The objective of this study is to develope the inspection standards and methods of motorcycle based on the Korean Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (KMVSS), the Korean Motor Vehicle Inspection Standards (KMVI), the inspection standards of the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), United Kingdom, United State of America and Japan. 20 items related with motorcycle safety are suggested to inspect. Brake performance, headlight lamp, and speed are suggested to measure by a mechanical devices while the rest of items to inspect visually. The inspection with the suggested methods for 138 various models of runs are conducted for verifying the adaptability of present inspection standards. 88.4%, 54%, and 100% of runs satisfy the inspection criteria of the brake performance, lamp, and speedometer, respectively. Inspection time is expected to be about 10 to 16 minutes.
A steering knuckle for a car is a key part of a corner module and is a functional part connected to steering, suspension, and braking devices. Steering knuckles are used for various types of forging and machining methods such as casting forging, aluminum forging, etc. to perform productivity and quality. Therefore, in this study, we study about the development of the overall design of the steering knuckle in the production and supply of the steering knuckle for the product processing method, quality, assembly inspection, etc. through the modeling and analysis of the steering knuckle.
The objective of this study is to construct the inspection standards of motorcycle brake system performance. Based on the Korean Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (KMVSS), the Korean Motor Vehicle Inspection Standards (KMVI), the inspection standards of the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA), United Kingdom and Japan, three alternative brake performance criteria were suggested. The brake performance tests for 129 various models of used motorcycles were conducted for verifying the developed test equipment and suggested three alternative criteria. The total brake performance criterion is appropriately suggested to set at 50 %. Considering the KMVI or the CITA, the brake performance criterion of rear axle may suggested to set at 20 % or 25 %, either.
The regular safety inspection of vehicles in service has been tested up to now not by a plate type (dynamic) inspection system but by a roller type (static) inspection system in our country (in Korea). Therefore, the roller type inspection can not reflect the inertia force that there is a load transfer from the rear axle to the front axle during braking. In this study, before introducing the plate type inspection system, the effect on braking force characteristics according to entering velocities of vehicles in service are evaluated statistically. As the results, the reliable entering velocity range is about from 7 km/h to 14 km/h. Also, the regular vehicle safety inspection in domestic country need to adopt the plate type (dynamic) braking force inspection system which can reflect the inertia force.
최근 에너지절약 및 자원절약 차원으로 전 세계적으로 가전제품 및 자동차 부품 등에 대하여 재사용, 재활용, 재제조 등에 대한 법적 규제 및 의무화를 추진하고 있으나 아직 우리나라는 재제조에 대한 판심과 정부의 지원 정책이 이루어지고 있으나 아직 활발하게 산업 발전이 이루어지지 못하고 있는 실정 이다. 득히 자원순환법이 고시되면서부터 재제조에 대한 인식과 이에 판련된 부품의 재제조 기초연구를 버롯한 기반기술 개발이 진행되고 있으며 디양한 부품에 대하여 재제조 기술 개발 및 품질인증이 추진되고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 자동차 부품의 승차감올 향상시키는 쇽업쇼버에 대하여 재제조와 관련된 재제조 공정을 비롯하여 재제조 검사기준 등에 대하여 연구하여 관련 산업체에서 활용 가능하게 연구하였다.
PURPOSES : This study is to analyze expected effect of a accident decrease when motorcycle safety inspection is introduced. METHODS : Based on the literature review of effect of 4-wheel vehicle inspection, probability of occurring accidents among defective motorcycles are calculated by using the number of estimated defective motorcycles and accidents resulting from defects of motorcycles. Then, the number of decreased accidents which is resulting from eliminating defects of motorcycles by safety inspection is estimated by using probability of occurring accidents among defective motorcycles. RESULTS : If the ratio of eliminating defects of motorcycles is 95% after motorcycle safety inspection, the effects of accident decrease of motorcycle safety inspection are analyzed from 2005 to 2008. As a result, 46,292 defective motorcycles are repaired and 1,376 accidents are prevented when the probability of occurring accidents among defective motorcycles is 2.97%. CONCLUSIONS : This study suggests the expected effect of motorcycle safety inspection is that the inspection can prevent 1,376 motorcycle accidents. However, the number of preventing motorcycle accidents are small, compared with the total number of motorcycle accidents because there are limitations to investigate the causes of defective motorcycle accidents. A more precise analysis of the expected effect of motorcycle inspection is possible when a systematic investigation of the causes of the accidents is implemented.