Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has implemented a self-governing environmental impact assessment system (Jeju-EIAS) in recognition of its autonomy. In this study, the institutional features of Jeju-EIAS were examined by analyzing the development projects whose consultation under Jeju-EIAS were completed from 1994 to 2019. The consultation procedure of Jeju-EIAS, such as the actual operation of Review Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), the consent of the provincial council, and the regular follow-up activities for the implementation of EIA consultations, has been implemented differently from those of other metropolitan cities and provinces. Under Jeju-EIAS, types of development projects subject to consultation on EIA also take into account local conditions, and include the construction of aquarium basin and building. In addition, provisions concerning the scale of development projects is strengthened above the Korean Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA Act).
전통 회화 및 단청용 채색 안료 중 녹색을 표현하기 위해 사용된 동록안료의 재료과학적 특성 및 안정성을 알아보기 위하여 염화동(Atacamite), 초산동(Verdigris) 2종의 안료를 이용하여 평가를 진행하였다. 구성광물 분석 결과, K-AA는 아타카마이트(Atacamite)가 주요 구성광물로 천연 광물성 재료로 확인되고 K-VA 는 호가나이트(Hoganite)로 확인되었다. 동록안료의 안정성을 저해하는 요인을 찾고자 UV 노출, CO2/NO2 가스부식 및 염수분사 시험 등의 분석을 실시하였다. 색상 안정성을 가장 크게 저해하는 요인은 두 안료 모두 염수분사 시험으로 시료 표면에 염생성물이 생성되어 변질되는 등 손상이 가중되었다. 또한 대기오염물질인 NO2의 영향도 두 안료 모두 육안으로 인지될 정도로 색이 변하여 주요 손상 요인으로 작용되는 것으로 판단 된다. 특히 K-VA의 경우 K-AA와는 달리 UV 노출 평가 후 녹색에서 흑색으로 변하면서 본래의 색상을 완전히 잃어리는 것으로 K-VA의 주성분인 Hoganite가 UV 노출 후 Tenorite로 물질이 변했기 때문으로 판단된다. 두 안료의 대기환경 영향 평가 결과, K-AA에 비해 K-VA이 대기환경 영향에 상대적으로 취약한 모습을 보였다.
This study presents meteorological data integrity to improve environmental quality assessment in Yongdam catchment. The study examines both extreme ranges of meteorological data measurements and data reliability which include maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature, radiation, heat flux. There were some outliers and missing data from the measurements. In addition, the latent heat flux and sensible heat flux data were not reasonable and evapotranspiration data did not match at some points. The accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database for the study were secured from the data integrity. Users need to take caution when using meteorological data from the Yongdam catchment in the preparation of water resources planning, environmental impact assessment, and natural hazards analysis.
The Korean environmental impact assessment(EIA) system, and explored ways to improve it as a more efficient and viable institution relevant to the demand of our time and conditions in study. The first problem this study identified is found in the fact that the party to write up the assessment report is itself the business operator or the one who is planning to work out the business plan. This structure translates into placing an order with an agent for EIA report. The reporting job may br subcontracted to the agent at a cost far below the rate specified in the ‘Standard for Estimate of Agency Fee for Environmental Impact Assessment.’ This practice also causes the vicious circle of producing a report that is written to justify the project or business in question or it leads to rough-and ready and poor documentation to minimize the time required. Second, in order to achieve the goal of the plan or business, which is the target of EIA, the local residents tend to ve regarded as an obstacle. This means elimination of the local people from participating in the EIA or their opinion being frequently ignored. This is the seed of distrust and hostility that sometimes provoke disagreements or fierce conflicts. The first proposal to improve these problem is to improve the factors that cause poor documentation of the assessment report as well as improve the understanding of the EIA system. This study proposes the following measures for improvement. The agency cost for EIA should be paid by the business operator or a third party that can ensure faithful implementation of the payment. A system should be established to verify transparent estimation of the agency cost. In order to enhance the professional quality of EIA agents, there should be implementation of qualification test for industrial engineer of related engineers in addition to the current EIA Qualification Test. The second proposal for improvement is to improve the citizen participation process by instituting a legal framework to make clear the purpose of the briefing session for local residents, which is held as a procedure of EIA, and to ensure more positive publicity during the stage of listening to the opinion of the local community. For a smooth and rational communication process, a moderator and a communicator of opinion, as is the case in a public hearing, could be instituted to clearly get the purpose of the briefing session across to the residents and to help to carry out the explanation and Q & A sessions according to the categories of the opinion of the residents. At present, the notification of the public inspection of the draft of the assessment report and briefing session for the residents is made on the newspaper and internet network. But some people have difficulty with access to this method of announcement. A higher participation rate could be secured if a legal provision is added to specify putting up placards in specific places such as the entrance to the place for the briefing session for residents or the building of administrative agencies of the area concerned.
Industrial symbiosis (IS) activities within an industrial complex can enhance environmental and economic efficiencies. This study proposed a simplified life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology as an effective tool with which to evaluate the reduction of environmental impact of IS activities. In this method, the variation of resources and energy consumptions before and after IS activities are proposed to simply evaluate its lifecycle environmental impacts. The simplified LCA was applied to an IS case between an industrial waste incineration plant and a steam production plant of a paper mill firm in the metropolitan city Ulsan. The system boundary and inventory were set for this IS, and an environmental impact assessment was carried out by standard and proposed LCA methods. The results showed that the environmental impacts after IS decreased in all impact categories with regard to the consumption reduction of boiler fuel used at the paper mill. Furthermore, the performance of environmental improvement activities such as IS can be simply evaluated by only considering the input and output changes in the environmental improvement activities. In this IS case study, the environmental impact was decreased by 11.7% (weighted impact base). This was due to the utilization of waste heat generated from an incineration plant in the process of the paper mill firm.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important policy implemented before starting development projects to estimate and reduce environmental impact. However, the difficulty of quantification on several rating categories has hampered comprehensive analysis. Instead of it, the current EIA just summarizes outcome of investigation. Therefore, EIA fails to definitively ascertain whether the development shold be approved or not. This study aimed at providing the way to comprehensive decision-making by applying Emergy analysis and Emergy indicators to EIA. Production (P), Emergy Yield Ratio (EYR), Environmental Loading Ratio (ELR) and Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI) were selected for indicators. The indicators of range approving the development were set up with comparing before and after development or according to circumstances of which view of average that was classified as region or industry is appropriate to analysis. As a result, the value after development of P should be higher than the value before development. EYR and ESI of the value before development should be higher than region or industry average. On the contrary to these, ELR of the value after development should be lower than region or industry average. To verify applying Emergy indicators to EIA comprehensive analysis, Emergy evaluation was conducted to real case. As a result, applying Emergy analysis could suggest whether the development is appropriate or not. These indices and the result of this research are expected to be applied decision-making on environmental impact for sustainable development.
국가물류경제의 중축산업인 항만의 지속가능한 운영과 개발을 위해서는 인프라 확충을 통한 경쟁력확보와 더불어 대기오염, 수질 오염, 소음 및 생태계 파괴 등의 항만환경문제로 인한 지역커뮤니티와의 갈등해소가 더 중요한 요소로 부각되고 있다. 우리나라 부산 신항만 개발사업의 경우도 신항만 공사용 바다모래 채취로 인한 어민들과의 갈등 때문에 항만공사가 중단된 경험이 있으며, 그 주요 원인으로 현행 어업피해조사제도를 포함한 항만환경피해에 대한 정량적인 영향성 평가법의 부재와 한계라 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 주목적은 우리나라 항만의 지속가능한 항만운영 및 개발을 위한 효율적인 항만환경관리에 필수적인 정량적 환경영향성평가 방안의 제시에 있다. 이를 위해 국내 외 항만의 환경정책과 사례분석을 통해 전반적인 항만환경문제와 그 영향(피해)에 대해서 살펴보고, 피해를 입은 환경재와 서비스의 전체적 경제적 가치를 평가할 수 있는 경제적 가치평가법을 제시하였다. 제시된 방법론 중에서 부산 신항만 개발로 따른 정박지 지정으로 인한 해양 생태계 서비스 피해 사례에 대해 보다 과학적으로 추정할 수 있는 Habitat Equivalency Analysis(HEA)를 적용하여, 예시적인 피해액을 추정 하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로, 제시된 항만환경피해에 대한 경제적 영향성평가방법론의 제도적 도입을 통하여 보다 효율적인 항만환경관 리방안을 제시하였다.
Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) has been carried out to evaluate the environmental impacts of glass bottle recycle. The LCA consists of four stages such as Goal and Scope Definition, Life Cycle Inventory(LCI) Analysis, Life Cycle Impact Assessment(LCIA), and Interpretation. The LCI analysis showed that the major input materials were water, materials, sand, and crude oil, whereas the major output ones were wastewater, CO2, and non-hazardous wastes. The LCIA was conducted for the six impact categories including 'Abiotic Resource Depletion', 'Acidification', 'Eutrophication', 'Global Warming', 'Ozone Depletion', and 'Photochemical Oxidant Creation'. As for Abiotic Resource Depletion, Acidification, and Photochemical Oxidant Creation, Bunker fuel oil C and LNG were major effects. As for Eutrophication, electricity and Bunker fuel oil C were major effects. As for Global Warming, electricity and LNG were major effects. As for Ozone Depletion, plate glasses were major effects. Among the six categories, the biggest impact potential was found to be Global Warming as 97% of total, but the rest could be negligible.
못과 앵커를 이용하여 FRP를 콘크리트에 부착시키는 MF-FRP 공법은 에폭시를 이용하여 콘크리트 구조물을 보강시키는 외부 부착 FRP 보강 공법에 비하여 더 많은 연성을 부여하는 것으로 많은 연구를 통하여 확인되었다. 이러한 MF-FRP 공법의 사용은 앞으로 증가할것으로 예상된다. 그러나 MF-FRP 보강법의 환경영향에 대한 평가에 대해서는 현재 연구가 전무한 상태이다. 본 연구에서는 환경의 영향으로부터 MF-FRP 구조물이 구조건전성을 유지할 수 있는지 6개월의 기간 동안 환경조건을 구성하여 보강보의 거동을 비교 평가하였다.RC보에 MF-FRP 보강 공법을 적용시킨 후 지속하중을 가하는 조건과 함께 서중온도 (40℃) 및 외기환경 조건에 6개월 (10월-3월)의 동절기 기간 동안 보강보를 노출시켰다. 이후 4점 휨실험을 수행하여 각 시험체의 구조건전성을 평가한 결과 본 연구에서 제시한 환경 조건에서는 MF-FRP 보의 강성 변화나 파괴모드의 변화가 발생하지 않아 구조건전성이 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 보의 파괴모드는 FRP의 박리와 콘크리트의 파쇄에 의해 결정적인 영향을 받으며 못과 앵커로만 연결된 FRP와 콘크리트의 부착성능은 파괴모드에 영향을 주지 못하는것으로 나타났다.
서산시 △ 매립장은 바닥・사면부 차수시설, 침출수배제시설 등의 환경오염방지시설을 일부 설치한 비생 매립지로서, 현재 매립이 종료되어 사후관리를 하고 있는 상황으로 경제적이고 체계적인 관리를 위하여 사용종료 매립지 정비지침(2010. 9, 환경부)에 따라 주변환경 영향평가를 실시하였다. 주변환경 오염도 조사를 위해 지하수 수질조사와 토양오염도 조사를 실시하였고, 매립장 안정화도 조사를 위하여 폐기물 조사, 침출수 조사, 매립가스 조사, 지반안정화도 평가를 실시하였다. 토양오염도 조사는 2012년 10월에 매립장 주변(상・하・좌・우) 4개 지점에서 샘플을 채취하였고, 지하수 수질 조사는 2012년 9월과 12월에 각 상류1지점, 하류 2지점에서 샘플을 취수하여 분석을 실시하였다. 토양시료 분석은 토양환경보전법 시행규칙 <별표3>에 의거 실시하였으며, 분석결과 모든 시료가 토양오염우려기준 1지역이하의 수치를 나타내었다. 지하수 시료 분석은 지하수의수질보전등에관한규칙 <별표4>의 생활용수수질기준 항목과 폐기물관리법 시행규칙 <별표11>의 4개 항목(BOD, COD, NH₄-N. NO₂-N)을 추가로 분석 실시하였다. 1차 조사와 2차 조사 모구 일반오염물질 및 특정유해물질이 기준치 이내의 값을 보이며, 암모니아성 질소가 미량 검출되었으나 먹는물 수질기준 이하로 검출되었다. 폐기물조사를 위해 굴착기를 사용하여 5 m 굴착 채취한 시료를 이용하여 성상분류, 삼성분 분석, 용출시험을 시행하였다. 성상분류 및 삼성분 분석결과 토사류가 대부분을 차지하고 난분해성 물질이 15% 정도를 차지한다. 폐기물 용출시험 결과 지정폐기물에 함유된 유해물질 중 구리만 미량 검출되었으며 침출수 배출허용기준은 대부분 청정지역 기준을 만족하는 수치를 보인다. 침출수 조사는 2012년 9월과 12월에 수행하였다. 1, 2차 분석결과 BOD, COD, 대장균수, 색도, 무기성질소, 총인 수치가 나지역 기준을 초과하며 BOD/CODcr 수치는 0.15로 아직 안정화가 진행중인 것으로 판단된다. 매립가스 조사는 2012년 11월과 2013년 1월에 실시하였다. 매립가스 안정화 기준인 CH₄의 함량이 5%를 넘지는 않으나 매립종료시기를 고려하면 지속적인 모니터링이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 지반안정화도를 평가하기 위하여 침하계측과 비탈면 안정성 검토를 실시하였다. 침하계측은 2012년 11월과 2013년 1월에 실시하였으며, 침하범위는 0.007 ~ 0.015 m 측정오차범위 내의 수치로 침하발생은 미비한 것으로 나타났다. 비탈면 안정성 검토는 한국시설안정공단의 사면 안정평가표를 활용하여 A, B, C 단면에 대하여 검토를 실시하였으며 그 결과 모든 사면에서 A등급인 안정한 상태로 판정되었다.
환경영향평가서 작성시 사업특성과 지역성이 고려되지 않으므로 인한 획일적인 내용과 현장여건이 미반영된 저감방안 등의 문제점을 개선하고자 광주․전남권에서 진행된 25개 환경영향평가서를 대상으로 환경영향인자, 저감방안 등에 대해 사업분류별로 분석하고 전문가 설문조사를 실시하였다. 개발사업으로 인한 환경영향은 대상지 뿐만 아니라 주변지역의 특성에 따라 영향정도가 다르게 나타난다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 본 연구에서는 환경영향인자에 많은 영향을 미치는 대상지 및 주변지역의 토지이용형태와 지형경사를 기준으로 유형을 분류하였다. 토지이용형태에 대해서는 도시지역, 산지지역, 수변지역, 전원지역으로 세분하였으며 지형경사는 평탄지, 경사지, 혼합지(평탄+경사지)로 세분하였다. 저감방안에 대해서는 각 유형별 특성에 맞는 내용을 제안함으로 인해 기존의 사업별 분류에서 나타나는 단점인 대상지역과 주변과의 연계성을 강화하여 개발사업으로 인한 영향을 적극적으로 대처할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 환경영향평가 대상사업에 대해서 유형분류 방법과 각 유형별 저감방안에 대하여 평가지표 개선에 대해서 제안하였으나 기존 유사연구가 빈약하고 연구대상 및 기간이 전남․광주권역, 5년으로 한정되어 있어 앞으로 다양하고 많은 사업을 대상으로 논의가 필요할 것으로 사료되며 평가지표에 대해서도 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
The purpose of this study is to assess and analyse the environmental impact of construction stage by apartment houses structure using main materials. For this purpose, according to the structure of the apartment houses, by setting the evaluation model and using 6 kinds of main materials, the environmental assessment about 6 environmental category was performed
This research evaluated the environmental impact of waste film used in the farming industry which is subject to voluntary agreement by Waste Charge System using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). When analyzing the environmental scores applying weighted values, production of raw materials, production of goods and disposal had nearly 73%, 15% and 11% of contribution to the environmental impact and also, amongst impact categories, resource depletion and global warming had 63% and 32% of contribution respectively. For resource depletion which had the highest contribution, production of raw materials, production of goods and disposal occupied around 86%, 9% and 4% of it, and the impact category of resource depletion that belongs to production of raw materials, accounted for about 54% of the whole environmental score. Here, over 95% of it was caused by crude oil. When investigating the contribution of each phase to global warming that is the key issue of low carbon green growth, production of raw materials, production of goods and disposal had respectively, 45%, 28% and 27% of contribution. As the result, production of goods and disposal had higher contributions than resource depletion. The entire contribution of production of goods and disposal to global warming was about 17%, and it is predicted that it would bring a huge impact, considering the possibility of establishing improvement plans. In the production of goods, electricity consumed was the main cause of global warming, and electricity used in the recycling process and incineration occupied approximately 52% and 42% of the disposal stage. In conclusion, we should pay attention to energy used in the production of goods and recycling for improving an environmental competitiveness of goods, and reduction of energy would be able to satisfy economic feasibility and environmental efficiency of the whole process of agricultural PE film.
This research evaluated the environmental impact of polyethylene water supply pipe which is a target of voluntary agreement by Waste Charge System using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). When analyzing the contribution of each impact category to the environmental score, resource depletion had the highest contribution at 57% and it was followed by global warming with 35% of contribution. Amongst the entire process and stage, production of raw materials, production of goods and disposal had about 60%, 18% and 18% of contribution, respectively. For resource depletion which was found to have the highest contribution, production of raw materials, production of goods and disposal accounted for nearly 77%, 11% and 7% of it, and the impact category of resource depletion which belongs to production of raw materials accounted for nearly 44% of the whole environmental score. Here, it was found that 88% of it resulted from crude oil. When analyzing the contribution of each stage to global warming that is the key issue of low carbon green growth, then, production of raw materials, production of goods and disposal showed around 38%, 29% and 28% of contribution, respectively. As the result, production of goods and disposal had higher contributions than resource depletion. Electricity used for production of goods is the major cause of global warming, and electricity used in the recycling process and incineration occupied about 65% and 36% of the disposal stage. In conclusion, we need to seek for plans to reduce the use of electricity through optimization of energy use during the production of goods and disposal, in order to establish an environmental and economical competitiveness of PE-related enterprises that are operated on a small scale.
이 연구에서는 시멘트계 광물로 제조된 그라우트의 사용에 의해 발생되는 환경문제인 pH의 증가와 중금속오염을 MC계와 킬레이트고분자를 이용하여 평가하고자 하였다. 그라우트 재료로 보통포틀랜드시멘트와 슬래그시멘트를 사용하였고 급결재로 칼슘알루미네이트계 급결성재료의 혼합물을 사용하였으며, 중금속과 pH의 발생을 방지하기 위해 증점제를 사용하였다. 측정결과, 킬레이트고분자를 사용할 경우에 그라우트에 의한 pH의 증가가 최소화되었으며 중금속(Cr6+)은 용출되지 않았다. 그 이외의 경우에는 pH의 증가와 중금속 용출이 뚜렷이 증가하였다. 또한, 재령에 따른 중금속 발생량은 용출시험 1일에서 전 용출량의 약 97% 이상이 용출되었고 이후는 추가 발생되지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과로부터 pH의 증가와 Cr6+과 같은 중금속의 용출을 제어하기 위해서 BSC와 킬레이트고분자를 사용하는 것이 아주 유용함을 알 수 있었다.
This study aims to produce fundamental database for Environment Impact Assessment by monitoring vertical structure of the atmosphere due to the mountain valley wind in spring season. For this, we observed surface and upper meteorological elements in Sangin-dong, Daegu using the rawinsonde and automatic weather system(AWS). In Sangin-dong, the weather condition was largely affected by mountains when compared to city center. The air temperature was low during the night time and day break, and similar to that of city center during the day time. Relative humidity also showed similar trend; high during the night time and day break and similar to that of city center during the day time. Solar radiation was higher than the city, and the daily maximum temperature was observed later than the city. The synoptic wind during the measurement period was west wind. But during the day time, the west wind was joined by the prevailing wind to become stronger than the night time. During the night time and daybreak, the impact of mountain wind lowered the overall temperature, showing strong geographical influence. The vertical structure of the atmosphere in Dalbi valley, Sangin-dong had a sharp change in air temperature, relative humidity, potential temperature and equivalent potential temperature when measured at the upper part of the mixing layer height. The mixing depth was formed at maximum 1896m above the ground, and in the night time, the inversion layer was formed by radiational cooling and cold mountain wind.