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        검색결과 502

        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to review the current situation of the support system in the process of achieving the Sixth Industrialization by exploring an intermediate support activity called “Sixth Industrialization Promotion Council on Food and Tourism in Southern Hokkaido.” In this case, several strategies have been developed for regional promotion, including organizing seminars, planning experience tours, supporting new product development and series of propaganda events, in which the council provides not only technics and funds but also advice to all the joined parties. In this way, it has been playing an essential role in promoting the sustainable development of the Sixth Industrialization regionally. Also, the council works as a control tower that cooperates and coordinates with other industries involved in tourism.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present a BV I optical photometric study of the old open cluster Ruprecht 6 using the data obtained with the SMARTS 1.0 m telescope at the CTIO, Chile. Its color-magnitude diagrams show the clear existence of the main-sequence stars, whose turn-o point is located around V  18:45 mag and B - V  0:85 mag. Three red clump (RC) stars are identi ed at V = 16:00 mag, I = 14:41 mag and B - V = 1:35 mag. From the mean Ks-band magnitude of RC stars (Ks = 12:39  0:21 mag) in Ruprecht 6 from 2MASS photometry and the known absolute magnitudes of the RC stars (MKS = - :595  0:025 mag), we obtain the distance modulus to Ruprecht 6 of (m -M)0 = 13:84  0:21 mag (d = 5:86  0:60 kpc). From the (J - Ks) and (B - V ) colors of the RC stars, comparison of the (B - V ) and (V - I) colors of the bright stars in Ruprecht 6 with those of the intrinsic colors of dwarf and giant stars, and the PARSEC isochrone ttings, we derive the reddening values of E(B - V ) = 0:42 mag and E(V - I) = 0:60 mag. Using the PARSEC isochrone ttings onto the color-magnitude diagrams, we estimate the age and metallicity to be: log(t) = 9:50  0:10 (t = 3:16  0:82 Gyr) and [Fe/H] = -0:42  0:04 dex. We present the Galactocentric radial metallicity gradient analysis for old (age > 1 Gyr) open clusters of the Dias et al. catalog, which likely follow a single relation of [Fe/H] = (-0:034  0:007)RGC + (0:190  0:080) (rms = 0.201) for the whole radial range or a dual relation of [Fe/H] = (-0:077  0:017)RGC + (0:609  0:161) (rms = 0.152) and constant ([Fe/H]  -0:3 dex) value, inside and outside of RGC  12 kpc, respectively. The metallicity and Galactocentric radius (13:28  0:54 kpc) of Ruprecht 6 obtained in this study seem to be consistent with both of the relations.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the results of BV time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 288. Ob- servations were carried out to search for variable stars using the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) 1.6-m telescopes and a 4k pre-science CCD camera during a test observation from August to December, 2014. We found a new SX Phe star and confirmed twelve previously known variable stars in NGC 288. For the semi-regular variable star V1, we newly determined a period of 37.3 days from light curves spanning 137 days. The light-curve solution of the eclipsing binary V10 indicates that the system is probably a detached system. The pulsation properties of nine SX Phe stars were examined by applying multiple frequency analysis to their light curves. We derived a new Period-Luminosity (P-L) relation, hMV i = −2.476(±0.300) logP − 0.354(±0.385), from six SX Phe stars showing the fundamental mode. Additionally, the period ratios of three SX Phe stars that probably have a double-radial mode were investigated; PFO/PF = 0.779 for V5, PTO/PFO = 0.685 for V9, PSO/PFO = 0.811 for V11. This paper is the first contribution in a series assessing the detections and properties of variable stars in six southern globular clusters with the KMTNet system.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through time-series BV CCD photometry of the open cluster NGC 225 region, we have detected 30 variable stars including 22 new ones. They are five δ Scuti-type variable stars, a slowly pulsating B star, six eclipsing binary stars and 18 semi-long periodic or slow irregular variables, respectively. We have performed multiple-frequency analysis to determine pulsation frequencies of the δ Scuti-type stars and a slowly pulsating B star, using the discrete Fourier transform and linear least-square fitting methods. We also have derived the periods and amplitudes of 6 eclipsing binaries and a long-period variable star from the phase tting method, and presented the light curves of all variable stars. A slowly pulsating B star is a member of NGC 225, but δ Scuti-type stars are not members from the positions in the color-magnitude diagram and the radial distancies from the center of the cluster. From Dias et al. (2014, A&A, 564, 79), only three variable stars including the slowly pulsating B star are members of clusters: two are in NGC 225 and one is in Stock 24. But a variable star in Stock 24 is not a member of the cluster because of its position of color-magnitude diagarm.