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        검색결과 1,758

        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PDT is an establi shed cancer treatment modali ty , This can be attributed to the attractive basic concept of PDT; the combina ti on 0[' two ther a peut ic agents, a photosensitizing drug and light, which are r elatively harmless by themselves but combined ultimately ca use more 0 1' less selective tumor destruction, The bacteriochlorophyll - derivatived photosensitizers are known to be s ta ble and hi ghly efficient‘ In this s tudy, we conducted a series of experiments to develope the ligh t induced anticancer drugs against oral cancer cell ‘ We tested the cytotoxicity of the hydroxybact eriochlorine by MTT a ssay and observed the cell death pattern (apoptosis or necrosis) after PDT by hoechst 33342 and propidium iodide s taining methods , IC50 value of the hydroxybacteriochlorine was 31,3ngjm.Q, At higher doses of hydroxybacteriochlorine () 60 ng/ 뼈) , cancer cells died exc lus ively by nec rosis after PDT By contrast, at IC50 value, h ydroxybacteri ochlorine in duced ca ncel' cell to undergo a poptotic cell death The induction begins approximately 6 hours after PDT We investigates int racellu la r localizati on of hydroxybact eri ochl orine by ora l cancer cell via confocal laser scanning microscopy, Oral can cer cells dual-stained with hydroxybactel' iochlorine and organelle-specific fluoresc ence probes (Mi totracker, Lysotracker , ER- Trac ker) revealed an int l'acellula l' flu orescence distribution restrict ed to cytoplasmic compartments with no detectable fl uoresce nce in the nucleus Confocal images of cells containing hydroxybacteriochlorine were never overlap to mi tochondria, lysosome, endoplasmic l'eticulum when digitally overlapped with the organelle-specific flu orescence probe images of the same cells , These resul ts demonstrat ed that the hydroxybacteriochlorine may have a function as a photosens it izer and cytotoxicity hydroxybactel' ioc hlorine for oral ca ncer cell is more sensitive than head & neck cancer cell or cervical cance l' cell Ther efore PDT using hydroxybact eriochlorine is suitable treatment for oral cavity car cinoma patients.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dentin is a mineralized tissue formed by odontoblasts that are differentiated from ectomesenchymal cells , The molecul ar mech anism of odontoblast diffe rentiation remains unclear, Amino acid transporters play an important role in s up plying nutri tion to normal a nd ca ncer cells including odntoblasts, and for cell proliferation , Amino acid transport system L is a maj or nutrient t ransport system responsible for the Na+' -independent transport o[ neutral amino acids incJuding several essentiaJ amino acids , The system L is divided into two major subgroups, the L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and the L-type amino acid transporter 2 (LAT2) , In this study, the expression pattern and role of amino acid transport system L were, therefore, investigated in the differentiation of MDPC-23 cells derived from mouse dental papilla celJs , To determi ne the expression Jevel o[ amino acid transport system L participating in intracelJ ular transport of amino acids in the differentiat ion 0 1' MDPC-23 cells, it was examined by RT-PCR, observation of cell morphoJogy‘ A1izaline red-S staining ancl uptake analysis after inclucing experimental differentiation in MDPC-23 cells The res ults were as follows , The LAT1 mRNA was expressed in the early stage of MDPC-23 cell differentiation , The expression leveJ was gradually increased by time course and it was decreased after the late stage, The LAT2 mRNA was not observed in the earJy stage of MDPC-23 cell differentiation, The LAT2 mRNA was expressed at the 11 days 0 1' MDPC-23 cell differentiation and the expression level was gradually decreased by time course, There was no changes in the expression level of 4F2hc mRNA, the cofactor of LAT1 and LAT2, during the differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , The expression of ON mRNA was graduaJJy decreased but the expression of ALP mRNA was increased during differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , The L-Ieucine uptake was increased by time cour se from the early stage to the 9 days in MDPC-23 cell differentiation , The amount of L-Ieucine uptake was maintained to the 11 and 14 days of MDPC-23 cell differentiation As the resul ts‘ it is considered that among neutral amino acid transport system L in differentiation of MDPC-23 cells , the LATl has a key role in cell proliferation in the early stage and middle stage of cell differentiation and the LAT2 has an important roJe in ceJJ differenti ation and mineralization in the Jate stage of cell differentiation for providing cells with neutral a mino acids incJuding several essentiaJ amino acids