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        검색결과 418

        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new species of free-living marine nematode is described from intertidal sediments of the East Sea, Korea. Phanoderma koreense sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of well-developed pharyngeal and cephalic capsule, six inner labial sensilla present as minute papillae around with circular groove, long and slender spicules with 4-5 serrated distal end, located at the base of the precloacal supplement, a series of eight to nine stout and short setae on the ventral cloacal region and conico-cylindrical tail with two pairs of blunt setae. In this study, we provide taxonomic descriptions and illustrations of a new species by differential interference contrast microscope and a pictorial key to the valid species of Phanoderma Bastian, 1865. This is the first record of the genus Phanoderma in the East Sea, Korea.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        개미사돈아과의 미기록종인 Philoscotus rostralis Nomura를 한국에 처음으로 보고한다. 정확한 동정을 위해 외형과 진단형질의 사진과 분포 지도를 함께 제공한다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pseudisobrachium is one of the biggest genera with 190 species from the world including one extinct species from France. In Korea, only one species, P. koreana Lim, has been recorded. The ecological information of Pseudisobrachium is poorly studied, however, it was recorded that Pseudisobrachium species are found associated with various ants in several previous studies. As results of taxonomy studies on the Korean bethylids, a new species of Pseudisobrachium is discovered based on one female specimen which was collected from Cheongsong county (Gyeongbuk province) by Malaise trap in 2008. This is the first record of female of the genus in Korea. A taxonomic discussion on the genus Pseudisobrachium, diagnosis and diagnostic characteristics of the new species are provided.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A taxonomic review of Atheta Thomson subgenus Atheta Thomson in the Korean Peninsula is presented. The subgenus is represented in Korea by eight species including two new species: A. (A.) prolixa Lee & Ahn, sp. nov. and A. (A.) vegrandis Lee & Ahn, sp. nov. Atheta (A.) sauteri Bernhauer is reported for the first time in South Korea. A key, habitus photographs and illustrations of the diagnostic characters are provided.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Nipponobythus was first described by Jeannel in 1958 from Japan based on Nipponobythus syrbatoides Jeannel 1958. Löbl described the genus Machulkaia (type species: Machulkaia mirabilis Löbl 1964), but it was synonymized under Nipponobythus later. Nipponobythus holds 14 species from Korea, Japan and China. Three species (N. chilisanus, N. dolharubang and N. omissus) are currently recorded in Korea. Members of this genus can be distinguished from other pselaphine genera in having concave frons with golden pubescence in males. Here we describe a new species of Nipponobythus from Mt. Gahak, Jeollanam-do, South Korea. This new species is externally similar to N. chilisanus Nomura & Lee 1996, but has differences in male genitalia.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The supertribe Faronitae consists of 29 genera worldwide, and 13 genera in Australia and New Zealand. During examine 36 specimens from the private collection of Donald S. Chandler (Durham, New Hampshire, USA) and the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, Illinois, USA), we recognized three species. They does not share diagnostic characters with any known faronite genus. Here we describe new genus and three new species from Western Australia. Members of this new genus can be distinguished by the following combination characters: rostrum with distinct shallow and narrow frontal sulcus, apically sharp and narrow median lobe of male genitalia, and twice longer abdominal segment VI than V.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new species of Discochiton Hodgson & Williams, 2018 collected on culms of Bambusa sp. (Poaceae) in Myanmar is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to D. expansum (Green, 1896), but distinct from it in having the legs four or five segmented, the preopercular pores associated with all four clear areas, and the 10–16 stigmatic spines on each cleft; in D. expansum, it has the legs reduced to single-segmented leg stub, the preopercular pores associated with two or three clear areas, and the 3–7 stigmatic spines.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Australian genus Logasa Chandler was described in 2001 based on Logasa novaeangila Chandler 2001. Other two species, Logasa tricolor (Oke 1928) and Logasa ventralis (Oke 1928) were originally described as the genus Sagola, and transferred to Logasa by Chandler. During revisionary study using 140 museum specimens, additional three new species was recognized. After type examination of L. tricolor and L. ventralis, we found that they have different diagnostic characters for generic level such as foveal system and male genitalia. However, their diagnostic characters are not included any known faronite genus. Australian faronite fauna has numerous undescribed species. They will revise with other undescribed species for a following study.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A ricanid planthopper, sometimes so called Ricania shantungensis, has been regarded as a serious invasive pest in Korean peninsula. It belongs to family Ricaniidae comprised of 40 genus and more than 400 species worldwide, and only 6 species recognized in Korea. The invasive planthopper has a wide host range including economic agricultural crops such as apple, peach and pear. In the meantime to investigate natural enemies for biological control, we have found an egg parasitoid. In this study, we report a new species of genus Phanuromyia, an egg parasitoid of the ricanid planthopper. Morphological characteristics of male and female are described in detail with high resolution images.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신종인 울릉이리응애(Euseius ulleungensis) (신칭)를 기재한다. 이 신종은 울릉도 섬쑥부쟁이에서 채집되었다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 제비나방과 쌍꼬리나방아과의 3미기록종인Europlema nubifasciaria (Leech), Dysaethria meridiana (Inoue), Phazaca theclata (Guenée)을 보고한다. Europlema leleji는 Epiplema nubifasciaria의 동종이명으로 판명되었고, 후자는 Europlema속으로 새롭게 편입된다. Europlema nubifasciaria의 암컷생식기를 처음으로 기재한다. 채집된 종의 성충과 생식기의 사진을 제공한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Gracillariidae is known as leafminers because of a characters of mining into leaves in their larval stages. This group generally distributed in all the world except Antarctica, comprising 1,966 described species of 106 genera. In Korea, the family Gracillariidae is known as 3 subfamily, 14 genera of 59 descried species. This study was conducted to report four newly recorded species as follow: Liocrobyla desmodiella Kuroko, Parornix loganella (Stainton), Psydrocercops wisteriae (Kuroko) and Spulerina corticola Kumata. All the available information including their host plants, images for adult and genitalia, patterns of mining and distributional range is provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Epyris Westwood, 1832 is the largest genus of Bethylidae with more than 300 nominal species and 19 species of Epyris have been recorded in Korea. The Epyris species are small to medium sized (2–10 mm) wasps with the palpal formula 6:3; the median lateral clypeal lobe reduced; pronotum usually longer than wide; notauli and parapsidal furrows present; scutellar pits not connected by a groove; basal vein of the fore wing arising almost at apex of subcostal vein. As results of taxonomic studies on Korean bethylids, Epyris emiae Terayama, a brachypterous species, is first discovered from South Korea. In this presentation, a diagnosis, figures of diagnostic characteristics of E. emiae are provided with a discussion on forewing veins of Korean bethylid genera.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Coptotriche belongs to leafmining family Tischeriidae, comprising about 60 species in the world. They live in inside leaves during immature stage; larvae feed on tissue of the leaf, producing mining trace. The pupa also spend in the mine, and emerge to become a adult from the mine. In Korea, two species, C. angusticollella and C. heinemanni, are reported and are known as pest about Rosa multiflora and Rubus crataegifolius respectively. In the present study, we review three species of genus Coptotriche in Korea with a new species. Brief descriptions and illustrations of the adults, male and female genitalia, larvae, pupae, and host plants are provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Meganola (Nolidae, Nolinae) was established by Dyar (1898), with the type species Meganola conspicua Dyar, 1898, from America (Type locality: Texas, Colorado, Arizona). This genus comprises 80 species described in the Palaearctic and Oriental region. In this study, genus Meganola Dyar is reviewed from Korea, with description of a new species. We redescribed 12 species and one new species. Illustrations of adults and genitalia of all Korean species are provided, with a key to the genus of Meganola based on the male genitalia.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Four new species of the genus Alloclubionoides collected from mountain litter and hillock litter around the agricultural ecosystem of Korea are described in the present work with appropriate body measurements and morphological illustrations; A. hwaseongensis sp. nov., A. imi sp. nov., A. namhansanensis sp. nov. and A. nasuta sp. nov. Females of A. hwaseongensis sp. nov., A. namhansanensis sp. nov. and A. nasuta sp. nov. can be distinguished based on the epigyne shape and structure of internal genitalia from previously described species. Males of A. imi sp. nov. can also be distinguished based on the shapes of retrolateral tibial apophysis, embolus tip and conductor from previously described species. Also, a key to the Korean Alloclubionoides spiders is provided. Alloclubionoides gajiensis Seo, 2014 is newly synonymized with Alloclubionoides cochlea (Kim et al. 2007).
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The morphology, anatomy and reproduction (tetra/bisporic and male) of Lithothamnion japonicum Foslie was studied, using holotype material and materials collected from Korea. Lithothamnion japonicum is characterized based on the presence of encrusting, warty to fruticose thallus, branched or unbranched short and cylindrical protuberances, conical shaped spermatangial conceptacles, branched (dendroid) spermatangial systems formed on floor, walls, and roof of conceptacle chamber, cylindrical shaped spermatangial conceptacle canal, 9-10 cell layered spermatangial conceptacle roof, raised tetra/bisporangial conceptacles without rims, flattened tetra/ bisporangial conceptacle pore plate, 16-50 pores on each pore plate, 6-8 rosette cells surrounded by each pore, pore canal lining filaments composed of tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof, and buried senescent tetra/bisporangial conceptacles completely infilled with relatively large and irregularly arranged calcified sterile cells. In this study, we report a new record of Lithothamnion japonicum from Korean coasts.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A marine algal species was collected from Sacheonjin, Gangneung located on the eastern coast of Korea during a survey of marine algal flora. This alga shares the generic features of Membranoptera belonging to the subfamily Delesserioideae and is characterized by the presence of combined features of membranous, monostromatic thalli attached by a solid discoid holdfast, blades with a conspicuous terete stipe-like midrib and microscopic lateral veins, entire margins, irregularly alternate to dichotomous branching, and obtuse apices growing apically. In a phylogenetic tree based on rbcL sequences, the Korean alga nests in the same clade with M. alata from the eastern North Atlantic. The genetic distance between both the sequences within the clade was calculated as 0.0%. Based on the morphological and molecular analyses, this Korean species is identified as the generic type, M. alata. This is the first record in the list of Korean marine algal flora.