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        검색결과 396

        2011.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated whether the simple view of reading framework is supported among Upper elementary Korean EFL learners. Specifically, the relative contributive power of two emergent literacy factors, word decoding and linguistic comprehension abilities, which have been identified as the main determinants of successful reading comprehension, was examined. Ninety nine fifth grade students in Korean elementary school participated in this research, and their decoding skills, listening comprehension abilities, and reading comprehension in English were measured. The findings revealed that both English decoding skills and linguistic comprehension ability were significant predictors of their English reading comprehension, which supports the simple view of reading within the Korean EFL context. Specifically, decoding skill explained more of the variance, compared to linguistic comprehension, in reading comprehension when controlling for each other. The result is discussed in terms of the overall development of L2 proficiency and the role of L2 exposure in L2 reading comprehension development.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper replicates the sorting task conducted on Bencini and Goldberg (2000) to examine whether Korean learners of English only concentrate on the meaning of verbs or they also pay attention to constructional meanings in English sentence processing. The results were broadly consistent with the original study―Korean learners of English were able to recognize the existence of English argument structure constructions and utilize the configurations in sentence interpretation. However, the experiment detected discrepancy in learners' understanding constructions according to the types. Language learners generally have a sense of English argument structure constructions and try to make full use of the representations, but their cognitive ability has not been sufficiently trained to access the internal relation among the constructions. Consequently, the learners feel difficulty in interpreting other types of argument structure constructions except transitive constructions and they tend to stick to the representations. Constructionists regard argument structure constructions as impetus and facilitator in language acquisition. Based on the perspective, the materials and the instructions provided to language learners need to be developed in a way that promotes the learners' access to the characteristics of English argument structure constructions.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article explores Korean English teacher’s co-teaching practices and perspectives through a narrative inquiry of a high school teacher, Ms. Lee. It examines her lived experiences and perceptions as she goes through her first journey of co-teaching in her eleven-year teaching career. Data for this study consist of 12 reflective journals, two face-to-face interviews, and three follow-up email interviews. Ms. Lee’s stories illuminate a journey in which she developed a deeper understanding of co-teaching and co-teachers’ roles. Throughout her journey, Ms. Lee maintained her initial view of her primary role as an aide, but co-teaching experiences offered her opportunities to consider her position from various perspectives and thus construct her identity taking multiple roles. Thus, within the anchor role of a helper, she performed various roles for the students, such as a class management aide, a careful mediator, and a psychological supporter. She also served a couple of roles for the native English-speaking teacher (NEST), such as an instruction partner, a crisis manager, and a secretary. In her narratives, Ms. Lee also shared her view of the NEST’s roles and suggested ideas for better co-teaching. Based on the analysis of her narratives, this article highlights practical implications for co-teaching.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article illustrates the complicated process of language socialization and literacy development with identity reformulations that Korean students face while learning English in U.S. schools. With providing a detailed and broad picture of second language literacy development across time, the article presents two research-based studies conducted at the elementary and secondary levels respectively. Despite the constant growth of the Korean population in the USA for decades, few research studies have examined the ways that newly arrived Korean students engage in language learning and literacy practice along with changes in life, language, literacy, and culture. The presented studies employed ethnographic data gathering methods and utilized methods of constant comparison, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. The first study focuses on literate identities of second grade Korean students in the English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. The second study explores how Korean adolescents engage in school writing practice and how they negotiate their identities in and with writing through a case study.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the interpretation of scopally ambiguous sentences involving a universally quantified direct object NP and negation (e.g., The boy didn’t eat every cookie) from a processing perspective. Using an online truth-value judgment task implemented with a self-paced reading technique, data were collected from native Korean speakers, native English speakers, and Korean L2 learners of English. The results indicate that native Korean speakers strongly preferred the full set interpretation (every > not). In contrast, native English speakers strongly preferred the partitioned set interpretation (not > every). L2 learners showed a developmental divergence according to the learners’ L2 proficiency; the low proficiency group showed a strong preference for the full set interpretation, whereas the advanced L2 learners showed no preference for either of the patterns. The main findings were examined within the framework outlined by O’Grady (2005), who proposes that the nature and acquisition of scopal contrasts are best understood with reference to the operation of an efficiency-based processor.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the effects of shadowing, the oral repetition of what is said right after the language spoken, on L2 listening and speaking abilities of Korean middle school students. It also examines whether shadowing has a positive effect on students’ affective aspects in terms of self-confidence, preference, and perception. The experiment was conducted with 108 middle school students in Gwangju. The participants were divided into three groups, listening only, shadowing only, and listening plus shadowing, and received six weeks of treatment. The data collection consisted of the result of listening tests, speaking tests and questionnaires. The results showed that listening plus shadowing had a positive effect on L2 listening abilities compared to listening only techniques. The results also showed that there was no positive effect of shadowing on L2 speaking abilities. In addition, the results indicated that shadowing increased students’ self-confidence in using English, their shadowing preferences, and the positive perception about the efficacy of shadowing on English speaking skills improvement. This paper therefore argues that shadowing techniques need to be considered as an effective supplementary technique for practicing English listening skills in EFL middle school context.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a primary source of input for language learning, textbooks provide learners with various language samples. This paper investigates whether Korean English textbooks provide an adequate language model to follow, particularly focusing on how an invitation is tendered and responded to. Dialogues that contain an invitation were pulled from seven high school English textbooks and analyzed from a Conversation Analytic (CA) perspective. According to the results of analysis, textbook dialogues generally do not follow how an invitation sequence is organized in authentic English conversation as manifested by the inadequate or lacking presentation of a preinvitation, and contain invitation practices that are not yet known to occur in English conversation. It was also found that an invitation is frequently portrayed as incidentally tendered due to its occurrence with certain turn components. Lastly, textbook dialogues provide a limited variety of input as shown by the lack of insert expansion instances and the limited presentation of responses in form and position. This researchsuggests the need to incorporate our knowledge of how conversation works into scripting dialogues for English learners. (177)
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to explore the forms of negative yes/no interrogatives and the social actions they perform in task-oriented conversations in Korean and English. The data consist of 20 Korean and 22 English pairs interacting with each other whiJe arranging a series of 15 pictures. It seems that negative yes/no interrogatives are used more extensively in Korean conversation than in English, and that they have different interactionaJ functions in the two languages. AnaJyses of the data suggest that negative yes/no interrogatives in English are used to perform a very specific function in interaction, making an assertion in a disaligning situation while seeking agreement from the addressee. On the other hand, it is shown that negative yes/no interrogatives in Korean are used as an important interactionaJ device between conversationalists. It seems that the ch미ce of the two types of negative yes/no interrogatives in Korean is largely dependent on the speaker’s estimation of the following two factors: (a) the degree of certainty about the information conveyed, and (b) the degree of common ground with the addressee. (Hanyang University, 마1san)
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ln this case study, we have focused on the disempowerrnent of a Korean English teacher (KET) in English-only classrooms. Six English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms in a Korean high school were observed and analyzed by using interpretive discourse analysis. Out of the six classes, three representative classrl。이ns were both video- and audio - ta많d. The results show that the English-only classes co띠d weaken the KETs’ power via three mechanisms: (a) ca!ling the KETs’ last name for chor외 greetings at the beginning of the class, (b) students’ group solidarity and 야er pressure between classmates, and (c) the students' excessively collaborative approach to 야er assistance. It is argued that the exclusive Engush-oruy instruction disempowers 비e KETs’ status and dismantles their vocational identity. ln order to remedy the current situation, within a scaffolding suppαted by the eclectic use of first language where necessary for effective class management, KETs are empowered and overcome constraints imposed by the limited L2 oral competence of some non-native English teachers.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses the results of two questionnaire surveys which are designed to find out how Korean college students perceive some problematic English sentences and how their imperfect knowledge of English grammar affects their attitudes towards speaking English. The major purposes of the paper are: first, to analyze what erroneous sentences they find either correct or incorrect; second, to find out how much they can be lenient with problematic Eng lish sentences by analyzing what sentences they think are fine to understand and would use; third, to investigate how their lack of proper knowledge of English grammar affects their attitudes in using and learning English; and fourth, to discuss importance of grammar teaching in an EFL classroom. In line with recent studies on World Englishes, this research adheres to the idea that it is significant to give students opportunities to use the language without fear of making grammatical mistakes rather than emphasizing Standard English and the correct language. However, the results of the surveys show that the lower the level of their English proficiency, the more they want to speak grammatically correct English, and the lesser they show leniency towards deviant English structures.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance and roles of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) for Korean postgraduate engineering students in the era of globalization. This research examines the perceptions of Korean postgraduate engineering students themselves and subject lecturers in an institution of science and technology in Korea by using semi-structured interviews. The research demonstrated that the role of English was considered as being pivotal for communication for Korean postgraduate engineering students in their academic sectors. English was recognized as a powerful medium of international communication, needed for acceptance as qualified members in the international engineering community. English was also considered as the dominant information carrier in engineering and an essential factor for efficient study and academic success.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the patterns of prosodically induced variation in the English stop contrast produced by Korean learners of English. The acoustic realization of the laryngeal contrast in English stops is observed in utterance-initial, -medial, and –final positions either with or without contrastive focal accent. The speech data in English collected from 4 adult male Korean speakers are compared with the result of a previous study by 6 adult male speakers native in American English (Choi, 2005). Overall, statistical results show that Korean adult speakers do not specify variation conditioned by focus and position. Focus-induced acoustic variation in the stops, observed in the speech by native speakers of English, is not significantly replicated in the speech of the Korean learners in the present study. Additional difference in using the acoustic correlates to mark the contrast is detected in the Korean adult speakers. It suggests the adult learners have problem in specifying the postlexical prosodic structure and segmental variations, and thus, rather active instruction of the phrasal prosody is also needed in educational settings.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ]ung, Woo-hyun 2009 The Funcbons of the Enghsh Utterance of fIghtmg’ m Korean Dlscourse πJe Soαolmguzstzc Joumal 01 Korea lη2) Trus study exammes the functIons of the Enghsh utterance, fIghtmg', m Korean chscourse, Wlth specIal attentIon to how and when trus expreSSlon IS employed by Korean natIve speakers To trus end, trus study collected data from naturally occumng sltuatlOns and the scnpts of some TV programs The res띠ts showed that the expreSSlon, fightmg', fulfIlls the pnmary functlOn of encouragmg the addressee, and that tlns PIVOtal functIon IS extended to such functIons as Wlsrung, congratulatmg, thankmg, prorrusmg, consolmg, beggmg, and leave-takmg, but not to as fIllmg a pause The fmchngs of the study corroborated the wldely-held c1rum that an utterance can fulfl11 plunva1ent functIons The study a1so mamfested other features fzghtmg' can be verba1ιed, lt can or cannot be responded, lt can be employed recIProca11y, and lt can be used to rughly va1ue a trung as well as a person These results WJll surely shed hght on the study of mscourse functIona1 pers야ctIve of Enghsh loan-words m Kor,않n chscourse, thus, leachng to a better understanchng of the natlVlzatlOn of Enghsh mto another language