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        검색결과 108

        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pollen development in flowering plants is regulated by a comprehensive pattern of genes. One way to produce hybrid rice based on nuclear male sterility is to find out firstly the potential promoters that function specifically in anthers since it is a specific site for transcription initiation and play key roles for the spatial and temporal expression of the genes. To implement this objective, we were selected promoter region of 16 genes based on the expression pattern of microarray and then those were introduced into the promoterless final destination vector which containing the GFP and GUS reporters genes. The resulting twelve vectors were transformed into monocotyledonous rice (Oryza sativa L) and a dicotyledonous Arabidopsis as heterologous system. Minimum 20 plants for each vector were analyzed by histochemical GUS assay at the flowering stage in Arabidopsis. 9 vectors out of 12 vectors constructed were expressed exclusively at the anther, especially in pollen, however one vector exhibited expression in stigma. For rice, T-DNA insertion were confirmed with specific primers in each promoter and GFP region. All T0 transgenic plants contained T-DNA insertion in their genome. This study would provide valuable information for biotechnological application for the induction of male sterility in plants.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A diverse number of genes are involved in the floral transition and development to ensure the proper timing on the switch from vegetative to reproductive development in Arabiodopsis. MADS-box genes play a major role in floral development especially in the case of vernalization process, In this study we mapped a mutation in MAF5 encoding a MADS-domain protein which was reported to be up-regulated during vernalization and regulates flowering time. The mutant in MAF5 showed several pleiotropic phenotypes that includes semi-dwarfism, delayed senescence and abnormal pollen phenotype, High percentages of vacuolated and aborted pollen phenotype were observed in the mutant plant. Transmission efficiency showed that mutation from this gene was defective in both male and female gametes. Furthermore, gene expression analysis revealed that this gene was predominantly expressed in reproductive organs and gave a strong expression in the mature pollen which coincides with the defect in pollen phenotype. The results from this study provide some evidences on the additional role of MAF5 in pollen development however more specific approaches should be done to determine the specific stages of pollen development altered in this mutant.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Daily shedding pattern and longevity of pollen are important consideration for the evaluation of gene flow of transgenic plants. During the day, the pollen shedding pattern of zoysiagrass was determined in the lawn by using a device to collect airborne pollen on a glass slide, resulting that the pollen grains were released predominantly between 7:00 and 9:00. The result was also supported by in vitro pollen germination test, which was performed with pollens collected from 1:00 through 24:00 at 1h interval. Influence of temperature and humidity on pollen longevity was determined by germinating pollen at 25°C after incubating them for 10, 30, 60, and 180 min under different temperatures and humidity with pollen of zoysiagrass that opened freshly at about 9:00. The result showed that pollen longevity of zoysiagrass was sensitive to change of temperature and humidity and longest under the temperture and humidity of 15-20°C and 80-99%, respectively. Under natural conditions with the same method as upper controlled conditions, was determined pollen longevity. Under sunny atmospheric conditions, pollen longevity decreased to 20% in 60 min, with a complete extinction in 120 min. Under cloudy atmospheric conditions, pollen remained viable up to 450 min, with about 20% longevity after 360 min. No significant difference was found between GM and non-GM plants in their pollen longevity.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pollen development in flowering plants is regulated by a comprehensive pattern of genes. One way to produce hybrid rice based on nuclear male sterility is to find out firstly the potential promoters that function specifically in anthers since it is a specific site for transcription initiation and play key roles for the spatial and temporal expression of the genes. To implement this objective, we were selected promoter region of 16 genes based on the expression pattern of microarray and then those were introduced into the promoterless final destination vector which containing the GFP and GUS reporters genes. The resulting twelve vectors were transformed into monocotyledonous rice (Oryza sativa L) and a dicotyledonous Arabidopsis as heterologous system. Minimum 20 plants for each vector were analyzed by histochemical GUS assay at the flowering stage in Arabidopsis. 9 vectors out of 12 vectors constructed were expressed exclusively at the anther, especially in pollen, however one vector exhibited expression in stigma. For rice, T-DNA insertion were confirmed with specific primers in each promoter and GFP region. All T0 transgenic plants contained T-DNA insertion in their genome. This study would provide valuable information for biotechnological application for the induction of male sterility in plants.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the reconstruction of the past vegetational changes in Jeju Island, Korea, pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating on the sediments obtained from the Mulyeongari fen were carried out. By the results, the vegetational changes around the Mulyeongari fen from ca. 3,300 cal. yr BP to the present can be interpreted and reconstructed. The pollen record from the Mulyeongari fen was divided into two local pollen assemblage zones and three sub-pollen assemblage zones. Zone I (Quercus-Carpinus-Herbs Zone) was characterized by the predominance of Quercus(30~63%), Carpinus(9~35%) and herbs(40~424%). Zone II was characterized by three sub-pollen assemblage zones and the high occurrence ratio of the tree layer in comparison with Zone I. In Zone IIa (Quercus-Carpinus Zone), herbs(3~161%) were drastically decreased in predominance of Quercus(28~56%) and Carpinus(14~31%). In Zone IIb (Carpinus-Quercus Zone), Carpinus(36~48%) was preferentially increased but Quercus(29~39%) was slightly decreased. In Zone IIc (Quercus-Carpinus Zone), Carpinus(26~38%) was decreased inversely but Quercus(36~50%) was increased. In addition, Cyperaceae was also increased to 52%. Consequently, it is suggested that cool temperate southern/sub-montane vegetation composed of Quercus and Carpinus which was physiognomy of deciduous broad leaved forest was distributed around the Mulyeongari fen from ca. 3,300 cal. yr BP. In addition, Cyclobalanopsis(4~23%), Castanopsis(1~12%) and Myrica(under 1%) which are warm-temperate evergreen deciduous forest components were constantly appeared from this period. Accordingly, it can be inferred that the present vegetation type around the Mulyeongari fen was formed from ca. 180 cal. yr BP.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 유전자 조작 옥수수의 유전자 유출을 막기 위한 관리방법 개발의 목적으로 고려대학교 GMO 격리포장에서 2010년에 수행된 화분 비산실험의 결과를 이용하여 Yamamura(2004)의 Gamma model로 모델링하였다. 1. 모델의 결정계수는 0.44로 예측치가 실측치를 잘 설명하였다. 2 옥수수 화분의 최대 비산 방향은 북서쪽으로 나타났다. 3. 최대 비산 방향으로 타가수분율이 0.001까지 낮아지는 거리인 '유전자유출 한계거리(0.001)'는 525 m 그리고 국내법상 비의도적 GMO 혼입허용치인 0.03 까지 낮아지는 거리인 '최소 동일작물 재배 한계거리(0.03)'는 35 m로 나타났다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        저장조건을 달리한 딸기 화분을 FCR Test와 결실률을 바탕으로 하여 화분 활력을 조사하고 암술 주두 활력을 인공수분을 통하여 구명함으로서 딸기 교배 육종시 효율성을 높이고자 하였다. '설향'을 대상으로 화분 활력을 조사하였으며 암술 주두의 수정 능력은 '매향' 등 4품종을 공시하고 화분친은 '설향'을 사용하였다. 딸기 화분은 상대습도 33%이하의 건조한 조건에서는 처리 온도(18℃ 수식 이미지 및 22℃ 수식 이미
        2009.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To explore cattail pollen powder as a functional food ingredient, we analyzed the general components of pollen powder, tested changes in the physical properties of dough containing the powder, and investigated the process ability of powder-containing dough in bread making by adding 3%, 6%, or 9% by weight of pollen powder to wheat flour. Cattail pollen powder consisted of (all w/w) 12.7-13.2% water, 15.7-17.8% crude protein, 1.3% crude fat, 7.5-7.7% free sugar, 14.7-18.6% crude fiber, 3.4-4.9% pollen, and 49.7-55.9% soluble nitrogen-free extract (NFE). Analysis of the physical properties of dough mixed with pollen powder showed that as more pollen powder was added, the absorption rate increased, but dough stability decreased. With increasing levels of cattail pollen powder, the falling number decreased, and amylase activity increased. Fermentability was highest in dough made with 3% by weight of pollen powder, and the bread product made from such dough had the greatest volume. As more cattail pollen powder was added, the moisture activity in dough tended to decrease to a greater extent than seen in control dough, and this tendency increased with time. We found that longer storage periods were associated with greater hardness and springiness, which indicated degradation in product quality. Therefore, it is suggested that bread products containing cattail pollen powder should be consumed within 3 days of preparation. In a taste survey, bread baked with 3% (w/w) cattail pollen powder scored highest in all questionnaire items.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서 실행한 LM 벼의 화분비산 연구는 non-LM벼와 잡초성 벼의 의도치 않은 교잡은 경작지의 생태계에 문제를 야기할 기능성이 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 이를 예방하기 위한 벼의 이격거리 설정을 위하여 수행하였다. 1. 벼의 개화기간의 개화시간(10:00~14:00) 의 주풍은 남풍이었으며, 시간대별 풍속은 0.94~1.77 m/s이었다. 2. 개화기는 LM벼와 Wild벼가 일치하는 기간은 8일이였으며, LM벼와 Wild벼의 최성기는 4일의 차이가 있다. 3. LM벼의 화분이 non-LM벼보다 유의하게 작게 조사되었다. 4. 화분채집량은 위가 노출된 슬라이드 글라스가 위가 덮인 슬라이드 글래스 보다 많았으며 LM벼가 Wild벼보다 비산량이 많았다. 5. 벼 화분의 비산은 오전 10시부터 오후 2시까지 대부분 이루어졌다. 6. 거리에 따른 화분비산량은 1 m까지는 급격히 감소하였으며 2 m이상에서는 서서히 감소하는 전형적인 지수함수를 나타냈으며, 3 m이상에서는 거의 발견되지 않았다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae) plantation has increased as its seed is the primary source for bio-diesels. This study was conducted Male sterile (MS) line (cv. 'Sun-Mang') to pollen parent (cv. 'Mokpo 64') ratio of rape plants on fatty acid compositions of six sequential stages and yield performances. Ratio of MS line to pollen parent was followed, 4:2, 10:1, and 10:2, respectively. Seeds of six sequential stages (35, 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 days after flowering) were collected and determined using SEED FAME ESTIMATION. The results showed that oleic acid content (C18:1) of the MS to pollen parent ratio (4:2) relatively increased up to 60 days after flowering compared to other ratios. Other fatty acid compositions such as palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), linoleic acid (C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3) contents decreased during seed maturation period. Seed weight (1000 seeds) of MS to pollen parent ratio (4:2) was higher than other treatments. These results suggest that fatty acid compositions and seed weight was affected by ratio of MS line to pollen parent. For rape seed production, a suitable ratio of MS line to pollen parent will be required to cultivate rape plantations.
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