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        검색결과 570

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 미디어아트와 공연예술 분야에서 예술과 기술의 융합을 활용한 다원예술의 공연들이 늘어나고 있다. 공연 자와 관객들 사이의 실시간 커뮤니케이션이 이루어지는 공연예술은 관람객들이 전시의 형태로 이를 감상하는 미 디어아트와는 달리, 작가의 의도를 공연자의 퍼포먼스와 배경, 무대장치들을 통해 간접적으로 전달하는 형태를 취한다. 본 연구는 비언어적 커뮤니케이션의 형태로 관객들의 실시간 소통이 중요한 예술공연에서, 게임엔진과 실시간 인터렉션 기술들을 접목한 공연사례들을 분석해보자 한다. 게임과 영상 분야에서 주로 사용되었던 언리 얼 엔진과 비주얼 인터렉션 기술들은 실시간 리얼타임 비주얼 출력이라는 강력한 이점으로 인해 다양한 분야에 서 폭넓게 활용되고 있고, 예술공연 분야로도 점차 확대되고 있다. 따라서 미디어아트 공연분야에서 실시간 인터 렉션 기술이 접목된 다원예술 공연들을 살펴보고 어떠한 시도와 움직임들이 있는지 살펴보고 분석해보고자 한 다. 이를 통해 미디어아트 분야 뿐만 아니라, 공연예술 및 다원예술 분야에서도 미디어아트와 실시간 인터렉션 공연을 접목시킨 다양한 형태의 예술공연들이 늘어나고 관련 제작 및 방법론 연구에 도움이 되고자 한다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양레저활동 인구증가 및 관련 산업의 급성장으로 인해 레저 선박을 접안하는 계류시설과 부유체를 기반으로 하는 해상부유 식 펜션 등 레저시설 수요가 증가하고 있으며, 이러한 연안에서 사용되는 부유체는 대부분 경량 부유체로서 중량이 상대적으로 경량이므 로 연안으로 유입되는 파(Wave)와 상재 하중에 의해 쉽게 경사가 발생하여 안정성이 낮아 안전사고가 빈번히 발생하고 있다. 이런 문제점 에 대한 해결방안으로 부유체의 운동저감장치를 연구하여 알리고자 한다. 본 연구논문에서는 부유체에 운동저감장치(기압차를 이용한 운 동저감장치)를 부착하여 운동저감효과를 부착하지 않은 부유체와 비교하는 방식으로 효과를 분석하였다. 효과분석은 전산해석시험으로 분석하여 부유체의 안정성 증가방법을 연구하고 그 효과를 검증해 보았다. 시험결과 분석결과 기압차를 이용한 운동저감장치를 부착한 부유체가 운동저감장치를 부착하지 않은 부유체보다 파랑에 대한 운동량이 저감되어 부유체의 안정성이 증가된 것으로 분석되었다. 이러 한 부유체의 운동저감 장치는 무동력 선박뿐만 아니라 동력선, 반잠수식 선박에서도 유용하게 사용될 것으로 판단되어 다양한 분야에 적 용하여 연구를 진행할 계획이다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 기상 악화 속에서 감항성이 확보된 선박만이 항해할 수 있도록 선박출항을 해사안전법에 근거하여 통제하고 있으 나 통제 대상선박 지정에 대한 과학적 평가 결과 및 정량적 근거가 미비하여, 항행안전의 확보와 합리적 출항통제 운영을 위한 개선 의견 이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구는 풍랑 주의보 발효 시 주요 통제대상 선종인 예인선의 실선계측을 통해, 현행 출항통제 기준의 적정성을 평 가하고 현실성 있게 개선될 수 있도록 정량적 근거를 제시하는 것에 연구 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 예인선에 선박의 3축 운동과 선체가속 도를 측정하는 Sensor를 설치하여 유의파고 3m인 해역 내에서 운항하여 선체운동 성능을 계측하였고, 계측된 수치를 내항성능 평가요소 및 한계 값 기준을 바탕으로 비교 분석하였다. 실측 선박은 톤수에 따른 현행 통제기준에서 제외되었으나, 분석 결과 Pitch 값이 Operation 기준을 넘어 항행안전에 위험성이 존재하였다. 본 연구 결과는 선박 출항통제 대상에 대한 검토와 다양한 선종 및 제원을 대표할 수 있는 추가적 실측연구가 필요함을 시사한다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to empirically investigate effects of motion repetition and external load according to joint motion on discomfort through an experiment. Eighteen college students (female: 9; male: 9) participated in an experiment measuring perceived discomfort using the Borg CR10. Joint(wrist, elbow, shoulder and trunk) motion, its repetition and external load were adopted as independent variables. The results showed that all three independent variables were statistically significant on discomfort. Participants’ sex also significantly affected discomfort obtained in the experiment. While the interactions of joint motion and repetition, and joint motion and external load were not significant at α = 0.05, that of motion repetition and external load was significant. Based on the experimental results, four regression equations by the joints involved were presented, which could be used as a tool for evaluating postural loads by the joints. It may be postulated that based on the results of this study, scoring systems of RULA and REBA, and those of OWAS and REBA underestimates effects of motion repetition and external load, respectively. It is expected that the results of this study will be used as a basic data for developing an observational method properly reflecting the effects of motion repetition and external load.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fast expanding field of wearable technology requires light-weight, low-cost, scalable, flexible and efficient energy harvesters as a source of uninterrupted green power. This work reports fabrication of sub-micron graphite platelet/PVDF composite film-based flexible piezoelectric energy harvester (PGEH) for scavenging the wasted mechanical energy associated with human body motion. The addition of graphite platelet leads to the enhancement of electroactive β phase in PVDF; consequently, the piezoelectric and dielectric properties of the composite are enhanced. 0.5 wt% filler-loaded composite has 96% β phase fraction and dielectric constant 32 at 100 Hz (tanδ = 0.18).The PGEH produces open circuit voltage of 40 V and instantaneous power density of 3.35 mW cm− 3 with energy conversion efficiency of 22.5% under periodic finger tapping. It can generate fair electrical output under gentle heel (0.8 V) and toe movements (1.2 V). A PGEH is directly employed for powering 50 commercial LEDs and quick charging of a 2.2-μF capacitor upto 19.2 V. The device is also employed as self-powered dynamic pressure sensor which shows high sensitivity (0.9 VkPa− 1) with fast response time (1 ms). Therefore, this durable, flexible, efficient PGEH can have promising applications in wearable electronics as a green power source cum self-powered mechanosensor.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to provide basic data to increase the efficiency and stability of seamanship at anchoring, the characteristics of the hull motion including dragging anchor due to external forces were observed at Mokpo and Jinhae anchorage for the avoidance of the typhoon. As a result, it is necessary to check the embedding motion and holding power of the anchor according to at initial position to decrease dragging anchor. Dragging anchor at anchorage seems to have been easily caused according to discrepancy between embedded anchor flukes and the towing direction due to the change in wind direction, rather than the wind speed. This discrepancy, thus, should be considered when anchoring. This test vessel with a small radius of curvature of the stem is relatively vulnerable to the influence of wind direction and wind speed, so it is easy to cause a decrease in the holding power due to an increase in the rate of turn. When the current speed is greater than or equal to 1 knot, the range of the rate of turn is reduced resulting in a relatively increased holding power. In addition, during the swing, the tension of the chain was high according to the angular velocity change of heading at three-quarters of the swing length rather than the left and right ends.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Technological developments have led to the creation of a mechanical device capable of providing a representative massage as a passive treatment. The use of mechanical massage offers the distinct advantage of being user-friendly and available for use at any given time. Objectives: To investigated present the outcomes of utilizing a massage bed on the range of motion (ROM) and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in patients diagnosed with chronic low back pain. Design: ABA design of a single case study. Methods: To measure the ROM of the subject's trunk flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, a tape measure and goniometer were utilized. Furthermore, PPT was measured using an electronic pressure pain meter. Baseline A and Baseline A’ periods were conducted for 5 consecutive days without intervention. Following the baseline periods, a massage bed intervention was administered for 1 hour daily for a total of 10 days during the Intervention B period. Daily assessments were performed, and the Intervention B period was conducted after the intervention. Results: The ROM effect was confirmed in trunk lateral flexion and rotation, while the PPT was effective in both L1, right L2, left L4, and left L5. Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed that the use of a massage bed improved the ROM and PPT in patients suffering from chronic back pain. Further randomized controlled trials involving a larger sample size are necessary to validate these findings.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Studies using Smovey and Vibration foam rollers are mostly conducted with normal adults, breast cancer patients, and athletes. However, there are not many studies applied to stroke patients to date. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of vibration exercise on the range of motion of the shoulder and knee joints in stroke patients. Design: A randomized controlled trial. Methods: A total of 36 stroke patients, with 12 in the Smovey and Vibration foam roller group (SVG), 12 in the Smovey and Non-Vibration foam roller group (SNVG), and 12 in the control group (CG) were randomly assigned to exercise three times a week for 6 weeks. The range of motion of the shoulder and knee joints was measured for each group before and after 6 weeks of exercise. For joint range of motion, shoulder flexion and extension and knee flexion and extension were measured using BPMpro. Results: In terms of the difference in time, the flexion and extension of the shoulder and the flexion and extension of the knee on the paretic side were significant in the SVG and SNVG. The CG was not significant. Shoulder flexion and extension and knee flexion and extension on the unaffected side were all insignificant. The differences between each group were significant between the SVG and the CG and the SNVG and the CG. SVG and SNVG were not significant. Conclusion: It was found that vibration exercise had a positive effect on the range of motion of the shoulder and knee joints. Therefore, it is thought that vibration exercise can be provided as a clinical intervention method for shoulder and knee range of motion.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 일반적인 상황이 아닌 전시라는 특수한 환경에서의 영상기반 AI 모션캡쳐 적용방법의 다양한 시도 를 살펴보았다. 이전의 방식을 살펴보면서 다양한 전시 환경과 조건에 따라 활용 가능한 방법을 연구하고, 장 단점을 서술하여 인터렉션 전시공간에 적용 가능한 영상기반 AI 모션캡쳐 모션캡쳐 기술의 필요성과 적용 가 능성을 설명한다. 또한 MIVA 프로젝트를 진행하면서 전시공간이라는 비규격화 된 공간에서의 불편한 점을 파 악하고 이에 대한 대응할 수 있는 기술적인 환경 구성에 대하여 정리하였다. 또한 실제 공간에서 캡쳐 프로그 램을 설치하고 전시에 적용하면서 생기는 문제점을 파악하고 해결하면서 적절하게 적용 가능한 모션캡쳐 기 술 환경 파이프라인을 제안한다.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent increase in earthquake activities has highlighted the importance of seismic performance evaluation for civil infrastructures. In particular, the container crane essential to maintaining the national logistics system with port operation requires an exact evaluation of its seismic response. Thus, this study aims to assess the seismic vulnerability of container cranes considering their seismic characteristics. The seismic response of the container crane should account for the structural members’ yielding and buckling, as well as the crane wheel’s uplifting derailment in operation. The crane’s yielding and buckling limit states were defined using the stress of crane members based on the load and displacement curve obtained from nonlinear static analysis. The derailment limit state was based on the height of the rail, and nonlinear dynamic analysis was performed to obtain the seismic fragility curves considering defined limit states and seismic characteristics. The yield and derailment probabilities of the crane in the near-fault ground motion were approximately 1.5 to 4.7 and 2.8 to 6.8 times higher, respectively, than those in the far-fault ground motion.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The application of exercise therapy and manual therapy to the thoracic spine is a widely used method of treating neck pain. Nevertheless, studies on the application of foam rollers and vibrating foam rollers to patients with neck pain are lacking. Objectives: To investigated the immediate effects of thoracic spine foam rolling and vibration foam rolling on pain and range of motion (ROM) in patients with chronic neck pain. Design: Randomized crossover trials. Methods: 24 patients with chronic neck pain participated in the study. The study subjects measured pain and ROM. Subjects were divided into vibration foam roller group, foam roller group, and control group. Results: Pain was not significantly different between and within groups (P<.05). There was a significant difference in flexion, extension, left rotation, and right rotation ROM in the vibration foam roller group after intervention (P<.05). There was a significant difference in flexion and extension ROM in the foam roller group after intervention (P<.05). There was a significantly greater increased extension ROM in vibration foam roller and foam roller groups compared with the control group (P<.0167). Conclusion: Thoracic spine foam rolling and vibration foam rolling improve ROM when treating patients with chronic neck pain. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in combination with other treatments
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 부유식 해상풍력발전 에너지의 수급성과 효율을 극대화하기 위해서는 하부구조물의 파랑 감쇠로 인한 운동을 저 감시키는 것이 중요하다. 선행 연구들에 따르면 파도 중 하부구조물에 설치된 감쇠판에 의해서 발생한 와류점성으로 인해 운동 응답이 감소되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 5MW급 반잠수식 OC5 플랫폼과 감쇠판이 부착된 두가지 플랫폼을 설계하고, 와류점성으로 인 한 운동저감효과를 확인하기 위해 자유감쇠실험과 수치계산을 수행하였다. 모형시험 결과로 낙하 높이를 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm에서의 상하 자유감쇠실험을 수행하였을 때 OC5 플랫폼 대비 두 가지의 형태의 감쇠판이 부착된 플랫폼이 상대적으로 운동감쇠성능이 향상되었다. 모형시험과 수치계산 결과에서 형상화한 감쇠판 모델(KSNU Plate 1, KSNU Plate 2)들이 각각 OC5 대비 상하운동 진폭이 1.1배, 1.3배 각각 감소했으며, KSNU Plate 2 플랫폼은 KSNU Plate 1 플랫폼보다 OC5 대비 약 2배 감쇠성능이 좋아진 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 감쇠 판의 면적과 와류점성이 상하동요의 감쇠율과 밀접한 관련을 보여준다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대륙이동설로부터 시작되었고 이후 고지자기 및 해저퇴적물 등의 증거들에 의한 해저확장설을 통하여 정립된 판 구조론은, 지각의 운동을 몇 개의 강체 판들이 비록 느리지만 수억 년 이상의 긴 시간 동안 꾸준히 일어나는 움직임으로 서 설명하였다. 초기에는 지각판의 속도를 주로 수백만 년 동안의 고지자기 역전의 잔류 기록에 의거하여 판들 간의 상 대적 운동으로 추산하였는데, 1980년대 이후에는 우주측지 기법들을 이용하여 현재 시점의 판운동을 직접적으로 조사할 수 있게 되었고, 일부 지역에서 판의 변형이 일어나는 것도 확인하게 되었다. 본 해설에서는 (1) 초기의 상대적인 판운동 을 나타내는 모델들을 돌아보고, (2) 무회전 좌표계의 이론과 절대판운동 모델들을 요약-기술하며, (3) 판내부의 변형을 포함하는 최근의 모델을 소개하는 한편, (4) 국제 지구 기준계에 채택된 판운동 모델을 간략히 기술하였고, 끝으로 (5) 근 래에 보고된 남미, 남극, 유럽 등 몇 지역과 (6) 한반도 및 동북아의 지각판 움직임 연구를 각각 소개하였다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The range of motion (ROM) and balance ability of the ankle joint affect the stability of the ankle and prevent injuries or hurts from falling. In the clinical tests conducted recently, the floss band is widely used to enhance the range of joint motion and exercise performance, and there are many studies that have applied it to ankle joint increasing dorsi flexion (DF) angle. Objects: This study compared the effects on the range of ankle motion and static/dynamic balance ability of the ankle through three conditions (before floss band intervention, after floss band intervention, and after active exercise intervention) for adults. Methods: One intervention between floss band and active exercise was applied randomly and another intervention was applied the next day. After each intervention, the ROM of the ankle joints and the static balance was checked by measuring conducting one leg test. And the dynamic balance was checked by conducting a Y-balance test. Results: In the case of DF, the range of joint motion showed a significant increase after floss band intervention compared to before floss band intervention (p < 0.05). Static balance ability showed a significant increase after the intervention of floss band and active exercise compared to before the intervention of floss band (p < 0.05). The dynamic balance ability showed a significant increase after the intervention of the floss band compared to before intervention of the floss band and after active exercise intervention (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Based on these results, it was confirmed that the application of floss band to the ankle joint increases DF and improves the static and dynamic balance ability. Based on this fact, we propose the application of a floss band as an intervention method to improve the ROM of the ankle joint and improve the stability of the ankle in clinical field.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Low back pain is a very common musculoskeletal disorder. Since low back pain can indicate physical and psychological problems, reducing the pain level of low back pain can be the primary goal of rehabilitation. Objectives: This study was performed to explain the personalized treatment protocol of Maitland orthopedic physiotherapy based on the brick wall concept for low back pain patients with hypomobility. Design: Randomized controlled study. Methods: A total of 14 chronic low back pain patients were divided into two groups. The experimental group received orthopedic manual physical therapy intervention. The control group received traditional physical therapy intervention. After the 3 days intervention, the joint range of motion and pain of the low back were measured. Results: The low back flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation joint range of motion was significantly increased in the experimental group than in the control group (P<.05). Low back pain was significantly reduced in the experimental group than in the control group (P<.05). Conclusion: It was confirmed that Maitland orthopedic physical therapy was an effective method as an intervention method to improve the joint range of motion and pain of chronic low back pain patients.
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