
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 한·중·일 고전문학 속에 울려 퍼졌던 여성의 노래에 관하여 살펴보고자 하 였다. 가부장 사회 속에서 언어가 통제된 무성(無聲)의 삶을 살았던 삼국 여성들이었 지만 규제의 빗장이 다소 느슨해지는 예술과 문학의 세계에서는 때로는 고요히, 때 로는 목청껏 자신들의 삶을 노래함으로써 유성(有聲)의 무늬(紋)를 남겨놓았다. 비록 가부장 사회가 여성들의 노래를 구슬픈 애환으로 치부하거나, 때로는 부정적으로 그 리는 측면도 있었으나, 여성들은 노래를 통하여 억눌려 있던 자신의 감정과 의지, 더 불어 감추어져 있던 욕망마저 ‘표출(表出)’하였다. 그리고 노래는 여성자신을 드러내 고, 사랑하는 임을 만나 결연(結緣)하게 되는 ‘매개(媒介)’가 되기도 하였다. 한편 일 부다처제의 힘든 삶 속에서 노래로 ‘감화(感化)’되기도 하였고, 나아가 치유제로서 여 성들의 상처들이 봉합되기도 하였다. 마지막으로 온몸과 마음을 다해 부르는 종교적 ‘초월(超越)’의 노래는 찢긴 현세의 삶에 기적을 가져다주었고, 극락왕생이라는 소원마저 가능하게 하였다
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An eating behavior research was done with 50 females at a buffet styled restaurant during their lunch time. Of the respondents, 52.0% were professional and 54.0% were graduate school graduates. Of the respondents, 58.0% of the company were friends and 24.0% were relatives. The average time period of eating was 93.0±23.4 minutes. The average frequency of taking food was 4.0±1.1 and the average frequency of taking food after satiety was 1.4±0.8. It is significant that lower frequency of food consumption was directly proportional to the age groups of respondents. The average selected food items were 30.4±7.1 out of 175 and the average weight of the consumed food was 995.0±240.9 g. The older age group chose a similar number of food items, but the amount of each food item was considerably less than younger. So the younger the age group was, the more they ate. The average food items at one time was 7.1±2.2 and the average food weight time was 233.7±69.7 g. The percentage of respondents who evaluated themselves as 'ate too much' was 70.0% and those who evaluate themselves 'ate properly' was 14.0%. Most of them were satisfied with the buffet service. The average of number of food items consumed by respondents before cooking was 50.5±8.9. The consumption of calories and nutrients was compared with the Korean Daily Recommended Dietary Allowances. The consumed calories were 60.9% of RDAs, protein 104.4%, calcium 77.1%, iron 129.8%, vitamin A 66.5%, thiamin 96.0%, riboflavin 95.7%, niacin126.6% and ascorbic acid 112.3%. This data exceeded 1/3 of the Korean Daily RDAs tremendously and tells us extreme overeating. The energy ratio of carbohydrate: fat: protein was 51.6: 29.9: 18.5. Caloric consumption of animal food was 27.9% and the consumption rate of the other nutrients from animal food was considerably high. But the consumption rate of vitamin A was 90.9% from vegetable groups. Accoding to this study, buffet service gives some advantages. It gives customers an good opportunity to vary their food intake, which enhances eating experiences and can cause an improvemont of food habits. But overeating is a problem. Therefore, we think it is necessary for those women who have influence over their family's food selection, to have nutrition education about a desirable order of eating a meal, food selection, and health problems due to overeating at buffet styled restaurant. There should be some improvement in the management of buffet service. For example, proper temperature, texture, and freshness of the food should be maintained. Prevention of mixed food smells should be considered as well. To lower the price it is desirable to reduce the number of similar items and to use seasonal food as much as possible. A buffet styled restaurant with less food items with cheaper prices is recommended. Various traditional food should be developed for the menu items. We expect buffet services to be sutable to maintain good health and to be popular to any eater.