This study aims to critically analyze how gendered spaces and gender images are expressed verbally and non-verbally in the latest information and communication advertisements. The results showed that the gendered space appeared although it had nothing to do with the information and communication devices or advertisement content. The gender-specific spatial distinctions and restrictions fully reflected the stereotypes of gender roles. Sexist images also emerged in the verbal and non-verbal expressions with images of women being reproduced in a more negatively compared to that of men. Regarding frequency, many aspects limited and revealed “the differing interests and characteristics of gender”, which were expressed both verbally and non-verbally. The emphasis on women's appearance stood out non-verbal, albeit superfluously. It is a problem that these gender images and perceptions are fixed or reproduced through mass media.
This study analyzes the images of models in womenswear advertisements targeting women in their fifties. The goals of this study are: 1) to investigate beauty ideals for middle-aged women by analyzing models’ look age, chronological age, wrinkles, gray hair, hair length, body type, and race; and 2) to explore how ageing is dealt with in advertisements by analyzing the range of bodies shown in advertisements, the color mode of photographs, and the clarity of models’ figures in relation to models’ look ages. A total of 155 printed advertisements from January 2012 to January 2017 from the brands Daks Ladies, Lebeige, Luciano Choi, PAT, and Zishen were selected for analysis. Womenswear brands targeting middle-aged women reinforce cultural ideals of female beauty that emphasize youth and slenderness. They do this by using thin and slender models, who most often appear to be in their twenties and thirties, and have hair longer than their shoulders. Brands with higher price ranges show a preference for Caucasian models, which reveals that a Caucasian identity is associated with sophistication. In addition, the bodies of models who appear to be in their forties and fifties were concealed by framing photographs mostly above the knees. Older models’ features were also obscured via the use of black and white photography, strong lighting and contrast, and digital editing that blurred the boundaries between figures and their backgrounds. These decisions for how to represent models could result in negative self-esteem and a denial of the symptoms of ageing among middle-aged women.
The fashion product image preference changes depending on one’s lifestyle and personal inclination. Women want to show the fashion product image preference, often through their clothing and makeup choices. Brand image includes those elements related to the brand. Advertising is the primary method for introducing brands. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of fashion product image preference on emphasis of brand image and advertising factor evaluation targeting working women in their 20s and 30s. The fashion product image preference was s sophisticated image. Preference for a sophisticated image has a significant effect on emphasis of brand image when selecting fashion products. Emphasis of brand image has a notable effect on the brand direct advertising factor evaluation. Fashion product image preference has a significant effect on both brand’s direct and indirect advertising factor evaluation. When selecting a fashion product (clothing and cosmetics), brand image importance was found to have a positive effect on a brand’s direct advertising factor evaluation. Therefore, fashion companies should take advantage of their brand logo. Companies should also pay attention to clothing and product containers used in advertising to show the brand. In addition, every company should create an advertising image that represents their overall brand, by using a combination of detailed advertising factor evaluation.
This paper examines advertising images of fashion brands in vertical social network site (SNS) from the viewpoints of message strategies. Vertical social network sites are types of social curation systems applied to social networking, where information is selected, organized, and maintained. Fashion brands communicate with consumers by presenting images on vertical SNSs, anticipating improvements in brand image, popularity, and loyalty. Those images portray content for particular brands and seasonal concepts, thus creating paths for product sales information. Marketing via SNSs corresponds to relationship marketing, which refers to long-term interrelationship and value augmentation between the company and consumer, and viral advertising, which relies on word of mouth distribution via social network platforms. Taylor’s six-segment message strategy wheel, often used for analyzing viral ads, was applied to conduct a content analysis of the images. A total of 2,656 images of fashion brands advertised on Instagram were selected and analyzed. Results indicated that brand values were somewhat related to the number of followers. Follower rankings and comment rankings were also correlated. In general, fashion brands projected sensory messages most often. Acute need and rational messages were less common than other messages. Sports brands and luxury brands presented sensory messages, whereas fast fashion brands projected routine images most often. Fashion brands promoted on vertical SNSs should portray advertising images that combine message strategies.
스토리텔링 광고는 현실에서 많이 사용되고 있으나 이에 비해 스토리텔링 광고에 대한 연구는 매우 부족하다. 기존 몇몇 활자형태의 내러티브 광고에 대한 연구에서는 내러티브 광고가 정보전달 광고보다 효과적임을 밝히고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 실제 상업용으로 제작된 광고들을 사용하여 스토리텔링 광고가 다른 광고 유형(정보전달 광고, 이미지 광고)보다 더 효과적인지를 알아보고자 하였다. 제품유형과 브랜드의 영향을 통제하기 위해 같은 제품에 대해 스토리텔링 광고, 정보전달 광고, 이미지 광고 모두가 제작되어 있는 광고를 탐색하였으며 최종 9개의 광고가 선정되었다. 종속변인으로는 광고효과, 광고후 감정, 각성정도, SAM이 측정되었다. 예비분석을 통해 광고후 감정은 크게 정서적 감정과 인지적 감정으로 나뉘어졌으며, 이를 대상으로 분석이 실시되었다. 분석 결과, 광고효과, 각성수준, 정서적 감정 모두에서 스토리텔링 광고와 정보전달 광고가 이미지 광고에 비해 높은 점수를 얻었다. 스토리텔링 광고는 정보전달 광고에 비해 평균은 높았으나 그 차이는 유의미한 수준에 이르지 못했다. 성별의 주효과는 각성수준에서 경향성만이 관찰되었으며 여성이 남성보다 높은 각성수준을 보였다. 광고유형과 성별의 상호작용은 정서적 감정을 제외한 모든 변인들에서 관찰되었으며, 전반적으로 스토리텔링 광고에서는 남성이, 이미지 광고에서는 여성이 더 긍정적으로 반응하였다. 본 연구결과의 함의점과 제한점이 논의되었다.
Today, Advertisement affects the daily consumption life of consumers because of the features and advantages of advertisement. In particular, and so does the TV advertisement. Therefore, customer education is required for the consumers so that they can lead a rational consumption through TV advertisement quality. In addition, with the introduction of the many new-born distribution channels, the recent market environment in apparel industry is changing, and the service and image of store types consumers can choose are increasing. The purpose of this research is to offer basic data which can help consumers to acquire necessary information and conduct rational consumption through TV advertisement. Also purchasing behavior of consumers communicate, feels of consumers about store image, TV advertisement quality of what is the attitude of the relative influence presents.
본 연구는 동서양 문물 이미지 사진에 대한 여대생의 선호도와 패션잡지에서 의류광고 사진에 등장한 모델의 동서양 국적에 따른 소비자의 긍정적/부정적 인식 정도의 영향을 조사하고자 하였다. 100명의 여학생이 설문에 응답해 주었으며 20개 사진이 자극물로 제시되었다. 자극물은 주택, 실내, 식품, 미인도, 음료수로 하고, 패션 광고사진으로는 남성복 정장, 여성복 정장, 여성복캐주얼, 여성복 속옷, 여성손목시계 등으로 하여 동서양 모델 사진을 각 1점씩 선택하였다. 여대생들은 간식과 미인도에서는 서양이미지보다 동양이미지를 선호하였으나, 패션잡지의 의류광고 사진의 광고에는 모든 경우에서 서양모델이 사용된 경우에 긍정적인 인식정도를 나타냈다. 이러한 사실로서 여대생의 서양이미지에 대한 인식은 긍정적이며 이것은 의류제품 브랜드의 소비자 선호도에 영향을 미칠 것을 추측할 수 있었다.
광고의 범람시대에 살고 있는 지금, 광고이미지를 부각시키는 자극적인 시각요소나 감동을 주는 스토리가 없다면 어느새 사장되고 마는 실정에 이르렀다. 그만큼 소비자의 트렌드는 실시간으로 변화하고 있고 그에 대응하는 광고시장은 기민하게 대처할 수밖에 없게 되었다. 광고에 표현되는 기법은 갈수록 다양해지고 있으나 아직까지도 제품의 기능과 특징만을 부각 시키는 정보전달 위주의 광고가 주류를 이루고 있는 것도 사실이다. 특히, TV에 방영되는 CF의 경우 시간상 제약으로 인 해 임팩트 있는 요소를 짧은 시간 안에 표현해야 효과가 있는 만큼 아이디어 개발은 마치 전쟁과 같다고 할 수 있다. 이런 상황에서 스토리텔링을 이용한 광고기법은 소비자의 감성과 심리적 요소를 아우르는 것으로 제품의 객관적 요소뿐 아니라 소비자의 감성을 자극하여 광고의 효과를 극대화시키는 유용한 도구로 자리 잡고 있다. 본 연구는 판매량 1위 주류인 맥주광고 중 스토리텔링 기법을 적절히 사용하여 호응을 얻고 있는 HITE 맥주의 TV광고 이미지를 분석하여 스토리텔링 기법이 맥주광고에 얼마나 효과적으로 적용되고 있으며 브랜드 이미지 제고에 어떤 효과가 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다.