail and product cues. By integrating research on processing fluency and contextual cues, our work allows a better crafting product design and retail strategies. Apart from the theoretical contributions, this research provides marketing manager with insights into how to develop easier to process shop environment for consumers. The results suggest that when products are presented with complex contexts, consumers respond less favorably to the visual appearance of their products. For retail managers, the results provide insight into why it might be especially difficult to process more complex settings of the products. The results suggest that to make a shop environment more favorable, managers have to find solutions to reallocate complex contextual cues of the products. This could be done through developing more congruent areas within the store. Given the growing importance of visual strategies in retailing, our research gives managers suitable solutions to allocate in-store resources.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This preliminary qualitative research investigates how stylistic innovation affects sales performance of small arts and crafts firms in business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets in Taiwan. Specifically this research examines entrepreneurial cognitive complexity, which is the cognitive structure of an entrepreneur on his or her social world, and its interplay with stylistic innovation, particularly the changes of design in appearance or symbolic meaning of products, and strategic decisions of five Taiwanese small arts and crafts firms. Applying cognitive mapping to determine the cognitive contents, structures and also their relations of the entrepreneurs in making decision related to stylistic innovation, this research examines how owners of small Taiwanese arts and crafts firms specifically seek, interpret and internalize information and knowledge on style and design in the new product development and innovation processes. Research results show that the domain specific cognitive complexity of the entrepreneur influences the selection of relevant and appropriate dimensions in stylistic innovation. Entrepreneurs’ strategic decision to target at the business-to-consumer (customer-oriented or designer-driven) or business-to-business (mainly designer-driven) markets and also the buyer-seller relationship will affect the seeking, interpretation and internalization of information and knowledge in the process of stylistic innovation. Respondents targeting at business-to-business markets tend to have a higher level of cognitive complexity, compared with those targeting at business-to-consumer markets. Research results tend to suggest that the higher level of cognitive complexity, the greater the sales turnover. Future research should determine the relationship between cognitive complexity and marketing performance.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has propelled much research into how task type, condition, or demand affects L2 learners’ linguistic performance and language learning. To date, however, TBLT has mainly been researched in connection with learners’ production, while its applicability to L2 reading has largely been unattended to. To fill this gap, the present study explored whether and how cognitive complexity of L2 reading tasks would affect L2 English reading comprehension and learning of target L2 constructions contained in the texts. The study employed a pretest, posttest, delayed-posttest design with two treatment sessions. The target features were 17 English unaccusative verbs and ten pseudowords. Participants included 52 Korean college students learning L2 English who were randomly assigned to either – or + complex condition. Reading comprehension was measured with 14 multiple-choice items for each text, and learning of the target constructions was assessed with a grammaticality judgment test and word form and meaning recognition tests. The results of mixed-effects modeling indicated that increased task complexity had limited effects on reading comprehension scores as well as learning of the target unaccusative verbs. Also, task complexity had significant negative effects on vocabulary form recognition scores in the delayed posttest. The results are discussed in relation to models of task-based learning and L2 reading.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Quick Response (QR) code has often been employed in promotional coupon campaigns worldwide. This research addresses whether and how curiosity, visual complexity and perceived fit jointly affect consumers’ intention to scan such a code. Based on relevant theories from marketing and psychology, we posit that, while consumers with the high level of curiosity are likely to be more bound to visual complexity, consumers with the low level of curiosity tend to rely more on a good perceived fit, thus overcome the negative effects of visual complexity, forming greater scan intention. To this end, we conduct an experimental study with general consumer sample. The findings support our main prediction. In closing, we discuss theoretical and managerial implications while recognizing important limitations and suggesting future research directions.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Create, develop, maintain and nurturing the passengers-airline relationships is crucial in a very competitive market in Europe. Relationship quality and behavioural intentions to fly again in the same airline carrier and recommend to others are core outcomes which may result from a favourable travel experience over time. However, the complexity and the multidimensional phenomenon lead us to develop a holistic framework, which posits that relationship quality and behavioural intentions do not depend on individual air-flight attributes and other individual demographicpsychological variables but on specific configurations of such attributes and variables. Thus, the framework of this study is investigated using qualitative comparative analysis and a sample of 304 passengers. Accordingly, the property space consists of all combinations of binary states, that is, presence or absence, of the 7 in-flight attributes (air quality, temperature, odour, noise, crew, layout and equipment/amenities), frequency of fly in an airline carrier, the type of airline carrier and demographic-psychological variables (age, gender, mindful) (that is, 212 combinations or configurations). Data from both Portuguese and non-Portuguese passengers, who have air travel experiences through Europe in both low cost carriers and legacy airlines (also called traditional or flag airlines) are used to test the hypotheses. The Lisbon airport agreed in helping to conduct the survey during October 2015. Research Question: Which configurations of in-flight attributes, demographicpsychological variables, frequency of fly in an airline carrier and type of airline carrier lead to relationship quality and behavioural intentions? The findings of the current study highlight the importance of coaligning the multiple attributes of air-flight attributes and other individual demographic-psychological variables, also including the frequency of fly in an airline carrier and type of airline carrier, for increasing relationship quality and behavioural intentions. Here the findings point out that complexity theory and QCA are useful tools for understand that simple antecedent conditions relate to an outcome condition of interest positively, negatively, and not at all, which of these three relationships occur depends on the observed complex antecedent conditions in which the simple antecedent conditions occur. Positive outcome (relationship quality or behavioural intention) is not the mirror opposite of negative outcome. By employing QCA, airline managers in Europe can identify whether and under what circumstances individual attributes and other variables will increase (or decrease) the relationship quality and behavioural intentions. QCA can also help managers uncover alternative ways for combining the attributes in order to induce behavioural intentions. Overall it is possible to see that crew and equipment & amenities, particularly for mindful passengers, emerge in several configurations as essential elements for the four outcomes: satisfaction, trust, affective commitment and behavioural intentions. For passengers not affectively committed to an airline, satisfaction plays an important role in their behavioural intention to fly again in the same airline carrier and recommend it to others. The combination of trust and affective commitment may also generate the intention to fly again in the same airline carrier and recommend it to others, particularly for mindful passengers. The findings contribute to managerial practices by providing new insights for improving the in-flight service provide and process. The findings also contribute to theoretical advancing of how passengers’ in-flight evaluations and their experience with an airline relate to their assessments of relationship quality and behavioural intentions.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        근대의 도래 이후 지속된 분화의 경향은 사회를 보다 더 복잡한 것으로 만들었다. 견고했던 것들이 해체 된 자리에는 여러 조각의 제도와 여러 행위자들이 자리 잡았다. 이렇듯 증대된 복잡성은 기존의 구조와 행위 중 하나를 강조한 이론들로는 좀처럼 설명되지 못했고, 그에 따라 많은 이론적 시도들이 등장했다. 본 글은 이러한 복잡성의 증대와 그에 따른 체계이론의 전환을 파슨스와 루만의 비교를 통해 살펴본다. 전체의 유지를 위한 하부 기능들로 구성되었던 체계는 루만에 이르러 각각 나름의 논리를 통해서 작동 하는 자기생산적 체계로 거듭났다. 증대된 복잡성을 감소시키기 위한 시도는 이론에 반영되었고, 가장 포괄적인 체계를 그려냈다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of task complexity on the quality of L2 learners’ argumentative writing using both global measures of complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF) and task-specific measures, namely, for conjunctions. A group of 110 Korean high school students in South Korea performed either a simple or complex argumentative writing task. Task complexity was manipulated by +/–reasoning demands and +/–few elements. A set of 110 argumentative essays were analyzed on 6 global measures of CAF and 2 task-specific measures. The results showed that task complexity affected the fluency of the argumentative writings, in that the complex task group produced more fluent writings than the simple group. However, task complexity did not affect accuracy or syntactic complexity of the argumentative writings. In the task-specific measures, task complexity affected neither frequency nor target-like use of conjunctions. These results have pedagogical implications for task design to help learners develop their L2 proficiency.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether second language writings at different proficiency levels can be distinguished using automatic indices of linguistic complexity. For this study, 35 linguistic measures in 234 essays selected from the Yonsei English Learner Corpus were analyzed in order to identify the best indicators of L2 writing proficiency among the three categories: text length, lexical complexity, and syntactic complexity. The key to this study is the use of computational tools, the L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer and the Lexical Complexity Analyzer, which measure different linguistic features of the target language, and a robust statistical method, discriminant function analysis. Results showed that automatic computational tools indicated different uses of linguistic features across L2 writers’ proficiency levels. Specifically, more proficient writers produced longer texts, used more diverse vocabulary, and showed the ability to write more words per sentence and more complex nominalizations. These findings can offer a window to understanding the linguistic features that distinguish L2 writing proficiency levels and to the possibility of using the new computational tools for analyzing L2 learner corpus data.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Understanding the richness and complexity of consumers’ memory structures for a country is important for governments, tourist boards, investment promotion agencies, cultural institutes, exporter associations, Ministries of Foreign Affairs and NGOs in order to increase tourism, exports, inward investment, etc. The image of the country is a key asset that, beyond its symbolic value to the pride and confidence of a nation, has an impact on the welfare and the economic development. Understanding and specifying which levers have a disproportionate effect on generic county evaluations and country image perception is invaluable to both practitioners and academics. Associative network analysis can be helpful to identify the key levers that shape a country’s image. While a number of studies conceptualise brand image from an associative network perspective, based on cognitive psychology, only a few researchers (Henderson, Iacobucci, & Calder 1998; Teichert, & Schöntag 2010) combine this psychological approach with a network analysis perspective applying it at the product brand level. The use of such a combined approach offers certain advantages and more informed insights of image concepts in comparison to a mono-method perspective. This research uses the combined methodology to examine country image associations, and offer new insights on the construct of country image, and on the future development of a more customised approach to the country image measures.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates differential effects of form-focused instruction (FFI) to a simple versus complex L2 targets when the FFI is offered within a context of primarily meaning-focused instruction (MFI). Forty-seven Korean-speaking adult learners of English participated in the study and were randomly assigned to one of the two experimental groups or one control group. The experimental participants were instructed in one simple and one complex targets through MFI plus FFI or MFI only. No instruction was provided for the controls. Learning was measured by a grammaticality judgment task, and knowledge types were examined by subjective measures of awareness. The results indicate that the combination of FFI and MFI results in more robust learning effects than the exclusive use of MFI particularly for both simple and complex targets. As for the types of knowledge, the analyses found that FFI positively influences development of implicit and explicit knowledge.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 섬강 수계 하천에서 하천의 형태복잡도와 부착규조류 군집 분포와의 관계를 자연지리, 토지이용도, 수리, 수질요인들과의 관계를 통해 분석하였다. 하천의 형태복잡도는 하천의 입지(고도)와 하폭 그리고 주변의 토지이용도와 밀접한 관계를 나타냈으며, 동시에 하천의 수질과도 유의한 관계를 보여주었다. 즉, 형태복잡도가 높 은 하천은 숲과 농경지의 이용도가 높았으며, 반면 형태 복잡도가 낮은 하천에서는 도시 이용도가 높게 나타났다. 한편, 형태복잡도가 높을수록 하천의 영양염의 농도가 낮 은 결과를 나타냈다. 섬강 수계에서 출현한 부착규조는 총 145 분류군(2목 3아목 8과 26속 125종 15변종 2품종 3아종)이 출현하였다. 하천의 형태복잡도 차이에 관계없 하천 형태복잡도와 부착규조류 군집 분포 119 이 부착규조류 군집의 종조성과 우점종의 차이는 크지 않 았으나 밀도와 지표종의 차이는 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 부착 규조류 지표종은 낮은 형태복잡도를 가진 지점들에서 호 오탁성종의 상대밀도가 높았던 반면, 복잡도가 높은 지점 들에서는 호청수성종의 종수와 상대밀도가 더욱 높았다. 부착규조류 생물지수(TDI, DAIpo)를 이용해 생물학적 수 질을 평가한 결과 형태복잡도가 낮은 지점들에서의 수질 이 상대적으로 불량하게 나타났다. 특히, BOD, TP, PO4-P 농도는 DAIpo와 높은 상관관계를 나타냈다. 결론적으로, 섬강 수계 하천의 형태복잡도는 부착조류 군집의 분포와 밀접한 관계를 보여주었으며, 보다 직접적으로 이들의 관 계는 형태복잡도의 차이를 결정짓는 주변 토지이용의 형 태가 하천수질에 영향을 미쳐 나타난 것으로 이해되었다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Colon Nancarrow has been no doubt one of the most revolutionary composers in studying rhythmic innovation of 20th century music. He experimented rhythmic complexity extremely under the influence of Ives and Cowell and affected other significant contemporary composers such as Carter, Ligeti and later composers. The interest in rhythm is reflected well in about fifty pieces called, Studies for player piano. This paper studied the first composition for player piano, Study No. 3. It aims at the development of Ostinato and the formation process of rhythmic complexity. Study No. 3 is proceeded into two parts. First, Ostinato is the basis for structural, pitch, and rhythmic foundation. Second, perceptual polytempo was generated from various polymeter. As a result, Nancarrow's esthetic goal, temporal dissonance was created.
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