
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 221

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to create a theoretical structure for the concept of purchasing risks by identifying the structure of purchasing risks that lead to obstacles in the purchasing decisions of consumers in fashion consumption via online channels. This was a secondary research using books, articles, prior researches, and academic journals on the five topics of “characteristics of fashion consumption,” “the concept of purchasing risks,” “purchasing risks by product types,” “purchasing risks by channel types,” and “purchasing risks of fashion consumption on online shopping channels.” According to the arguments of prior researches, the study divided the purchasing risks of fashion consumption through online shopping into four categories : (1) fundamental purchasing risks including financial risk and time loss risk pertaining to any product or channel, (2) online channel purchase risks, which include risks in payment, Information leaks, and delivery and return/exchange risk, (3) fashion product risk related to product quality or experience of other people, which includes social risks and risks associated with quality, and (4) the online channel×fashion product risks, which include the aesthetic and psychological hazards especially amplified in online channels. The four risk factors were then described with a concept map to systemize the multidimensional and stereoscopic psychological structure of purchasing risks. Of the four risk factors, consumers placed the most emphasis on the online channel×fashion product risks, hence, reducing this risk factor is of utmost priority for marketing of online shopping channels.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현직 및 예비 지구과학교사의 H-R도와 별의 진화에 대한 개념 이해 상태를 알아보기 위해 개념 지위 분석틀을 활용하여 수행하였다. 이해 가능성 영역에서 현직교사의 비과학적 용어 사용이 다수 발견되었고, 그래프 작성에서 낮은 과학적 탐구 능력과 개념에 대한 비과학적 비유가 발견되어 교수 과정에서 잘못된 개념 전달의 가능성이 확인되었다. 예비교사는 중등교육과정 연계 문항에서 다수의 오류를 보였으며, 이와 관련하여 학교 현장에 적용이 더 잘될 수 있도록 예비교사 교육 과정의 개선이 필요하겠다. 개연성 영역에서, 두 집단 모두 별의 진화가 갖는 우주론적 의미를 이해하고 있었으나, 예비교사의 별의 실제기작에 대한 설명이 구체적이지 않았다. 유용성 영역에서, 현직교 사는 지구과학의 학문적 특성을 반영한 교육적 고민을 하고 있었고, 지식을 현실 문제해결에 활용, 적용하려는 경향이 높았다. 반면, 예비교사는 높은 무응답률을 보여 H-R도와 별의 진화를 실용적 개념으로 파악하지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 결과적으로, 두 집단 모두에서 H-R도와 별의 진화에 대한 비과학적 개념이 다수 발견되어 교사 교육 및 교수 학습 계획 수립 시 주의가 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 2010년부터 2016년까지의 ‘X币’형 신조어를 분석하였다. 본 논문의 목적은 유사한 형태의 신조어를 개념적 혼성 이론으로 분석하여 새로운 단어가 생성되기까지의 혼성과정의 차이를 밝히는 것이다. 본 논문은 X의 의미에 따라 ‘X(음역)币’형 신조어, ‘X(은유)币’형 신조어, ‘X(장소)币’형 신조어로 나누고, ‘以太币’, ‘萬福币’, ‘任币’, ‘猴币’, ‘亚马逊币’를 집중적으로 분석하였다. 이 신조어들을 개념적 통합 연결망으로 분석하고, 논의의 마지막에 유사한 혼성과정을 갖는 신조어를 제시했다. 분석 결과에서 특이한 점은 첫째, 같은 형태의 단어지만 입력공간을 구축하는 과정이 달랐다. 둘째, ‘萬福币’는 입력공간이 3개이며, 나머지 단어는 혼성과정이 비교적 단순하다. 셋째, ‘萬福币’에는 창조된 부분이 있지만, 나머지 단어에는 창조된 부분이 없다. 넷째, 단어에 따라 영상도식 혹은 인지 모형이 요구되었다는 것이다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 Sweetser(1990)의 개념영역(概念域) 이론과 Traugott(1995)의 주관성 이론으로 중국어 ‘如果’와 한국어 ‘-(으)면, -거든’ 가정조건문의 의미적 특성을 고찰하고 대조하였다. 의미의 개념영역은 현실 세계 영역(行域), 인식 영역(知域)과 화행 영역(言域) 등 세 개의 하위분류로 나눌 수 있다. ‘如果’ 조건문과 ‘-(으)면’ 조건문은 현실 세계 영역에서 조건-결론 관계를 나타낼 수 있다. 이때 ‘如果’ 조건문은 ‘-(으)면’ 조건문보다 인과 관계의 객관성이 더 엄격하게 요구되고 주관성도 더 약하다. 인식 영역으로의 의미 확장은 범주 은유의 작용 결과이다. 인식 영역에서 ‘如果’ 조건문과 ‘-(으)면’ 조건문은 의미적 기능이 비슷하다. 화행 영역에서 ‘如果’와 ‘-(으)면’에 비해 ‘-거든’ 조건문은 조건과 결론에 대한 제약이 더 많다. 대부분 경우에 ‘-거든’은 화행 영역에서만 조건 의미가 있고 인식 영역과의 의미 중첩 현상을 가끔 보인다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumers’ desire for beauty has become a driving force in the beauty service industry which was further developed through specialization and segmentation. Nail-care service, which is one of the beauty services, is showing rapid growth, and intense competition among salons has become apparent. Thus, service management method and marketing strategy are required for customer satisfaction. Therefore, in this study, we tried to classify the nail-care services on the basis of systematization and realization of its characteristics which are fundamental when developing management and marketing strategies. The subjects of this study were women in their 20s and above living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon areas. As a result, the nail-care service factors are classified as “external environment” (interior, celebrity, newness), “internal environment” (equipment and products, cleanliness, and environment), “location” (location and transportation convenience), “reputation” (good reputation), “technician skill,” “kindness,” “relationship” (relationship, empathy, and affinity), and “price and discount.” The consumer types of nail-care services were classified into three groups according to the degree of involvement of these concept systems. These results can be used as marketing basics and will be the basis for studying marketing strategies. However, the consideration of setting up a marketing strategy for each consumer type will be presented in a follow-up study.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A coelostat is often used for solar observations, because it corrects the image rotation auto- matically by guiding sunlight into a fixed telescope with two plane mirrors. For the purposes of education and spectroscopic observation, the solar group at Seoul National University (SNU) plans to develop the SNU coelostat (SNUC) and install it in the SNU Astronomical Observatory (SAO). Requirements of the SNUC are < 1′′ positioning accuracy with 30 cm beam size on the entrance pupil in the compact dome. To allow for installation in the small dome, we design a compact slope type coelostat with a 45 cm primary plane mirror and a 39 cm secondary plane mirror. The motion of the SNUC is minimized by fixing the position of the slope frame. Numerical simulations of the available observational time of the designed coelostat shows that the sun can be observed ay all times from June to early August and at least three hours in other months. Since the high accuracy driving motors installed in the SNUC can be affected by external environment factors such as humidity and temperature variations, we design a prototype to test the significance of these effects. The prototype consists of a 20 cm primary plane mirror, a 1 m slope rail, a direct drive motor, a ballscrew, a linear motion guide, an AC servo motor, a reduction gear and a linear encoder. We plan to control and test the accuracy of the prototype with varying atmospheric conditions in early 2019. After testing the prototype, the SNUC will be manufactured and installed in SAO by 2020.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Markets are changing more quickly than ever and marketing managers are increasingly puzzled as to how to achieve marketing excellence. Marketing excellence represents a target state for firms with respect to the design, structure, and coordination of all marketing activities that enables sustainable superior performance. However, little research has scrutinized marketing excellence and the existing literature lacks an overarching theory as well as empirical insights. Thus, the knowledge is scarce with respect to how firms can attain marketing excellence. In addressing this neglect, the authors develop an integrative theory of marketing excellence by adapting the cognitive–affective personality system theory to the organizational context. In particular, this study conceptualizes marketing excellence in terms of five dimensions: functional, structuring, cultural, relational, and change capabilities. By integrating field-based insights of 39 high-ranking executives with supplementary literature, the authors specify each of these capabilities in terms of various actionable elements. All dimensions and elements, along with their mutual relationships, are consistently embedded in the marketing excellence theory, thus offering a coherent and comprehensive framework for researchers and practitioners in their search for marketing excellence.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although many studies have found a positive relationship between learning orientation and performance, there is still a debate in the learning literature that learning-oriented behaviours may be inefficient or even dysfunctional under certain circumstances (Bunderson and Sutcliffe, 2003, March, 1991) when learning without assurance of results can be time-consuming and negatively influence performance (March, 1991). The learning literature shows that whether learning orientation, of any level, can improve or restrain performance depends on different contexts, suggesting the look for a moderator for this relationship. Furthermore, it can be seen from the literature of learning orientation that all of studies up to now have examined learning orientation only at a single level, individual-level or organization-level. This shows an important lack of literature, given the multilevel nature of learning when individuals act as learning agents for organizations and organizations create environments for learning of individuals (Argyris and Schön, 1978). Therefore, this study is among the first to investigate the effect of learning orientation on performance in the sales management context at two levels: salesperson-level and sales team-level. The next contribution of this study to the literature is the argument of the double-edged effects of team-level social capital moderating the link between learning orientation and performance. Very few studies have discussed the dark side of social capital, (Villena et al., 2011) although the dark side of social capital has been warned in studies of sociology (Granovetter, 1985), strategy (Adler and Kwon, 2002). This study extends the literature by investigating the curvilinear moderating role of social capital on the relationship between learning orientation and performance.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent headlines predict that artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive analytics and other aspects of cognitive computing will be the next fundamental drivers of economic growth (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2017). We have evidenced several success stories in the recent years, such as those of Google and Facebook, wherein novel business opportunities have evolved based on data-driven business innovations. Our directional poll among companies, however, reveals that at present, only few companies have the keys to successfully harness these possibilities. Even fever companies seem to be successful in running profitable business based on data-driven business innovations. Company’s capability to create data-driven business relates to company’s overall capability to innovate. Therefore, this research builds a conceptual model of barriers to data-driven business innovations and proposes that a deeper understanding of innovation barriers can assist companies in becoming closer to the possibilities that data-driven business innovations can enable. As Hadjimanolis (2003) suggests, the first step in overcoming innovation barriers is to understand such barriers. Consequently, we identify technology-related, organizational, environmental and people-related i.e. attitudinal barriers and examine how these relate to company’s capability to create data-driven business innovations. Specifically, technology-related barriers may originate from the company’s existing practices and predominant technological standards. Organizational barriers reflect the company’s inability to integrate new patterns of behavior into the established routines and practices (Sheth & Ram, 1987). Environmental barriers refer to various types of hampering factors that are external to a company. Environmental barriers are caused by the company’s external environment and thus company has relatively limited possibilities to influence and overcome such factors. Attitudinal barriers are people-related perceptual barriers that can be studied at the individual level, and if necessary, separately for managers and employees (Hadjimanolis, 2003). Future research will pursue to build an empirical model to examine how these different barriers are related to company’s capability to create business based on data-driven innovations.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Kotler (2015) warned that, if we only pursue economic growth and revenue/profit expansion, we will end up with overconsumption and wastes, bringing serious damage to our planet. He advocated the transition from the growth-oriented economy to the steady-state economy. Steady state economy is defined as an economy that maintains desired sufficient level of throughput with the lowest feasible flows of matter and energy from production to consumption (Kotler, 2015). As Kotler mentioned, this idea is somewhat utopian as most companies are still living in the growth-oriented economy. The purpose of this research is to extend Kotler’s idea by conceptualizing a more concrete model to visualize the marketing in the steady state economy. The model consists of five major elements; customers, stakeholders, employees, suppliers and community. The authors also present twelve propositions that explain promoting factors for the marketing in the steady state economy based on the multiple case studies conducted in Japan. Literature review The steady-state economy itself is actually not a new idea in economics. For example, typical classical economists (e.g., Adam Smith and John Stewart Mill) advocated the transition to the steady-state economy after saturation of economic growth. Neo-classical economists have also postulated the concept of steady state economy with regard to the law of diminishing returns (Tellis, 2008). Many previous studies have continuously put efforts on developing theories and practices to meet with economic, social and environmental needs simultaneously, since Kotler and Zaltman (1971) proposed the concept of social marketing. Although social marketing is closely related to marketing in the steady-state economy, its ethical egotism remains a problem (Crane and Desmond, 2002). Lerman and Shfrin (2015) and Gopaldas (2015) claim positive marketing which creates value for the firm, its customers, and society at large. In short, these concepts suggest the possibility that individual, self-seeking, and short-run behaviors can be consistent with aggregate, altruistic, and long-run behaviors. Besides above exceptions, however, most marketing researchers have evaded the question: What is marketing in the steady-state economy? The purpose of our study is to develop a conceptual framework to analyze “steady-oriented” companies and their marketing strategies based on the case studies in Japan. Research methodology In order to answer the above question, we adopt qualitative heuristic approaches (Kleining, 1994), because our question has not been addressed enough in previous studies mentioned above. First, we collected primary and secondary data from various information sources including company websites, press releases, online business journals, academic case studies, public seminars, presentations at academic meetings and so on (Yin, 2014). As stated by Eisenhardt (1989), we used a theoretical sampling to identify the informants for our multiple case studies. We intentionally chose companies from different industries, locations, length of history, manufacturing technology, etc. Based on the review and data collection, we developed a basic framework and series of theoretical propositions (Yin, 2014). For our study, we selected Japanese companies respecting “sanpo-yoshi” [good for three parties] philosophy. It is a belief that business should be good for sellers, buyers, and society. In fact, positive marketing is similar to this concept of “sanpo-yoshi” which is based on the family precepts of “Ohmi region merchants” in the Edo period (1600-1857) (Ogura, 1991; Usami 2015). Our selected “sanpo-yoshi” oriented companies aim for a harmonious relationship with all the concerning stakeholders and community (see Appendix for the list of selected companies). Figure 1 identifies five key parties covered in the “sanpo-yoshi” management and shows bilateral relations between the company and the five parties. First, “sanpo-yoshi” oriented companies try to build good long-term relationships not only with their customers by selling high-quality products at fair prices, but also with suppliers by buying a stable volume of products at fair prices. In addition, some companies provide their loyal customers with special experience concerning their own brands and their suppliers with technical assistant. In return, customers feel strong loyalty to the brand and suppliers offer a stable supply of high- quality raw materials at fair prices. Moreover, “sanpo-yoshi” companies take an active interest in their employees and the community where they operate because their confidence contributes to sustainable development of the companies. Shareholders for short-term returns, however, are unlikely to give heavy weight to social activities by their investee companies. Therefore, companies whose stocks are unlisted or occupied by long-term shareholders are more favorably inclined toward “sanpo-yoshi” management. Research propositions Based on the case studies of “sanpo-yoshi” companies in Japan, we argue that the enforcement of marketing in the steady-state economy can be tied to three factors: (1) management factors, (2) competitive factors, and (3) financial factors. Within these factors, twelve research propositions are developed for testing in the future research (Eisenhardt and Gaebner, 2007). These factors and propositions are summarized in Figure 2. Management factors are divided into two subcomponents: decision-making and employment factors. First, decision-making factors basically mean that the independence of management from the investors seeking short-term profits enables the management to enforce steady-oriented marketing. The most feasible method is corporate governance by founders or his/her family, although it is not a requirement. For instance, Kagome Co., Ltd. ended the family business operation in 1996, and around 180,000 individual “fan shareholders” accounting for 55.4% (Nikkei, 2017) are supporting the management with a long-term perspective. Second, employment factors indicate that the companies are likely to enforce steady-oriented marketing when they maintain high labor productivity and excellent human resources. In particular, it is more important for companies having many female employees with accumulated experience and know-hows to prevent those employees from quitting the job because of pregnancy or child rearing. Competitive factors are associated with the conditions of the steady state economy surrounding the companies. If the companies have maintained high market share in a mature market for many years, they can afford to enforce “sanpo-yoshi” oriented marketing for sustainability. In terms of financial factors, equity ratio shows the soundness of management, which has positive effects on the enforcement of marketing in the steady state economy. Moreover, ROE measures a company’s profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money which its shareholders have invested. Finally, payout ratio provides valuable insight into a company’s dividend policy. Higher payout ratio indicates that the company is sharing more of its earnings with the shareholders. Implications The findings of this research contribute to the academics by providing a new framework for the marketing in the steady state economy. Further research can empirically test the proposed model in various countries to investigate if this framework is culturally specific to Japan or not. This research also provides practical implications for managers. For sustainable business and better society, companies should keep their eyes on the five elements presented in our research. Thus we can take the very first step for the marketing in the steady state economy.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This work aims to deepen how to cope with marketing challenges of XXI century, characterized by turbulent and dynamic environments. Specifically, it explores the theoretical underpinnings to develop an Agile Marketing Capability’s framework and propositions. This study performs an in-depth literature review on IT and Dynamic Marketing Capabilities to provide the features, components, functions and types of an Agile Marketing Capability. Given the extreme innovativeness of this topic in marketing realm, it represents a first attempt to understanding the Agile Marketing Capability, which requires further theoretical and empirical contributions and refinements. The framework and propositions of this research may be useful for managers and decision makers to figure out the advantages of the Agile Marketing Capabilities’ employment in current marketplaces.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일상의 삶에서 지속되는 행위로서의 ‘게이밍(gaming)’에 주목한다. 게이밍은 문화적이고, 사회적이며, 플레이어들의 삶과 일상적인 사회적 행위 속에 내포되어 있다. 따라서, 게임을 일종의 ‘매직서클’ 혹은 특별한 가상현실 장치로 보거나, 플레이 순간에의 경험에만 집중하는 기존 논의들로는 일상적인 게임 참여에서의 플레이어 경험을 파악하기에는 무리가 있다. 본 연구에서는 플레이어의 삶의 전경에서의 게이밍를 살피고, 지속적인 경험으로서의 게이밍에 대한 이해를 시도한다. 포코니에르와 터너의 개념적 혼성과 혼성 공간에 대한 이론적 탐구를 통해, 일상 세계와 게임 세계가 교차되고 또 해체되는 혼성 공간의 경계 내부에서의 특징적인 플레이어 경험의 층위들을 살펴보는 탐색적 시도를 할 것이다.
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