
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is a wrong splicing in the eighth volume of Kehong Yinyi preserved in the Korean Tripitaka, it involves some phonetic and meaning entries in Buddha’s Names Sutra, Three Thousand Buddhas’ Names Sutra and Five Thousand Five Hundred Buddhas’ Names Sutra. By backtracking the scriptures, the exact origin of these phonetic and meaning entries can be determined. At the same time, combined with the selected transcript of Kehong Yinyi recorded on the back of the Dunhuang Scroll P.2948, it can be inferred that this phenomenon already existed in Kehong Yinyi before it was introduced into Goryeo. As for the specific link in which this misalignment occurred, it is difficult to know for sure due to the lack of evidence chain.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 고대 중국어에서 현대 중국어에 이르는 동안 ‘使’의 의미 변화 및 의미소의 분화 과정에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 자원(字源) 분석에서 출발하여 의미 변화의 출발점이 되는 ‘使’의 본래의미가 무엇인지 확인하고, 본래의미에서 기타 의미로 파생되는 원리를 추론하는 방식을 사용하였다. ‘使’는 ‘派遣’라는 본래의미로부터 ‘命令’, ‘出 使’, ‘役使’ 등의 의미가 파생되었고, 또한 ‘役使’ 의미에서 ‘使用’ 등의 의미가 파생되었으리라 추정되며, 이러한 파생의미를 기초로 ‘使’는 ‘致使’ 의미의 문법소, ‘假使’ 의 미의 連詞 등의 용법으로 발전되었다는 가능성을 살펴볼 수 있었다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Extensive researches into the meaning of the famous Tang poem On Mission to the Frontier have achieved success for years, but it still remains several questions. On the one hand, On Mission to the Frontier has been selected for different poetry anthologies from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. And it brings four different texts, which are “銜命辭天闕”, “向”, “鴻” and “吏”, and the reason why they come into being should be figured out. On the other hand, the interpretation of “屬國” and “孤煙” and the main idea of On Mission to the Frontier are not clear and definite, so they also need to be differentiated and analysed.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        本文研究目的是想弄清楚记录史、事、使、吏等词的文字形体是否有一定规范,这些词在形体上的分化开始于什么时代及其分化的时代层次如何。方法:1)古文字资料按照分期方法,对殷商甲骨文至战国简牍文字进行历时分析;2)二重证据法,在考察古文字资料的基础上,考察几部重要古书中这几个词的使用情况。结论:学界分歧严重处在于对“吏”字产生的时代不清楚。我们认为“吏”字是在中央集权国家逐渐形成的过程中出现的,时代在战国晚期。“使”的分化完成于秦文字,今天的“使”字当是演变自秦文字从“事”之使。说明:本文曾提交第三届汉字与汉字教育国际研讨会,但当时只提交了1/3 的内容,本次提交的是完整稿(六万余字)。
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper adopts a frame-based analysis on the issue of the typology of Chinese causative verbs 使(shǐ)and 让 (ràng) (shǐ and ràng, afterwards) which puts challenges to several well-established cognitive approaches including force dynamic models and direct/indirect causation theory. In a frame-based analysis, these two polysemous verbs are distributed into different frames according to the pattern of force interaction denoted by the verbs. Therefore, this analysis successfully solves the obscure boundary problem raised by the polysemous property of shǐ and ràng. This study introduces a new way to study verbal semantics and semantic-syntactic interface. Especially, it points out a new direction to studying polysemous words.