
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        《詩經》古時有三千餘篇,孔子‘去其重’,定《三百》,‘始於衽席’, ‘關雎之亂以爲風始’。<關雎>是《詩經》三百篇中卷首之作。因此司馬遷說 的‘衽席’和‘亂’就是<關雎>居《詩經》之首的兩大意義,也是司馬氏所能體 會到的孔子意圖。‘衽席’含蘊男女的本性,‘亂’則指禮樂。<關雎>本是男女 相悅之詞,但經過孔子的手,就變成了輔佐禮的樂章。《孔子詩論》所云 “<關雎>以色喻於禮”可說是孔子注重<關雎>的緣故。孔子歎息“未見好德 如好色者”,又強調‘戒色’。不過孔子的‘戒色’並不是抑制本性,以教化的方 法來調和,使人的動物本能上升到人性,以詩(樂)明禮,以禮節制本性, 這就是孔子注重樂禮的原因。再來從《韓詩外傳》載有子夏問孔子‘<關雎> 何以爲國風之始’與孔子的答復“天地之間,生民之屬,王道之原,不外此 矣。”將此與司馬遷所論對照,可以探窺孔子的微言大義。
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study starts from a recognition that the architecture is based on the process demanded by substantial needs as well as pure theoretical logic system. So this study aims at proposing another point of view differentiating process and principle of architecture from pure theoretical logic system in the creative process of the Governor's Palace by analyzing drawings in chronological order. Even though the Governor's Palace had not been built because of discord between authorities of India and Le Corbusier, it is undoubtedly one of the best proposals which contains very concepts and ideas of later Le Corbusier's architectural intentions. In the first design stage, overall conception of the building was carried out in the sketches and drawings till Jan, 1954 and in the second stage, the elaboration of the project was pursued till Mar. 1995. The scheme tends to begin too large and general in character, becoming tighter and more complex under pressure from the client and adjustments required by the design process itself. For example, scale reduction, division and development of internal circulation system and applying his early 'Five Points'. So new solutions are searched by oscillating between compromise modifications and radically different solutions in contracting the first ideas. From all these, it is concluded that the early doctrine (Five Points) are adjusted and extended towards another stage by the use of restricted pilotis, the concept of fenetre en longueur transformed into a sub stricture of facade, sustained concept of le plan libre, les toits jardins extended towards concept of the urban area. And these formal intentions of the Governor's Place has been carried through other contemporary projects like Mill Owner's Association in 1954 and Villa Shodan in 1952.