
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2015.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구는 중・고등학교에서 근무하는 경력 10년 내외의 교사 48명을 대상으로 ‘모든’, ‘어떤’이 있는 명제에 대한 교수학적 내용 지식의 특징을 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 관련 선행 연구를 검토하여 지필 검사 문항 개발의 주요 관점을 추출하고 이에 비추어 검사 문항을 개발하였다. 개발한 검사 문항을 활용하여 지필 검사를 실시한 다음, 검사 결과는 선행 연구 검토를 통해 구체화된 주요 이슈를 분석틀로 삼아 그 특징을 기술하였다. 이로부터 ‘모든’, ‘어떤’이 있는 명제에 대한 ‘교과 내용 지식’ 및 ‘학생의 이해에 대한 지식’의 두 가지 측면에서 교사들이 보인 교수학적 내용 지식의 특징을 6가지로 요약하였다. 이러한 교수학적 내용 지식의 특징은 명제 지도와 관련된 교사 교육 프로그램의 설계와 실행에 의미있는 시사를 줄 수 있다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to submit a revised proposal on complementizers in Korean complex sentences. A complementizer as a terminal ending grammatical marker signifies the derivation of a finite or non‐finite complement clause is completed. It is successively merged with a relevant morphological case‐marking particle to make the case‐marked complement clause to be selected by a matrix propositional predicate. In principle there appears to be five different types of complementizers; {‐da, ‐ni/‐nya, ‐la, ‐ja, ‐ma} heading a finite complement clause, {‐eum} heading a non‐finite nominal predicate clause similar to English gerunds, {‐ki} heading a non‐finite nominal verb clause similar to English infinitives, {‐keot} heading a predicative nominal clause, and {‐ji} heading an alternative interrogative clause. When a propositional predicate in the matrix clause is merged with a finite or non‐finite complement clause as its complement, complex uninterpretable locutionary force features denoting sentence type and high/low status marker in C have just agreed with relevant interpretable force features which are carried by a terminal ending grammatical marker in the complement clause.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Peter Lombard wrote the Sententia which played the formative role in the theological education in the high Middle Ages. When he wrote it, he used the Psalm exegesis and Pauline exegesis which he lectured in the classroom. He established the systematic exegesis method in the preface of his exegesis. and kept the method consistently more than any other exegetes. And Peter offered a mode of reconciling discrepant readings of ancient fathers and contemporary theologians. When some disagreements are non capable of being reconciled, he offers his own reasonable suggestions for why one opinion should be preferred to another. Furthermore, he treated many theological sententia in his biblical exegesis. After theses sententia were used as the sources of his own Sententia. His Sententia was superior to the theological systems which Abelard, Hug, and Gilberts made using the scholastic method in three ways. First Peter offers a coherent overall rationale for his schema. The thematic orientation that Peter gives to his work is the distinction between signs and things, use and enjoyment found in Augustine's De doctrina christiana. Second, the Lombard's handling of his Christian sources reveals a deep and broad reading, an acute and discriminating analysis of his authorities. And He read the latin translation of John of Damascus's works and accepts his eastern orthodox theology in his system. Third, He endows those terms such as essentia, substantia, natura, persona with a clear definition and solid contents and uses them consistently and overcomes the confusion around them. He resolved the problem of Abelard's trinity which attributes names power, wisdom, and goodness to the names of three persons indicating that the three names don't apply to the persons but to the essence of God. Therefore the estimation about Peter's Sententia which were the summa of existing opinions was groundless.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ess-under-ess sentences, where the so-called past tense marker -ess in the complement clause of propositional attitude verbs occurs under -ess in the matrix clause, can be interpreted differently in some contexts. To take account of the semantic difference between the ess-under-ess sentences, I argue in this paper that the semantic contrast is due to types of predicates associated with -ess. After pointing out some problems with the previous treatments of -ess, I claim that -ess shows duality in the sense that it is parallel to the past tense in some contexts and to the present perfect in other contexts. As a way of disambiguating --ess, this paper comes up with certain types of predicates. That is, the exact meaning of -ess in a given context is dependent upon the types of predicates it is combined with. The predicate types, together with the duality of -ess, bring out semantically different interpretations of ess-under-ess sentences.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lee, Bok-hee. 1999. Focus, Topic and Activated Propositions in Information Qnestions. Studies in Modern Grammar 17, 141-161. This study discusses the formal and pragmatic principles which govern the placement of sentence accent in English and Korean information question from the perspective of information packaging. I distinguish three kinds of pragmatic presupposition, which correspond to different kinds of assumptions a speaker may have concerning the addressee`s state of mind at the time of an utterance. All three are lexicogrammatically coded in sentence structure. The distinctions among these three presupposition types will play a crucial role in the argument presented in this paper.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Won-Ho Kim. 1998. Non-propositional Addressers: the Plural Copy in Korean. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 12, 215-223. The purpose of this paper is to show that the plural copy in Korean is pragmatically conditioned. The plural marker, when it appears on places other than the plural nominal, does not indicate a plural subject but a plural addressee. This deictic category does not form a constituent of the proposition, and thus current syntactic theories are not well equipped to accommodate this morpheme.