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        검색결과 1,070

        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study builds on prevalent approaches of extending the applications of importance performance analysis (IPA) tool. Thus, we analyse the influence of Performance expectancy on Customer Satisfaction. The instruments employed were adapted from previous studies and pilot tested with a group of master students to verify clarity of meaning and comprehension. Findings reveal the stronger influence of three factor that emerge from performance expectancy: Usability, Reliability, Information Quality.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is certainly not possible to analyse the evolution of the global luxury consumers orientations for the new luxury Chinese brands without considering the essence and the impact of the “brandscape”. In the last decade, China has assisted to the surge of the “luxury lifestyle” for a multiplicity of consumer segments living in those coastal areas – and not only - filled with luxury and fashion brands, that invaded every city area from streets to airports from clinics to hotels where concept stores, luxury flagship stores, sponsorships for events and urban artefacts “add value to the symbolic production of an urban lived space” (Bellini and Pasquinelli, 2015). Luxury product brands are enriched by the synergy with the city brand and the diverse fashion and art city locations, activities and events. In the new luxury perspective that sees luxury in its experiential dimension and no longer only in desire of an exclusive object, the relation of luxury brands and city brand requires a specific focus, in particular in the new fast growing economies as China that sees the rise of the new experiential luxury lifestyle and new local luxury brands. In the fast growing luxury Chinese luxury market where new Chinese luxury brands are striving to acquire a brand identity and image first in the local market and then in the international one, city branding may be a conductive solutions for brand value and identity creation. Authentic luxury experiences in significant city contexts appear added value activities for luxury brands in particular for those with no consolidated heritage and identity as the new Chinese luxury brands. New retail formats such as pop-up stores, concept stores located in specific high value artistic or fashion related locations adds value (Bellaiche et al, 2012). For Chinese luxury brands with a very limited identity, a almost absent heritage and a ongoing value creation of the brand, in-store experience is increasingly important (Atsmon et al, 2012) and the shopping location certainly represent an important factor for the increasingly diverse and demanding luxury customers by being not only the instrument towards the desired subjects but also a value-adding experience on its own (Rintamaki et al, 2007, p. 628). The emergence of the Chinese luxury consumer did not mean the presence on a market where the consumers are gathered by the same tastes, desires and purchasing patterns. Reference to the global consumer culture and paradigm evidenced that consumers in diverse geographical contexts may have different and sometimes even conflicting opinions or shared desires and values expressed in similar behaviours or symbols towards a brand. Global brands sets the international standards and convey shared symbols (Holt, Quelch and Taylor 2004) and a myth of cosmopolitanism to which many consumers world-wide appreciate (Strizhacova, Coulter and Price 2008).Brands represent a form of culture and they relate to the way people live, think, eat and choose to wear as well, a form of seeing life and the world (Askegaard, Kjeldgaard and Arnould, 2009) . Luxury brands have become increasingly present in the Chinese consumer market and lifestyle and the role of purchasing luxury goods experiencing a luxury lifestyle has taken an unexpected importance and meaning in the Chinese social context. China has started to experience the consumer culture only after China's opening up to the market economy as a result of the economic reforms post-1979 that have given to "aspirational" consumers more freedom to develop a consumer culture partially away from political limitations but still permeated in the Chinese culture and its characteristics. Those reforms have also given rise to the private businesses and the birth of a consumer middle class, "the new rich", in China. The birth of the Chinese middle class has fuelled the emergence of a highly diversified consumer class with different purchasing attitudes (Latham, 2006) and a new way to express their taste, their motivation for purchasing (Gillette, 2000) and in particular an increasing brand awareness, mode of purchasing and conceptualisation of luxury (Rambourg, 2014; Rovai, 2016). Distinctive aspects of luxury consumer culture have started to emerge in the late years, evidencing new desires for Chinese luxury consumers with respect to luxury brands, accompanied by the entrance in the market of Chinese luxury brands aspiring the capitalise on the increasing "Chinese luxury desire" but limited by their lack of specific characteristics of authentic luxury brands - heritage, identity and prestige amongst others. As a result, this research focuses on the analysis of Chinese luxury brands presence in the local Chinese urban context; specifically, it focuses on how the Chinese urban fashion context can help to support the creation of a luxury brand value and also reinforce a luxury brand identity and image in a Chinese luxury consumer culture that does not possess a luxury heritage. An analysis of two luxury Chinese brands and a local luxury and fashion concept store has been initiated together with further evidence from the Shanghai urban context, its activities, events and cultural specifics together with the following a qualitative method and in particular Yin (1989) case study approach. A series of 15 interviews have been held in late 2016 in Shanghai with the two Chinese luxury brands creative designers, owners and staff during one month together with observation and consulting of documents. Literature review has focused on the role of individual brands that, being somehow associated with the city become a collective brand (Pasquinelli, 2014), framing "the complex network of associations, linking products, spaces, organizations and people (Bellini and Pasquinelli, 2015). Initially, an important attention has been oriented towards the geographical associations to the country-of-origin effect (Bilkey and Nes, 1982; Johansson et al, 1985) later on evidencing that a defragmentation into of smaller geographical units may be appropriate at urban level (Bellini and Pasquinelli, 2015) to highlight the relevance of the "origin" not simply in relation to a broad geographical context where the brand manufactures a product but also „the place, region or country where a brand is perceived to belong‟ (Thakor and Kohli, 1996, p. 26). The origin being not only a matter of product production but more of product conceptualisation, perception or consumption going towards the "brand product usage context" (Gerr et al, 1999). Brand product usage happen in those spatial circuits whose cities are part of and whose role may be conductive to the „local origination‟ of product brands, adding value to the birth and internationalisation of locally originated brands (Pike, 2011). Those local brands are developed from an ecosystem composed by relations and ownerships involving a multiplicity of stakeholders whose customers are an integral part (Power and Hauge, 2008). In the literature, Fashion capitals is a unique case of those ecosystems with a specific relationship between industry and spacial circuits is based on the urban context instrumental to fashion creation and also to consumption (Breward and Gilbert, 2006). The city as a part of the consumer culture and in particular as part of the brand product experience (Thrift, 2004). As a result of the literature review and the conceptualisation of fashion capitals as ecosystems conductive to the fashion creation and consumption, an exploratory study of: Which context related variables affect new Chinese luxury brands identity and value and how the China fashion capital ecosystem affects Chinese luxury consumers brand perception. The paper will show an insight of the instrumental relation of the "brandscape" Shanghai and the impact on the Chinese luxury brands value and identity acquisition with respect to Chinese consumers.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One specific manifestation of CSR is the solicitation of donations in collaboration with an NGO. Especially in an online environment, companies can easily control if they present donation options to consumers either before or after the actual purchase moment of their products. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the sequence of purchase and donation requests in the customer journey influences the willingness to donate to a charitable cause and the potential revenues for the seller. As theoretical frame, we use two related concepts of moral self-regulation, namely moral licensing and moral cleansing. We assume that consumers spend a higher sum on a luxury product after donating to an NGO (moral licensing) and vice versa donate a higher sum to charity after purchasing a self-indulgent product (moral cleansing). While we do not consider luxury products as morally questionable per se, prior research has shown that consumers repeatedly feel bad after purchasing a luxury item. Our results indicate that the moral cleansing effect is present in our experiment. On average, participants who first indicate their WTP for a luxury product are subsequently more prone to donating money to an NGO. We could not observe a moral licensing effect at large. Both conditions lead to comparable mean WTP measures, hence to similar total potential revenues. In general, our results indicate that both parties profit the most, if donation options are available after purchase decisions.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This contribution focuses on fitting between heuristic rules and the task environment in business to business market. The subject is about evidence-based business decision-making process in the business actors‟ perspective. The empirical setting of fashion business to business markets is considered, focusing on adaptive behavior situated in the interaction processes in customer-supplier relationships emerging from empirical researches. The paper considers two key aspects of the process: (1) the origin and diffusion of the heuristic rules adopted by the actors (adoption) and (2) the fields in which the rules can be used (scope) are discussed. The central research questions are: How heuristics are adopted and diffused in the fashion business to business environment (adoption)? How wide is the context in which the heuristic rule is applied by the actors (scope)? Fashion business to business markets is our setting of analysis. First of all we have to define what are heuristics. Studies of decision-making processes generally divide them into two, mutually exclusive types: rational decision making versus rule-based decision making (March 1994). In the case of rational decision making the approach is to evaluate the consequences of any decision in terms of either pure (maximizing) or limited rationality (satisficing). In rational decision making, consequential choices are adopted, hence an evaluation of preferences and expectations is necessary and decisive to the final outcome. Instead, in rule-based decision making, what counts most is following the rules, the aim being to satisfy and/or define an identity. In rule-based decision making, rules deemed appropriate are adopted, and what then counts are the rules and the identity, which form the basis for taking well-thought-out actions. Rationality requires less „specific‟ knowledge, since it relies on abstract rules. In this approach, following the rules may instead involve understanding them in relation to the specific context in which they are to be applied. The relations between heuristics and interaction in business networks provide a means to study other aspects of the evolution of the relationship between enterprise and business market environment (Artinger et al. 2015; Guercini et al. 2014, 2015). In fact, the network of relationships the actors adopt images of the relationships to be cultivated with the precise aim of formulating an effective representation of the market, enable other phenomena to be examined, not so much in their qualitative aspects, but rather as regards their importance as perceived by business decision-makers. In light of these relations between heuristics and setting, the essential properties of heuristics that we propose to examine herein are: (1) specificity, intended as the field of application and setting in which any heuristic rule is generated and routinely applied; (2) convergence, which concerns how widespread, at least in appearance, any given heuristic rule is amongst actors in a given market setting (Guercini 2012). In other terms, the heuristics of entrepreneurial marketing can be considered specific to this particular setting, in that they concern the degrees to which such rules are generated, are successful, and are confined to the specific setting or context. Looking more closely at the two above-mentioned properties, specificity is high when, for instance, a heuristic refers to a specific, circumscribed matter (for example assessing the opportune moment to purchase certain semi-finished goods) and finds no application in any other setting. Conversely, a rule‟s degree of specificity is low when its field of application is broad: a rule may, since its inception, be applicable to many different fields, or it may be initially applicable only to a limited range of decisions, but subsequently find fruitful application in other, broader matters (Guercini et al. 2014). The degree of convergence instead regards the frequency with which a given heuristic rule is adopted within a population, a community or, in our case, by entrepreneurs. Such adoption may only be apparent, in the sense that what seems to be a single rule may actually represent various, subtly different rules for each individual, given the supremely personal, individual nature of fine mental processes. Evaluating the degree of convergence of a given heuristic within a population obviously involves measuring its dissemination in terms that are recognized as such by the researcher. Convergence is high for rules adopted by everyone, or at least by a large segment of the population in question. Other heuristic rules are instead developed by individuals in forming their personal judgments and seem to be unique to such individuals, in that they do not arise in others. This implies that heuristic rules may be the source of a relative advantage for the entrepreneur, in so far as the heuristic in question proves itself successful, that is, an element that determines a good choice when other methods are ineffective or may even produce negative effects. Specificity and convergence are thus general properties of the heuristics adopted by entrepreneurial marketers, and are strongly tied to the interpersonal relationships and consequent interactions within business decision-makers‟ personal contact networks (Guercini et al. 2015). Heuristic procedures are easily detectable in the descriptions of enterprise top management of the processes they utilize in assessing possibilities and forming judgments. Some of these procedures are highly abstract and applicable to various different settings, for instance, regarding problems typically facing firms as well as purchase decision-makers. In the following we shall briefly present some of the heuristics encountered in our research; a more detailed description and more rigorous modeling of their characteristics will be addressed in future work. Let us consider now a fashion business to business settings, and more precisely the situation in which the decision-maker of a fashion firm is tasked with formulating a judgment regarding the best choice of colors to keep up with the fashion trends of coming seasons. From interviews with representatives of styling divisions, what repeatedly emerged was their conviction that “strong” colors periodically and forcefully come back in fashion. Some even went so far as to specify the duration of this cycle: seven years – that is, the same as the number of strong colors –, which also turns out to be coherent with long-standing observations on the limits of human cognitive function (Miller 1956). No clearly defined explanation was offered of the reasons for, or origins of, this rule, although some hypotheses were advanced: simply that a sort of “law” was first noticed and then became consolidated as its predictions were repeatedly verified over time. A second example is that of the textile firm entrepreneurial marketer called on to provide a forecast of the fabrics that will be most widely utilized in the market over the next few seasons. From the marketer‟s perspective, the price of natural fibers is one element on which to base any judgment regarding future fabric usage trends. Clearly, there are technical time constraints on the purchasing of fibers for spinning, which must naturally precede the sale of the fabric, and may even take place already in the stage of drafting the fabric sample book. Thus, a specific assessment rule is applied: those fibers whose price increases during certain periods of the year are deemed to be those that will be in most widespread use the following season. However, for some years now this rule has begun to seem less reliable than in the past. Workers in the sector speak of greater complexity in the wool market, where supply factors, such as international manufacturers‟ policy of stepping up fiber tops production, have had the effect of upsetting traditional market dynamics. The heuristic rules in these examples can be regarded in the perspective of the attributes they present, in particular, their “specificity” (or field of application) and their “convergence” (or degree of dissemination). A rule that is highly specific to a certain application setting looses much of its value when applied to judgments other than the one for which it has been developed. On the other hand, a rule that is in widespread use in many firms can hardly become a distinctive resource for entrepreneurial marketers. The widespread dissemination of a given heuristic rule amongst the rules “in stock” or the “adaptive toolbox” of firms may influence its effectiveness. Indeed, the fact that a rule is shared by many may justify its adoption in light of the validity that the decision-makers seem to attribute it, even if it is less probable that its use impart a distinctive competitive advantage. The examples of heuristic processes presented in the foregoing seem to enjoy different degrees of specificity and convergence. The association of certain heuristics to specific settings takes on the significance attributed to them by Simon (1979), as rules bound by the task environment and not clearly referable to relatively abstract mechanisms or endowed with autonomy. Mechanisms applicable to less specific settings are instead referable to the heuristics described by Tversky and Kahneman (1974), including representativeness, availability and adjustment/anchoring, identified in relation to the possible distortions and errors associated to them. The heuristics modeled by “building blocks” by Gigerenzer et al. are seemingly cannot be captured by a few categories, given the variety of formal models identified. Briefly, these include (1) recognition heuristic; (2) fluency heuristic; (3) take-the-best; (4) tallying; (5) satisficing; (6) 1/N equality heuristic; (7) default heuristic; (8) tit-for-tat; (9) imitate the majority; (10) imitate the successful; (11) hiatus heuristic; (12) fast and frugal trees; (13) mapping models; (14) averaging the judgment; (15) social circle; (16) moral behavior (Gigerenzer and Gaissmaier 2011, Gigerenzer and Brighton 2009). In the approach proposed by Gigerenzer and his “adaptive behavior and cognition program”, formal models are necessary to evaluate the real contribution of heuristics to cognition, decision-making and behavior. For details, refer to the publications of the adaptive-behavior-and-cognition program (Gigerenzer 2007; Todd and Gigerenzer 2012). Rule-based decision making implies the availability of rules to follow and consistency with an established identity as the driving factors in the decisionmaking process. If the rules satisfy an ecological rationality approach, are such rules then the result of a process of rules selection with which the decision makers are endowed innately or they are formed through a process of learning? And, if the latter is true, what are the characteristics of the decision-making process during the stage that the rules formation schemes are more open? And lastly, when the rules have already been defined, are they necessarily stable or can they be questioned and, if so, in what terms? These research questions are part of the future research stimulated by this first exploration based on case study research.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this study is to get a better understanding of the relationship between online customer reviews (OCRs), product returns and sales after returns in online fashion. Furthermore, we generate deeper insights about the moderating role of mobile shopping usage, product involvement and brand equity in this context. We answer our research questions by empirically analyzing a unique data set from a European fashion e-commerce company. This study links a wide range of transaction data (2.5 billion page clicks, 46 thousand different products, 700 brands, 40 product categories, 72 million sold and 33 million returned items) with a large set of OCRs (0.9 million). Our results show that positive OCRs can lead to higher sales, lower returns, and better conversion rates. Considering higher search costs on mobile devices, we reveal a weaker impact of OCRs in the mobile than in the desktop sales channel. Furthermore, in line with involvement theory, we see a significant impact of product involvement in this context such as the influence of positive OCRs is stronger for high-involvement products than vice versa. Moreover, we find strong support for statements from brand signaling literature, that OCRs matter more for weak than for strong brands.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Consumers can easily combine the online and physical channels in their shopping process. This new reality is changing the nature of the customer-firm interactions and is challenging retailers to effectively manage their customers. In this line, two antagonistic shopping patterns can be identified: showrooming (visiting physical retailers to check out products and then buy online) and webrooming (research products online before making the purchase offline). In this way, the fashion industry has been deeply affected by these cross-channel shopping behaviour (Lee and Kim, 2008; Cho and Workman, 2010). In this way, according to the Google Consumer Barometer 2015 (www.consumerbarometer.com), webrooming represents the dominant channel combination in fashion shopping around the globe. Cross-channel shopping patterns can threaten traditional retailers though, in the form of free-riding behaviors, such that consumers use one retailer’s channel to prepare, and then switch to another retailer’s channel to purchase (Chiou et al., 2012). Both showroomers and webroomers can free ride, yet the latter is less problematic, because online retailers’ costs are largely fixed (Van Baal and Dach 2005), and consumers often use multiple online sources to search for product information. In an omnichannel era, retailers must learn to integrate channels to offer seamless and unique experiences that retain consumers throughout their entire purchase experience (Verhoef et al, 2015). However, there is a lack of studies analysing the situational characteristics that lead consumers to adopt a specific combination of channels. Specialised literature has emphasised the role convenience (e.g. Verhoef et al., 2007), overlooking the impact of other relevant factors. This research examines the differences between webrooming and showrooming in terms of the degree of the consumer’s involvement with the purchase. Specifically, we examine the differences between webrooming and showrooming in terms of involvement, and how these differences translate into different preferences for the virtual and physical channels to search for information and carry out the purchase. Hypotheses Formulation The consumer’s cross-channel behavior is defined as the use of a combination of channels at different stages of the same shopping process (Dholakia et al., 2005). As previously stated, showrooming and webrooming are two antagonistic forms of cross-channel behavior. We propose that the degree of involvement will shape the consumer’s tendency to carry out one of the two cross-channel sequences. Involvement is defined as the individual’s degree of interest or relevance with a product or purchase situation (Zaichkowsky, 1985; Mittal, 1989). The fashion industry encompasses products whose characteristics prevent consumers from evaluating their quality without physical interaction (Weathers et al., 2007). Thus, they are sensitive to be acquired by means of a cross-channel process. However, when consumers are involved with the purchase of the product, their informational needs are increased (Brunelle, 2009), which lead them to carry out an exhaustive information search. Purchase involvement entails that the consumer is motivated to choose the best option. In this way, the Internet is widely acknowledged as the best channel to satisfy consumers’ need for an extensive information search (e.g. Ratchford et al. 2003), except for the physical inspection of the product (Citrin et al., 2003). This lack of complete knowledge leads them to carry out a webrooming purchase process. On the other hand, when consumers are not involved with the purchase of the product, they seek for convenience in their experiences and paying a low price (McGoldrick and Collins, 2007), which are the main defining factors of showrooming. Showroomers go the physical store to find the product they want to acquire and then take the advantage of the convenience and low prices of the Internet to buy the product. Therefore: H1: Purchase involvement is higher in webrooming than in showrooming. For showroomers, the use of the Internet is more limited to the search for lower prices and to carry out the purchase. In webrooming, consumers use the Internet to research about products and then go to the store with a higher knowledge of the product they want, to corroborate the information they have seen online, and to gain power in the interaction with the salesman (Orús, 2015). Webroomers value the information richness that the Internet offers. Therefore, the relevance of the Internet as channel to search for product information should be higher in webrooming experiences than in showrooming experiences H2: The preference for the Internet to search for information about the product is higher in Webrooming than in Showrooming. Finally, if involvement determines the differences between webrooming and showrooming, it should also explain the preferences for the purchase channel. Specifically, highly involved consumers will be more likely to use the physical store because they can have a physical interaction with the product and the sales personal, which helps them to take the shopping decision with a high degree of confidence (Flavián et al., 2016). Low involved consumers will purchase from the channel which allows them to pay a low price and to make the purchase in a convenient way (i.e. the Internet). Thus: H3: The degree of consumer’s involvement with the purchase mediates the effects of webrooming versus showrooming experiences on the preference for the purchase channel. Methodology Three studies were developed to test the hypotheses. The Study 1 consisted of an exploratory survey to identify and characterise different cross-channel shopping behaviours. In Study 2 we directly manipulate the degree of the participants’ involvement in order to examine their preference for the Internet as a channel for searching for information and their preference of the channel to carry out the purchase. Finally, Study 3 put participants into a webrooming or a showrooming shopping scenario and examines differences in the degree of involvement and purchase intentions. All the studies are carried out with samples of millennials or Generation Y (Parment, 2013) and focus on the purchase of clothing and accessories. Study 1 Participants were 192 millennials (60.9% female; between 18 and 35 years old). They were asked to think about a recent purchase experience of clothing or accessories in which they combined different channels during the purchase process. The participants reported the product purchased and the channels employed to search for information and buy the product. Finally, they indicated, on a 7-point scale (1 = not at all, 7 = extremely), to what extent the purchase of the product was (1) important, (2) interesting, (3) relevant, (4) meant a lot, (5) significant, to measure their degree of involvement (Zaichkowsky, 1985; Mittal, 1989; α = 0.89, 70.51% of variance explained). Due to space constraints, only a summary of results is presented. Out of the 192 participants, 109 (57%) reported a webrooming experience, whereas 28 (15%) recalled a showrooming experience. This result confirms that webrooming is a more extended behavior than showrooming. Moreover, purchase involvement for participants who recalled a webrooming experience (M = 5.56, SD = 0.86) was significantly higher than for those who recalled a showrooming experience (M = 4.33, SD = 1.46; U Mann-Whitney non-parametric test: p < 0.001). Evidence in favor of H1 was found. Study 2 This study consisted of an experimental design with one between-subjects factor with two levels. Specifically, participants (n = 68; 58% female; between 18 and 35 years old) were asked to think about the purchase of a clothing and fashion product with a cost of either €20 or less (low involvement condition) or €100 or more (high involvement condition). Among other measures, participants reported the probability of using the Internet to search for product information before purchase (from 1 = very unlikely, to 7 = very likely), and the preference for the channel to carry out the purchase (from 1 = definitely the Internet, to 7 = definitely the physical store). The participants also indicated their degree of involvement in the same way as in the previous study (α = 0.91, 75.41% of variance explained). In this way, the manipulation was successful since participants’ involvement with the purchase of the expensive product (M = 5.14, SD = 1.32) was significantly higher than with the purchase of the cheap product (M = 4.31, SD = 1.19; t(66) = 2.688, p < 0.01). The results of the analyses were consistent with our expectations. The probability of using the Internet for searching for product information was significantly higher for participants in the highly-involving purchase (M = 5.55, SD = 1.92) than for those in the low-involving purchase (M = 3.07, SD = 1.84; t(66) = 5.391, p < 0.001). In addition, participants’ preference for the purchase channel was also affected by the experimental treatment. In the purchase of the expensive product, participants indicated a higher preference for the physical store (M = 5.95, SD = 1.33), whereas for the cheap garment, participants were more indifferent, slightly leaned toward the Internet though (M = 3.87, SD = 1.68; t(66) = 5.701, p < 0.001). H2 is supported. In addition, two ANCOVAs were carried out to test the mediator effect of involvement. Involvement significantly influenced the preference for the Internet to search for information (F(1, 67) = 13.589, p < 0.001) and the purchase preference (F(1, 67) = 11.364, p < 0.001). The effect of the treatment was reduced in both cases, supporting partial mediation (H3). Study 3 The last study manipulated the type of information search sequence. Participants (n = 54; 53.7% female; between 17 and 24 years old) had an initial interaction with the product (a strap bag) and then changed the channel to have a cross-channel search experience with the same product. In this way, participants in the webrooming condition first had an online experience with the product and then had the opportunity to physically interact with it. Participants in the showrooming condition had the reverse sequence. After having both experiences with the product, the participants indicated the likelihood of purchasing the product in the channel where they had had the last experience (from 1 = very unlikely, to 7 = very likely). A set of additional measures were gathered. At the end of the questionnaire, participants indicated the degree of involvement with the experience (α = 0.86, 63.70 % of variance explained). The results of the analyses further confirmed H1. Participants in the webrooming scenario indicated a higher degree of involvement (M = 5.22, SD = 0.67) than participants in the showrooming scenario (M = 4.67, SD = 0.95; t(52) = 2.505, p < 0.05). Moreover, purchase intention at the physical store was higher for webroomers (M = 5.87, SD = 1.92) than purchase intentions in the online store for showroomers (M = 4.83, SD = 1.24; F(1, 53) = 11.789, p < 0.01). When involvement was included as a covariate in the analysis, it had a positive effect on purchase intentions (F(1, 53) = 13.591, p < 0.01), whereas the effect of the type of search sequence decreased (F(1, 53) = 5.785, p < 0.05). Again, we find support for H3, given that involvement partially explained the effect of webrooming on the preference for the physical store to purchase the product. Discussion and Conclusions Consistent with previous reports (Sevitt and Samuel, 2013; Google Consumer Barometer, 2015), the results of the first study confirmed that webrooming is a more frequent cross-channel shopping than showrooming. Thus, traditional retailers may take the advantages of the Internet to offer enhanced shopping experiences to customers, instead of fearing of a possible cannibalization of the online channel. Importantly, the results of the three studies show differences between webrooming and showrooming in terms of the involvement with the purchase situation. The first study measured the degree of consumers’ involvement depending on the type of cross-channel behavior, revealing that involvement was higher for webroomers than for showroomers. The second study directly manipulated the degree of involvement and demonstrated a clear preference for a webrooming experience when the purchase of the product entailed a higher degree of involvement. The third study showed that, depending on the type of search sequence (webrooming or showrooming) the involvement with the purchase experience was different. Furthermore, the level of purchase involvement determined the preference for the online and physical channels to search for information and purchasing the product. This finding entails important implications for both theory and practice. Nevertheless, this research has several limitations which open avenues for further research. Specifically, we only focused on a specific segment of the market and on a specific product category. Future studies should replicate these findings with more representative samples and a wider set of product categories, which have been found to determine multichannel behaviour to a great extent (Kushwaha and Shankar, 2013). Further research should also include convenience- and price-related variables which can explain the differences between webrooming and showrooming.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This exploratory research focuses on variety-seeking behavior in the e-commerce (EC) apparel market. The author introduces the causes of switching behavior through exploring different attributes such as product category, price range, and brand. The author discusses the definition of variety-seeker within relatively high price, high involvement, and less frequency category. Next, the author proposes a practical methodology to find different types of variety-seekers from transaction data and customer databases. Finally, the author identifies the characteristics of variety-seekers, including mobile device behavior and psychographics of customers. Having reviewed previous research, in this study, the author focuses on: (1) research of variety-seeking that leans toward the low price, low-involvement, and high-frequency category, (2) define and distinguish variables of variety-seeking, especially in fashion and EC websites, and (3) use of mobile channels in variety-seeking. Researchers and practitioners have studied variety-seeking behavior since the latter half of the 20th century. One of the earliest studies of variety-seeking behavior is by Tucker (1964), who proposed the exploratory behavior concept. Since then, variety-seeking behavior has been extensively researched, and it is considered the antithesis of brand loyalty. As introduced by Assael (1987), in his matrix on buying behavior types, variety-seeking occurs as a low-involvement behavior and in a relatively low-priced category (e.g., Inman, 2001). Therefore, the research on variety-seeking in a higher priced category, like fashion, is a relatively novel approach, when compared to other categories of consumer goods. Meanwhile, there are many variables in general transaction data and customer databases, such as product category and group level (large, medium, and small), brand, product attribute (color, size, gender), price, time, and store. However, much of the previous research considered brand-switching as a clue for distinguishing variety-seeking. Thus, there is little research that has considered every database variable, and defined variety-seeking in the fashion category. Recently, new research focusing on the apparel industry and EC websites has been published. For example, Ko, Kim, and Lee (2009) discussed mobile shopping for fashion products, where they proposed the concept of information-seeking. However, their research was based on questionnaires. For this review, discussing and developing a methodology to analyze variety-seeking in the EC fashion industry was necessary. Distinguishing variety-seekers in this area might be useful for retailers or manufacturers for category management or line expansion (e.g., Inman 2001). This study uses transaction data from fashion EC sites obtained from the 2016 Data Analytics Competition, which was sponsored by the Joint Association Study Group of Management Science. There were over 550,000 purchasing transactions, and approximately one million records of units purchased from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. The number of customers was approximately 100,000, out of which around 3,000 answered the psychographic questionnaire. Every product was classified into 24 large groups and 226 small groups. The data covered approximately 6,500 brands across 900 shops. In this study, the author conducts three analyses. First, the author introduces the types of variety-seeking behavior into the data, which produces a distribution that resembles the shape of the Pareto distribution in terms of sales or frequency. Second, the author discusses how to distinguish variety-seekers. Brand-switching is the most important criterion of variety-seeking behavior; however, the author includes concepts such as price-seeking, category expansion, and purchase interval. Finally, the author introduces characteristics of variety-seekers with demographic and psychographic variables in order to discuss the factors that determine variety-seekers. For example, using large group switching and sales, the author distinguishes the variety-seekers (over 3,000 customers, that is, 3%). From analyzing demographic and psychographic variables, the author, then, attempts to specify the reasons for variety-seeking in the fashion category. Finally, the author confirms the differences between mobile device and PC channels. In the age of customer experience management, use of mobile device has an important role. The author demonstrates the relationship between mobile device use and variety-seeking behavior. However, this research has certain limitations. First, this exploratory research does not adopt a rigorous hypothesis testing approach. The second limitation pertains to data—if the author had web access log data and real channel purchase data, other indicators could have been calculated. However, despite these limitations, this research makes theoretical and practical contributions. First, using fashion EC website data, variety-seeking behavior could be observed in relatively high price and high-involvement categories. Second, the author proposes a simple method to distinguish variety-seekers. EC sites, in general, may have similar databases; therefore, this research has application possibilities. Third, the author explains how psychographic characteristics and mobile channel usage of variety seekers could be beneficial for further research on variety-seeking behavior.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigated the relationship between body satisfaction and attitudes toward trendy clothing among men in Generation Y with fashion involvement being a mediator in that relationship. Findings suggested a negative relationship between body satisfaction and attitudes toward trendy clothing and a mediator role of fashion involvement.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The current fashion industry has been overrun with fast fashion products in the last couple of decades. Consequently, it has become one of the most environmentally degrading industries worldwide, and is plagued by social and economic inequalities (Fletcher, 2013). The fast fashion apparel industry produces pollution and waste; and wearers are exposed to hazardous materials. The fast pace of the fashion industry has also led to unsafe working conditions that can result in detrimental influence on workers as in the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Furthermore, the individuals responsible for making the fast fashion products often live in underdeveloped countries and are paid below national minimum wage (Niinimaki, 2013). In contrast, the sustainable fashion industry aims to produce safer, cleaner, and more impactful apparel. A part of the growing sustainable apparel industry is slow fashion, which emphasizes creating fashion products at a less-intensive pace with environmentally-minded techniques. Slow fashion movement is an emerging trend within the fashion industry that counteracts the harms of fast fashion. The term „slow fashion‟ was first used by Kate Fletcher and shares several characteristics with slow food, from which the slow fashion movement got much of its inspiration (Cataldi, Dickson, & Grover, 2010). Slow fashion is thought to represent a blatant discontinuity such as a break from the values and goals of fast (growth-based) fashion (Fletcher, 2013). Slow fashion attempts to remedy the various negative economic, social, and environmental global impacts of the current fast fashion system. The purpose of this study was to analyze the material-oriented trends of representative fast fashion and slow fashion brands toward the development of sustainable fashion. This study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) By what efforts in terms of material usage do the fast and slow fashion brands promote sustainable fashion? and 2) How do these efforts influence apparel manufacturing as sustainability practices and consumers‟ purchase intentions? Backgrounds Moore and Fernie (Moore & Fernie, 2004, p. 31) defined fast fashion as “various strategies to respond commercially to the latest fashion trends”. Fast fashion brands, such as H&M, Forever 21, and Zara, use a combination of quick response and enhanced design techniques to quickly design, manufacture, and stock trendy apparel and accessories that consumers can purchase at an affordable price (Cortez et al., 2014). The manufacturers of fast fashion brands struggle to provide innovative merchandise in their preferred production timetable (Cortez et al., 2014). In such an overloaded manufacturing process, the apparel industry has experienced increased pollution and hazardous work environments. Slow fashion is defined as “a philosophy of attention that is sensitive to environmental and societal needs and to the impact production and distribution have on society and the environment” (Karaosman, Brun, & Morales-Alonso, 2016). Antanaviciute and Dobilaite (2015) report that the slow fashion industry is sustainable and seeks a greater purpose than making profit, and is thus characterized with promoting fair economic, environmental, and social systems within the fashion cycle. In the slow fashion movement, the materials used to produce garments are environmentally friendly. Sustainable fashion is achieved when available materials are used to their ultimate potential; waste materials are utilized; the products are recycled; and a second life for the fashion products is planned (Sharda & Mohan Kumar, 2012). In addition, sustainable fashion uses biodegradable materials such as organic cotton, polylactic acid, and other biopolymers etc. (Fletcher, 2013). In the production phase, garments workers who produce sustainable fashion products are paid a living wage, unlike their counterparts who work for less than a dollar a day in the fast fashion industry. Throughout the slow fashion supply chain, reducing the speed at which the products are produced and consumed is emphasized. Slowing down the production phase results in end products of better materials, with more material-construction input-time, and longer-lasting overall final product, as compared to typical fast fashion items. Case study This study was conducted based on a case study. We analyzed the sustainability practices in aspect of fiber materials of two representative brands: a fast fashion, Zara and a slow fashion, People Tree. Several resources were used to collect the information necessary for the case study. The primary resources were academic articles, reports, and brochures from companies‟ websites. The information on both companies was very useful to understand their products and sustainability practices as a fast fashion and a slow fashion brand. Zara is a ready-to-wear fast fashion retailer based in Spain, which was created by Rosalia Mera and Óscar Pérez Marcote in 1974. Since its creation, the fast fashion retailer has built a reputation for manufacturing and stocking on-trend clothing at the customer‟s demand. The company sends small shipments year-round to stores and subsequently monitors the customers‟ reactions by adjusting the store inventory. The retail giant has employed over 10,000 employees and is a private company that, according to the Business of Fashion, was worth $16.7 billion in 2013 (Hansen, 2012). Zara is known as affordable luxury (Gamboa & Goncalves, 2014) for its on-trend imitations of high-end clothing pieces that are inexpensive. The average Zara consumer is young with an age range of 18 to 24 years and female (Gamboa & Goncalves, 2014). Zara was chosen for this case study based on its unique and successful fast fashion business model. Zara has been criticized for numerous violations in manufacturing practice, including a lack of hygiene and safety in its Argentinian factories. The workers‟ rights NGO La Alameda, alleged that the working conditions consisted of no breaks and poorly lit and unventilated conditions (Crotty, 2013). The company compensated the workers and was forced to pay $530,000. People Tree is considered as a pioneer in the slow fashion movement and sustainable fashion. The company has implemented many measures to increase its economic, social, and environmental sustainability. People Tree was the first fashion brand to develop an integrated supply chain for organic cotton from the farm to the final product. Furthermore, they were the first organization to achieve a Global Organic Textile Standard certification. They source their yarns, fabrics, and accessories locally, as well as choose natural and recycled products over the toxic, synthetic, and non-biodegradable materials typically found in fast fashion products. The People Tree producer group is comprised of over 4,560 artisan producers, which includes hand weavers, hand knitters, embroiderers, tailors, and group leaders. They allow local individuals to produce and create incredibly unique products, thus generating livelihoods and incomes for these individuals who typically reside in very rural areas. Zara uses a variety of synthetic and organic fibers and textiles in its clothing. Zara partners with a company called Lenzing to source recycled polyester, cotton, and wool when available, and then donates any extra textiles not used in manufacturing products. Zara prioritizes using organic cotton and recycled materials. Organic cotton is grown and manufactured without harmful pesticides. Zara has become one of the biggest users of organic cotton, which is a part of their Join Life campaign and in collaboration with the Better Cotton Initiative (Inditex Annual Report, 2016). Zara also uses three types of rayon in its products: Modal, Viscose, and Lyocell. These materials are made from cellulose fibers, which take longer to harvest and manufacture than cotton. People Tree does not use polyester in its products, and most of its clothing is made from organic cotton and wool. It uses 100% fair-trade certified organic cotton that is certified by Soil Association (People Tree Seventh Biennial Social Review, 2011-2012). In addition to cotton and wool, it uses a fiber called “Tencel,” which is made from wood pulp. Tencel is a Lyocell product, also made from cellulose fiber, which is stretch-resistant and highly versatile. Zara uses both synthetic and organic fibers; whereas, People Tree uses organic fibers in the manufacturing of products. Lyocell is one of the most revered sustainable fibers currently on the market. Lyocell is a cellulosic fiber, specifically derived from wood pulp, normally eucalyptus (Fletcher, 2013), beech, and pine (Gordon & Hill, 2015). In a typical process, the wood pulp is dissolved in a solution of amine oxide, a solvent, which is then spun into fibers; subsequently, the solvent is removed from the fibers through a washing process (Fletcher, 2013). The manufacturing process recovers 99.5% of the solvent and the solvent is recycled back into the process (Fletcher, 2013). The solvent is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and all effluent is non-hazardous (Fletcher, 2013). Lyocell has many other environmental benefits such as complete biodegradability (six weeks in an aerated compost heap), and of renewable raw material (eucalyptus has a fast-growing cycle and reaches full maturity in seven years). No bleaching is used prior to processing the fiber, thus reducing chemical, water, and energy consumption in the dyeing process; hence, Lyocell is considered as a “very clean” fiber (Fletcher, 2013). While Lyocell is considered a very sustainable product, its production is energy intensive. However, due to recent research, the amount of energy used to make Lyocell has begun to decrease (Fletcher, 2013). Lyocell is also known by its brand name, Tencel (Gordon & Hill, 2015). Companies such as People Tree have begun to use products like Tencel in their everyday-clothing production. People Tree‟s “Our Tencel” collection is produced by Creative Handicrafts, a social enterprise working to actively empower disadvantaged women of the slum communities of Mumbai through economic independence. Like every producer of People Tree‟s clothing or Tencel products, Creative Handicrafts works to provide fair pay and safe treatment for all their workers. They also work to improve the lives of those employed by Creative Handicrafts. People Tree is currently using their “Our Tencel” collection to upskill the workers, making them qualified for higher paying and more difficult jobs should they choose to leave Creative Handicrafts. They aim to provide workers with a greater range of fabrics that they can work with for future client‟s needs. This provides the workers with greater business opportunities. The slow fashion brand‟s attributes attract ethical consumers. The ethical consumer considers the impact of consumption in terms of environmental and social responsibilities (Barnett et al., 2005). The likeliness of ethical consumer‟s purchasing or willing to purchase a slow fashion product depends on the customer‟s level of involvement. A consumer with high involvement who is willing to purchase the product at a higher price, is not attracted to mass fashion trends, and shows intent to purchase an apparel product for environmental reasons (Jung & Jin, 2016). McNeil and Moore (McNeil & Moore, 2015) found correlations between concern levels for both environmental and social wellbeing and consumer‟s intentions towards sustainable apparel. Similarly, it is possible to predict the preference of ethical consumers to purchase a fast fashion product if made of sustainable fiber materials. Conclusions We analyzed the material-oriented trends of representative fast fashion brand, Zara, and slow fashion brand, People Tree, toward development of sustainable fashion. The kinds of materials used by each brand in manufacturing fashion products, and recent efforts in sustainable practices of both fashion brands were analyzed. The results indicated that the fast fashion brand, Zara has begun to incorporate sustainable fibers such as organic cotton into their products, and the slow fashion brand, People Tree uses more sustainable fibers such as Tencel and organic cotton for its garments and other products. The efforts involved in the trends of fast and slow fashion brands toward sustainable fashion were anticipated to attract ethical consumers‟ purchase intentions. The current findings suggested that new technology offers innovative manufacturing processes producing more eco-friendly products, less waste, and less pollution, which begins to mitigate the negative environmental effects of the traditional fast fashion industry. Implications and limitations This study was intended to analyze the efforts involved in the production of fast fashion and slow fashion brands in aspect of fiber materials, toward the overall goal of sustainable practices. This study may be useful to designers, manufacturers, and retailers who hope to better understand the trend of sustainable practices of both fast and slow fashion brands. Since ethical consumers presumably prefer sustainable products, this study may help designers, manufacturers, and retailers establish optimized strategies tailored to such trends. This study has a limitation due to selection of a small number of brands, which prevents the generalization of the results to all fast and slow fashion brands.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The personal luxury goods market in the Middle-East is the 10th largest in the world, right before Hong-Kong and Russia, which are both well-established markets for luxury products (D’Arpizio, Levato, Zito & Montgolfier, 2015). However, luxury consumer behavior consumption in the Middle-East and its influencing factors have largely been left unexplored. This paper builds on previous research among German luxury consumers and investigates the formation of brand love and its impact on willingness-to-pay among Arab luxury consumers. Compared with the German study, it is found that Arab luxury consumers show weaker brand love tendencies. In addition, materialistic characteristics and tendencies for conspicuous consumption among Arab consumers strongly influence brand love in the context of luxury fashion and accessories, which confirms previous findings. Results further document that for Arab luxury consumers neither conspicuous consumption tendencies nor brand love can be interpreted as a predictor for an increase in willingness to pay. Hence, for those consumers, long-lasting emotional consumer-brand relationships are not responsible for generating additional profits and do not explain why the willingness to pay for luxury goods was significantly higher among Arab consumers. Finally, results indicate that though some elements of luxury consumption are shared among German and Arab luxury consumers (e.g. fashion involvement, the evaluation of particular brands, gender and brand love tendencies) there are significant differences in terms of e.g. brand preferences, general willingness to pay for luxury fashion and accessories and willingness to pay for conspicuous luxury goods. This research provides insights into the formation of brand love among Arab luxury consumers and how it informs luxury consumption. Moreover, it sheds light on similarities and differences across the two samples and increases the understanding of luxury consumption in a broader geographic context.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The global society is overwhelmed by growing social inequality and environmental pollution. Especially, the fashion industry has been linked to hazardous clothing wastes and exploitation of labor in poor countries. We acknowledge that the sustainability philosophy could be an alternative governing principle that can lead us to a better future for the fashion industry. This study investigates brain responses of fashion professionals and consumers as they are presented with sustainable fashion of luxury and SPA brands. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the whole brain responses of participants were measured and analyzed to reveal how their brain responses differ depending on fashion products’ brand type and certification mark. We build an online education platform for professionals and lay consumers on the subject of sustainable fashion. Brain responses are measured from both groups of professionals and consumers while they are exposed to sustainable fashion products of luxury and SPA brands. A group of subjects watch the online educational program while under the counterpart condition subjects see another video of the same length, unrelated to sustainability. BOLD measures are acquired using Siemens 3T scanner and analyzed using SPM 12 software. We find selective brain activation patterns that can distinguish the educated group from the uneducated ones. The practical implication of this study is that we must do our best to build a sustainability education program which can motivate professionals and consumers effectively, by stimulating both cognitive and affective bases of behavioral change.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fashion products are believed that reinforce the inequities, exploit workers, spur resource use, increase environmental impact, and generate waste. Sustainability has been recognized as a major concern worldwide, and this also increases considerations regarding the challenges to business need to be faced in the fashion industry. When the fashion industry aims to promote sustainability, the main change factors have been linked to environmental and ethical issues in production. This paper aims to exploring an index for measuring sustainable performance of fashion company based on customer’s perception. The index measurement system is built from the basic dimensions of sustainability: economic, environment and social and the key influencing items in fashion industry: culture. Culture acts an important role in fashion consumption since it gives effects to customer’s behaviou and customer self-identity. Based on these four dimensions the this study designs a model related with customer’s perception and expectation to measure the evaluation of fashion company’s sustainable performance. Based on the result of index this paper studies how the customer’s evaluation upon sustainable performance works on customer’s loyalty. This index is designed for evaluating the sustainable performance of fashion company and give a direction to the managers in fashion industry that what the advantage is and weakness is in the sustainability strategy. It is efficiency for the managers to improve the sustainability strategy to match customer’s needs for engaging long-term benefit from fashion customers.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, companies, consumers, and society have increasingly committed to actions aimed at protecting the environment. Thus, environmental activity has become central to companies’ strategies. Apparel is becoming a disposable product, resulting in a sharp consumption increase (Hwang et al., 2016). The fast growing rates of apparel products consumption and waste lead to an environmental crisis. Smaller brands as well as many multinational companies, including large chains started selling clothes made of ecological fiber. According to the Ethical Fashion Forum, green fashion refers “represents an approach to the design, sourcing and manufacture of apparel which maximizes benefits to people and communities while minimizing impact on the environment.” (Cervellon & Wernerfelt, 2012). The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between perceived effectiveness of green products, attitude toward advertising, brand attitude, purchase intention and green behavior intention and to identify how claim specificity types, cognitive style and sustainable involvement influence on the relationship between variables.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In contemporary society, the severity of social problems, such as environment pollution, is gradually raising people’s awareness towards sustainability (Gleim, Smith, Andrews, & Cronin, 2013). The fashion industry’s interest in sustainability is growing. However, consumers have neither sufficient knowledge or, nor faith in, sustainable fashion, and often question the reasons to pursue sustainability (Skov, 2009). The success of sustainable fashion depends on effective branding and marketing communications strategies designed to enhance consumers' knowledge, benefit and value perception. Providing consumers with the benefits of new products is an effective way of communicating (Lee & Colarelli O'Connor, 2003). Knowledge is an important variable affecting consumers ' perceived benefits (Haas & Hansen, 2007). Consumers’ values, attitude, and knowledge also affect their environment awareness and actions (Laroche, Bergeron, & Barbaro-Forleo, 2001). According to a previous study, environmental knowledge plays an important role in consumer behavior (Tilikidou, 2006). Consumers perceive various kinds of value according to their knowledge (Haas & Hansen, 2007; Hartmann & Apaolaza-Ibáñez, 2012). Therefore, it is crucial to create awareness of the effect of consumer behaviors on the environment (Cegarra-Navarro, Cordoba-Pachon, & Fernandez de Bobadilla, 2009). Many studies have highlighted the leading factors influencing sustainable behavior (Cervellon & Wernerfelt, 2012). However, there a dearth of research on how sustainable knowledge influences perceived benefit, perceived value and behavior Thus, the purpose of the present research is as follows: (1) to identify the effects of sustainable fashion knowledge on perceived benefit and perceived risk, (2) to investigate how perceived benefit and perceived risk influence perceived value, and (3) to investigate perceived value’s influence on purchase intention and knowledge sharing intention. Sustainable fashion education, nationality, and uncertainty avoidance, will have a moderating effects on relationships among sustainable fashion knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, and knowledge sharing intention. Four hundred fifty samples were collected to measure sustainable fashion knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, knowledge sharing intention, uncertainty avoidance, and demographic variables. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 18.0 for descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS 18.0 for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), validity test and multiple group analysis on the results. A measurement model was then estimated by examining the results of the CFA. The main results of this research are as follows: (1) sustainable fashion knowledge has a positive influence on perceived benefit and perceived risk, (2) perceived benefit and perceived risk have a positive influence on perceived value, (3) perceived value has a positive influence on purchase intention and knowledge sharing intention, and (4) there was a difference in the relationship between variables according to the consumer groups (education, nationality, uncertainty avoidance tendency). This study is meaningful for taking an in-depth look at the influence of customers’ perceived value, based on their level of sustainable knowledge, on consumer behavior and on knowledge sharing related to sustainable fashion. In terms of practical applications, this study can provide in-depth and empirically-supported online education and a brand marketing strategies regarding an actual sustainable fashion brand.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concept of „Sustainability‟ has become as major concern and it used by consumers and corporations to convey the concept of taking care of the environment. Environmental concern has led to sustainable consumption in a variety of product categories, such as electricity, textiles, apparel, food, and grocery products (Chan, 2001; Harrison, Newholm, & Shaw, 2005; Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006a, 2006b). Interest of the negative environmental impacts are rapidly increasing in present fashion business and consumer behavior has become a rising concern of the consumption and fashion supply chain to apply sustainable consumption (Birtwistle & Moore, 2007; Fineman, 2001). The environmental and social concern recognized in fashion industry from 1990‟s. However, the complexity of conceptual definition of sustainability and ecologically responsible consumer generates different and mistaken perception to consumer. In addition, in fashion industry, the terms of „eco-fashion‟, „environmentally friendly fashion‟,„green fashion‟, „ethical fashion‟, and „sustainable fashion‟ are frequently used interchangeably to describe the same concept. These interchangeable terminology is leading to confusion of the readers by the non-unified terminology (Choi et al., 2012). Also, consumers seem to have narrow scope and little understanding of sustainable fashion. In general, consumers focuses on environmental aspect not the wide-range of complexity of environment, social, and economical concern (Cervellon, Hjerth, Ricard, & Carey, 2010). The growing number of fashion brands are leveraging on green branding initiatives. Green marketing is increasing rapidly in corporate aspects and for a consumer perspective, global consumers are recognizing a personal accountability to take responsibility for social and environmental issues. Despite the fact many of individuals‟ willingness to purchase green products has increased in the last few years, however, there is limited studies suggest that purchase of green or sustainable products. Consumer research on sustainable fashion has mainly focused on consumer behaviors towards sustainable fashion products (SFPs); however, relevant studies that examined the whole process of the predicting proenvironmental behavior cross nationally value and the eWOM are still scarce. The purposes of research model are 1) to identify the determinants of eWOM intention on consumers' purchase intentions, 2) to examine the information adoption process as precursors of purchase intention of sustainable fashion, and 3) to testify different message types effects to information adoption process.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Clothing longevity supports sustainability, but the paper questions the implementation of this strategy. The research, based on industry and expert experiences, posits the technical possibility of achieving longer-lasting clothing, but identifies norms of agency and interaction within the global clothing supply chain as factors limiting the business case and processes.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In consideration of the existing eco-friendly marketing research, it is only focusing on the type and characteristics of eco- friendly consumers. Therefore, in order to carry out more systematic and comprehensive eco-friendly marketing research, it is necessary to complement the comprehensive model that examines the mechanism by which the leading variables of the enterprises factors affecting consumer’s eco-friendly consumption behaviors. In this research, based on previous studies and literature considerations, it tries to present a research model that the core benefits and relational benefits of the retail store which is the advantage of VMD affect eco-friendly consumption behavior through consumer's implicit and explicit motivation. And, considering the environment, this study assumes the regulatory role of the perceived risk on the environmental problems under the relationship between green consumption motive and consumption behavior. The purpose of this research is as follows. First, it clarifies the influence of the benefits of eco-friendly VMD in fashion retail stores on the eco-friendly consumption motive, which is a psychological factor of consumers, as a leading variable of corporate factors affecting consumers’ green consumption behavior. The core benefits and relational benefits provided by eco-friendly VMD will identify differentiated impacts on consumer motivation, which is a psychological factor that drives green consumption behavior. Second, the types of motivations that cause eco-friendly behavior are classified into explicit motivation and implicit motivation, and this study tries to find out which type of motivation better predicts eco-friendly consumption behavior. Third, it tries to verify the moderating role of environmental perceived risk in the relationship between explicit motivation, implicit motivation and green consumption behavior. By further organizing the theme of eco-friendly marketing research, this study has its academic significance in that it derives a comprehensive model, moderating consumers’ green consumption behavior regarding eco-friendly marketing stimulates. It reveals the mechanisms that affect green consumption behavior backed by fashion retail stores where consumer buying behavior actually takes place. Based on this research, it is expected that subsequent studies of a more fragmented viewpoint for fashion retail stores’ eco-friendly marketing will be developed that will give consideration to consumers' green consumption behavior. Practically, the results of this research can be utilized very conveniently. In a practical dimension, if it becomes possible to thoroughly understand the mechanism by which eco-friendly VMD stimulation leads to green consumption behavior, retailers are possible to formulate an environmental marketing strategy peculiar to the target market segment. From a socio-policy perspective, retailers can encourage consumers' eco-friendly consumption by giving a stimulus of VMD to them. Moreover this study will promote companies to develop and manage healthier and more sustainable products.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On the one hand, organic food consumption has emerged as a rapidly growing consumption trend, juxtaposed against the unsustainability of industrialized food provisions. On the other hand, recent reports highlight that premium food consumption is one of the fastest growing luxury market segments worldwide. This paper draws on the theory of social practices in order investigate how organic food consumption can be understood as an emerging luxury fashion trend, comprised of multiple interrelated ‘nexuses of doings and sayings’ that represent the elements of, and situated within the broader context of consumer culture. In this endeavour, we have conducted a situated investigation of organic food consumption in South Korea. Our findings illustrate that Korean consumers engage in organic food consumption not merely for their superior health benefits or sustainability concerns. Instead, organic consumption conveys three distinct consumption value types – namely, functional (e.g., superior quality), experiential (e.g., feeling better about themselves because they purchase eco-friendly produce), and symbolic (e.g., allows them to convey their social status). Importantly, when these value types are taken together, they closely resemble the value derived from luxury fashion, which lead us to the conclusion that organic food consumption can be conceived as a particular type of luxury fashion trend. The paper concludes with the discussion of theoretical contributions and managerial implications.