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        검색결과 12

        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 참여자가 어린 시절 받은 내면아이의 상처를 통찰하고 현재 50대인 자신이 자기 내면아이를 사랑으로 돌보는, 사랑 많은 내면어른으로 성장하기 위한 방법 등을 익힘으로써, 과거의 상처에 고착되어 대인관계 위축감을 가졌던 참여자가 자기를 돌보는 내면어른으로 건강한 삶을 살도록 도움을 주고자 하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 하였다. 연구를 위한 개인 상담은 2019년 8월 31일부터 10월 26일까지 진행되었다.(총10회기) 통합적 상담의 도구로는 Satir의 영향력의 수레바퀴, J. Bradshow의 내면아이치료, Erika J. Chopich & Margaret Paul의 내면 유대치료 등을 사용하여 질적 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 내면아이상처의 배경 : 원가족에서 아버지는 무서운 표정, 어머니는 차가운 눈빛과 심한 말을 하였으며 어린 참여자는 자기 내면을 표현하지 못하였다. 둘쨰, 참여자가 통합적 상담을 통해 나타낸 변화 : 참여자는 사회에서 대인관계 위축감의 고통을 느끼게 된 배경을 자각하게 되었고, 청소년기에 친구들, 선생님들과 외할머니로부터 받은 긍정적 자원의 존재를 자각, 점차 자 존감을 회복하고 대인관계의 위축감이 줄어드는 변화를 나타내었다. 셋째, 참여자가 경험한 통합적 상담의 효과성 : Satir 영향력의 수레바퀴 작업은 참여자가 수월하게 작업하도록 도움이 되었으며, 내면아이치료는 상처받은 내면아이와 만나게 해주고, 내면유대치료는 참여자가 내면어른 역할의 자원을 외할머니, 부모, 선생님들께 받은 긍정적 부분도 있었음을 자각하게 하였다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『城北地帶』는 蘇童의 ‘참죽나무 거리 텍스트’ 중의 대표작으로 작가가 자신의 유소년 시절을 反芻하며, 상처와 결핍으로 얼룩진 성장과정을 復原해 낸 자전적 장편소설이다. 蘇童은 문혁이라는 억압된 사회구조에서 문혁이 개인의 삶에 어떻게 작동했고, 어떤 상처와 흉터를 남겼는가에 주목한다. 이는 문혁이라는 암흑의 터널 속에서 비정상적인 성장통을 겪어야했던 청소년들의 결핍과 상처에 대한 穿鑿으로 이어진다. 본 논문은 가정과 학교, 사회로부터 소외되고 방치된 채 방황과 일탈로 점철된 성장통을 겪는 청소년 인물형상을 중심으로, 그들 내면의 상처와 결핍, 고독과 소외, 좌절과 절망감을 고찰한다. 청소년 인물형상을 둘러싼 불투명한 잿빛 미래와 비극적 파국을 통해서, 蘇童은 청춘과 꿈을 박탈해가고 거세해버린 억압적 문혁의 시대와 그 역사적 과오와 상처에 대해 작가로서의 비판적 성찰을 보여준다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We pathologically investigated the effects of water irrigation during Er:YAG laser irradiation on wound healing in mouse skin. Fifty-one 6-week-old ICR male mice were used in the present study. Dermal wounds were generated on the skin of the backs using the Er:YAG laser at 100 mJ/pulse and 10 Hz with (4 ml/min) or without (control) water irrigation. Mice were then sacrificed on 0, 1, and 3 days after laser irradiation, and the crust of the skin and thickness of the thermal coagulation layer were evaluated pathologically. The epidermis extended faster in the water irrigation group than in the control group on 1 day. The epidermis with keratinized layers became thicker and the crust had completely detached after 3 days in the water irrigation group. The thermal coagulation layer was thinner in the water irrigation group than in the control group. Apoptotic cell death was prominent in the control group. Detachment of the crust was observed after 3 days in 50% of the water irrigation group and 20% of the control group. These results demonstrated that Er:YAG laser irradiation with water irrigation promoted faster wound healing
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 78 year-old male complained of mild pain at a gingival mass on his anterior mandible, injured and ulcerated by autobicycle accident six months ago. He had suffered from uncontrolled diabetes. The tumor specimens from his chin and gingiva were examined by immunohistochemical method, and their microsections showed poorly differentiated polygonal tumor cells, occasionally formed ductal structures. The tumor cells grew infiltratively into adjacent fibromuscular tissue with frequent atypical mitosis, exhibiting the features of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. However, in the computed tomography(CT) view a tumor mass was also found in his lung, and diagnosed lung cancer. In the immunohistochemical observation the tumor cells were strongly positive for thyroid transcription factor 1(TTF-1), cytokeratin 7, PCNA, p53, and PIM-1, occasionally positive for p63, but sparsely positive for survivin. The tumor cells were almost negative for S-100, cytokeratin 14, and α-SMA, while the vascular structures in the tumor tissue were conspicuously demarcated by the stains of α-SMA. Taken together, the present case was finally diagnosed poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, metastasized from lung adenocarcinoma. And it was presumed that the metastatic tumor cells tended to be anchored in the traumatized area of anterior mandible, where the wound healing was undergoing with de novo angiogenesis and the activation of different cytokines and growth factors
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to assess the efficacy of high voltage pulsed galvanic current for the healing of wounds in rabbits. Skin wounds were created laterally on the flank of 12 domestic rabbits(). The wounds of each group were treated with an intensity of 170 V at a frequency of 70 pulses per second, which was applied for 30 minutes a day for 10 days. The experimental groups were randomly assigned to either EXP I (n=3), EXP II(n=3), EXP III(n=3) or control(n=3). Each group was stimulated under the following conditions : 1) EXP I (Negative polarity), 2) EXP II (Change in polarity, negative electrode stimulation during the first 3 days and then positive electrode stimulation from 4 to 10 days), 3) EXP III(Positive polarity), 4) control(No stimulation). An active electrode was placed over the wound and a dispersive electrode on the buttock. The rate of wound closure was compared with the original wound size, evaluated by a tracing film in each measurement period. Finally, on the wound in each group, skin tissue was excised for histological evaluation after treatment for 10 days. The results obtained are as follows : 1) It was found that the control group did not show a complete remodeling of epitherial layer and had a chronic inflammatory response. Judging from the irregularity of intercellular space and the loose alignment of connective tissue, these findings show that wound healing was delayed. 2) EXP I showed a significant bactericidal effect, but a moderate response of vasodilation. The rate of wound closure was slower when compared with EXP II, III. 3) EXP II showed a complete remodeling of epitherial layer and a positive repair of connective tissue. Its rate of wound closure was best when compared with the others. 4) EXP III had a slower rate of wound closure than EXP II, but judging from the greater proliferation of collagen fibers and the dense alignment of connective tissue, this positive electrode was very effective in the formation of neo - connective tissue.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Prostaglandin (PG) E2 is an important mediator of skin wound healing without excessive scarring and gastric ulcer healing. However, PGE2 has a short lifetime in vivo because it is metabolized rapidly by 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH). Ethanol extract of Eriobotryae folium (EFEE) elevated intracellular and extracellular PGE2 levels in HaCaT cells and inhibited 15-PGDH (ED50 : 168.4μg/mL) with relatively low cytotoxicity (IC50 : 250.0μg/mL). Real-time PCR analysis showed that mRNA expression of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 enzymes were increased and prostaglandin transporter (PGT) was decreased in HaCaT cells by EFEE. Moreover, wound healing effect of EFEE (168.4μg/mL) was comparable to that of TGF-β1 (300 pg/mL) as a positive control. These results demonstrate that EFEE may be valuable therapeutic materials for the treatment of PGE2 level dependent diseases.